
Chapter [NaN]

"I'm back."

"Shuuya, I've been waiting for you!"

As soon as I arrived at the village, Higlia greeted me with a demanding look.

Following her, Lucy also drew close.

"Mashtah, welkom bak!"


As Lucy started to play around with Rollo, Higlia pressed on.

"…Shuuya, it's time to go to my village!"

"No need to hurry so much. I'll do it later."

While answering her and lifting a hand, I released Catiza and the Burning Knights into the village. As the knights appeared, Catiza transformed from being my third arm into being a golden caterpillar. After falling to the ground, she quickly transformed further into a humanoid form.

Watching this, Helme announced, "Everyone, it's time for you to help with the construction of a town! Monster forces exist all over the Sea of Trees, be it in the skies, underground, or wherever!"

Her speech also drew the attention of the village's children. Soon, the gang under Catiza and the Burning Knight's leadership marched off towards the gate. After seeing them off, Helme took to the sky and flew off towards the gate as well.

I looked around myself, but couldn't find my <Head Servant Leaders> anywhere. I guess they're with Quiche in the village hall, helping out with the official work.

Taking a look at the houses around me, they were all built out of evil domain trees, and seemed to do just fine.

Together with Delhart and Shuhelia, I walked through the village. On the way, in the corner of a house, I spotted a small tree I haven't seen before.

I guess that's the tree Quiche called Lucy's prank in an earlier blood message. Maybe it's a tiny crest tree?

Plenty of green leaves, which I've seen somewhere before, were growing on its branches which were growing out to the sides of the trunk. Small spots of mana also dotted the tree. Quite unusual mana at that.

Maybe that's the reason why deboncchichi are dancing around it.

Moreover, a crest similar to the Sanskrit characters of my <Chain Factor> was visible on its trunk. I think it's related to the Extra Skill <Crest Tree of the Lucival>, but it might also be Lucy's mark, seeing how she was a spirit tree derived from the Light Demon Lucival, which was connected to <Chain Factor>.

I can't imagine it when looking at Lucy frolicking around with Rollo right now, but maybe it means the Lucival's sanctuary has expanded?

As I was wondering all that, one of the small tree's branches bent and approached me. The instant its tip touched my hand as if doing a handshake, the branch turned into a hand akin to that of a baby.

The trunk from where the branch was originating narrowed down and withdrew its roots, all while wriggling around with creaking sounds. Soon after, it created two legs similar to those of humans, and on top of that, it also created another hand and arm like the one which was touching my hand. It was the birth of an exceedingly tiny tree being.

Its shape distantly resembled Lucy. Maybe it's a race related to Nemus's race?

"…She's different from Nemus, I guess. Is this another version of Lucy?"

"Andahlin inkreasd!" Lucy reported happily.

So this tree baby is Lucy's underling, eh?

The instant I thought so, the small tree being started to dance. Its branch arms transformed into something like castanets. And while creating a unique beat, it danced. Soon, its hands were drawn back into its branch, and it reverted back to being a small tree.

"Andahlin went bak!"

Lucy explained the event. Though, I don't know why she'd need an underling. Does that mean she's in the midst of expanding the sanctuary? Or maybe it's proof of her barrier as a Crest Tree?

…Oh well, as long as Lucy has fun with it, why not.

I stared at the tree one more time, and just when I wanted to resume my journey to Quiche, Professor Domidon and his assistant came at me and flooded me with questions.

Delhart and Shuhelia answered their questions together with me, which also served as an opportunity to introduce Delhart. While at it, they also asked about Eboue, so I told them after getting Eboue's permission.

And after reporting about all the events in the War Horse Valley, I told the professor where exactly he could find it. The Professor and Mie-san grabbed my and Eboue's hand so that we wouldn't be able to run away, and dragged us over to the professor's home.

Once we arrived there, the professor spread a map on the big table, and there he had us help draw up a route to the big waterfall for a full hour.

Afterwards Eboue explained about his own race, and gave the professor a detailed account on the sanctuary with the warrior's stone tube.

I emphasized, "We could only go there because of Rollodeen's flying ability. Otherwise it's an unexplored region that's hard to reach, you know?"

"I don't care! Rather, I'm jealous! I want a divine beast as well!" The professor exclaimed excitedly.

His bloodshot eyes as he got us to help with marking his map were almost as red as those of vampires. Since it was freaking scary, I did my best in response. But, I can also understand. For the professor, the exploration of the ruins in the Sea of Trees is a research affecting his whole career.

I dealt with him with deep respect, just like I respect a certain adventurer maniac, traveling the wide seas.


