
Chapter 179

In the Uchiha clan area, in front of the Body reform department building.

Dan stared at Tsunade with tears streaming down her face.

The pattern in her eyes finally stabilized again after a period of vague changes.

It’s still three magatama.


Dan shook his head.

He was sure that Tsunade's mental stimulation was enough, otherwise the special chakra would not emerge from her brain.

Then, the problem can only be with her eyes.

It seems.

It’s not the original Sharingan, so it’s true that the Mangekyo still can’t be turned on.

Tsunade was completely unaware of the changes in her eyes.

She was holding Shizune's body, her eyes were empty, and her whole soul seemed to have been taken away, turning her into a walking corpse.

Endless pain and despair came from all directions like a tide, flooding Tsunade's heart.

The weird thing is.

Just when she was in a daze.

"Tsunade-sama, what's wrong with you?"

A familiar voice suddenly reached Tsunade's ears, making her tremble.

She widened her eyes, slowly looked up, and saw Shizune walking out of the building.

Shizune was looking at her in astonishment.

How can this be? !

"Shizune, you…"

Tsunade opened her mouth wide and looked at Shizune in horror, as if she had seen a ghost.

Then, she suddenly lowered her head again, only to realize that Shizune's body in her arms had disappeared at some point.

In other words, the "Shizune" in her arms never existed from the beginning.

"Tsunade-sama, what happened? Why are you sitting on the ground and…crying?"

After Shizune recovered from her shock, she quickly ran to Tsunade and asked with concern.

In all these years, she had never seen Tsunade-sama cry, and she cried so sadly.


Facing Shizune's concern, Tsunade's face gradually became ugly.

Because she realized that she had been tricked.

It's Uchiha Dan who is causing trouble!

Tsunade turned her head and saw a half-smile expression on Dan's face, looking at her meaningfully.

The next second.


Tsunade suddenly jumped up from the ground, startling Shizune. Then she walked up to Dan angrily, stared at him and asked:

"You cast an illusion on me?"

Just now.

Dan suddenly and inexplicably turned on his Mangekyo, and deliberately made eye contact with Tsunade.

Now think of it.

It was at that time that he activated his pupil power and quietly used genjutsu on Tsunade.

Tsunade's guess was correct.

Not only did Dan use illusion magic on her, but he also used one of the most advanced Mangekyo technique – Devil’s Mischief.

Devil’s Mischief, the pupil technique of Dan’s left eye.

It is a technique that plays tricks on people's hearts. It can silently implant an illusion that is close to reality in other people's brains, and it can also steal a memory of others.

Because of this, Tsunade's "experience" is so real.

Even if she saw through the illusion afterwards, the image of Shizune's death would still remain in her mind, lingering.

After a while.

Tsunade will not be able to tell whether this memory is true or false, and may even…begin to doubt other memories.

After all, after being stared at by Uchiha Dan's eyes.

Any memory in her mind may be artificially implanted, a false illusion rather than reality.

This is the most terrifying part of Devil's Mischief.

It makes people unable to distinguish between falsehood and truth.

As for why Dan used Devil’s Mischief against Tsunade.

Of course, it was an impromptu idea, He thought of an idea to tease her, so he played a trick on her once.

It's that simple.

Faced with Tsunade's question.

Dan did not deny it, he nodded directly and readily admitted:

"Yes, I used illusion on you."

Seeing his relaxed tone and "frank" expression, and "I just did it, what can you do to me?" Tsunade couldn't help but feel even more angry.


She cursed angrily, wanting to raise her fist and punch Dan's face that didn't deserve a punch, beating him into a pig's head.

But Tsunade also knew that if she really took action, she would probably be the one to suffer in the end.

The first two times she fought with him, she was either choked until black outor dislocated her arm.

It left a psychological trauma on Tsunade.

She was holding back a lot of anger but couldn't let it out. She could only symbolically grab the Dan’s collar with both hands and glare at him fiercely, as if she wanted to kill him with her eyes.

However, due to the huge height difference between the two.

Tsunade's attempt to catch Dan’s collar seemed very strenuous, so she had to stand on tiptoes.

In order to maintain the balance of her body, her whole body leaned forward, as if she was falling into the arms of Dan.

"What do you want to do?"

