
Chapter 825: Prelude to The End

It is a nightmare for the newlyweds. Fortunately, it was found out early, so except for a little embarrassment, there is no problem.

Sakura and Hinata both looked terrified, 'What is going on?'

'What about my husband?'

'Why did it become another person?'

The atmosphere froze.

Naruto and Sasuke seemed to have a heart-to heart connection as both of them ran out of their respective rooms at the same time and came to the door of their house.

The two looked at each other, and both saw horror in their eyes.

"Sasuke, what happened?"

"How could I know? Did they send our brides to the wrong house?"

"How could it be wrong? Aren't our house already written here?"

Naruto said, pointing at the name sign on the side.

After seeing what he pointed at, Naruto himself is dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Why was the house number changed?" Sasuke asked in surprise.

"Damn, who did such an immoral thing." Naruto said angrily.

"Fortunately we found it in time. We have to change it back before other people come."

"That's right."

The two quickly ran into their respective rooms.

Only then did they meet the bride who originally belonged to them.

"Naruto-kun." Hinata lowered her head and said softly. Her eyes are full of shyness.

The original shock has slowly subsided.

"Hinata, are you okay?" Naruto said subconsciously.

Hinata shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's just too sudden. How can Sasuke-kun appear here?"

"This... those people who carried the sedan chair seem to have sent you and Sakura to the wrong house. This is actually Sasuke's house," Naruto said awkwardly.

"What?" Hinata exclaimed in surprise.

"Sakura-chan was sent to our house, and you were sent here. When I just lifted the veil and saw Sakura-chan, I was extremely shocked."

Having said that, Naruto's first love is Sakura. So it is actually unknown if it is actually a dream of Naruto's first love.

Of course, this is just a joke.

The feelings that were considered love have long since passed.

When Naruto explained the matter, Hinata was in vain surprised.

On the other side, Sasuke also explained the matter towards Sakura.

Sakura was also annoyed.

After all, it is irritating for something like this to happen when you're married.

"It turned out to be like this. I wonder whose prank this is." Hinata whispered.

"But it's okay, let's go home quickly."

Naruto said, and hugged Hinata.

"Ah! Naruto-kun."

Hinata was surprised. She didn't expect Naruto to suddenly hug her like this.

"Hinata, are you ready?"

"What do you mean prepared?" Hinata.

"Of course, it's heaven."

After saying that, Naruto jumped out of the window and landed in the courtyard.

He once again jumped into the sky.

At this same time, Sasuke also jumped from the Naruto's courtyard with Sakura in his arms.

The four met in midair.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and both landed on their courtyard.

This is the end of the drama of the confused bride.

The four thought that no one knew about this, but they didn't expect that it is no secret for Kakashi.

Kakashi is holding a crystal ball with white light flashing in front of him.

Kakashi chuckled slightly and said: "These two guys, even when they are married, so many things still happen. It's really hard for them. But luckily, everything went well."

The crystal ball then disappeared from his hands. It is actually the Telescope Technique that Kakashi acquired from Sandaime Hokage, and he must say that it was really convenient.

Kakashi originally wanted to see if the two went home smoothly, but he didn't expect to see such an interesting scene. He felt that his Chakra wasn't wasted in vain.

The wedding dinner is over and the guests are gone back.

Naturally, Kakashi does not need to clean the things ups there will be special people who will take care of it.

Mei left not long after Naruto and Sasuke left.

Tsuiseki and Asakusa at home were both still young, and although Gintsuki took care of them, Mei was still a little worried, so she left first.


Kakashi was about to leave when Jiraiya suddenly stopped him.

"Huh? Jiraiya-sama, what's wrong?"

Jiraiya shook the two bottles of sake in his hand and said with a smile: "How is it? Are you interested in having two more cups?"

"Of course."

'Drinking two more cups is fine.'

'After all, today is a happy day.'

"Then let's change place."

"Change place?" Kakashi was puzzled.

"Follow me."

Jiraiya said as he jumped up and running towards the distance.

Seeing this, Kakashi followed after him.

On the Hokage Rock, Jiraiya stopped and Kakashi landed beside him.

"It turns out that Jiraiya-sama is coming here."

Jiraiya sat on the Yondaime's face on the Hokage Rock, poured a glass of sake, and spilled it on Yondaime's face.

Kakashi was taken aback for a moment, and then he did the same.

"Minato, your son got married today. This glass of sake is my blessing to you." Jiraiya said softly.

"Minato-sensei, you have met Naruto's wife before. She is a very gentle girl. With her around, Naruto's life will definitely become more colorful. Moreover, she will not bully Naruto. At least, Naruto's status in family would be much higher than yours." Kakashi said with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiraiya laughed and said: "Hahaha, Kakashi, you brat is really evil. You still talk about something like that at this time."

"That is the truth."

"That's true. Minato is the only one who can be tolerant against Kushina's temperament." Jiraiya exclaimed.

"Jiraiya-sama, you are also in the same position. When it comes to temper, Tsunade-sama is not inferior to Kushina-nee in the slightest."


Jiraiya just laughed ​​and didn't continue on this topic.

"Sit down, Kakashi."

Hearing this, Kakashi sat down next to Jiraiya.

"Kakashi, seeing these younger generations become stronger and get married, I really have the feeling of being old."

Jiraiya said, taking a sip of the sake.

"People always grow up. The younger generation keeps growing, which proves that our teaching is not wrong. This is a gratifying thing."

"Yeah. Speaking of which, I have so much students. But I am afraid that only Naruto is lucky, the fate of others..."

Upon saying this, Jiraiya became a little gloomy.

Minato died young, and so did Yahiko.

Nagato and Konan went astray, and although they finally returned to the right path, Nagato lost his eyes and his body became crippled, and has not fully recovered yet.

Although Konan is taking care of him, and their life is fairly stable, their conditions are a lot worse than Jiraiya's expectations.

"Maybe, this is the fate of Shinobi. Who can imagine what the future will be like. Right now, this ending is very good." Kakashi said and also drink the sake.

The choking spicy taste of sake spreads in his mouth.

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