
Chapter 187

Dust Escape: Detachment Of The Primitive World Technique.

As the only bloodline selection user in the entire ninja world, the power of Dust Release needs no introduction.

After Onoki completed the jutsu, he watched the Dust Escape Barrier fall to the ground, covering the three Pain including Heaven Path.

Got it.

Seeing that the opponent was trapped by gold dust and unable to dodge, he was delighted. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

At this moment, Preta Path took action.

He is a big fat man, raising his arms high, as if he is trying to catch the dust barrier falling from the sky with his bare hands.

Looking for death?

When Onoki saw this scene, he couldn't help but show a mocking look on his face, believing that the other party's behavior was foolish.

But soon, he stopped laughing.

As Preta Path opened his arms, a spherical shield appeared with him as the center, colliding with the oncoming dust barrier.

However, after the shield collided with the barrier, the imagined big explosion did not happen, but——

The huge dust escape barrier, pulled by an inexplicable force, quickly deformed and shrank, and was actually absorbed by the shield of the Preta path.

The sealing technique absorbs the seal.

This is one of the abilities of Rinnegan. It can absorb all chakra, which is equivalent to being immune to ninjutsu.


Onoki was shocked. He didn't expect that the dust escape that he was so proud of could be easily countered by the other party.

Next, it was Pain's turn to fight back.

"Let's deal with Kazekage first, this guy's sand is a bit annoying."

Heaven Path muttered to himself, raised his right hand, and pointed his palm at Rasa in the distance.

The next second.


A black swirl of chakra suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, like a miniature black hole, emitting powerful suction.

The air sucked on Rasa.

Universal Pull.


Rasa was startled, and as soon as he felt something was wrong, his body flew towards Heaven Path uncontrollably.

The gravitational force was so strong that during this process, he couldn't even conjure seal, nor could he control the dust gold to protect himself.

In the blink of an eye, Rasa flew in front of Heaven Path.


A black stick stretched out from Heaven Path's sleeve and pierced Rasa's body.

This kind of black rod is not an ordinary weapon, but made by Nagato using the Rinnegan. As long as it is nailed into the enemy's body, it can block the flow of chakra in the opponent's body.

Compared with the Hyuga clan's gentle fist, the sealing method of the black stick is simpler and more brutal, and more lethal.

"Damn it…"

Rasa was penetrated by the black rod. In addition to severe pain, he also felt weak and unable to concentrate chakra at all.

To make matters worse, Preta Path took action again and hugged Rasa from behind.

And absorbed his chakra.

Chakra swallowing!

It is also a kind of Rinnegan ability. As long as there is physical contact with the enemy, the opponent's chakra can be forcibly sucked into one's body.

Just a few seconds.

Rasa's chakra was sucked dry by the Preta Path, and his whole body became as skinny as a mummy.


As Preta Path released his hands, Rasa fell to the ground and there was no more movement.

The Fourth Kazekage Rasa, died!

From the moment Rasa was captured by the Heaven Path's universal pull, to the Preta Path taking action to drain his chakra, everything happened too fast.

Even if other people on the battlefield wanted to rescue him, it would be too late.


Seeing Rasa die like this, Onoki took a breath of air and quickly activated the "Ultralight-wight Rock Technique" to let himself fly higher.

He doesn’t want to follow Rasa’s footsteps.

"So you escape beyond the range of the Universal Pull?"

Heaven Path raised his head, stared at Onoki in mid-air, and said to himself.

Immediately afterwards, his feet left the ground and floated into the air.

Isn’t it just flying? Who can’t do it?

"Protect Lord Tsuchikage!"

Seeing that Heaven Path wanted to pursue Onoki, a group of Iwagakure ninjas became anxious, and under the leadership of Kitsuchi, they rushed over to rescue him.

Earth Escape·Earth Dragon Spear!

Earth Escape·Earth Stone Dragon!

Earth Release·Rock Iron Cannon!

Various earth escape ninjutsus emerged from the ground like bamboo shoots after a rain, attacking the three Pain.


The Preta Path and Naraka Path kept dodging the Iwa Ninja's attacks and encountered some trouble.

"Annoying bugs."

Heaven Path frowned, temporarily let Onoki Kazuma go, and landed on the ground.

Shinra Tensei!

He opened his arms, and a powerful repulsive force was released from his body, deflecting all the enemy's ninjutsu.


Although they are a group of "worms", they are indeed holding back Heaven Pain. During this period, the situation on the battlefield underwent new changes.