After finishing my task with the professor, I looked at Higlia.

"Finally!?" Higlia asked with an expectant look.

"Not yet," I told her.

After leaving Eboue with the professor, I headed to the village hall where I suspected to find Quiche, Eva, and Rebecca. Higlia, Delhart, and Shuhelia came with me.

Earlier when Delhart kept calling me His Majesty, I told him that I disliked that title, and he changed it into Milord for me. Hearing that, Shuhelia looked somewhat awkward. So, after clearing my throat, I told Delhart to do as he pleased while being embarrassed.

We arrived in front of the door to Quiche's office. It was decorated with a pretty olive twig. Opening the latch, I twisted the wooden door's grip and pushed it open.

As soon as I stepped inside, a nice aroma wafted my way. A bunch of wood pieces with characters written on them were visible on a small table. The left wall was decorated with a tapestry that depicted twilight and bees. The room also had furniture and various containers. The precious loot of the orcs had been sorted and placed onto the shelves and containers.

Quiche, Rebecca, and Eva were beyond the big table in the center. They were sipping on goblets filled with black tea. Just now, they were chatting about the laundry device similar to a wooden washing machine which I had connected to the water wheels spread all over Cydale.

"Shuuya might be unexpectedly suited for domestic craft as well."

After this and that, I introduced Delhart to the, and then I wrapped up the report which I had started in blood messages beforehand. I updated them on everything that happened at the shipwreck and the airplane.

"Nn, its color is slightly close to that of silver crystal steel."

"I see. The value might be different for jeliumborn."

"Nn, never seen this color before. Probably, very valuable. No idea unless I refine it, but I think it has a high penetrance of mana. Probably can be used as material for hard armaments. But…the rare metals obtainable from silver treasure chest spawning upon magic treasure maps are better."

Makes sense.

I nodded my head at Eva's explanation, "I guess you're right. Okay, I'll give it to you then, Quiche."

"Thanks. It's unfortunate that it ended up disappearing, but the stories about that plane vehicle sounded interesting. I wanted to see it with my own two eyes!"

"Nn, regrettable. All kinds of monsters in the Sea of Trees."


"That's why the special metal cluster called car, I think, from the underground auction was so valuable."

While nodding at Rebecca, I added, "Yes. Also, I'll leave the materials of the Tree King of Wonders' soldiers with you."

"Thanks. You can keep the wine barrel from the old ship, Shuuya. I don't know what company's mark it is, but if it's delicious wine, it's something you should store in your item box. There's no item box in this village. So far as it goes, we have an underground storehouse, but it's not perfect."

"Got it. Should I buy you an item box in Pelneet?"

"No, I'm relying too much on you anyway. Any more, and my body won't be able to hold up."

Quiche gently refused while adding a little joke.

"Rather than that, Eva, are you really okay with not getting the metallic materials?"

"Nn, no need. Apples more important. We will win against Tanaka Sweets with those!"

"Okay. If you say so, I'll gladly accept them as reserve material for our village. If an outstanding smith settles down here, they'll be able to make great use of the jeliumborn metal. Alternatively, we could also sell it for a lot of money, once the trade route has been established."

I nodded at Quiche's words.

A smith, huh…?

For an instant, I thought of Zaga and Bon. But, they got their own business. I can't call them over and tell them to live here. There's also Rubia to consider.

I think I'll mention this village once I get back to Pelneet. Maybe they'll feel like making a little excursion to take a look at Cydale.

"…The metal used by Eva is special metal which has been reinforced by Mysty. It's because it came out of a silver treasure chest," Rebecca explained while looking at Eva's metallic legs.

"Nn, traveling to the 20th floor was fun. The evil cows were delicious, too."

"Yeah, totally. That and the people of the Ragni village…it was a strange trip."

"You're talking about your activity as Innocent Arms? I heard about it, but…"

"Pelneet's labyrinth is lucrative and you can get magic stones there, too," I said.

"But, discovering the New World on the 15th floor and reaching the 20th floor is an incredible feat other adventurer clans cannot imitate. As the leader of Innocent Arms, who has achieved this feat, you're a truly great man, Shuuya," Quiche praised me passionately.

I could sexual desire swirl inside her pretty eyes. I got slightly embarrassed by her blatant stare.

While surprised, Shuhelia and Delhart looked at each other and agreed,

"If it's…milord, it's only natural, I'd think."

"Yeah, His Majesty possesses enough strength to repel the priests of the War God Faith, so it is only normal."

