
Chapter 197

The night passed.

The sun rises, and it’s a new day.

Bright sunshine shines on Konoha, but it cannot bring warmth and hope to people. Instead, it makes people feel that the sunshine is as white as snow, with a biting chill.

In Konoha Village, there is a strong smell of blood, which strongly stimulates people's nostrils.

Several streets were covered with corpses, stained red with blood.

They are from the Sarutobi clan.

The most populous clan in Konoha, with more than 3,000 people, was slaughtered overnight. From an old man in his seventies or eighties to a three-year-old child, no one was spared.

The miserable scene of genocide is like a picture of hell.

This was a bloody purge launched by the Fifth Generation Danzo in the name of suppressing the coup. Its methods were so cruel and cold that it was frightening.

This genocide is destined to be recorded in the history of Konoha.

With the Sarutobi clan’s lessons learned.

No one in Konoha dared to dream of overthrowing Danzo's rule.

People can only accept their fate and accept the status quo.

On the streets of Konoha.

Hyuga Hiashi and a group of members of the Hyuga Police Force came forward. They were patrolling the village to maintain daily security.

Last night, the Hyuga clan stood firmly on the side of Godaime Danzo. They were successful in rescuing him, so they were betting on the right thing.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Danzo will definitely take the Hyuga clan as his confidant and entrust them with important tasks – this means that Hyuga's power and status in Konoha will probably reach a new peak.

How enviable.

The members of the Hyuga clan are also full of longing for the future, and their excitement is palpable.

As the leader of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi is much calmer, because he didn't think much about it and just wanted to protect the peace of the village.


The group of people completed their patrol and returned to the police department building.

"Captain, the people from the Four Ninja Villages are here and are waiting in the office." A Hyuga clan member came forward and reported to Hinata Hizashi.


Hiashi frowned, what are the people from the four major ninja villages doing at the police department?

With doubts, he walked into the office and saw several familiar faces at a glance.

Iwagakure's jounin captain Kitsuchi, Kumogakure's two-tailed jinchūriki Yugito, Sunagakure's elite jounin Baki, and Kirigakure's Ao.

They are all powerful figures in each Ninja Village.

"Everyone comes to visit, what do you need from me?"

Rizu asked calmly, but felt something was not good in his heart.

Sure enough.

"Didn't the Fifth Generation inform you? We are here to take over the police department. From today on, in order to better maintain security in Konoha, the four major ninja villages will form a management team to command the entire police department."

Kitsuchi glanced at Hiashi in surprise and said.


Hiashi's pupils shrank, with a look of surprise on his face.

When he was stunned, Yugito, who looked arrogant and had the airs of a queen, also added two sentences in a cold voice:

"The four of us will take turns as the chief of the police department every three months. But you don't have to worry, you are still the captain of the police department, and the duties of the following team members will remain the same."

Hyuga Hiashi clenched her fists, and veins popped out on her forehead.

Suddenly there were four more immediate bosses. As the head of the police department, he would certainly feel quite unhappy.

Especially, he just led the police department to make great achievements last night. Not only did he didn't get a reward, he actually handed over the power of the police department to others.

This made it even more difficult for Hyuga Hiashi to accept.

At this time, Sunagakure's Baki also spoke:

"Captain Hiashi, if you have no complaint, you can start the reporting work now so that we can have a more comprehensive understanding of the situation in the police department."



Hyuga Hiashi snorted coldly, turned around and slammed the door away under the stunned gazes of several people.

Ao, who was wearing an eye patch, watched Hiashi's back leaving without saying a word from beginning to end.

Nicknamed "The Byakugan Killer", he lost his precious Byakugan last night, but he had received news from Master Mizukage that the four major ninja villages were asking Konoha for a batch of Byakugan.

Judging from Hyuga Hiashi's attitude, he seemed to be still in the dark and had no idea about this matter.

What a poor guy.


Hyuga Hiashi walked out of the police department building and went straight to the Hokage's office.

He suppressed his anger and wanted to seek an explanation from Godaime Danzo.

Arrived at the door.

