
Chapter 103

‘Your Majesty? Why is Your Majesty the Emperor here?’

This was an ordinary cafe on the roadside. Since it was mainly used by commoners, it was very rare for aristocrats to visit. It was a very surprising thing for the common people to see the Emperor appearing in such a place.

It was difficult to see the Emperor even once in their lifetime, but they recognized Serwin at a glance. Serwin’s notoriety spread throughout the continent, and everyone knew him, and his appearance was also famous. With a strong physique that gave them goosebumps just looking at him, his cold and sharp impression like metal was just like the rumor. In particular, the golden eyes were a symbol of the Emperor descended from the first Emperor, Enrique, so it was impossible not to know. 

Like a beast that caused all prey to tremble, the people were frightened together. Didn’t they say that the emperor is a cruel person who enjoys blood? The fear that they had only thought of as someone else’s business became a reality.

‘D, do we have to run?’

It wasn’t easy to run away. They were afraid that they would catch Serwin’s attention by moving for nothing. In the midst of being unable to do this or that, Serwin’s gaze was fixed on one place.


He called her name. Finding her was simple. Just follow the welcoming gaze among the frightened stares and, without fail, Amelie would be at the other end. No matter how many people there were, no matter if she hid in the corner, he could find her in an instant. 

Sure enough, Amelie was smiling and looking at Serwin. He approached her with a smile. The hardened mouth turned the surroundings into a soft atmosphere as the lines of his shoulders softened. There was a small stir in the cafe because of the big change. 

‘Did His Majesty the Emperor smile? Who is that person?’ 

‘Didn’t they say the Emperor was a cold-blooded, heartless monster?’

Following Serwin’s gaze, Amelie was sitting at the end. 

‘A woman?’

She was the exact opposite of Serwin. Except for her unique hair color, her presence wasn’t strong enough, so they wouldn’t have paid attention to her if it wasn’t for Serwin. In fact, even when they saw her come into the cafe, people were unaware of her existence. However, when they looked at her quietly, her clear eyes and round eyes looked good, so they liked her.

‘Who is it? His Majesty’s woman? Come to think of it, His Majesty’s lover is pink-haired, right? Huh?’

Does it mean that person is the main character of the romance that heated up the whole country? 

Nowadays, everyone in the capital knows the story of the Emperor and his lover.

A commoner woman who is the only one who cares about a tyrant that normally doesn’t even treat people like bugs.

There was nothing known about who Amelie was, how the two met, but there was something about it that stimulated the imagination. Isn’t this a story that comes out of a romance novel? Aside from Serwin being scary, people were passionate about their romance.

‘Is that really him? He seems very different from His Majesty the Emperor.’

At first glance, the two looked so different that they didn’t seem like lovers. Amelia looked so mild and gentle, and Serwin looked so dangerous it just seemed like they couldn’t be under the same sky.

Serwin sat down next to Amelie. When the two of them came into sight at once, strangely, Serwin didn’t look harmful any more. The tension created by his reputation had softened, and Serwin had a more relaxed face. Even to those who didn’t know, the change was huge.

‘Ah, I guess they’re lovers. His Majesty must be very fond of her. Oh, my.’

‘I can’t believe a single rumor, but is this something I can’t help but believe?’ 

‘I’m going to watch it carefully and brag about it.’

As fear diminished, people’s curiosity grew more intense.

‘Ah, my face is hot.’

Amelie smiled awkwardly as her gaze turned to her. SerwIn cleverly blocked her gaze with his own body. His physique was more than obscured by Amelie.


Amelie let out a low sigh. 

“You still can’t get used to it?”

“I’ll never be able too—”

Amelia shook her head.

“That’s difficult.”

Serwin comforted her by patting her head.

“How did you know I was here?”

“I had some free time, so I went to see your face. I went and just in time, I got your call. I thought it was a good opportunity, so I came.” 

“What about work?”

“Don’t worry. It’s all over in the morning. Rather than that, your maids were very surprised when they got the call, but did you come out without a single escort?” 

“Ah, right…”

As Amelie came out with Lira, she didn’t even tell anyone that they were going out. How confused she must have been when she contacted them to send her carriage, which should be in her attic. She felt very sorry for Mrs. Enard and Milena.

“Are they really surprised? I feel sorry, what should I do?”

“It’s all right. I’m sure that cat ran out on its own.”


As soon as the words were finished, Lira glared at Serwon. A war of nerves was about to begin again. Amelia quickly spoke to Serwin and turned his attention away.

“Isn’t there anyone who thinks it’s strange?”

“It’s fine. Mrs.Enard took good care of it.”

“It’s a relief.”

Amelie was relieved.

“What happened?”

“It’s a long explanation. I’ll tell you on the way.”

“Already? Since it’s just the two of us, isn’t it a waste?”

Serwin touched Amelie’s hair with a sad expression on his face.

“Is there a place you want to go?”

“Anywhere is fine with you.”

Serwon smiled deeply and kissed her hair lightly.

‘Ahhh, again! Aren’t you being too honest?’

She twisted her body, blushing. Although embarrassed, it wasn’t as gross as it was when Ruben kissed the back of her hand. 