Dan felt puzzled and kindly advised Tsunade, "When women are in their forties, don't get angry easily, otherwise it’ll be bad for your health. Although I used illusions on you, it was all for your own good. , you should thank me."

You want me to thank you?

When Tsunade heard this, she gritted her teeth and almost fainted. Moreover, she hates people mentioning her age!

At this time.

A stinging pain suddenly invaded Tsunade's eyes, forcing her to let go of her hands holding Dan’s collar.

What is this?

Just when Tsunade covered her eyes in pain, Dan voice sounded again, answering her doubts:

"Do you feel that your eye power has improved? I told you, you have to thank me."

After saying that, Dan showed a smile, patted Tsunade on the shoulder, and entered the Body modification department building.

Tsunade froze on the spot, feeling the changes in her eyes, her expression gradually becoming surprised.

Only then did she realize that the phantom pain she had experienced seemed to be stimulated by "Shizune's death", which caused more pupil power to emerge in her eyes.

The deeper the mental pain, the stronger the eye power.

Is this Uchiha's Sharingan?


The Hokage's office.


The two Anbu lined up on the left and right, slowly opened the door, and then lowered their heads and saluted.

Danzo was calm on the surface, but he was very excited inside. He walked into the office and came to the desk step by step. Then, he sat down on the chair that symbolized the Hokage's power.

Senior officials such as Jiraiya, Koharu and Homura also followed closely.

"Danzo, you just vowed that only if you become Hokage can you save Konoha. What on earth can you do and how can you defeat the coalition forces of the major ninja villages?"

Koharu asked as soon as he came up.

As people who have worked with Danzo for many years, both Koharu and Homura know that Danzo is very cunning and must have prepared a plan.

However, they guessed wrong this time.

Danzo didn't have any plan to fight against the enemy. He was just brainwashed by Dan and was simply full of confidence.

They saw him calmly taking off the Hokage hat on his head and putting it on his desk. He thought about it again and then said:

"Of course it's the Kyuubi.

I think back then, after the first Hokage captured the tailed beasts, he distributed them to various ninja villages as deterrent weapons, which brought peace to the ninja world.

Now, all the major ninja villages are besieging Konoha, and they have sent out tailed beast jinchūriki, which is a complete showdown.

In this case, why should we be polite? We can just use the Kyuubi to deal with them. "

Other ninja villages, such as Kumogakure, Iwagakure and Kirigakure, were originally assigned two tailed beasts, but Konoha, the leader of the five major ninja villages, only had one nine-tailed beast.

This is of course not because the first Hokage was stupid, but just one Nine Tails was enough.

There are also differences between tailed beasts.

Among them, the power of the nine-tailed beast is far beyond that of other tailed beasts. Even if one to eight tails are added together, it may not be comparable to it.

This demon fox is the real world-destroying beast.


As soon as Danzo finished speaking, he encountered fierce opposition from Jiraiya and the other three.

What a joke.

The Kyuubi had just gone berserk once and almost destroyed Konoha. It was finally suppressed back into Naruto's body and he could never let it out again.

Danzo's eyes flashed, and then he said a name:

"Tsunade is the granddaughter of the First Hokage. She must have some special means to suppress the Nine-Tails. Hasn't this been confirmed?"

"But… what should Tsunade do if she refuses to take action?" Homura asked.

The top management of Konoha has approached Tsunade many times, hoping that she will inherit the legacy of the first Hokage and fight to protect Konoha, but they have always been rejected.

In response, Danzo just snorted:

"Whether Tsunade agrees to take action or not, I have already decided."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up and ordered the Konoha Anbu to lead the way, and immediately went to check on the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki – Uzumaki Naruto.


In order to deal with the allied forces of the major ninja villages, Danzo made a desperate move and released the rampaging Nine-Tails.

As long as he can win this war, he will not hesitate even if it means injuring the enemy one thousand and losing eight hundred to himself.

Unlike the third generation who was indecisive.

The Fifth Generation Danzo was a ruthless man who made decisive decisions. Be ruthless to your enemies, and even more ruthless to your own people.

After he left, Jiraiya and the rest of them were left looking at each other.

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm going to see Tsunade and try to persuade her to help."

Jiraiya spoke in a deep voice and made a decision.

"We're going too."

Koharu and Homura insisted on going with Jiraiya because they believed that Jiraiya would compromise Tsunade too easily and might not be able to persuade him.

