
Chapter 826: Finale

The evening breeze is light.

On the Hokage Rock, two men are drinking cup after cup of sake.

In the end, both returned to their respective homes drunk.

But they knew they would be beaten heavily by their women if they come like this.

Fortunately, they are all Shinobi, and they have their own means to take care of drunkenness.

A busy day is over.

Although marriage is a joyous event, to a certain extent, it is really tiring.

Many people fall asleep after the end of the day as they are exhausted.

The wedding seems to have changed in many things, and it is no longer a simple blessing ceremony.

Time flows like running water.

Another year passed by.

Hinata and Sakura's bellies are getting bigger at the same time.

Naturally, the child's father is very certain.

After Tsunade's diagnosis, there is a boy in Hinata's belly and a girl in Sakura's belly.

Originally, Naruto and Sasuke wanted to get their children engaged. But under Kakashi's persuasion, the two gave up.

Engagement from birth is something that always caused tragedy.

After all, when two children didn't like each other, this kind of engagement will often become a shackle.

In Kakashi's view, if the two really love each other, they will be together even without an engagement.

This so-called engagement seems to have no meaning.

The two have chosen a name for their children before their children was born.

Naruto's son is Uzumaki Boruto, and Sasuke's daughter is Uchiha Sarada.

Perhaps these two children can make up for their father's regrets and have a good marriage.

Of course, these are all later stories.

Kakashi's house.

"Mei, it's almost time. I will leave today."

"Today?" Mei said reluctantly.

"Yeah, I will be back soon."

"When is it that 'soon'?"

Kakashi pointed to the cherry blossom trees in the courtyard, and said softly, "I'll be back when those cherry blossoms bloom again."

"Ok, I'll wait for you."

"Please take care of Tsuiseki and Asakusa," Kakashi said.

"Fool, that's our child, of course I'll take good care of them."

"That makes sense."

Kakashi smiled and took out the jade-like transparent gate.

"Then, I'm leaving."

Mei nodded and looked at Kakashi quietly.

Since she cannot stop him, she can give him her most sincere blessings.

Kakashi then poured the power of Six Paths into the transparent gate. The transparent gate emitted a dazzling white light and then shrouded Kakashi.

At this moment, Kakashi felt an attracting force pulling him.


Mei called softly, her eyes full of worry.

Kakashi looked at Mei and stepped forward.

His thin lips touch Mei's forehead gently, showing strong affection.

"Mei, wait for me."

As soon as the voice fell, the white light dissipated, and Kakashi disappeared.

The temperature of Kakashi's lips remained on his forehead, and Mei's face showed a melancholy expression.

"Come home early."

In the room, only Mei is left.

No, to be more precise, there is one more person.

Not far away, stood a figure that looked exactly like Kakashi.

It is the Yin-Yang Puppet that Kakashi left behind.

Apart from the fact that its strength is less than half of Kakashi, the rest is almost no different than the real Kakashi.

It's also a substitute for Kakashi to stay and deal with Konoha's matters.

Of course things like work can be substituted, but for Mei, this is not the real Kakashi after all.

"Kaa-chan, tou-chan ... let's... play the game of cutting fruit... together, okay?" Asakusa walked over from the courtyard, and said with childish voice.

She just learned to speak not long ago, and her words are still a little unclear.

Mei squatted in front of Asakusa and said with a smile: "Okay."

"That's great!"

Asakusa said happily.

Tsuiseki on the side didn't care.

Although he was only a year old, he did not like these kinds of game.

On the contrary, those wooden kunai made Tsuiseki very happy.

Kakashi left.

Quietly left.

Except for Mei, no one knows about Kakashi's departure.

Because he has left a substitute here.

But puppets are puppets after all, and no matter how realistic they are, they cannot become real.

Others may not see it, but Naruto gradually felt that something was wrong.

To Naruto, this Kakashi-sensei does not seem to be any different from the previous one.

But he just felt that something was wrong.

"Why do I feel that Kakashi-sensei is weird recently?"

In his house, Naruto murmured to himself.

When Hinata, who is on the side, heard this, he said: "Hokage-sama is weird? Really? He seems to be the same as before."

Naruto shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on, but I just feel that it's weird."

With the power of Yin-Yang Puppet, even if Naruto used Sage Mode, he can't find out about it, so he is just having a feeling, and there is no evidence at all.

Hinata smiled and said: "Maybe it's just an illusion of yours you."

Naruto scratched his head and said, "Maybe."

