
Chapter 186

Kyuubi seemed to have forgotten.

In addition to the five Tailed Beast Jinchūriki, its opponents also include the Kage of each village. Some of them are even stronger than the tailed beasts.

A huge sand gold spear came through the air and pierced Nine-Tails' mouth, causing it to roar in pain and eat a mouthful of sand at the same time.

The Bijuudama was interrupted.

A figure was wrapped with thunder and lightning and rushed towards Kyuubi. The speed was too fast to be caught by the naked eye. Even if the yellow flash Namikaze Minato was resurrected, it would probably be nothing faster than this.

It’s the Fourth Raikage.

Like a streak of blue lightning, he dodged left and right, avoiding the attacks of the nine-tailed claws and tails, and then jumped into the air.

Raikage raise his right arm high, his five fingers coming together to form a hand knife, and the Thunder Chakra formed a high-intensity electric current, wrapping around his palm.


The flashing sharp hand knife swooped down from mid-air.

Lightning Oppression Horizontal.

When the Fourth Raikage was young, he once used this move to cut off the left corner of the Eight-Tails with one hand.

​And now.

As his sword fell, the three tails of the Nine-Tails were cut off one after another.

Kyuubi was in pain again and lost his balance. His huge body fell to the ground.

Before it could take a breath.

Rustle rustle.

The ground beneath Kyuubi's body collapsed like quicksand. A large amount of dust gold poured out from the ground and turned into big hands, wrapping around Kyuubi's body.

It was trapped by Rasa's Magnetic Escape and couldn't move.

At this time.

Ohnoki rose into the air, came to the head of Kyuubi, and raised his hands.

"For the ninja world, the Nine-Tails is a huge scourge, let me get rid of it."

As he spoke, he concentrated chakra, and a translucent cube barrier appeared between his hands, aiming at the demon fox below.

In Onoki's view.

The Kyuubi is Konoha's last desperate trump card. As long as it is killed, Konoha will no longer be able to resist the coalition's offensive.

With the death of Kyuubi, this war will soon end.


Just when Onoki's eyes narrowed, he was about to use Dust Escape.


In mid-air, a strange-looking giant bird with a sharp and long beak suddenly appeared, swooping towards him.


Onoki's expression changed, and he quickly activated his chakra, flying backwards for dozens of meters with a whooshing sound, and then escaped the attack of the giant bird.

He saw the strange bird circling in the air and dropping giant eggs. Those giant eggs fell to the ground and exploded suddenly.

The Fourth Raikage, the Fourth Kazekage and others were all forced back by the explosion.

At last.

The strange bird folded its wings and landed on the ground.

A man with long orange hair wearing an Akatsuki trench coat jumped off its back and looked at Onoki and the others with an indifferent expression.

Who is he?

Onoki and the others looked surprised when they discovered that the man's eyes were purple Rinnegan that looked like tree rings.

But his appearance was completely different from the Pain they had seen before.

This person is the animal path of Pain's Six Paths.

Swish. Swish.

The animal path quickly formed a seal, then pressed his palm to the ground and used the psychic technique.


After a burst of white smoke dissipated, five other figures wearing Akatsuki coat and possessing the Rinnegan arrived together.

Pain Six Paths are here!

What happened?

Why do these six people from the Akatsuki organization all have Rinnegan? How can this be!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the coalition army became more and more alarmed and suspicious, and many people's faces became nervous and solemn.


A roar rang out, and the Fourth Raikage stepped forward, his eyes locked on Heaven Pain among the six, and asked, "What do you mean, why do you want to stop us from destroying the Nine-Tails?"

Heaven path had no expression on his face and said indifferently:

"I told you, Kyuubi is mine."

When Rasa heard this, he sneered and saw through Pain's wishful thinking:

"So, you wait for us to knock it down, and then you come out to take advantage of it, so that we can give you the Nine-Tails in vain?!"

Pain didn't defend himself, or he didn't even bother to defend himself. He still had that condescending and indifferent tone:

"That's right, anyone who stops me from taking away the Kyuubi will have only one fate, and that is death."

"Unfortunately, we can't let you take Kyuubi away."

Onoki shook his head, with a determined look on his face.

Everyone present knew how powerful the Nine-Tails was – it was a disaster-level creature that could easily wipe out an army or destroy a village.

Pain is a guy who calls himself a god, and he has indeed proved with a series of achievements that his strength is superior to everyone.

