
Chapter 180

In a forest on the outskirts of Konoha.

There was silence and a solemn atmosphere, as if even the air had stopped flowing.

This tense atmosphere is due to the confrontation between two groups of people.

one side.

They were the thirty elite ninjas of Kirigakure. They were either placing their hands on the handles of their swords, ready to draw out their swords at any time, or they were preparing to form seals to release ninjutsu. Each one of them entered a fighting state.

The eyes of these people all looked towards the opposite side.

Their captain, Ao, known as the "Byakugan Killer", became the hostage of the enemy.

At this time, Ao was holding his bleeding left arm, his face extremely pale. Due to excessive blood loss, he was covered in cold sweat and panting, and his overall condition looked very bad.

And standing behind Ao.

He is a man with short black hair and a face as sharp as a knife. His expression looked cold and ruthless, with an inexplicable and evil temperament.

The man was two meters tall. Although he was wearing a large, high-collared blue robe, it could not hide his majestic figure. His muscles were bulging under the clothes.

His arms were thicker than the thighs of everyone in Kirigakure, and his whole figure was like a mountain, exuding a sense of oppression.

It makes people breathless.

The most terrifying thing is the man's distinctive scarlet eyes, which show the pattern of Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish, giving people a sense of mystery and unpredictability.

Mangekyō Sharingan.

The reputation of these eyes, together with the surname "Uchiha", has long been spread throughout the ninja world.

Possessing it means mastering the powerful and strange pupil technique, as well as the Susanoo known as the "power of God".

Of course, there is also the terrifying power of illusion.

This pair of eyes can not only control the Nine Tails, but also control human ninjas with ease.

On this point, Kirigakure’s Terumi Mei and others couldn’t be clearer.

After all, the fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura they respected was controlled by Uchiha Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan for six years.


When the man's scarlet eyes turned left and right, scanning the Kirigakure people, without exception, they all subconsciously avoided each other's eyes.

Don’t dare to make eye contact with him.

Everyone was talking in low voices.

"Is this guy Uchiha Dan? I heard he is the top master of Uchiha. He seems to be a good prey."

Zabuza licked his lips and took out a double-edged kunai from his ninja bag, looking eager to try it.

Hearing this, Ameyuri Ringo tilted her head and asked doubtfully:

"Hey, didn't the Uchiha clan break up with Konoha and run away from the village? Why did an Uchiha stay in Konoha? Did he betray his own family?"

Terumi Mei on the side looked solemnly and analyzed calmly:

"According to intelligence, there is a split within the top management of Konoha, and Dan has been dismissed from the position of Hokage's assistant by the Fire Nation daimyo.

This person's current position is unclear. We'd better not act rashly and see what his intentions are.

Furthermore, since the captain is now being held hostage, we should try our best to use peaceful means to rescue the captain from the other side. "

Ao felt it from his back.

An invisible pressure came from behind, covering his whole body from head to toe, making him dare not move at all.

Because Ao knew that he was locked in by Dan.

Once he makes any move, he is likely to be hit by a quick attack and die suddenly on the spot. Even if the gods come, they will not be able to save him.

Only then did Ao realize.

The stone chip Dan threw at him was not a miss, but the opponent deliberately did not aim at his vitals.

Using Ao, Dan successfully found Kirigakure's vanguard.


Uchiha Dan dared to follow alone. Facing so many Kirigakure elite ninjas, would it be too much?

What should I do? Should I give an order to Terumi Mei and others to attack the group?

Ao's mind was thinking rapidly.

There was a snap.

A big hand pressed on his right shoulder, causing his body to sink immediately, and all the muscles in his body tightened unconsciously.

Ao turned his neck stiffly and looked back. The Byakugan hidden under the blindfold had already activated, and the veins around his eyes popped out and connected together.

He activated his eye power and was on guard against Dan's genjutsu.


After Dan patted Ao's shoulder, he did not take any further action, but casually said:

"As the saying goes, everyone who comes is a guest. You've already come, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Why don't you stay for a cup of tea?"

The seemingly normal tone made Ao sweat even more.

"Sorry, I accidentally broke into the Uchiha clan. This was a misunderstanding." He pretended to be calm and tried to explain.

In response, Dan smiled:

"It's okay, I forgive you.

By the way, is your arm okay? Why don't you come back with me and let Tsunade treat you?