The eight-tailed Gyuuki and the hell dog fought, using their octopus tentacles to tightly entangle the latter.

"Idiot! This guy can't be killed. Instead, he fights more and more. Bastard, don't waste time on it. Attack the caster directly."

Killer B's voice sounded like rhythmic rap in Eight-Tail's mind.

"Shut up, you loser, I've discovered it a long time ago."

The Eight-Tails retorted, and immediately opened his mouth, chakra quickly gathered in the mouth, forming a dark Bijuudama.

As the Eight-Tails opened its mouth and spat out, the Bijuudama soared into the sky and exploded in mid-air, successfully breaking the wings of the Yatagarasu Bird.


The Yata bird whined and fell to the ground. The beast path Pain on its back also lost its balance and fell to the ground hastily.

Before he could stand still.

The six-tailed Saiken’s mouthparts once again spurted out a large amount of strong acid solution, pouring into the animal path like a flood.

Although Animal Path tried his best to dodge, one of his arms was corroded by strong acid and fell off from his body like a melted candle.

It’s not over yet.


The five-tailed Kokuo rushed over, taking advantage of Animal Path's unstable body, and slammed his huge horn into the latter, piercing his body on the spot!

The animal path defeated.

With the death of the animal path, the psychic beasts he summoned were also greatly affected, and their combat effectiveness dropped significantly.

Less than a minute.

They were killed one after another by the five Tailed Beast Jinchūriki.

No matter how powerful a psychic beast is, it cannot be compared with a tailed beast. This result is not unexpected.

The other side.


The human path was like a cannonball flying across the battlefield, eventually crashing into a wall and being buried in the ruins formed by the collapse.

It was hit hard by the Fourth Raikage.

The Shura Path is even worse.

Bang bang bang.

After a fierce battle, it was grabbed by Raikage's body and raised high.

Then, Raikage roared angrily and pulled his hands to both sides, causing the Shura Path to split apart.

clang clang.

With various mechanisms and devices scattered on the ground, Shura Path, which was so majestic a moment ago, was torn apart like a toy.

Just for a moment.

Although Rasa, the Kazekage, was sacrificed, three Pain of the animal path, the human path, and the Shura path fell one after another in exchange.

Except for the people in Sunagakure who were dissatisfied with this result, everyone else's morale was greatly boosted.

In the final result, Pain still thinks too highly of himself and even tried to fight against the four major ninja village coalition forces on his own.

The Fourth Raikage, who was gaining momentum, crossed the battlefield like a streak of blue lightning and rushed straight towards Heaven Path, vowing to revenge.

At this time, his hair was all standing up, his body was wrapped with thunder and lightning, and he used the thunder escape armor known as the "strongest armor".

At the same time.

A large amount of Thunder Chakra gathered on the hand of the Raikage, exuding an extremely astonishing aura that made people palpitate.

Concentrating thunder and lightning on your hand, and then punching at the enemy at extremely high speeds, this is known as the "Lightning Straight".

At this moment, the Fourth Raikage no longer retained any strength and finally went all out.

It is different from Ohnoki's dust escape ninjutsu.

The move of the Fourth Raikage is Nintaijutsu. The Preta Path cannot completely absorb it with the Absorption Seal, so he can only step aside.

The battle comes from Heaven Path.

"It seems that the lesson learned last time was not enough for you to remember."

Heaven Path shook his head, and the figure of the Fourth Raikage in his pupils was getting closer and closer, reaching him in the blink of an eye.

Shinra Tensei.

A huge repulsive force erupted from Heaven Path's body again.

The Fourth Raikage and Shinra Tensei were in a stalemate. His punch were only less than ten centimeters away from Pain's eyes, but they could no longer get closer.

These ten centimeters seem to be so close.

How can it be……

Raikage was unwilling to give in and unleashed all his strength. His muscles tightened, veins popped out, and his face turned completely red.

But under the rejection of Shinra Tensei, he was still unable to touch Pain, and his whole body maintained a thrusting posture, as if he was frozen in place.

"It is impossible for man to defeat God."

Pain stared at the Fourth Raikage indifferently and said expressionlessly.

The next second.


The Fourth Raikage could no longer hold on, and was ejected by Shinra Tense, and was once again defeated by Heaven Path.


Although the Raikage was defeated, tens of thousands of allied ninja forces, led by the five tailed beast jinchūriki, rushed towards Pain.

Because everyone realizes:

Pain, who calls himself a god, is not invincible and can be defeated.

Three of Pain's Six Paths were killed at this time, and only the last three were left. Maybe they were at the end of their strength.