Such a person, if he is allowed to take away the Kyuubi and control it with the Rinnegan, wouldn't he be truly invincible?

By then, the entire ninja world will probably surrender at Pain's feet and live by his breath.


After anticipating this terrible situation.

Onoki, Rasa, the Fourth Raikage, the Fourth Mizukage and other village leaders had long discussed in private and formed an agreement.

They plan to become allies and fight against Pain together, Nine Tails cannot fall into Pain's hands.

When the two sides are confronting each other.

The Kyuubi, who had been "served" by everyone in the coalition in turn, could no longer move at this time, and its body like a mountain shrank rapidly.

It behaved like a shrunken turtle and hid back in the jinchuriki's body.

On the ground, there was only a yellow-haired kid, curled up and lying on his side. Under his tattered clothes, there were numerous scars all over his body.


Seeing this scene, the Animal Pain took action again.


A huge chameleon was summoned, stretched out its long tongue and swallowed Uzumaki Naruto into its belly.

Then, its body instantly became transparent, in front of everyone——

It disappeared and became invisible.

Not good!

Everyone in the coalition was shocked, came to their senses, and swarmed towards Pain Six Paths.

Facing the crowd rushing towards him, Pain didn't panic.

Even if these people don't take action, he will take the initiative to take away the tailed beasts from the major ninja villages.

This battle is destined to be inevitable.


The war begins again!

Two figures appeared on the tower in the distance.

After leaving Mitarai Anko to recuperate in the Body Modification Department, Dan and Tsunade walked out of the Uchiha clan and came to the battlefield.

Wherever they passed, whether they were Konoha ninjas or the allied ninja forces, they looked like they had seen a ghost.

They all retreated.

So the two of them walked unimpeded and reached the top of the tower, overlooking the center of the battlefield.

"Urk, the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki was taken away by Pain."

When Tsunade saw the scene where the chameleon swallowed Naruto and disappeared, she couldn't help frowning and hesitated whether to take action and participate in the battle for the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Her grandfather Senju Hashirama once said that the power of the Nine-Tails is too strong and must be sealed to prevent it from causing trouble in the ninja world.

Dan saw Tsunade's thoughts and sneered:

"Are you planning to snatch Uzumaki Naruto back and hand him over to Konoha again? With all due respect, no matter whose hands that brat ends up in, Will he have a better life than he did in Konoha?"


Tsunade subconsciously wanted to retort, but was speechless.


Naruto is obviously the son of a hero, but he has been assigned the identity of a demon fox since he was a child. He has been rejected and despised by the villagers, and is used as a tool by the higher-ups.

Looking at all the ninja villages, She’s afraid that no jinchuriki is worse than Uzumaki Naruto.

Such a life is worse than death.

For that kid, maybe he can live a better life after leaving Konoha.

Thinking of this.

Tsunade's expression darkened and she gave up her plan to take action.

Except for Naruto, the devastated Konoha in front of her also made her heart heavy.

The only good news is.

The ninja alliance that attacked Konoha was divided internally in order to compete for the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Pain Six Paths VS the Allied Forces.

The more intense this battle is, the more the enemy's high-level combat forces will be reduced, and the more favorable the situation will be for Konoha.

After seeing the situation clearly, Dan was not in a hurry to take action.

He is not very interested in the Nine Tails. Only Pain's Rinnegan is his target.


It should be said that it is Uchiha Madara’s Rinnegan.

Madara transplanted his Rinnegan into Nagato. Nagato also created the Six Paths of Pain, using the pupil power of the Rinnegane to control them at a certain distance.

The appearance of Pain Six Paths in Konoha means——

Nagato's body also left Amegakure Village and came to Konoha.

The Rinnegan is the product of the evolution of the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye. Its value is self-evident to the Dan or Uchiha clan.

If Madara’s Rinnegan could be recovered, the benefits would be great.


Although Nagato's true form is hiding near Konoha, it is not that easy to find.

The best way is to defeat Pain's Six Paths, and then use the black rods inserted in their bodies to receive chakra to track Nagato's location in reverse.

At the moment.

Since the people from the major ninja villages are willing to charge forward, let them go first.

He didn't really expect these guys to defeat Pain Six. As long as they could consume part of Nagato's chakra, it would be enough for him.


This is the so-called mantis stalking the cicada, with the oriole behind.

In this battlefield, the most patient person can become the final winner.

The center of Konoha Village.

