
Chapter 178

Hiruzen, you will regret this.

Danzo has said this sentence countless times.

Until today, he finally no longer harbored resentment, but could express it with a proud mood.

The third generation looked bitter and could not say a word.

Under the witness of everyone.

He slowly raised his trembling hands, took off the Hokage hat on his head, and then reluctantly handed it to Danzo.

This hat symbolizes the official handover of Hokage's power.

Bring it to me.

Danzo couldn't wait to grab the Hokage hat and put it on his head. Then he looked at everyone in Konoha and declared with excitement:

"I swear here in the name of the Fifth Hokage that I will lead Konoha to defeat the ninja coalition and win a complete victory in this war. Konoha will regain the glory of the first Hokage era and become great again!"

Faced with these bold words from the new Hokage.


There were still very few people in Konoha who responded, and there were only a few sparse echoes from the crowd.

But Danzo didn't care.

It has been forty years since the day when the Second Hokage died and the third generation's prequel was placed before his death.

For the past forty years, Danzo has endured humiliation and hardship, and finally got his wish and sat on the coveted position of Hokage.

From today on, he no longer has to be the root in the darkness. He will go to the sun and bathe in the light.

After being intoxicated by himself.

Danzo looked at the Sandaime again, the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

The next second.

In front of everyone, Danzo suddenly raised his voice and publicly accused the third generation of crimes:

"During his reign, Sarutobi Hiruzen was derelict in his duties, incompetent, and beneath his glamorous image, he was the most incompetent Hokage in history!

Internally, he was indecisive on the issue of the Uchiha clan, which caused the clan to become too big and seriously threatened the peace and security of Konoha, eventually leading to a catastrophe.

Externally, when facing the threat of Kumogakure, he was weak when he should be tough; when facing Amegakure and Akatsuki, he chose to be tough when it was time to compromise, and in the end he ruined Konoha's three thousand army.

Amid internal and external troubles, Konoha has declined into what it is today, and Hiruzen Sarutobi is the culprit! "

As soon as he took office, he started to liquidate.

At this moment, Danzo completely denied all the achievements of the Third Generation in the past, belittling the latter as worthless.

"Danzo, don't go too far!"

Jiraiya couldn't stand listening anymore and couldn't help but yelled, "Won't your conscience hurt when you slander the Sandaime like this?"


Upon hearing this, Danzo looked at Jiraiya with sharp eyes and said coldly: "Jiraiya, pay attention to the attitude of your words. You are just an assistant to the Hokage, I am the Hokage!"


Danzo even ordered the Anbu on the spot to put the Sandaime in prison immediately and hand him over to the Torture Department to severely investigate his crime of dereliction of duty.

However, when a group of Konoha Anbu heard this, they took no action and refused to carry out Danzo's order.

Because they are all loyal to the third generation's purpose, just like their roots were only loyal to Danzo.

Even if the Sandaime abdicates, with the assistance of Konoha Anbu, he still has huge influence and can intervene in all matters in the village.

Danzo obviously knew this too.


"It seems that although you people agree with your mouth, you still don't want to admit that I am the Hokage. In this case…"

Danzo looked disappointed and picked up the crutch again as he spoke.

He stab hard on the ground.


A building not far away was detonated again, causing a large number of Konoha ninjas to be affected and causing many casualties.

"Danzo, that's enough!"

The Sandaime finally shouted angrily.

Then, he said to the ANBU with a bitter look on his face:

"I am no longer your Hokage. From now on, you must obey Danzo's orders and must not disobey. Remember, the Anbu's mission is to protect the Hokage and the village…"

After saying that, the Sandaime raised his hands on his own initiative, signaling the Anbu to put the shackles on him.

"Escort him!"

Danzo gave the order with a sinister look on his face.

This time, the Anbu did not dare to disobey the order. In full view of everyone, they escorted the faltering Sandaime towards the Anbu prison.

"Danzo, you are too messy. You will regret it sooner or later!" Jiraiya was resentful and still protesting.

"I told you, I am the Hokage!" Danzo roared at Jiraiya again.

After sending the Sandaime to prison, Danzo finally let go of the bad breath in his chest and felt much relieved.

at this time.