"Captain Hiashi, you are here. The Hokage is looking for you. Please come in." The two Anbu standing guard said as they opened the door for Hyuga Hiashi.

Are you going to explain to me the affairs of the police department?Okay, let's see what the Godaime has to say.

Hiashi thought to himself, took a deep breath and entered the office.

Danzo stood in front of the window, his back to Hiashi, seeming to be admiring the scenery of Konoha. He neither looked back nor made a sound.

After more than ten seconds of silence.

Hiashi finally couldn't bear it anymore and spoke first: "Hokage-sama, regarding the police department…"

As a result, Danzo interrupted him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Oh, you have seen the people sent by the four great ninja villages, right? Cooperate with them and continue to maintain the security of Konoha."

Danzo brought up the topic with an understatement, as if the matter of the police department was insignificant, "I came to you for another important matter."

After saying that, he finally turned around and looked directly at Hiashi.

"What is it?"

Hiashi was stunned for a moment, surprised and doubtful in his heart.

"The Byakugan of the Hyuga clan is not only the number one pupil technique bloodline limit in Konoha, but is also quite famous in the entire ninja world. Konoha is lucky to have the Hyuga clan."

Danzo suddenly praised the Hyuga clan and expressed emotion.

Faced with Danzo's compliments, Hiashi was caught off guard.

When he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but shake his head, showing a self-deprecating wry smile:

"Hokage-sama… You're too kind. The so-called No. 1 in Konoha is just a slogan shouted by the former Hyuga clan to deceive themselves. Compared with Uchiha's Sharingan, the Byakugan… is nothing."

"Chief of the Hyuga Clan, please don't belittle yourself."

Danzo's eyes flashed and he comforted, "If the Byakugan was really not powerful, Kumogakure wouldn't have gone to great lengths to kidnap Hinata. Kirigakure even regarded the Byakugan snatched on the battlefield as a treasure. Facts have proved that all ninjas Everyone in the world is salivating at the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan."

From Danzo’s words, Hinata Hiashi felt something was wrong.

His expression changed, he frowned and stared at Danzo, and asked in a deep voice: "Lord Hokage, what exactly do you want to say?"

After Danzo heard this, he finally stopped showing off and say:

"For the sake of peace in the ninja world, the Byakugan should not be owned by Konoha alone, but should be distributed to the four major ninja villages. This is what I wrote into the peace treaty after discussing with the Four Kage."

Actually…there is such a thing? !

Hyuga Hiashi looked shocked and widened their eyes.

Just when he was stunned.

Danzo looked calm and continued slowly:

"As for the specific number, Iwagakure asked for forty pairs, Kumogakure asked for thirty pairs, Sunagakure and Kirigakure asked for fifteen pairs each, which adds up to exactly one hundred pairs of Byakugan. I believe that for the Hyuga clan, this number is It should be completely affordable.”

One hundred pairs?


Hyuga Hiashi reacted, and without thinking, he flatly refused on the spot, feeling very ridiculous, "In the first place, even if we are willing, there are so few people in the Hyuga clan, how can we get a hundred pairs of Byakugan?"

Danzo narrowed his eyes, but his attitude was very tough:

"The main clan might be small, but aren't there still branch families? There are hundreds of people in the Hyuga clan. Everyone is born with Byakugan, so why can't they come up with a hundred pairs?"

Seeing that Danzo didn't seem to be joking, Hiashi's face became increasingly ugly, so he could only explain patiently:

"Hokage-sama, you should know that within our Hyuga clan, those from the branch family will have the Caged Bird Curse carved on their foreheads since childhood.

This curse seal will not only seal part of Byakugan's abilities, but will also be activated immediately when the subject's eyeballs are removed or dies, instantly destroying the subject's eyeballs and brain.

This is why the Hyuga clan’s Byakugan rarely leaks out. "

Due to the existence of the caged bird curse, it is already known to everyone that the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan will be automatically destroyed once it is separated from the body.

Hiashi thought that Danzo was asking questions knowingly.


Danzo disagreed and said shockingly:

"In this case, wouldn't it be good to remove the caged bird?"

