
Chapter 196

Everyone is from Kirigakure.

On the orders of the Fourth Mizukage, they came to support Danzo and suppress the coup of the Sarutobi clan.

In addition to Mei Terumi and Ameyuri Ringo, this Jonin team also includes the recovering Ao, Mangetsu Hozuki and Zabuza Momochi – the three of them were injured by Uchiha Dan last time and missed the encirclement and suppression of Konoha.

However, this time the person leading the team is no longer Ao, but replaced by Terumi Mei.

That is because.

During this war, Terumi Mei's performance was very outstanding. With the dual bloodline limits of Lava Release and Boil Release, she shined on the battlefield.

In addition, Terumi Mei also showed excellent leadership skills.

Her ability has been unanimously recognized by everyone in Kirigakure, including Lord Mizukage.

​For this mission.

Terumi Mei’s opinion is that there is no need to go all out, just paddle around the outside and clean up the fish that have slipped through the net.

Therefore, the expressions on the faces of everyone in Kirigakure were very relaxed, they were even chatting and laughing, and casually dealt with some miscellaneous fish.

"Hey, something's wrong."

Suddenly, Ao let out a soft sigh, and the white eyes under the mask seemed to have discovered some clues.

"What's wrong?"

Terumi Mei looked surprised and followed Ao's gaze.

She saw that the thick smoke caused by the explosion of the detonating talisman gradually dispersed, revealing a figure.

It was a man with an ordinary appearance, standing there with a calm face. He was unscathed in the explosion just now.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Kirigakure was shocked.

"I thought it was a random fish, but I misjudged it. It's interesting."

Zabuza's eyes lit up, he took out a double-edged sword and licked his lips, like a hungry beast eyeing delicious prey.

He was bloodthirsty and cruel by nature. He lay in bed for so many days due to his injuries and couldn't enjoy the pleasure of killing. He was really depressed.


Terumi Mei gave a low halt, signaling Zabuza not to be impulsive, but it was already too late.


Zabuza was like a runaway wild horse, rushing towards the man impatiently. The sword in his hand was glowing with cold light, and he stabbed the latter's heart.

Facing Zabuza's surprise attack, the man remained motionless. He just raised one hand and flicked the back of his hand outward.

He slapped Zabuza.

"You're moving too slowly."

Zabuza let out a scoff, and was about to dodge when his eyes fell on the back of the opponent's hand, but his spirit suddenly fell into a trance, and his body was stagnant.

It's an illusion.

In the moment when he was stunned.


The back of the man's hand slapped Zabuza hard on the face, making an extremely clear sound.

The next second.

Zabuza's feet lifted off the ground, and was sent flying sideways by the slap, crashing into a building not far away with a bang.

He was killed instantly.

"Ready to fight!"

Terumi Mei's pupils shrank and she gave a sharp shout, knowing that she had encountered a strong enemy.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ao, Hozuki Mangetsu, Ameyuri Ringo and others took out weapons one after another, or raised their hands to form seals, intending to attack the man.

But the man moved faster.

He didn't even use seal, he pressed his palm to the ground and instantly activated the ninjutsu.


As the ground shook violently, saplings emerged from the gaps in the floor and grew at an incredible speed, forming a dense forest in less than a few seconds.

It enveloped the entire rooftop terrace and surrounded everyone in Kirigakure.

Wood Release : Deep Forest Emergence.

The signature ninjutsu of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

"This is…Wood Release?!"

Ao looked at the surrounding trees in horror, his face changed drastically, and then he quickly reminded Terumi Mei and others to be careful.

Under the control of the man, the entire forest seemed to be alive, and countless trees bared their teeth and claws like monsters, attacking the people of Kirigakure.

Everyone looked desperate and used various methods to resist.

Water escape·water whip!

Thunder Escape·Exploding Thunder!

The art of powerful water wrist!

Among them, Terumi Mei's technique is the most powerful.

She quickly formed a seal, then opened her mouth and spat out a large amount of orange-yellow acid. When it came into contact with the trees, it easily corroded and melted them.

Boil Release : Solid Fog Technique.


The most powerful thing about Wood release is its endless vitality.

The trees destroyed by Kirigakure's people, with the support of the mysterious man's huge chakra, came back in the blink of an eye, and even grew more vigorously.

They came one after another, swarming towards Terumi Mei and others like crazy. They soon became exhausted and were subdued one after another.

No, one person escaped.

It’s Hozuki Mangetsu.

Being tied up by the trees, his body suddenly liquefied and turned into a puddle of water, and he slipped out of the woods.

This is the secret technique of the Hozuki clan – Hydrification Technique.

"Hold on, I'll go warn Mr. Mizukage!"

