
Chapter 176

After Pain and Konan left.

Mizukage was manipulated by Uchiha Obito using genjutsu – is this possible? !

Everyone in the room was shocked.

After being shocked, people can’t help but think of the situation in Kirigakure in the past few years:

The fourth generation of Mizukage implemented a cruel and high-pressure policy, turning Kirigakure into the "Hometown of Blood Mist", causing a large number of Kirigakure to defect and the village's strength to decline rapidly.

This situation is indeed very wrong.

Thinking of this.

Onoki, Rasa and others all frowned and looked at Mizukage Karatachi Yagura.


Yagura snorted coldly, and without saying a word, translucent red chakra surged out of his body, forming three tails behind him. The terrifying aura made people feel palpitating.


When everyone saw this, they thought Yagura was going to take action, so they all stood up from their seats as if facing a formidable enemy.

Unexpectedly, Yagura sneered and said:

"I, Karatachi Yagura, the dignified Kage of one village, am still a perfect three-tailed Jinchuuriki, and yet he claims that somebody controled me with just a Sharingan genjutsu. It's really a big joke."

After saying that, he restrained his three-tailed chakra.


Onoki and Rasa looked at each other, and both felt that Yagura's words made sense.

After all, if even a perfect Jinchuuriki like Yagura cannot escape the control of the Mangekyou Sharingan, what about people like them?

Neither the Tsuchikage nor the Kazekage believed that Uchiha's Sharingan could be so powerful.

At this time.

The guard Kisame Hoshigaki who was standing behind Yagura also took a step forward and said:

"I have been following Mizukage-sama and have never found any suspicious characters. What Pain said that he was manipulated by Uchiha Obito's illusion. It was purely a way to sow discord."

Kisame is a member of Kirigakure's second-generation Seven Ninja Swordmen. He is very powerful, and the words coming out of his mouth are convincing enough.

However, the eyes of Mizukage's other guard, Terumi Mei, flickered, and she was half doubting it.

"Mizukage, regarding what Pain said just now…"

Onoki was still a little worried and wanted to ask Yagura some more questions to clarify the situation.

at this time.


Following a harsh sound of electricity, a figure wrapped in blue thunder and lightning returned to the conference hall angrily.

It is the fourth generation Raikage who has activated the Thunder Escape Chakra mode.

"Where is the man, where is Pain?"

Raikage's eyes widened in anger, and his yellow hair stood on end. He looked livid and wanted to continue fighting Pain for another 300 rounds.

Onoki shook his head helplessly and said to Raikage, a reckless man:

"Those people have left. We invited Pain and Amegakure to attack Konoha."

Rasa also frowned and echoed: "Raikage, if you insist on a duel with Pain, you should wait until the end of this war."


There was a loud noise, and Raikage was so angry that he punched down the conference table, smashing it directly.

For him, this time it was undoubtedly a big loss.

The Fourth Raikage was knocked away by Pain, the leader of Amegakure. Once this incident spreads, it will definitely cause a big blow to the Raikage's personal prestige, and it will also make Kumogakure ninjas unable to hold their heads up in front of Amegakure. .

"Damn it, you underestimated the enemy. You should have gone all out from the moment they came up."

Raikage was annoyed.

Mizukage Yagura glanced at everyone and said coldly:

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

After the words fell, without waiting for anyone to respond, he turned around and walked out of the conference hall with the two guards.

Looking at the back of Karatachi Yagura hurriedly leaving, Onoki and Rasa both fell into deep thought.

Although Yagura denied that he was manipulated by Obito.

But when they thought about it, with Pain’s aloof character and not taking everyone seriously, is it necessary for him to lie?


Obito was a member of the Akatsuki before. If he really used illusion to control the Mizukage, it is normal for Pain, as the leader of the Akatsuki, to know about this.

In short, the more people think about it, the more something is wrong.

"What happened?"

Raikage saw the expressions of the others and couldn't help but asked in confusion. After learning the specific situation, he was also horrified.

In the forest of the Country of Fire.

By a large lake, the Kirigakure army was camped here.

"We greet lord Mizukage."

Under the awed gazes of the Kirigakure crowd, Yagura walked towards the main tent expressionlessly.

Although the Fourth Mizukage has a baby face and a short stature, he looks like a cute boy at first glance. But in fact, he even has grandchildren, and he is a man of great wealth.

Especially after Yagura came to power, the series of high-pressure policies implemented by Kirigakure made everyone in Kirigakure see how cruel and ruthless he was, and everyone was afraid of him.

