
Side Story 36

“Kingdom of Viroz.”

I blinked my eyelids for a moment.

It was a sudden visit, but that’s not important. Compared to the name.

“Did you say he wants to see me?”


“Okay then, let's go.”

My heart beats slightly.

Of course, in a bad way.

‘Why did he come?’

The relationship between me and the Kingdom of Viroz is not very good.

I was born there, but it is not my hometown.

Same with the late dead Queen. She gave birth to me, but she wasn't my mother.


I knew better after I gave birth to Ollie. She was never a mother. At least for me.

‘She was just an enemy, trying to kill me. And……'

That enemy died about 7 years ago.

It means that 7 years have passed since I captured the late Queen, handed her over to the rebel group, and the rebels cut her throat.

‘And now, why….. to me…..’

I just heard that a new king has been appointed.

Even if I didn't try to know that much, it got into my ears. The Kingdom of Viroz was a neighbouring country after all.

‘Did he come to receive some congratulations?'

Or, although it's already 7 years ago, now he wants to thank me for cleaning up the late Queen?

‘I don't know.'

Either way, there’s no convincing reason for him to be here.

‘On top of that, Irdan Magzier…….’

I arrived at the parlour room while I was thinking so.

When the maid opened the door to the parlour room, I saw a man standing upright without sitting on a chair.

‘He's the head of the rebel group.'

Seven years ago, the man who hand-cut the head of the Queen I handed over.

A young man with impressive dark brown eyes gave me his greetings.

“It's my first time seeing you. I’m Irdan Magzier from the Kingdom of Viroz.”

“……nice to meet you, Duke. Please sit down first.”

Irdan Magzier remained steadfast in my words to sit down.

I was looking at him like a wooden stone, and I sat in the chair first.

Only then did Irdan sit across from me.


It's my first time seeing him, but I could know his personality to some extent.

This man, he's a really tight person.

“Duke Magzier.”

“You can call me Irdan.”

“No, Duke Magzier is enough.”

I can't believe such a tight looked man let me call his name.

However, it is not me who will be in trouble if I call his name in a friendly way, but him.

Magzier silently nodded, whether he knew my consideration or not.

“Okay, then should I call you Duchess?”

“Is there anything else you should call me with?”


“Call me Duchess. Unless you want to call me with the name you’re not allowed to say.”

“I will do that. Duchess.”

I observed Irdan Magzier carefully.

‘Was he going to call me princess if he was allowed to?'

I really don't know what he’s thinking.

I don't even know why he’s here.

I didn't think about it any more and came straight to the point right away.

“I'll ask you straightforwardly. Duke Magzier, what brings you here?”

“First of all, thank you.”

Irdan Magzier jumped out of his seat and sat on one knee on the floor.


I was embarrassed for the first time.

“Seven years ago, I couldn't greet you properly because I was in a hurry in that situation. It's late, but I'll say greet you now. Thank you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.”

“…….well, no, well. Yes, I indeed did something big back then. I'll receive that greeting. Then raise yourself up now.”

“And I have a request to ask of you.”


“Let me stay here for just 15 days.”

I was embarrassed for the second time.



“…….I'm not sure why Duke is asking such a request.”

“If you do me a favour, the Kingdom of Viroz will remain an ally of Duke Widgreen forever.”


“I promise you by my name.”

I didn't ask how the name of a Duke can promise such a thing.

I knew well that he wasn't a mere Duke.

I stared down at Irdan, who didn't raise his head. Then opened my words.

“Three days.”

“Ten days, that's……….”

“Five days.”

“A week! Not less than that.”

Irdan shouted in a hurry, he looked a little sweated.

I sighed quietly.

“Yes, let's do it for a week, just a week.”


“After the time limit, I’ll spread flowers on the way out.”

“Of course. A week is enough.”

“Then get up now.”

Irdan is now gently lifting himself up.

“Are you going to stay right away?”


I pulled the string and called the person outside the parlour room.

Guest vacancies were always available, so it wasn't difficult to give him a room immediately.