He suddenly felt something in his heart and looked towards a tower in the distance.

On the top of the tower, Dan and Tsunade were seen standing by the window, seemingly coming to watch the fun.


Danzo retracted his gaze, snorted coldly, then flicked his sleeves and walked into the Hokage Building.

On the tower.

"Danzo really didn't disappoint me. It's not in vain that I let him go."

Dan watched the entire drama, and couldn't help but find it very interesting to see Danzo become the Hokage and send the third generation to prison.

Tsunade on the side heard this and frowned.

Judging from Dan's tone, he seemed to have anticipated today's scene. Danzo's becoming Hokage was completely within his prediction.

What on earth does this man want to do?

Tsunade couldn't figure out the real intention behind this series of actions even if she tried her best.

Forget it, since you can’t guess, then don’t guess.

Tsunade shook her head and stopped thinking about it.

Watching Danzo enter the Hokage Building from a distance.

"Next, where the future of Konoha will go depends on the performance of the Fifth Hokage."

Dan muttered to himself, turned around and walked down the tower.

He is looking forward to Danzo's next antics.

A quarter of an hour later.

Dan and Tsunade returned to the Uchiha clan.

"Something's wrong."

In front of the Body modification department building, Duan suddenly stopped and his eyes instantly turned into a red and black Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish pattern.

"What's wrong?"

Tsunade was surprised and asked. She didn't notice anything unusual.

To this, the answer is:

"Someone has sneaked into the body modification department, be careful."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Tsunade, and the strange light in his eyes flashed away.

"Okay, okay."

Tsunade responded, averting Dan's eyes unnaturally.

After all, in her opinion, no one is more dangerous than Uchiha Dan. The guy in front of her is the one she should be most careful about.

That’s what she was thinking.

Tap tap tap.

Following a burst of footsteps, a figure walked out of the building. When Tsunade saw it, her expression changed.

It's Shizune.

She was seen being tied up with ropes, and behind her were two masked Konoha Anbu who were holding her neck with ninja swords and escorting her out.

Shizune's eyes were dull, like a puppet's, obviously controlled by some kind of illusion.

"What are you doing? Who sent you here?"

When Tsunade saw this scene, she suddenly became furious and started to question him sharply.

"Tsunade-sama, now Konoha is facing life and death. As one of the former Sannin of Konoha, you are unwilling to fight for the village. We have no choice but to make this decision and use this method to invite you to come out."

Konoha Anbu said coldly.


When Tsunade heard this, she laughed angrily. The scarlet three-magatama Sharingan opened instantly, and her murderous eyes locked on the two of them. "Do you think that such a threat can make me surrender? You are extremely stupid."

The words have not yet finished.

A powerful airflow burst out from her body, causing the ground under her feet to split into pieces, and spiderweb-like cracks spread.

The two Anbu were taken aback and took a step back, warning Tsunade again:

"Tsunade-sama, are you going to put your disciple's life at risk?"

After saying that, an Anbu used a little force on his hand, and the ninja sword went deeper into Shizune's neck, drawing a shallow blood mark.


Tsunade clenched her fists, suppressing her anger, and then asked in a deep voice:

"What do you want me to do? If you ask me to go to the front line and die, there is no way I can agree. Even if you threaten me with Shizune, it will be useless."

"Tsunade-sama, please rest assured, in order to save Konoha, you only need to do one thing. That is to suppress the Nine-Tails after it went berserk like last time."

The Anbu looked at Tsunade and finally revealed their purpose for coming to her.


Tsunade was shocked and quickly came to her senses: "Are the village leaders planning to release the Kyuubi again and use it to deal with the ninja coalition? Whose idea was this, the Sandaime or Danzo? Are these old guys crazy?"

"In order to defeat the ninja coalition, we can only use this method. Nine-tails is Konoha's last hope." said an Anbu.

"Tsunade-sama, you are the granddaughter of the First Hokage. I believe you will be able to control the Nine-Tails, right?" Another Anbu also asked.

Tsunade frowned and slowly shook her head.

Under the confused gazes of the two Anbu, she reached out and took off the crystal necklace she wore around her neck. Its luster was much duller than before.