He said and ran away without looking back.

The man ignored the escaped Hozuki Mangetsu, walked into the woods, and came to Ao first.

"You, who are you? If you are a subordinate of the Fifth Hokage Danzo, what just happened was a misunderstanding. We are here to help…"

Ao tried to explain, but midway through his words, his voice suddenly stopped.

Because, in his frightened expression, the other party stretched out three fingers and thrust them directly into his right eye.


Ao couldn't help but let out a scream, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

His Byakugan was taken away by the man.


The man walked towards Terumi Mei.

At this time, her hands and feet were tightly entangled in the trees, and her whole body was hung off the ground, unable to move.

The man's eyes flashed, he rubbed his chin with his hand, and looked at Terumi Mei in this posture, as if he was admiring a wonderful piece of art.

Terumi Mei noticed the other person's gaze and couldn't help but blush, feeling mixed with shame and anger.


After the man finished admiring it, he snapped his fingers, and the trees immediately changed their positions, tying Terumi Mei.


She screamed and was carried by the man on his shoulders, jumping down from the rooftop.

"Team leader!"

Trapped in the woods, everyone in Kirigakure could only watch Terumi Mei being kidnapped and disappearing into the deep night.

Ten minutes later.

In a forest outside Konoha Village.

With a bang, Terumi Mei was thrown to the ground by the man.

She looked at the other person with a frightened face, guessing the latter's intention. Was this man going to kill her, or…

At this time.

Terumi Mei suddenly saw that the man's eyes turned into scarlet three magatama, and then evolved into a more complex pattern.

"You, you are… Uchiha Dan?!"

Terumi Mei exclaimed in surprise.

Because she recognized the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

Each pair of Uchiha's kaleidoscopes has a unique pattern. Dan’s kaleidoscope is the Tai Chi yin and yang fish. Anyone who has seen those eyes will never forget it.

Dan didn't answer. He just focused his gaze and activated the illusion on her.

The next second.

Terumi Mei's expression became dull, and her eyes turned into Sharingan patterns, and she was already under control.

Dan lifted the wood escape.

Terumi Mei struggled to get up from the ground.

She did not run away, but silently knelt down on one knee, looked up at Dan, and spoke mechanically:


Dan stared at Terumi Mei and gave her some instructions. No matter what the request was, she carried it out one by one without hesitation.

Very good.

Dan was satisfied with the effect of the illusion.

In the original work, Terumi Mei's identity is the fifth generation Mizukage, the woman who led Kirigakure out of the haze of the Blood Mist Land.

So Dan took control of Terumi Mei.

Just like Obito used the Sharingan to control the fourth generation Mizukage, Karatachi Yagura, Dan used genjutsu to control the future fifth generation Mizukage in advance.

As one of his chess pieces.

The people of Kirigakure Village would never have thought that their two consecutive Mizukages would be manipulated by others.


He is not as cruel as Obito.

He had no interest in manipulating Terumi Mei to torment Kirigakure. He just planned to use this woman to grasp the future trends and information of Kirigakure.

In this case, Terumi Mei is less likely to be noticed by Kirigakure's people than Yagura.


Dozens of chakras quickly approached from outside the woods and locked onto each other.

It was Kirigakure's people who were chasing after them, and the person leading the team was surprisingly Mizukage Karatachi Yagura.

Dan calmly glanced at Terumi Mei, and the Sharingan patterns in their eyes disappeared at the same time. Then, Terumi Mei leaned to the side and fell to the ground.


A water column came from behind, Dan dodged it.

With just a "click" sound, the water column cut a big tree in half.

He looked back and saw Karatachi Yagura with murderous intent on his face, waving a huge iron rod and smashing it towards him.

Dan fled, his body seemed to have no weight, he jumped back lightly and fled deep into the woods.


Naturally, Karatachi Yagura would not give up and leave easily, and chased after him without saying a word.

"Team leader!"

Ameyuri Ringo quickly ran to Terumi Mei and shook the latter's shoulders vigorously, thinking that Terumi Mei was dead.

Fortunately, Terumi Mei slowly opened her eyes and woke up.

"Are you okay?" Everyone gathered around and asked with concern.

"I…can't remember anything." Terumi Mei looked confused, trying to recall what happened before she blacked out, but she had a splitting headache just thinking about it, so she had to give up.

After awhile.

Mizukage Yagura looked resentful and returned without success.

After he discovered that Mei Terumi was fine, he was thankful that the rescue was timely. If it had been a step later, she might have been poisoned by the enemy.

It's a pity that Ao lost his eyes.

That Byakugan has a particularly important strategic value for Kirigakure. After all, it was relying on it that Kirigakure was able to remove the genjutsu from Yagura.

