
Chapter 175

Inside the Hokage Rock.

Danzo couldn't help but mutter to himself when he saw Genno fall.

"I have saved Konoha once again. It's a pity that those ignorant people outside never know how much I have paid for Konoha. I've really had enough of this day."

At this moment, Danzo's desire to become Hokage became even stronger.

He glanced up, walked to Genno's body with a cane, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry, the hard work you have put in over the years will not be wasted. I will help you make good use of it."

As far as Danzo knows.

In addition to the Hokage Rock, there are countless detonating charms placed by Genno in the village.

Those detonating symbols are buried in the soil and walls, and are connected in series with mechanical devices through thin lines, from the ninja school to the police department, from the hospital to the Hokage Building.

The entire Konoha is surrounded by a web of detonating talismans.


Danzo had discovered Genno's traces a long time ago and investigated him thoroughly.

However, after Danzo learned of Genno's intentions, he became interested in the latter's plan to destroy Konoha, and wanted to see how the other party would implement it.

Therefore, he never took action against Genno, but sent his subordinates to secretly monitor the latter, and now he has indeed gained a huge harvest.

These detonating talismans that Genno placed in Konoha Village are Danzo's bargaining chips.

Letting him be the fifth generation Hokage's bargaining chip.


Two more days passed.

The armies of the major ninja villages came from all directions, and were less than a hundred kilometers away from the mainland of Konoha.

Looking down from mid-air.

A castle is located on a hill and is surrounded by a winding river, forming a natural barrier that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

This is Kikyo Mountain.

Konoha is surrounded by primeval forests and rolling mountains, which is very unfavorable for large-scale ninja army marches and attack formations.

The only thoroughfare that allows large troops to enter and exit is Kikyo Mountain.

For Konoha, it is self-evident how important its strategic position is.

A large number of Konoha ninjas were once stationed here to defend against foreign enemies.


During the Third Ninja War, Konoha was once beaten to its doorstep, and an extremely brutal war broke out here on Mount Kikyo.

Although Konoha won by luck, the Castle of Mount Kikyo was also seriously damaged in the war and crumbled.

After the war, due to various reasons, Kikyo Mountain Castle was not repaired in time.

This time, facing the menacing ninja coalition, Konoha simply withdrew the defenders and gave up here.


The Sunagakure Army, which first arrived at Mount Kikyo, captured the castle without any effort.


In the name of the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa took the initiative to invite the leaders of the major ninja villages to come to Mount Kikyo for a meeting.

The meeting to defeat Konoha.

In the castle hall, Rasa sat at the head of the conference table, and behind him stood two of Sunagakure's advisors, Chiyo and Ebizo.

The three of them waited quietly.

Within the agreed time, the Kage from each village arrived as scheduled with their guards.

The Fourth Raikage came in a hurry, and his guards were C and Darui who had just returned to the Kumo Anbu. They monitored Konoha during this period and collected a lot of intelligence;

Although the third Tsuchikage Onoki was short in stature, the two people he brought with him were his son Kitsuchi and the five-tailed Jinchūriki. Both are over two meters tall, even bigger than Raikage, and look full of aura;

The Fourth Mizukage, Karatachi Yagura, is taciturn. His bodyguards are two Kirigakure jonins, one male and one female. They are Hoshigaki Kisame with a shark face, and Mei Terumi with waist-length red hair.

After everyone took their seats.


Rasa looked around, coughed twice and cleared her throat, and then said straight to the point:

"The purpose of inviting everyone here this time is very simple, that is to form a non-aggression alliance and deal with Konoha together.

I hope that no matter what grudges the major ninja villages have in the past, they can put them aside temporarily and stop stabbing in the back.

What are your intentions? "

Onoki's eyes flashed, and he was the first to echo:

"What Kazekage said makes sense.

The Land of Fire has such a large territory and rich resources. As long as it is defeated, all the major ninja villages will have their share.

I believe that the fundamental reason why Konoha has been victorious in the first three ninja wars and has been able to live such a prosperous life is that other ninja villages are not united enough.

Therefore, if we want Konoha to lose once, we must work together. "

In Onoki's view.