Her medical skills are very good. People say that she is the medical master in the ninja world. You should have heard of her name, right? "

Dan noticed that Ao's entire left arm was drooping and stained red with blood. Blood continued to fall from his fingertips, forming plum blossoms on the ground.

If this continues, Ao's left arm is likely to become useless.

Facing Dan's "goodwill" invitation, Ao swallowed, endured the pain of the wound, and said quickly:

"No, I'm fine. Thank you for your kindness."

What is unexpected is.

"Oh well."

Dan nodded and actually raised the hand on Ao's right shoulder.

He actually…let me go?

Ao was startled and doubtful, and he opened his legs fearfully, walking towards the Kirigakure group on the opposite side step by step.

Ten meters, five meters, three meters, getting closer and closer.


After he returned to his companions, he could no longer hold on. Due to excessive blood loss, he suddenly fell over and passed out.

"team leader!"

Two Kirigakure Anbu exclaimed and stepped forward, using medical ninjutsu to stop Ao's bleeding, and disinfected, sutured and bandaged the wound.

During this time.

The others in Kirigakure still remained on guard, confronting Dan.

His eye swept through the crowd, and he recognized many people based on the impression of the original work in his mind.

Momochi Zabuza, the "Demon" with fierce eyes and a rebellious expression;

Ameyuri Ringo, the "little apple" who looks petite and cute, but actually kills without blinking an eye;

There is also Hozuki Mangetsu with a smile and a cynical look.

The younger generation of talented ninjas in Kirigakure Village are all here.

At last.

Dan's eyes fell on the red-haired Terumi Mei in front of the crowd, and he said to her:

"You are Terumi Mei, I have a few questions to ask you."

Among this group of people, this woman seems to be the most mature and calm one, and looks the most like a normal person.

As for the other guys, none of them seem to be the type to communicate well.

Hearing Dan call out her name.

Terumi Mei was surprised.

Although she is well-known in Kirigakure, her name should not have spread to the ears of Konoha, especially the ears of big shots like Uchiha Dan.

Not only Terumi Mei, but others in Kirigakure were also surprised and looked at her.

Terumi Mei thought quickly.

Judging from the actions of Uchiha Dan letting Ao go, it seems that he does not intend to become an enemy of the Kirigakure. If that's the case…

"Okay, please ask."

Terumi Mei nodded towards Dan. What she wanted to find out was what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

And the result.

He asked directly:

"How is your Mizukage doing? Is there anything wrong?"

When Terumi Mei heard this, she was shocked and responded calmly: "Mizukage-sama is fine. Thank you for your concern."

"Then… have you discovered that Mizukage was manipulated by Obito using genjutsu?" Dan asked.

"You, how do you know?!"

Terumi Mei was finally shocked.

He laughed.

He had guessed that after Obito escaped that day, he probably went to Kirigakure Village, hid behind the scenes and manipulated the Fourth Mizukage to continue making waves on the stage of the ninja world.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

After observing Mei Terumi’s reaction, Dan continued:

"It seems that you have lifted the illusion from Mizukage. Let me guess, it was Pain who told you about this, right?"

The people who couldn't deal with Obito were not only Dan, but also Pain and Konan.

They had gone to Kirigakure with Obito, and knowing what the latter had done, they would naturally not let Obito hide comfortably behind the scenes and manipulate Kirigakure to cause trouble.

When she heard Pain's name coming out of his mouth, Terumi Mei's expression changed again.

This Uchiha Dan seemed to know everything and knew the situation of the Ninja Alliance.

"That's right."

She nodded. Since she couldn't hide anything from the other party, there was no need to hide anything.

Dan heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he whispered to himself:

"It seems that Pain has also come to join in the fun. In other words, Nagato's true body is near Konoha. Then, the Rinnegan…"

For a while.

There were many plans in his mind.

"Okay, I've finished asking my questions."

Dan put away his thoughts, dropped a word, and turned around to leave.

He didn't have much interest in Kirigakure's group of people.

The geniuses in the opponent's formation, such as Momochi Zabuza and Hozuki Mangetsu, could not catch his eye at all.


These people are here to destroy Konoha, and Dan’s attitude towards this is…

Complete apathy.


In the astonished gazes of everyone in Kirigakure, only his back were left, gradually drifting away.

That's it?