"…We haven't actually entered the 15th floor. We only went onto the 20th floor. An old clan called Club Ice apparently reached the 15th floor."

Quiche smiled at me in a way that made her look like an adult onee-san, and after licking her small lips with her tongue, she answered, "You mean the graveyard set up in the courtyard of your mansion in Pelneet, right? I heard you can release the members of that clan, who are sealed inside that tomb, if you keep pouring mana into the stone."

Yeah, I feel bad for Club Ice, but…

"That's correct, but I'm not a natural mana battery. I don't have any time to pour mana into their tomb right now."

"…It's inevitable, I suppose. I'm the same as well. Rather, it's very likely that I wouldn't have been able to set up the tomb, let alone do anything about the people trapped inside."

Rebecca and Eva nodded at Quiche's comment.

"Let's put the matter with Club Ice aside for now, and change the topic a bit. Being able to advance on the 15th and 20th floor of the labyrinth city…"

"Nn, the evil god statues on the 5th floor. Transfer crystal."

Rebecca and Eva mentioned while looking at me.

Sure, they're right. The crystals are inside the evil god statues you can only enter with the appropriate key.

"You mean the Ten Heavenly Evil Statue key, right?"


"Nn, are we similar to evil god apostles?" Eva asked while pressing both hands against her chest.

After casting a fleeting glance at her big boobs, which stood out against the orchid cardigan she wore, I looked directly into her violet eyes.

"…I don't really feel like assessing it like that. But…as Lucival I have absorbed a part of Evil God Steertop, you know?"


"…That's why I believe Eva's doubts to be justified. This tree power is also something I managed to obtain thanks to Evil God Steertop."

Eva nodded with a meek expression.

———— End of Part 1 ————

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She looked slightly uneasy.

"The key of the ten heavenly evil gods, huh?"

"Yep. The proof that Evil God Steertop, Evil God Nicross, and Labyrinth City Pelneet have been actually related to the evil domain Hellrhone," Rebecca said while poking the air with her flame-clad index finger.

"…The apostles of other evil gods are also moving around behind the scenes while using Pelneet as their base…," Quiche muttered with a stern expression.

Hearing her words, Rebecca and Eva exchanged a look and nodded.

"…That's how it is. Some apostles of evil gods also have weaknesses, but they might be advancing on areas other than Pelneet, too. If you include the Spirit World, the divine domain, the evil domain, and even the underground, they have various options."

"No point in thinking about all these complicated things, is there? We got our own goals!"

"Nn, Rebecca, absolutely right! But, Rebecca's goal…"

"Uh…W-What!? Don't squint at me with those cute eyes of yours!"

Rebecca and Eva smiled at each other.

"The dead map of the 20th floor?"

"Gahh, you found out! I-Indeed! That's my goal! Hehehehehe."

Rebecca had stayed true to herself.

While being quite excited as clear from the blue flames engulfing her fists, she declared, "Someday we're going to challenge a magic treasure map again! Maybe a golden treasure chest will appear then. The guardian monster spawning to protect it might be ridiculously powerful, but now that we've got Quiche, Delhart, and Shuhelia as friends, I don't think anything can stand up to us! Mamani and her group will be with us as well!"

"…Hearing this makes my adventurer's heart throb."

Apparently having become infected by Rebecca's excitement, mana naturally overflowed from Quiche's whole body. Now that she's become a <Head Servant Leader>, she might have obtained her own blood magic-based skill. Though it might not be as simple for, just like with the other <Head Servant Leaders>. After all, she doesn't possess any skills boosting her growth like I do.

Well, the growth of my bloodkin has been accelerating lately, so although it might prove hard for them to reach the higher levels of the blood path right away, someday one of them should reach the second gate.

After pondering about that, I looked at Quiche, "…Quiche, you're the commander-in-chief of Cydale, right?"

"I know. I was just joking."

"…I wasn't joking, however."

"Rebecca, the maps have to wait for now. I won over Delhart and Shuhelia as friends for the sake of defending Cydale."

"It's as Shuuya says. The path for the village's reconstruction is still long. There's also the alliance with Higlia and the ancient wolfmen to consider. For this reason, the details for the trip of your magic treasure map…I'll listen to them personally in this place or through blood messages."

Higlia, who didn't know much about those maps, nodded at Quiche's words.

"Sure, but you see, you might say so now, but…we are Lucival, okay? Someday, in a distant future, you might be able to go into the labyrinth of Pelneet with us, right Quiche?"

"Yeah, I'd love to have that pleasure…," Quiche smiled gently after staring at me.