Konoha and the Country of Fire have occupied a large amount of the survival resources of the ninja world, making other ninja villages miserable. Only by successfully carving up Konoha will everyone's life be better.

When things get better, at least for a long time in the future, there will be no more wars.

​That is to say.

Destroying Konoha is the road to peace.

The war launched by the major ninja villages against Konoha is a just war.

"I agree."

The baby-faced Mizukage Karatachi Yagura also expressed his stance. He spoke concisely and to the point, and fully agreed with the views of the two previous actors.

At last.

Everyone’s eyes were turned to the Fourth Raikage.

This Lord Raikage had an angry look on his face and seemed to have a different view.


They saw him slam the table, stand up, and say in a deep voice:

"The first one to declare war on Konoha was Kumogakure. You were just following the trend. The 10,000 Kumokage army led by me is enough to destroy Konoha, and you don't need to intervene at all."

Obviously, Kumogakure and the Kingdom of Thunder behind it want to eat alone, delusional to swallow the entire Konoha and Fire Kingdom alone.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but frown.

Kumogakure's appetite is a bit too big, and it doesn't take other ninja villages seriously.

Facing the powerful Raikage, Onoki would not be indifferent.

He sneered and immediately replied to the Fourth Raikage:

"Haha, Konoha, which has lost the Uchiha clan, is just a toothless tiger, there is nothing to fear. Don't talk about Kumogakure, Us, Iwagakure's 15,000 troops, are still confident of taking down Konoha."

"That's right."

Rasa and Yagura also expressed similar views.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Over the years, the strong men of Konoha have died and fled. It is only thanks to the Uchiha clan's pairs of kaleidoscopes that they can maintain their position as the leader of the five great ninja villages.

Now, with the separation of Konoha and Uchiha, the two major families that once established Konoha-Senju and Uchiha are no longer there.

How can a group of rotten fish and shrimps be left occupying this precious land in the center of the ninja world?


The Fourth Raikage snorted, said a few harsh words, and finally compromised.

He is not that stupid. The performance just now was just to give Kumogakure a reason to strive for the greatest benefit when he invaded Konoha Village.

But then, Raikage also looked solemn and reminded everyone present:

"I got news that Uchiha Dan has returned to Konoha. I have fought against him before. This person is very powerful and may become the biggest variable in this war."

Hearing this, Rasa shook his head with a look of disdain:

"Can just one person change the entire situation of the war? Raikage may not be confident in his own strength, but don't forget that war is not fought alone. Together, we have an army of 40,000."

Onoki also said:

"Yes, if Uchiha Dan was really that strong, the Uchiha clan would not have defected from Konoha in embarrassment, but would have taken control of Konoha long ago. Isn't it?"

This is an obvious truth.

The reason why the Uchiha clan left Konoha was obviously because the coup failed and they were unable to fight against the whole village with the power of a clan.

When Dan returned to Konoha, he probably realized that Uchiha had run out of energy, so he betrayed his family.

Why should we be afraid of such people?

"In this case, let's get ready and take down Konoha in one go."

Mizukage Yagura said the last thing.

The words just fell.

"Have you forgotten Amegakure?"

A cold female voice suddenly came in from outside the hall. Immediately afterwards, a man and a woman, wearing the black and red cloud robes of the Akatsuki organization, walked into the hall side by side.

It’s Konan and Heaven Path Pain.

Swish, swish, swish.

The appearance of the two immediately attracted more than a dozen lines of sight in the conference hall.

Although it was Konan who spoke just now, everyone's eyes almost subconsciously ignored her and fell on Pain.


He killed the former leader of Amegakure, Sansho Hanzo, known as the "demigod of the ninja world", and replaced him, calling himself a "god".

Not long ago, he single-handedly destroyed the three thousand Konoha army, and his reputation spread throughout the ninja world. He was once considered the closest being to Senju Hashirama.

This man with short orange hair and metal nails all over his face was looking at everyone in the hall with his pair of purple Rinnegan expressionlessly.

His eyes were indifferent, and he exuded a superior aura, like a mysterious and powerful god, overlooking these mortals.

The appearance of Pain made the expressions of several Kage present change and they felt pressured.

Especially the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura.

Years ago.

Obito, Pain and Konan once went to Kirigakure Village together.