Half an hour later.

In the Uchiha clan area, in front of the Body reform department building.

Who wants to go in first?

Jiraiya, Koharu, and Homura arrived here, but they hesitated.

After all, Uchiha Dan once said.

If anyone steps into the Body modification department without his permission, he will kill his entire family.

Jiraiya and the other three might not take it to heart if others say such harsh words, but Uchiha Dan…that guy might really mean what he says.

Just when the three of them were hesitating.

"Jiraiya-sama, why are you here?"

Shizune ran out of the building and asked curiously.


When Jiraiya saw Shizune, his face lit up, and he quickly stepped forward to ask if Tsunade was in the building.

Just normal small talk.


As a sharp shout came, Tsunade hurriedly appeared.

Seeing the three coming to the door, she frowned, grabbed Shizune's wrist, and pulled her behind her.

Facing Tsunade who looked wary.

"Ha ha."

Jiraiya smiled awkwardly, and then bravely explained his purpose, hoping that Tsunade would take action again to help suppress the Kyuubi.


When Tsunade heard this, her brows furrowed even more.

Because what Jiraiya said at this time was the same as what she heard from the two Anbu after the genjutsu that Dan showed her just now.

It was as if the illusion had become reality and was about to happen again.

Next, will the other party kidnap Shizune and threaten her?

Thinking of this.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed and she said coldly: "What if I don't agree?"

Jiraiya was stunned.

He didn't understand why Tsunade's reaction was so hostile, and he didn't know how to respond.

Seeing that Jiraiya was helpless against Tsunade.

Koharu and Homura behind him looked at each other and knew it was their turn to take the field.


The two of them took a step forward, used the words they had prepared long ago, and accused Tsunade:

"The biggest mistake of the first Hokage's life was to distribute the tailed beasts to the major ninja villages. His decision not only failed to achieve peace, but instead pushed the ninja world into the abyss of turmoil.

Over the past few decades, major ninja villages have used the power of tailed beasts to fight and kill each other, causing countless casualties.

Tsunade, as the granddaughter of the First Hokage, shouldn't you be responsible for the mess he left? "

"For the sake of the reputation of the First Hokage and the Senju clan, and for Konoha, you should come forward instead of acting like it's none of your business!"

Use the mistakes of the first Hokage to convince Tsunade and let her atone for the mistakes of her ancestors.

This move is obviously much smarter than kidnapping Shizune to threaten Tsunade.

Moreover, Koharu and Homura even knew that Tsunade's ability to suppress the Nine-Tails came from a crystal necklace on her body.

It is a relic of the first Hokage, who was infused with powerful Wood Release Chakra, enough to suppress the Nine-Tails.

It's the one Tsunade wears around her neck.

Therefore, the eyes of the two of them always looked at the necklace intentionally or unintentionally.

Tsunade noticed the other party's intention and immediately sneered.

"After talking for a long time, what you want is nothing more than this necklace, right?"

As she spoke, she reached out and took off the necklace around her neck, placing it in her palm so that Koharu and Homura could see it more clearly.

"Are you willing to hand it over?"

Koharu narrowed his eyes and looked at Tsunade and asked.

Tsunade is not important, what is important is this necklace. As long as it is obtained, Konoha can control the Kyuubi.


Next, Tsunade's actions greatly surprised the two of them.

"Unfortunately, in order to suppress the Nine-Tails last time, the Wood Release Chakra in this necklace has been exhausted."

Tsunade sighed, then her eyes flashed, and she held the necklace tightly.

And use force.

Only a crisp click was heard.

As Tsunade unclenched her fist again, the crystal necklace in her palm was broken into pieces, scattered on the ground amid the shocked expressions of Jiraiya and the other two.

This necklace, which contains a death curse, once killed Tsunade's lover and brother, and should have been destroyed long ago.

But it was a relic of the First Hokage, and it meant so much to Tsunade that she was reluctant to destroy it, so she kept it with her.

Until this time.

Facing the pressure of two Konoha advisers, Tsunade finally made up her mind and crushed the necklace to pieces with one blow.

"Don't bother me anymore. If you want touse the First Hokage to blame, just find a way to resurrect him yourself. Of course, he must redeem himself for the mistakes he committed."

After leaving these words behind.

Tsunade took Shizune and turned around and walked into the body modification department building without looking back.

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