"The reason why I was able to suppress the Kyuubi that day was because this necklace contained the Wooden Chakra of the First Hokage, which suppressed the Kyuubi. But now, the Wooden Chakra in the necklace has been exhausted."

Tsunade gave her explanation solemnly, and made it clear that if Kyuubi went berserk again, there would be nothing she could do.

However, Anbu did not believe Tsunade's words.

"Tsunade-sama, it seems that you are determined and no longer want to cooperate with us."

The two Anbu said coldly, and then looked at each other.

"What are you going to do?"

Tsunade had a premonition that something was not going to happen, so she secretly gathered her chakra and prepared to snatch Shizune from the two of them.

At the same time, she glanced at Dan and cast a look of help at the latter.

Shizune is not only Tsunade's disciple, but also Kato Dan's niece. Having been by Tsunade's side for so many years, she has become like a family member to her.


She never liked asking for help, yet she made an exception at this moment.

As long as Uchiha Dan is willing to help, it shouldn't be difficult to save Shizune from the Anbu.

But at this moment.

Dan's expression changed, as if he saw something terrible and didn't have time to take action.

Not good.

Tsunade quickly turned around and saw a flash of sword light.

There was a pop.

A long gash was opened on Shizune's neck, and red blood shot out, spraying into the air like a fountain.

"Humph, this is the consequence of your refusal to cooperate."

The Anbu sneered, used the teleportation technique with a whoosh, and fled.


Shizune fell to the ground, her eyes were lifeless, and blood kept pouring out from her neck, which soon stained her clothes and the ground beneath her red.

Tsunade was stunned.


She came back to her senses and let out a heart-breaking cry. Instead of chasing the murderer, she threw herself on Shizune.

Light blue mist chakra surged out from Tsunade's palm, covering the shocking wound on Shizune's neck.


Tsunade murmured to herself, the chakra in her body gushing out crazily, trying to use the healing power of Yang to save her disciple from the gate of hell.

The bleeding stopped quickly and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The situation seemed to have really improved.

But Shizune's unfocused eyes and her increasingly cold body showed that she had lost her vitality.

Faced with such an instant fatal injury.

Even though Tsunade is the best medical expert in the ninja world, she is unable to save her.

Tears slipped down her cheeks unconsciously.

Scenes of the past appeared before Tsunade's eyes.

"Tsunade-sama, can I travel with you? No matter what you want me to do, I will definitely work hard, please!"

Once upon a time, a quiet, gentle and taciturn girl mustered up the courage to blush and said these words to Tsunade.

Since then.

Shizune followed Tsunade willingly as a maid and traveled throughout the ninja world.

For this cheap disciple, Tsunade always manipulates her as a matter of course, and sometimes even bullies him maliciously.

Faced with Tsunade's act, Shizune never complained.

on the contrary.

She silently endured Tsunade's arrogance and willfulness, and was considerate, able to understand Tsunade's inner pain, and cared more about Tsunade than herself.

At the same time, Shizune is also a very serious person. Whenever Tsunade slacked off in her training, she was the one who supervised Tsunade and prevented her from being lazy.

Shizune is weak, yet strong.

These years.

This gentle and kind girl silently healed Tsunade with her every move, like a beam of light shining into Tsunade's dark heart.

Now, she died tragically in front of Tsunade, and she refused to rest in peace.

Tsunade burst into tears.

Shizune died because of her.

Tsunade realized again:

Anyone who is close to her will become unfortunate.

No matter it was Kato Dan, Naoki, or Shizune now, they could not escape the fate of dying miserably.

At this moment, guilt, self-blame, regret…all kinds of negative emotions were superimposed in Tsunade's heart, pushing her mental pain to an extreme.


Without Tsunade noticing, a special chakra surged out of her brain and acted on the optic nerves of both her eyes.

The three magatama in her eyes suddenly changed, and seemed to be about to form a new pattern.

All this was seen by Dan.

Sharingan is the eye that reflects the soul.

When a person with these eyes loses a loved one, the intense pain in their heart will become a catalyst and have the opportunity to give birth to the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan.

Tsunade, can you open your eyes?

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