“He’s a week-long guest at the mansion. Please show him around.”

Irdan bowed to me and followed the maid.

His walk was very neat just looking at his back.

Whether it's a knight's footsteps or a soldier's footsteps.

Anyway, his walking also looks so tight.

I didn't hesitate to evaluate it and fixed my eyes until the door of the parlour room was closed.


After a while, Bessie appeared in the parlour room.

“Madam! What the hell is that guy…….”

“He’s a Duke. The Duke of Irdan Magzier from the Kingdom of Viroz.”

“The Duke? No, but what is he doing here?”


I dropped my voice gently, crossed my hands and put my chin on top of it.

“I think he’s come here with the intention of testing.”


“Yes, to me.”

“Yes? He’s testing you, Madam?”

“I saw it in those eyes. I…….”

A moment ago, just before he left the parlour room, Irdan looked back at me. Then, at the time, our eyes met.

Those eyes.

Those brown eyes.

When I remembered it, I got goosebumps on my back.

I can't forget. Even though our eyes were met only for a short time.

The way he looked through me. His gaze tenaciously searched and searched again. That’s for sure

“Like a daughter-in-law.”


“His gaze feels like a mother-in-law looked at her daughter-in-law's eyes. I'm sure.”

I untied my crossed hands and rubbed my arms.

Oh, I'm getting goosebumps.

I mean, Bessie's expression didn't look very good either.

“Such…… He saw you with such horrible eyes, Madam?”


“Oh, my God, isn't he crazy?”

“That’s what I mean. Right?”

“I guess so. Oh, my, oh, my, he looks fine, so why does he open his eyes like that?”

With Bessie, I talk about Irdan Magzier flaws to heart's content.

I've allowed him to stay for now because he mentioned the Kingdom of Viroz.….


What a mother-in-law!

It's really not good. I shook my head hoping that a week would pass like an arrow.


Ash condoned Irdan Magzier's stay in the mansion without saying much.

However, there was a quiet identification process without the knowledge of the other party, and I am certain of what kind of person Irdan Magzier is after the result.

I hoped that I would rarely run into Irdan Magzier while he was staying.

But the wind is too excessive, it’s too much to be called coincidence.

“Good morning. The Duchess.”

The next morning, I came out to the backyard and was watering the flower bed, when the Magzier appeared.

‘In the end…'

This is how it came to me.

I looked around. Even if I wanted to avoid the opponent, there was no reason to avoid it right away.

And if I avoided it again, my pride was hurt.

Okay, let's do it.

I decided not to back down and looked straight into Irdan's chestnut eyes.

“How was your day at the Duke's house, Duke Magzier?”

“It is good. Thank you for your consideration.”

“I'm glad your stay was comfortable.”

There was a brief silence after exchanging plain greetings.

“The Duchess…….”

‘Here it is.'

The tension escalated when Irdan's mouth opened. Is it the beginning?

Irdan continued, looking at my hand holding the sprayer.

“You water the flower bed yourself.”


“Is it your hobby?”

First, checking my hobbies huh?

My head was spinning busily.

How diligent is this daughter-in-law?

All right. It's not hard to get started. I skillfully tilted the sprayer in my hand and received the words.

“That's right. It's my hobby.”


“If I come out so early and water the flower bed…… it’s amazingly calming my mind. Especially early in the morning or even at dawn.”

Hear that?

Even now, it is quite early, but on other days, even early in the morning! Or even at dawn! Come out to water the flower bed!

It wasn't really a lie. There were times when I did that.

The problem is I only did that once.

‘How is it?'

Does this answer pass?

My heart throbbed. I felt it yesterday, but it was hard to read Magzier's mind because he didn't change his expression much.

He seemed to chew my words silently and nodded.

“I see.”


Is this how the daughter-in-law's virtues passed?

It's hard to guess the results because I can't read inside his mind. Then Irdan continued to open his mouth.

“I saw the Princess here yesterday.” (T/N: 공녀 is mean Duke’s daughter but since I always refer it as Princess, then let it be)

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