It seemed as if a ray of hope was dwelling deep inside her jade green eyes.

"We will talk about this in the near future, not the distant future. But, I think first comes joining up with Viine, Mysty, and Hankay, before challenging the sanctuary that got stolen by Rolga. It's unclear whether the Tool of the Bee Style is still left in that underground sanctuary, but…I'd like to also discover Gramps Kistrin's graveyard."


"I know."


Afterwards, our discussion shifted to Eboue.

"It's a surprise that Eboue can transform. I heard so from Shuuya, but I was also astonished by that divine platform you mentioned. Also, if I consider Rollo-chan's past, I strangely feel like crying."

"Nn, Shuuya, Professor Domidon was shocked."

Rebecca nodded in agreement with Eva, "He got all excited about it, didn't he?"

"Yeah…well, I got an earful just a little while ago… Anyway, Delhart, let's hold the ceremony."

Delhart had been silently listening to our conversation.

"Oh, right. Shuuya's new subordinate, a Light Demon Knight like Shuhelia!"

"His name will also be carved into the Crest Tree, I suppose."

"Nn, slightly different from us, but a Lucival nonetheless!"

Everyone got overjoyed, but recalling Shuhelia's ceremony and considering that I had to do the same with a boorish guy made me feel somewhat depressed.

But, I'm surrounded by beauties here! I'll endure by looking at Rebecca, Eva, Quiche, and Shuhelia. A cute cat is with us, too!

"…Roger. I will show you my proof as Spirit World Knight. Please take a look at my <Demonic Spirit Spear>," he answered somberly.

He took off his steel armor and knelt down. And then he energetically lifted his head. It looked as though he was touting his muscular, manly chest to me, causing me to reflexively draw back.

His antennas swayed sideways, and the magic symbol of a moth surfaced on his chest. At the same time, the magic gem embedded in the center of his apparently armored forehead started to glow. And once the moth symbol vanished, the forehead protector changed into the shape of a moth. Apparently it was no skin, but an armor piece that can change its shape like Kisara's eye mask.

And then a semi-transparent spear appeared from within the magic gem. Shuhelia had mentioned that every Spirit World Knight had a unique weapon matching their personality. I guess this is Delhart's characteristic proof as Spirit World Knight.

At that moment, Helme appeared above the wooden window in Quiche's office while carrying Puyuyu at her chest.

"Oh, you're doing Del-chan's ceremony!"

"Y-Yeah…that's the plan."

Helme had been hanging down at the window, but now she entered the room while revolving without letting go of Puyuyu.


"Puyuyu, don't shoot anything from that shady wand of yours, okay?"

"Puyu? Puyuuuun, puyu!"

"Anyway, let's get this done, Delhart."

The instant I said that, the demi gods showed up at the window next.

"Shuuya-dono, please excuse the intrusion."

What a surprise. For these guys to show up at such a timing…

"Y-Yo, what a surprise to see you here."

"We saw your contracted spirit enter this place through this window."


"Dear, we brought Ciel with us."


Ciel was standing next to Jody, but immediately leaped into my embrace. As I gently stroke her back to calm her, Ciel smiled while groaning lightly. Butterflies were fleetingly dispersing from her cracked body.

I really want to heal her as quickly as possible.

"…It's great that you came as well, Jody."


I entrusted Ciel to Eva and Rebecca, before introducing the demigod couple to Quiche.

After seeing Ciel's state, Quiche said, "…Thanks for coming. I've heard the story. No matter what happened in the past, we'd like to get along with you as fellow neighbors. And I'd like to ask for your help with the defense of Cydale together with Jody, who has become a bloodkin."

This spelled the beginning of Quiche, Eva, Rebecca, and the demigod couple networking. Kizeleg had brought various fruits from the orchards with him, so the girls rejoiced on the prospect of making sweets, tea, and so on out of the fruits after getting permission to harvest there at any time.

After talking for a while, just when the conversation started to drift towards becoming a happy circle of friends…I handed Jody, my new kin, a Virgin Blade, having her test out <Blood Mana>, but to no avail.

But this made sense since her body was made out of white moths. The inner blades of the bracelet stabbing into her arm only caused some red butterflies to scatter.

Then I questioned her about her Bewitching Scales of Fumkry.

"The Bewitching Scales of Fumkry are something I received from Golgonshura-sama. Originally they apparently belonged to Egypt Bewitching Demon God King Fumkry."

"Indeed, I got them when I won against him."

"Hoh, to be frank, it's a name I never heard, but it's definitely a magic item with quite a considerable amount of mana. You sure were generous there."

