
Side Story 20

That's weird. What is the problem? Why can't I sleep?

It doesn't even feel strange if I fall as soon as I lie down, considering what Alice has done to my body.

I tossed and turned a little more and soon gave up and raised myself up.

When I turned my head slightly to the side, I saw Ash lying right next to me and sleeping.

I fixed my eyes on Ash, who was sleeping without even moving enough to remind me of a sleeping princess.

……he is sleeping, right?

He didn’t faint or something, right?

I put my finger under Ash's nose.

Fortunately, his breath flowed as he normally fell asleep. Phew.

I took off my finger with confidence and began to silently appreciate Ash's face.

The light of dawn fell into the bedroom.

I held my knee up and held my chin over it.

I felt strange.

My heart flutters like a stone's surface, and I feel restless.

My heart was beating a little faster than usual.

‘I was scared.'

I had such a thought belatedly.

I thought I might lose this guy.

And it was also something that could throw me into the abyss of hell just by imagining it.

Even now, my fingertips holding my knees are shaking faintly.

I didn't take my eyes off Ash's sleeping face, like a person who wanted to be confirmed that Ash in front of me was not a fantasy.

The dim light stayed calm over Ash's face.

Straight forehead, straight eyebrows, eyelids, nose, lips…….

……… lips.


I realized something and opened my eyes.

‘And now that I know,’

Alice stealing Ash's lips with my body came to my mind like lightning.

At this moment, it was fear and restless, and soon I forgot all about it and anger rose at the spot.

‘Alice, I’ll kill her!’

She's already dead, but if she’s survived, I’ll kill her again!

How, how dare she! Whose lips!

I stared at Ash with blazing eyes.

Although it was my body that Alice was wearing at that time, she was technically stealing Ash's lips with my lips.

Still, it's unacceptable.

I was huffing to myself and then leaned down.

‘I'm going to sterilize it.'

Let's just move on the other hand. I'll sterilize it a hundred more times. No, 1,000 times? That's not it, a hundred thousand times?

I tilted my head toward Ash's face with a firm commitment.

The tip of our nose brushed first, turned my head slightly, and narrowed the gap, and then the lips touched.

The soft feeling became a pleasant feeling and wrapped around the whole body.

………I'm a little relieved of my anger.

No, but of course this is not enough.

It's not enough. It's really bad! Outrageously!

At the time when Ash was asleep, the kiss suddenly deepened.


While I was distracted by the heat of digging in and intertwining, Ash turned my body with his right hand firmly behind my neck.

I stared blankly at Ash's clear golden eyes that came up above me in an instant and said.

“……didn't you sleep?”

Instead of answering right away, Ash threw off his top.

Instinctively, as soon as the saliva went over, Ash lowered his head again and kissed lightly.

“I woke up. Someone has woken me up.”

“…….Did I wake you up?”


Ash smiled playfully.

Ash invaded again with his mouth open.

As the saliva mixed and passed, my hair became messy.

It was only when I felt that my head lacked oxygen that Ash let go of my lips.

I patted my slightly tingly lips.

Ash's eyes, looking down at me in the dark, were still and still full of heat.

I opened my mouth, feeling my heart fluttered by the unfamiliar desire.

“Have you been awake?”


“……..Why? Aren't you tired?”

I asked a question that I don't know if I’m really asking him.

Ash didn't answer and kissed me on the cheek, on the nose, on the lips.

Then it passed by the neck and went further down.


It was only around the time of a sharp groan that Ash, who came up again, met my eyes and opened my mouth.

“Well, I'm trying to sleep, but I can't. Why do you think?”


“But Lydia, I think I can put you to sleep.”


It was not cold even though all the bare skin was revealed before I knew it.

I hugged Essie's hardback as hard as I could and dug my nails on it…

“……….I feel the same way.”

It was long dawn.


The next day, I barely opened my eyes until late afternoon.