Although Pain is powerful, he only has six people. Facing the enemy's more than ten Kage-level warriors and tens of thousands of ninja allies, he is at an absolute disadvantage.

Under such circumstances, the Animal path took action again.

Bang bang bang!

The clouds of white smoke dispersed, and giant psychic beasts appeared on the battlefield one after another, including crab, dog, bird, bull, giant centipedes…

As soon as these psychic beasts appeared, they rushed out like crazy. Their main targets were the five tailed beasts.


A giant hell dog with a brown body, wings on its back and three heads, roared and rushed towards the eight-tailed Gyuuki, opening its big mouth to bite the latter.


The eight-tailed Gyuuki punched down, and the terrifying force immediately knocked the hell dog to the ground.

However, the next second.

The Cerberus that was attacked was not only unscathed, but grew more heads, and even its body was split into two, and then into four…

This is the amplification and channeling technique of the animal path.

Utilize the power of the Rinnegan to give the Cerberus the characteristic of "infinite proliferation".

Once attacked by the enemy, they will continue to multiply and fight more and more until they form an army of hellhounds, exhausting the enemy's physical strength and endurance.

It can be called the most powerful psychic technique.

For a while.

Including the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki, the five tailed beasts were all in a tough fight.

After the beast path entangled a group of tailed beasts, the Shura path and the human path also took action.

Shura Path is a burly bald man. His body was stuffed into various mechanisms by Nagato and transformed into a humanoid weapon.

As Shura Path took a step forward, the cover in his head opened automatically, revealing the mechanism inside.

The next second.

Following a burst of dazzling light, dozens of laser cannons were fired from above Shura Path's head, landing among the surrounding enemies, causing a series of big explosions.

This is the trump card of Shura Path, and its power is no less than that of Bijuudama.

Boom. Boom.

A large number of Konoha buildings collapsed and countless ninjas were killed. The scene was extremely tragic.

In the midst of chaos.


The long-haired Human Path appeared in the middle of the panicked coalition crowd in a blink of an eye.

He is a close combat type with very strong physical skills. He was able to knock down a Kumogakure Jonin as soon as he came up.


Under the horrified eyes of countless people, Human Path raised a hand and placed it on the head of the Kumogakure jounin. Following a scream, a translucent purple humanoid was pulled out from the body.

That thing is the other person’s soul.

The Kumogakure jounin who lost his soul instantly became as skinny as a mummy and died suddenly.

Seeing this scene.


The Fourth Raikage let out a roar, transformed into blue lightning again, and charged towards the human path.

However, what greeted him was a sneak attack from Shura Path.


Not far away, Shura Path opened his arms and launched a large number of tracking missiles from the mechanism. They fell from the sky like rain, drowning the Raikage.


Amidst the explosion, fire and thick smoke rose together.

The Fourth Raikage, was he killed?

Of course not.

Under the Thunder Chakra Mode, his speed is comparable to Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique, and the mere missile mechanism is not a threat to him.

On the contrary.

Under the cover of fire and thick smoke, Raikage quietly appeared behind Shura Path, raised his hand and chopped down.


Shura Path didn't even look back, his arm curved backwards in a weird way, and he unexpectedly caught Raikage's chop accurately.


Raikage, who thought he had succeeded, couldn't help but shrink his pupils and was shocked.

He didn't know.

The Rinnegan of Pain Six Paths can share the field of vision, so there is no blind spot in the field of vision.

In the final analysis.

The six paths of Pain are all controlled by Nagato alone. The six people are like one person, without any flaws.


As soon as Shura Path was attacked, Human Path suddenly arrived and started fighting with the Fourth Raikage.


Shura Path turned around, and there was a mechanical sound all over his body. He actually sprouted three heads and six arms, and a huge saw tooth protruded from the mechanism behind him.

He rushed towards the Raikage and gorged the latter with his saw teeth.

The fourth generation Raikage had to fight one against two and fell into a bitter battle.

"Support Raikage!"

Naturally, Onoki and Rasa would not watch the show on the side. They used their own methods to fly into the air, overlooking the battlefield, and put themselves in a favorable position.


Rasa repeated his old tricks and activated his famous magnetic escape ninjutsu, creating a large amount of dust gold and trapping the remaining three Pain on the ground.

Onoki also cooperated with Rasa and used the powerful Dust Escape again.

This time, his jutsu was not interrupted.

A cube barrier containing terrifying chakra fell rapidly towards the ground.

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