As long as everyone works together, we will definitely be able to win.

"It's time to end this."

Heaven Path looked at the dense ninja coalition forces around him and the menacing five tailed beasts, and realized that he had to show his true strength.

The power of God.


Preta Path walk behind Heaven Path, touch his body with his hands, and transfered all the chakra he had just absorbed to Heaven Path.

Then, Heaven Path slowly raised his hands.


A black ball of light with a diameter of ten centimeters suddenly rose from between his hands and floated towards the sky.

"What is that?"

"Be careful, there must be something weird."


Many people noticed the black ball of light and slowed down their pace and approached it cautiously.

A bunch of idiots.

Heaven Path saw them, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

These people have missed their last chance to escape.

He clasped his hands together and shouted angrily. After the black light ball quickly rose to a height of tens of meters above the ground, it suddenly produced an extremely huge gravitational force.

That gravitational force is more than a hundred times more powerful than Universal Pull that Heaven Path used before. The scope and intensity of its influence are more than a hundred times higher!

There was a loud rumble.

The coalition forces were shocked to find that the ground beneath their feet had cracked over a large area under the influence of gravity, turning into pieces of rocks of different sizes that floated.

Trees and telephone poles on both sides of the street are also rising from the ground.

The surrounding buildings began to crack from the top and turned into fragments of ruins.

Rocks, trees, rivers, ruins…

Within a radius of several hundred meters, everything on the ground lifted off the ground and floated into the sky under the gravity emitted by the black ball of light in the sky.

"No, run away!"

In the crowd, some people shouted in fear, but it was too late.

Thousands of coalition ninjas, at this moment, just like Rasa before, lost control of their bodies and lifted their feet off the ground.

Their limbs were waving feebly in mid-air, just like the struggle of a drowning person, in vain.


Even if some people in the ninja alliance managed to escape the gravity range by chance, none of the five tailed beasts would be spared.

Their body are much larger and their gravitational pull is much stronger.

​In fact.

The purpose of this is to capture these five tailed beasts.

"Killer B, quickly aim at that black ball of light and use the Bijuudama to destroy it!"

The eight-tailed Gyuuki yelled at Killer B in his mind, then opened his mouth and condensed the Bijuudama.

"Gyuuki, no!"

However, Killer B stopped the Eight-Tails because there were thousands of ninja coalition floating in the air, as well as a large number of rocks and ruins, blocking the tailed beast's route.

If you launch the Bijuudama rashly, not only will it fail to hit the black light ball, but it will kill a large number of your own personnel.

Such a hesitation.

The Eight-Tailed Gyuuki and the other four tailed beasts also lost the chance to resist and floated into the sky involuntarily.

At last.

The five tailed beasts, thousands of ninja coalition forces, as well as countless rocks, trees and ruins all rose into the air and gathered around the black ball of light.

Around it, a sphere with a diameter of more than a hundred meters, like a huge meteorite, was formed.

Just like that, floating quietly above Konoha Village.

The tailed beasts and ninjas who were trapped inside were no longer moving, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

This is the power of God, called——

Chibaku Tensei!

"Are you kidding…"

Onoki, who was on the outside of the battlefield, stared at the sphere in mid-air in stunned silence, his whole body trembling.

With one move, the five tailed beasts and thousands of ninjas were sealed.

Onoki had never heard of such a terrifying method. Even Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara did not have such ability.

Could it be.

Is Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki who possesses the Rinnegan, really the reincarnation of the legendary Sage of Six Paths?

At this moment, Onoki almost lost his fighting spirit.

Far away.

Jiraiya, the Sandaime and others escorted the Daimyo of the Fire Country and rushed out of the shelter.

They originally thought that the ninja alliance would form a heavy siege in front of them, but they found that to be false.


At this moment, no one cared about Jiraiya and others.

In Konoha Village, tens of thousands of ninjas, both friendly and enemy, put down their weapons, raised their heads blankly, and looked at the huge sphere in the air.

What is that?"

Seeing the Chibaku Tensei, both Jiraiya and the Sandaime looked horrified. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Was that thing made by Pain?

Just when the two of them were in shock.

"Stop looking, take me out of here quickly, now is the best opportunity!"

The daimyo waved the folding fan in his hand, screamed, and hurriedly urged Jiraiya and the Sandaime.

"Yes, Lord Daimyo."

The two came to their senses, quickly looked away, led the Anbu and the twelve guardian ninjas, and escorted the daimyo to escape from the village.

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