I was a little dumbfounded when I checked the time.

‘I slept till this time, but I can't believe nobody woke me up…….’

I simply washed my face, moistening my neck, and left the room.

Then, I found Bessie while I was going down to the first floor thinking about the muscle pain whether it was because Alice ran wild with my body or something else.

I thought about it for a while and called her.


“Lady, did you sleep well? The Duke told me not to wake you up because you must be tired…….”

“……yes, thank you. I slept really well. More than that.”

I looked around. It just so happened that there was little sign of movement.

I lowered my voice and opened my mouth carefully.

“I mean Alice Danekier.”

In fact, I was a little curious when I woke up.

I thought the mansion would be a little noisy this morning.

‘Because I escaped from the Danekier mansion yesterday with Alice's body.'

At that time, a maid named Mendy heard me asking Gyerg to take me to the Duke.

If she had spoken to Baron Danekier, the Baron should have sent a letter to anyone here as soon as it was dawn.

‘She didn't tell the baron yet?'

Did she shut her mouth? Why?

Or maybe she didn't hear it right then because of the situation at the time?

Well, it was my pleasure to see the bodies of Alice, who would have been pushed into the evidence, also disappeared…

“Alice Danekier?”

“Oh, yeah, that's actually……….”

I tried to get close to Bessie and continue.

Yesterday, I gave an excuse to pass the situation, but I still have the thought of telling Bessie the truth.

Although it's too absurd to just hear because there's no evidence, Bessie will definitely believe it without a doubt.

But then Bessie tilted her head.

“Who is she?”


“Have you ever told me before? I don't remember hearing about it……..”

I wondered for about 5 seconds whether Bessie was playing a joke on me.

The conclusion of my agony was to call out Sir Daberry, who appeared from a distance.

“Sir Davery!”

“Why are you calling so quickly? Is there anything…….”

“Do you know Alice Danekier?”


“Alice Danekier. You know her, don't you?”

Sir Davery, who seemed briefly embarrassed by my urgent expression, soon responded cautiously.

“……….is that a name I should know?”

I turned as soon as I heard that answer.

Then I went up to my room and checked something, and came down the stairs as if running.


I couldn't afford to look back at the astonished butler's cry.

I passed the butler and ran to the dining room this time.


“Ah, you surprised me!”

Surprised by my loud appearance, Gyerg dropped the turkey leg he was just holding.

I either approached Gyerg quickly.

I asked without stopping to take a quick breath while running up to here.

“What has happened?”

“Oh, my precious turkey leg……what?”

“Alice Danekier.”

I was conscious of my surroundings and calmed my voice.

“……no one remembers Alice. What? Why?”

This was the first thought I had when I faced the reaction of Bessie and Sir Davery a while ago.

Was it a dream?

Did I dream? In fact, it was all just a long, vivid dream, and was Alice Danekier a figure who didn't exist from the beginning?

But it couldn't have been.

The evidence was that our couple's bedroom was still being repaired.

And the dress was still in my room.

The dress that Alice wore.

Last night in front of Bessie, I said I would throw it away right away, but I had no chance to throw it away, so I brought it to my room first.

It was still there. Then it's not a dream either. It was all true.

And suddenly, Bessie and Sir Davery don't remember Alice?

It wasn't just the two of them. None of the people I caught while running down the hall knew the name of Alice.

Gyerg didn't say anything to me right away, which made me more confused.

Anxiety struck me at the moment.

“Don't tell me you too…….”

“Sigh. That's why mental kids are so annoying and pathetic.”


“Didn’t you see Alice' body disappear yesterday?”

Nodding, Gyerg wiped his hand in a napkin that had been holding the turkey's leg until a while ago and continued.

“Death isn't just dying for them, for a race that uses mental domination.”

“It's not just death?”

“Uh, death means total extinction for them.”

————— For any mistakes errors and issues Please contact me through discord :- https://discord.gg/Q3dStgu

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