"Quite so, it's a Mythological item! It's good for maintaining the domain created by me with <Fruit's Embrace>. If Jody's strength increases, it will also make it easier to cooperate," Gol bragged proudly.

"And what can those scales actually do?"

"Using the ‘Solar Vortex and Power of the Seventh Celestial Sphere, you can gauge the karma of a soul' explained Fumkry. But, even though I possess strength as a demi-goddess, its usage is complicated, so whether it's actually possible…"

Measuring a soul, huh? They don't have a drawing of truth wings. But, something similar to a drawing of Osiris's courtroom is carved onto its surface. Is this item and its god possibly related to the mythology of ancient Egypt on Earth?

"So it's hard to handle, eh?"

"Yeah. You can use it with a certain level of mana. Jody, you have been using it, haven't you?"

"Yes. It's main ability is to detect mana in the vicinity."

Soon everyone joined in on the talk about the scales, before the topic shifted to a talk about Cydale. And then we chatted harmoniously while drinking black sweetwater provided by me.

"Anyway, I'm going to officially welcome Delhart as Lucival Light Demon Knight."

Delhart nodded with the horn, err, spear still protruding out of his forehead. But then, after casting a glance at Higlia, he said, "…Please wait. There is something I must tell you before you can take me in as kin."

"What is it?"

While looking at Higlia, Delhart answered, "I fought against an ancient wolfman clan."

"What was that!? Against whom? And where?"

Higlia extended her claws on both hands and got ready to fight after having the claws shape up into swords.

"If I remember correctly, a young wolfman mentioned a Dorcell-sama."

"Wolf General Dorcell…? What happened to him!?"

"The young one was defeated by me. That Dorcell guy chased after a black-haired vampire."

"Hoh…there were still some survivors of the Dorcell clan left…?" Gol muttered while sitting on Kizeleg's shoulder.

It sounds like she fought them in the past. I can sense some history in this, but it's the present that matters.

"A vampire, you say?"

"Yes. A black-haired stray vampire. Moreover, it turned into a melee after warriors of the divine domain joined the fray as well…"

A fierce battle royale, huh?

"A vampire vs. divine warriors vs. a Spirit World Knight vs. ancient wolfmen? Sounds like a crazy battle. You sure are tough to have made it out alive, Delhart…"

Having said that, the battle was violent enough for him to have lost a leg. He might have died if the Rollo Squad hadn't found him.

"…I was quite confident in my strength as well, but to be honest, that vampire was powerful. His lightning and unique blood techniques had been refined to a terrifying degree… Even while being surrounded by the wolfmen and divine warriors, he broke through with ease. He's also the reason why I managed to survive despite having lost a leg."

"Hee, I'm interested in that vampire if you praise him so much. I wonder, is it the same guy who targeted Kizeleg's coffin? On top of being safe after fighting Eva, he knew when to pull back."

Kizeleg's eyebrow twitched.

"Nn, back then, he seemed rather calm…"

Eva looked like she had suffered a small shock, apparently having remembered the vampire now.

"The vampire with the strength of a <Head Servant Leader> seems to be a survivor of the Halzelma family."

"Eh? Seriously? It's a surprise for him to belong to the same family as Mirei."

For a vagrant of that family to wander the lands over here…


"Yeah, a friend of a dungeon master who runs a labyrinth beyond the Goldix Desert in the distant nort-north-west. That friend used to be a <Head Servant> of the Halzelma family."

"That's a surprise. For there to be other survivors to still be around."

Everyone but Higlia nodded at Delhart's comment. She, on the other hand, glared at him. But that makes sense, seeing how he had fought her brethren.

But, after noticing my look, she suppressed her emotions.

"Higlia, he's already my comrade."

"I-I know. I haven't planned to blame him anyway."

I doubt that she's come to terms with this. But, she apparently cherishes her relationship with me quite a bit.

"So, with that out of the way, I'm going to carry out the ceremony."

And then I did the same as I had done with Shuhelia before, spelling the birth of Delhart officially becoming my Light Demon Knight.


"Wonderful. I shall bless Delhart as <Butterfly Warrior of the Light Evil>."

"I will also give him my blessing as His Excellency's Water!"

Delhart hoisted his magic spear overhead while closing his eyes as he got showered by Helme's water sprays as if being baptized.

"Congratulations to your new kin! But…"

"I know. Sorry for having made you wait," I said, holding out a hand to Higlia.

Immediately following, a broad smile bloomed all over her face.

The hometown of the ancient wolfmen, huh? I guess I have to do my best with the ritual duel…

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