When everyone came back to their senses, they all felt a little strange.

The notorious Uchiha Dan just asked a few words and let them go?

Fortunately, they still managed to form a formation that looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

At this time, a cold light flashed in Zabuza's eyes, and he spoke coldly:

"You idiots have been fooled by Uchiha Dan. He is obviously fearful and dare not take action against us. Don't let him leave easily!"

Since learning that the Fourth Mizukage was controlled by Obito’s genjutsu for six full years——

Zabuza developed a strong desire for Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan.

He wanted to have Dan’s eyes.


As soon as Zabuza finished speaking, Terumi Mei retorted.

She frowned and said sternly:

"Zabuza, don't make matters worse! According to the current information, Uchiha Dan's strength is unfathomable. Even if we all come together, we may not be his opponent."

Her words made everyone calm down again.

But there was another person in the crowd who had the same idea as Zabuza. He was——

Hozuki Mangetsu, who is known as Kirigakure's number one genius.

In response to Terumi Mei's warning, Hozuki Mangetsu smiled faintly, showing an expression of disapproval.

"Zabuza is right. It would be too boring to let Uchiha Dan leave like this. Why not… let me test the depth of his strength."

With a confident smile on his face, he took out a psychic scroll and spread it out as he spoke.

There was a "bang" sound.

As a burst of white smoke dissipated, a strange-looking broadsword appeared in his hand.


This sword is made up of two completely symmetrical edges, which look like a flounder.

As the leader of the Kirigakure Seven Ninja Swords, those who are qualified to use it are always the strongest among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Seeing the actions of Hozuki Mangetsu and Zabuza.


Terumi Mei was anxious, but unable to stop them.


Hozuki Mangetsu and Zabuza looked at each other, then rushed out together and caught up with Uchiha Dan.


The two men attacked him from behind, one from the left and the other from the right.

"Eat this!"

Hozuki Mangetsu jumped up and waved the sword in his hand. The two round holes in the blade suddenly emitted a dazzling light, forming a chakra aggregate.

The broadsword wrapped in chakra light had an astonishing power, and it slashed straight towards Dan.

Hozuki Mangetsu once used this move to split open a building.

He is confident that no one can take this slash.


Dan stood where he was, motionless as a mountain, and his clothes were still windless.

Chi chi chi chi.

At this moment, a large amount of chakra was released from the acupuncture points all over his body, and in the blink of an eye, a large, translucent golden bell over two meters high was formed outside his body.

Yang Art·Golden Bell.

The sound of clang~ is clearer and more melodious.

Hozuki Mangetsu's sword was not only firmly blocked by the golden bell, but there was also a huge counter-shock force that caused blood to flow from his hands.


He could no longer hold the heavy sword and let it fall to the ground.

Moreover, a strong numbness quickly spread throughout his body, making him unable to move.


While Hozuki Mangetsu was feeling frightened, a Dan’s big hand had already grabbed him.

He activated the Yin Escape Illusion Body Technique.


Hozuki Mangetsu was hit on the spot and froze on the spot motionless. Dan grabbed his neck with his big hands and lifted him up like a chicken.

Zabuza's pupils narrowed.

In his eyes, the golden bell outside Uchiha Dan's body exuded a majestic golden light, making the latter look like a giant Buddha, invulnerable to all laws.

Even the Hiramekarei failed to break through the defense.

Zabuza couldn't help but lower his head, glanced at the double-edged kunai in his hand, and then threw it aside without hesitation.


He jumped back, distanced himself from Dan, and quickly formed seals with his hands.

After Zabuza took a breath and formed a total of forty-four seals, a lifelike water dragon rose into the air from behind him.

Water Escape·Water Dragon Bullet Technique.


The water dragon let out a deafening roar and fell from the sky towards Dan.

In this regard, Dan’s evaluation wass:


As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his left hand and punched out.

Superhuman strength exploded.


This punch set off a strong air current and fired a fierce air cannon.

Not only did it explode the water dragon on the spot, but its residual power remained intact and it hit Zabuza hard, sending it flying backwards for dozens of meters.


Zabuza broke a big tree in half, spitting blood from his mouth, and fell to the ground.

Before and after.

It only took a total of ten seconds for Dan to completely defeat Mangetsu Hozuki and Zabuza, who tried to challenge him.

Among them, Zabuza's seal even took up ten seconds.

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