Lira cried irritably.

‘Will you not let me fall into a world of just the two of you?’

Thanks to Lira, Amelia was able to look around. There were not only the royal two people in the cafe. Not to mention inside the cafe, the outside was crowded with people who heard rumors that Serwin had appeared.

“Let’s go to the carriage first. We can think about where to go as we move.”

“All right.”

Serwin got up, excited at the thought that the date request had been accepted.


Lira glared at Amelie, who was looking up at his black hair.

‘If possible, I shouldn’t be with them.’

Lira followed after the two in annoyance.


As soon as the carriage started, Lira returned as human. She took the pendant out of her jacket pocket. 

“Do you know what this is?”

“I’ve never seen this before?”

“Really? You don’t know either.”

“See,  I said Your Majesty wouldn’t have put it in my clothes.”

“What’s wrong with the pendant? Is that why you went to Monet’s dressing room?”

“Yeah. That’s right. That’s what happened.”

From the moment Lira brought up the pendant, Amelia talked about meeting Ruben and coming to the cafe. Serwin listened calmly to the pendant story, and when she met Ruben, he grimly hardened his face. 

“You met him?”

“Yes, I was caught up in a quarrel with gangsters, and he suddenly appeared.”

“A gangster? There’d be no way people like that roamed there.”

“That’s what I’m saying. Is it because it’s a quiet place?”

“Was Ruben passing by that road?”

“I don’t know. He just popped up in the back.”

Serwin raised his eyebrows. How likely is it that Ruben, who should normally be in the Duchy, passes by and accidentally meets Amelie, who is in trouble? Neither the gangster nor Ruben was a coincidence, in his view. 

“Are there any other stories?”

“Yes, he just said thank you because he was released from his house.” 

“I see.”

What was he up to when he approached Amelie?

Serwin was worried but couldn’t see what Ruben was thinking. He didn’t know what Ruben was like. The first time he met Ruben was in his teens when Ruben stood out as a wizard. 

Around that time, he was put under house arrest, and he had never met in person before he went to ask for a favor to bring Count Dellahaim. 

‘Doesn’t that mean he never properly said anything?’ 

Although he had always had people monitor him, it was difficult to identify the person named Ruben. All he knew about him was that the Duke of Odorus loved his people very much and was very proud of his abilities. 

“What did he do?”

“Well, he did pretend to be close, but I don’t know if that’s his personality. I don’t remember anything else.”

Surprised by Ruben’s personality so different from the novel, she could hardly remember anything else.

“The thing that was similar to the prophecy was the sparkling appearance?”


“He wears necklaces made of mana stone. It would have cost you a fortune to buy that much mana stone, right? The Duke’s wealth is great.”

“That’s right.”

“In reality, I thought it would be weird, but it was gorgeous and cool. Does it suit him better because he’s blonde?” 

Amelia remembered Ruben as she read the novel. His personality was a little different, but his appearance didn’t disappoint her. He was a handsome man who wrapped himself up in jewels without any burden. 

“He’s more handsome than I expected.”

Serwin frowned as he recalled Ruben’s bright blond hair.

‘Does Amelie like blonde hair?’

Come to think of it, Count Dellahaim and Renee were also blonde. He himself had black hair. He had no sympathy for Ruben, but for this moment, he hated him a bit.

“I don’t care about the wizard.”

Lira suddenly returned to the cat and smashed the chair with her front paw.

“The pendant is more important. You said it came out of the lake. I’ll have to find out for myself what’s under the lake. And the ring in the pendant.” 


“Yes. The pendant is in the form of a locket, so when I opened it, there was a ring inside.”

Amelia opened the pendant and took out the ring. The red jewels glittered beautifully. When Amelie gave the ring to Serwin, he started to look at it closely.

“That’s a style I’ve seen a lot.”

“Is that so?”

“It’s probably a style that was once popular. All the rings my father’s lovers bought looked like this, probably.”

After the Emperor’s death, the Regent King drove all of the Emperor’s lovers out of the Imperial Palace. The jewels they didn’t collect remained as they were and became Serwin’s property. Thanks to this, Serwin had been looking at women’s accessories to the point of getting tired of it. 

“So it’s pretty recent, isn’t it?”

“I thought it was an old thing.”

Because the pendant was made in the old days, Lira and Amelie naturally thought that the ring was also an old thing. It was quite unexpected. 

“There is a unique engraving inside, so if you leave it to the jeweler, you will be able to find the person who ordered.” 

“Let’s go, jeweler!”

Lira’s eyes twinkled and her hips were up and down. 

“Why do you care so much about the pendant?”

“It’s a witch’s thing. Of course I care.”

“I don’t think that’s all.”

“It’s nothing you need to know.”

“If you can’t speak, you must have a plan right?”

At Serwin’s words, Lira shut her mouth and glared at him. Amelie wondered if a nerve war would start again, but this time, Serwin turned his attention away first. 

“Let’s go to the jewelry store.”

“Is it okay?”

It’s good to find out about the ring as Lira wants, but she thought Serwin would definitely hate it. But Serwin was smiling pleasantly at what he was thinking.

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