"Go back first." Mizukage Yagura said coldly.

Kirigakure must ask Danzo for compensation for their losses tonight.

Byakugan is something that Konoha does have, right?


In Konoha Village, Anbu base.

"Lord Asuma, run away!"

Under the cover of a group of Sarutobi tribesmen, Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai escaped in shame.

"Don't get too rough with them, let's just capture them alive."

Hyuga Hiashi led his men to chase him out. As soon as he finished speaking, he put a palm in the air and sent out an ultra-high-density chakra shock wave from the palm of his hand.

Eight Trigrams vacuum palm!


Facing the invisible shock wave, Asuma was hit in the chest on the spot and flew backwards.

Yuhi Kurenai was shocked and turned pale. She quickly formed seals and cast illusions to interfere with Hiashi. Then she picked up Asuma who was vomiting blood and took the opportunity to escape into a small alley.

However, in the eyes of the Hyuga clan, they could not hide at all.

Hiashi quickly broke free from the illusion, locked the two chakras with his Byakugan, and once again led his men to surround them.

"Kill them!"

Danzo also followed, shouted in a deep voice, and gave the order.

Just when the two were at the end of their rope and fell into despair.


Three scorching fire dragons suddenly danced wildly from the darkness with astonishing power, attacking Danzo and the others from three directions: front, left and right.

"Protect Hokage-sama!"

Hyuga Hiashi roared angrily, and were the first to rush forward, using Kaiten to deflect all the fire dragons away.

Who is it?

Danzo frowned and looked ahead, only to see a familiar figure walking out of the darkness.

It was the Sandaime wearing black armor—Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Hiruzen, you finally showed up. I knew you would come back because you were unwilling for me to take the position of Hokage."

Danzo looked at his old friend and spoke calmly.

"Danzo, do you really know what you are doing? You betrayed the village and caused Konoha to suffer unprecedented humiliation. When you arrive in the Pure Land, will you still have the nerve to meet the first and second generation Hokage? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were burning and he asked Danzo sternly.

"Stop talking nonsense. Since you have the guts to come back, then don't leave."

Danzo was fed up with the Sandaime's hypocrisy and was too lazy to continue this meaningless argument with the other party. With a wave of his hand, he ordered the Konoha ninja to surround him.


The Sandaime's gaze flickered, and he instantly separated into four shadow clones, and then quickly formed seals with the main body.

Swish, swish, swish.

After a dazzling seal, the five Sarutobi Hiruzen opened their mouths at the same time, spitting out flames, thunder and lightning, water flow, clods of earth and strong winds.

Five Escapes: Massive Combo Jutsu.

This is a unique skill that can only be performed by the Sandaime, who is known as the "Professor of Ninjutsu". He uses ninjutsu with five different attributes to attack the enemy at the same time, with earth-shattering power.


With a deafening bang, a devastating explosion occurred in Konoha Village.

For a time, there were countless casualties.

After the thick smoke and dust caused by the explosion dispersed.


Hyuga Hiashi climbed out of the ruins and looked forward, but the Sandaime, Asuma, and Yuhi Kurenai were no longer visible.

They let them escape.

With a gloomy look on his face, Danzo walked out of a big tree, and then ordered in a cold voice:

"No one from the Sarutobi clan will be left alive!"

The other side.

A fierce battle between Jiraiya and Kumogakure's A-B Combo is in full swing.

At this time, a big explosion coming from the center of the village attracted the attention of the three people at the same time, causing them to stop and look back in surprise.

The Sandaime took action, which was a signal to retreat.

Jiraiya's expression changed, knowing that the situation was over.

Moreover, his sage mode can no longer be maintained. If he continues to fight, he will inevitably lose to the Fourth Raikage and Killer B again.

Jiraiya made a prompt decision and once again cooperated with the two Sage on his shoulders to launch a large-scale fire escape ninjutsu.


The raging sea of fire forced A-B and the enemy army back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiraiya used the technique of teleportation and escaped decisively.

At the same time, he also dispelled the psychic skills of the three toads, allowing them to return to Myoboku Mountain, covered with wounds from the battle.

That’s it.

This coup ended in failure.

That night, under Danzo's cold orders, the Sarutobi clan and its supporters, including small and medium-sized ninja clans such as Gekkou and Yuhi, were all annihilated.

Thousands of people died, and rivers of blood flowed.

Danzo's bloody suppression scared the rest of the ninjas in the village. From then on, no one dared to think of rebellion.

Under the rule of Fifth Generation Hokage Danzo.

From this day on, Konoha ninjas ushered into the darkest moment in their lives.

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