As Hinata said, Naruto also thinks it is just an illusion.

After all, Kakashi hasn't changed much.

In addition to Naruto, Obito also felt something different.

It's just that even if Obito feels it, he pretended to not know.

Spring moved to autumn, autumn goes to winter.

Time passed quietly.

Withered and yellow leaves filled the courtyard, and then it started snowing again.

The snow and the ice melts, and the new year arrived.

Mei sat on the swing in the courtyard, holding Asakusa and swinging constantly.

Tsuiseki was sitting on a chair on the side, holding a detailed explanation of the basics of chakra in his hand, and reading it with great interest.

It's hard to imagine that this is a two-year-old child.

Tsuiseki was reading in fascination when suddenly, a cherry blossom fell from the sky and landed on the book.


Tsuiseki was a little surprised and raised his head.

It is a cherry blossoms tree.

The cherry blossoms tree is swaying full bloom.

When the breeze blows, the cherry blossoms fall.

Seeing this, Tsuiseki said excitedly, "Kaa-san! The cherry blossoms are falling, so beautiful!"

Mei came back to her senses and looked at the cherry blossoms above her head.

"Has the cherry blossoms fallen?"

Mei muttered to herself, and the lovesickness in her heart surged again.

'He said that when the cherry blossoms bloom again, he will return.'

'But now, the cherry blossoms are about to fall, and he... is still missing.'

"Where are you..."

Mei whispered softly, and her tone was full of melancholy.

Asakusa on her arms seemed to feel Mei's emotions. She jumped from Mei's arm and stood on the ground, and then gently stroked Mei's hand.

"Kaa-chan, are you okay?"

Mei smiled and said, "Kaa-chan is fine."

"Really?" Asakusa asked in doubts.

At this time, Tsuiseki shouted: "Kaa-san, look, tou-san is back!"

Mei was taken aback for a moment, and then looked up.

That is a silver-white figure.

The white Hokage's robe is a little dazzling under the sun.

Mei was a little disappointed when she saw this.

'This is not him. It's just the Yin-Yang Puppet who went out in the morning.'

Because the puppet left in this outfit.

Tsuiseki rushed over and threw himself into Kakashi's arms.

"Tou-san! You're back!"

Kakashi smiled and hugged Tsuiseki. He then said, "Hello Tsuiseki, did you make kaa-san angry?"

"No, I'm very good. Tou-san, the Chakra written in this book is so fun. Can you teach me about it?"

Tsuiseki said, pointing to the book in his hand.

"Of course, but you'll have to wait until you're a little older."

"Ah? Can't I learn it right away?" Tsuiseki said in disappointment.

"Well, it's not possible for now. I will ask Uncle Obito will teach you at that time."

"Okay, okay." Tsuiseki said happily.

After putting Tsuiseki down, Kakashi walked to Terumi Mei's side.

There was a gentle smile on his face.

Mei looked at Kakashi with some doubts in her eyes.

'This feeling seems to be...'

"Mei, sorry I'm late."

Mei was stunned, her body stiffened, and her eyes flashed with light.


"It's me..."

As soon as Kakashi said that, Mei threw herself into his arms.

"Bastard! You bastard! It took you so long to come back! You're a whole month late!"

Kakashi was stunned when he heard this, and his shoulders seemed to be a little wet.

Mei cried.

With a slight force in his hands, he hugged Mei even tighter.

"I'm sorry."

"In the future... will you leave again?"

"Well, no."

"That's good."

Tsuiseki and Asakusa looked at the two strangely, 'Why did their relationship seem to suddenly change to become so good?'

'This year, they didn't seem to be so affectionate.'

Although the two little guys find it strange, they are naturally happy that their parents being so affectionate to each other.

"I want to hug too!"

Tsuiseki said, jumping up and get onto Kakashi's back.

Seeing this, Asakusa said: "I want it too!"

Immediately after, Asakusa jumped onto Mei's back.

"You two are really naughty."

Kakashi hugged Tsuiseki, Mei hugged Asakusa, and the family laughed sweetly.

This may be a long-lost reunion.

Except for Kakashi and Mei, Tsuiseki and Asakusa didn't understand the meaning.

A gust of wind blew, and the cherry blossoms scattered throughout the courtyard.

Under the sun, a family of four formed a beautiful picture.

On the big tree outside the courtyard, a dark figure watched this scene quietly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A hoarse voice came from his mouth.

"Kakashi, welcome back..."

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    i was here and finished it
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