Terumi Mei followed behind Yagura, looking at the back of Lord Mizukage, frowning.

After the Third Ninja War, in just a few years, Kirigakure was in darkness by Yagura and lost a large number of outstanding ninjas.

Even the members of the Seven Former Ninja Swordsmen, Raiga and Juzo, defected from the village one after another because they were dissatisfied with the Mizukage's tyranny.

​In fact.

Yagura's strange behavior has attracted the attention of Kirigakure's senior management, making people wonder if there is something wrong with him.

Terumi Mei, under the orders of the Grand Elders Council of Kirigakure, secretly observed and monitored Yagura while serving as the Mizukage's guard.

​And today.

Pain’s words seemed to confirm the previous suspicions of Kirigakure’s senior management.

Should she tell Kisame about this?

Terumi Mei glanced at Kisame beside her, and then stopped paying attention.

All of Kisame's previous performances were also very suspicious in her eyes.


Terumi Mei remained calm, and after returning to the camp, she privately found Kirigakure's senior jounin, Ao, who was known as the "Byakugan Killer".

Ao is a middle-aged man with long gray-blue hair.

The reason why he is called the Byakugan Killer is because during the Third Ninja War, he captured a Hyuga clan's Byakugan on the battlefield and transplanted it into his right eye.

"That's what happened."

Terumi Mei told Ao what she saw today and her conjectures, and asked the latter for advice, what is the possibility of Mizukage being controlled by Obito?

In response to this, Ao looked solemn, and his answer was:

"If it's the Mangekyo Sharingan, everything is possible."

During the Third War, Ao himself fought against the Uchiha clan of Konoha.

At that time, he led the Kirigakure elite ninjas to sneak into the Land of Fire, but encountered Uchiha Shisui's long-range illusion attack.

Ao knew that he was no match for Shisui, so he led his men to escape in a hurry.

"Shisui's genjutsu is to directly influence the enemy's brain and use his own will to make the opponent feel the most cruelly realistic experience, but as the person being manipulated, he is completely unaware of all this.

That is the most advanced illusion.

As an Uchiha Mangekyo master, if Obito's eye power is similar to Shisui's, it would not be surprising that he uses genjutsu to control the Fourth Mizukage. "

Ao analyzed it carefully.

When Terumi Mei heard this, her face turned pale and she felt fear.

Mangekyō Sharingan, is it really that powerful?

No wonder, all the major ninja villages had to wait until the Uchiha clan left Konoha before they dared to declare war on Konoha.

After calming down, Terumi Mei hurriedly asked:

"Then, can you undo Mizukage-sama's illusion?"

"I'll try my best. But I have to do it as soon as possible to avoid being noticed by Uchiha Obito." Ao looked serious.

That night.

Inside the main tent of Kirigakure.


Karatachi Yagura knelt on the ground, gasping for air, with a horrified expression on his face, as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Just now, Ao used his Byakugan to successfully dispel the genjutsu on Yagura.

"Lord Mizukage."

Two Anbu quickly stepped forward and helped Yagura up.

In addition to the Anbu, those present were Terumi Mei, the Six-Tailed Jinchuuriki Utakata, Momochi Zabuza, as well as the second-generation Seven Ninja Swordsman's Ringo Ameyuri and Hozuki Mangetsu.

In order to prevent unexpected situations from happening – such as Obito's attack, almost all Kirigakure's masters gathered here to protect Mizukage.

"Where's that guy Kisame, where did he go?"

Ameyuri Ringo, nicknamed "Little Apple", looked around, asked curiously, and said, "Do you want me to call him?"

Kisame was also a member of the Seven New Generation Ninja Swordsmen, but he was nowhere to be seen at this time.


Yagura stood up and said to everyone with a dejected face, "Kisame has taken refuge to Uchiha Obito. He must have seen that the situation was not good, so he ran away."

There is indeed something wrong with Kisame.

When Terumi Mei heard this, her guess was confirmed.

"Mizukage-sama, what should we do next?" Ao looked at Yagura and asked the latter for instructions.

Kirigakure's declaration of war on Konoha was initiated by Obito manipulating the Mizukage, not the Mizukage himself.

Yagura couldn't make up his mind for a moment, as if he hadn't fully woken up from the influence of the illusion. He frowned and asked his subordinates for their opinions:

"What do you think?"

Hearing this, Terumi Mei said without hesitation:

"I suggest withdrawing our troops immediately! Our top priority is to return to Kirigakure, eliminate Uchiha Obito's forces, and drive him out of the village, thereby maintaining the peace of Kirigakure."