At that time, before Yagura could make any resistance, he was manipulated by Obito using the genjutsu of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

So Pain knew.

The Fourth Mizukage in front of him was just a puppet, and Obito was hiding behind him.

So, his eyes fell on Karatachi Yagura, and it seemed that he would speak at any time and reveal the truth about this Mizukage being controlled by Obito in public.

At this time.


The Fourth Raikage slapped the table again and stared at Pain with an angry look on his face:

"Why is there another one asking for a share of the pie? Our meeting is over, and you Amegakure don't have get any more to share."

After all, Amegakure is just a small ninja village and is not qualified to be on an equal footing with the four major ninja villages.

This guy Pain has received some praise. Do you really think that he can be compared with the "God of Ninja" Senju Hashirama back then?


Pain felt the hostility of Raikage, looked at the latter indifferently, and said:

"Another weak person who cannot see his own strength clearly. He screams in front of God. Rather than saying that you are brave, you are more stupid."

These words are undoubtedly full of arrogance.

So Raikage broke through his defense instantly.


He roared angrily, and immediately stepped across the conference table, like a humanoid beast, and rushed towards Pain.

With the fiery personality of the Fourth Raikage, he would never be easily convinced by anyone.

So what if Pain defeated Konoha's three thousand army? Kumogakure's third generation Raikage also fought against ten thousand ninjas in Iwagakure!

Raikage is a person who likes to talk with his fists. He has long wanted to compete with Payne.

Today, he wanted to see how much this so-called "god" weighed.


As he rushed toward Pain, Raikage raised his right arm and clenched his fist. His thick arm was in the shape of a bull's horn, and blue lightning chakra erupted, aiming at Pain's neck.

Thunder Lariat.

He planned to use his strong wrist force to blow Pain's head away, because the opponent's expressionless face looked too unpleasant.

It happened suddenly.

No one else had time to stop it.

Moreover, the Kage present had no intention of stopping it.

Let the Fourth Raikage, this reckless man, give Pain's skills a good try.

With this idea in mind, Onoki and others made plans to watch the show.

Faced with the Raikage who was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

Pain still had an indifferent expression and stood unmoved, not even raising a finger.

The same goes for Konan beside him.

The next moment.

"Shinra Tensei!"

Pain spit out these words coldly.


An unimaginably powerful repulsive force suddenly erupted from Pain's body, and it collided head-on with the Fourth Raikage.


The Raikage flew out at an even faster speed and smashed through the wall of the hall on the spot. He flew out of the Kikyo Mountain Castle without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Lord Raikage!"

Seeing this scene, C and Darui were shocked and rushed out in a panic.

Onoki, Rasa and others also stood up from their seats with a whoosh, their faces full of shock.

They had thought that Raikage might not be Pain's opponent, but they never expected——

This battle will be over so quickly.

The Fourth Raikage was instantly defeated by Pain.

As expected of… God.

Amidst the silence.

Onoki was the first to come back to his senses, took a deep look at Pain and said in a deep voice: "I apologize to you for the Fourth Raikage's abruptness just now. Welcome to this meeting."

Rasa also forced out a smile and extended an welcoming hand to Pain:

"Please take a seat. With Amegakure joining the Ninja Alliance, I believe it will be easier for us to capture Konoha."

In the ninja world, strength always speaks.

The power that Pain showed just now made everyone present have no choice but to respect him and could only pull him into the group.


Pain said:

"Amegakure is not interested in Konoha's territory, resources, or money."

"Then what do you… want?" Rasa asked in surprise.

"We want the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki." Pain gave the answer.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's eyes suddenly flickered and no response was given.

​Obviously, they also have thoughts about Kyuubi.

Pain didn't take it seriously and just said lightly:

"This is not a discussion, but a notice to you. When the time comes, anyone who competes with me for the Kyuubi will die."

After saying that, he and Konan turned and left.


When Pain walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and glanced at Konan.

Konan understood the idea, turned around, stretched out a finger towards Karatachi Yagura, and said coldly:

"By the way, let me tell you, this guy has long been controlled by Uchiha Obito's Genjutsu."

The words fell.

Konan's body turned into countless pieces of paper and scattered in all directions. Pain also flashed and disappeared.

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