In Terumi Mei's view, solving Kirigakure's internal problems is the most important thing at the moment.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she was rebutted by Zabuza Momochi.

"Withdrawing troops at this time will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the Kirigakure people, and will also lose us the opportunity to carve up Konoha. It is the most foolish decision."

Zabuza is a fanatical warrior, and there are many people like him among Kirigakure's five thousand army.

After listening to everyone’s opinions, Yagura thought for a moment and finally made a decision:

"Although I launched the war against Konoha under the control of Obito Uchiha, this war is in the interest of Kirigakure. We must unite with other ninja villages to destroy Konoha together."

Ao nodded and agreed:

"Lord Mizukage is right. At the moment, it seems that Konoha will definitely lose this war. If Kirigakure withdraws now, I am afraid that a great opportunity to carve up Konoha will be missed."


Terumi Mei still wanted to say something, but as a pacifist, she was obviously alone in the Kirigakure camp.

She had no choice but to compromise.

"I would like you all to help conceal the fact that I was manipulated by Obito. After all, it would be a massive blow to our morale if word spread."

Karatachi Yagura gave one last instruction, then waved his hand to signal everyone to leave, he wanted to rest.


Everyone in Kirigakure nodded in agreement.

It is indeed too ridiculous for a Kage of the village to be controlled by the Sharingan. If you tell it, it will definitely make people laugh.

Under the night.

Kisame Hoshigaki carried the large sword Samehada on his back and escaped from the Kirigakure camp without looking back, heading west to dozens of kilometers away.

In a cave here, he met Obito.

Kisame is a pure ninja.

He regards completing the mission as his bounden duty and has always done his best for Kirigakure. Even if he is asked to personally kill his companions who are performing the mission together, he will not hesitate to do so.


When Kisame learned that his superior, Suikazan Fuguki, had relayed information to neighboring countries, his faith as a ninja collapsed.


When Kisame killed Fuguki with his own hands, faced the Fourth Mizukage who appeared in front of him, and saw the Sharingan pattern in his eyes, he couldn't help but sigh——

It turns out that he has been living in the falsehood of being deceived, and his life as a ninja has no meaning.

Obito appeared at that time.

He claimed to be Uchiha Madara, and told Kisame that he could help the latter free himself from the false pain, and invited Kisame to become his companion.

After hearing about Madara's "Eye of the Moon" plan, Kisame had a strong yearning for the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, and joined Akatsuki without hesitation.

Later, even though Obito's false identity was exposed, Kisame still trusted Obito as always and looked forward to the day when the Eye of the Moon plan would be realized.

At this time, after seeing Obito.

Kisame reported truthfully.

Including at the Kage level meeting, Pain pointed out in public that Mizukage was manipulated by Obito and threatened to capture Kyuubi, and that Mizukage was released from the genjutsu by Kirigakure.


Obito's eyes flashed, and he realized that Kirigakure was out of his control.

He had long expected that Pain would come and cause trouble. After all, he had gone to Kirigakure with Pain and Konan and manipulated the Mizukage in front of them.

However, it is a foregone conclusion that the major ninja villages will besiege Konoha, and then all we have to do is wait and see the good show.

As for Pain wanting to capture Kyuubi.

Let that guy catch it. It would be best to catch all tailed beasts. Anyway, in the end, he will just be working for him, Uchiha Obito.

That idiot Pain captured tailed beasts just to make war weapons. As everyone knows, the real value of the tailed beasts is to create the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, allowing the caster to gain power comparable to the Sage of Six Paths.

The secret technique to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki is in Obito's hands.

"I heard that Uchiha Dan has also returned to Konoha. In this way, Pain and Dan will probably run into each other, and it feels like it will be a very exciting contest."

Obito murmured to himself.

He wished that Pain and Dan would have an earth-shattering battle, and it would be best if both sides were injured.

Obito couldn't wait to see that scene.

Konoha Village.

Facing the situation of the army pressing down on the border, hundreds of thousands of villagers in Konoha hid in shelters.


Various mechanisms and traps have been set up everywhere inside and outside Konoha Village, and heavy defense lines have been laid. The entire village's defense is tight.

For Konoha, this is the biggest crisis since the village was founded, a life and death battle.

On the rooftop of the Hokage Building.

The top brass of the Fire Country, including the Daimyo, the Sandaime, Jiraiya, Koharu and Homura, gathered here and looked down below with solemn expressions.

On the street below, there was a sea of 20,000 Konoha ninjas, as far as the eye could see.

This is the last mobilization meeting before the war.

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