"What?" Hyuga Hiashi were shocked and froze again.

Danzo, leaning on crutches, approached Hyuga Hiashi step by step, and asked the latter:

"Using curse seals to control the branch families and limit their abilities, don't you think this is cruel and heartless?

Head of the Hyuga Clan, forgive me for speaking frankly, the reason why the Hyuga Clan is not as good as the Uchiha is because the existence of the caged bird has seriously suppressed the branch family and strangled a large number of geniuses in your clan in the cradle.

This kind of thing should have been canceled long ago. "

Faced with Danzo's righteous words, it seemed that he was speaking for the good of the Hyuga family.

Hiashi was so angry that he laughed and sarcastically said:

"According to what Hokage-sama wants, do you want me to remove the Caged Bird Curse Seal from the branch families, and then gouge out their Byakugan? Wouldn't this be even more cruel!"

"Cruel? There is something even more cruel. Have you ever considered it?"

Danzo lost his patience, his eyes were sinister, and he directly threatened, "If the Hyuga clan can't hand over a hundred pairs of white eyes, I can only tell the four great ninja villages and let them rob it themselves. By then, I'm afraid Hyuga's fate will be not much better than the Sarutobi clan."

The implication.

The next people to be exterminated is the Hyuga clan.


Hyuga Hiashi was finally furious and burst out with fierce murderous intent. Large areas of blue veins appeared on both sides of his forehead, and a pair of Byakugan stared at Danzo.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Seven or eight Anbu appeared in the office instantly, surrounding Hyuga Hiashi. As long as Danzo gave the order, they would take action to kill Hiashi.

Hiashi's heart sank, knowing that there was more danger than good.

It seems that today, he is going to die here.

"Everyone, step back."

At this moment, Danzo waved his hand, signaling all Anbu to retreat outside the door.

Then, he sighed and persuaded Hyuga Hiashi earnestly:

"Hiashi, I am helping you.

If the Byakugan is not handed over and the four major ninja villages start trouble, even if I intervene, I will not be able to save the Hyuga clan.

But handing over the Byakugan may hurt the Hyuga clan in the short term, but in the long run, it is an out-and-out good thing. because–

Hyuga can take this opportunity to initiate reforms within the clan and completely abolish the caged bird curse seal.

​This is a huge improvement for the Hyuga clan, isn't it?

Go back and think about it carefully, and give me an answer within three days. "

After saying this, Danzo turned around again, walked to the window, and looked at the scenery outside the window again.


Hyuga Hiashi were silent for a long time, hesitating to speak. Finally… dragging heavy steps, he walked out of the Hokage's office step by step.

Half an hour later.

Hiashi returned to the clan land in despair.


When passing by the Main Family Dojo, he caught sight of two familiar figures out of the corner of his eye, practicing gentle fist techniques inside.

It’s Hinata and Neji.

"Miss Hinata, it doesn't matter if someone else is your training partner. Please allow me to train by myself."

Neji looked at Hinata opposite him, with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

Hinata, who has a simple personality, did not notice the hidden meaning of Neji's words. Instead, she eagerly asked him:

"Please, Brother Neji."

Here we go again.

It’s like this every time. Do you think you are cute?

Neji felt irritable and said impatiently: "Come on."

Bang bang bang.

Boys and girls, exchanging blows.

During this process, Neji's eyes were fixed on Hinata, and his eyes gradually became filled with evil intent.

Is this the meaning of my life, just to protect this timid and cowardly girl and sacrifice everything for her when necessary, even my life?

Why should I be born from the branch family? Why should my father die for the main family?

The more Neji thought about it, the more upset he became, and finally he grew mad.

He showed his true strength and launched a fierce attack on Hinata, which immediately made the latter unable to resist and retreated steadily.

"What's wrong, Miss Hinata? You only have this much ability, can you really bear the fate of the Hyuga clan?"

Neji sneered, taking advantage of Hinata's body losing balance, and slapped Hinata's chest with his palm.

If this palm hits hard, Hinata will definitely be injured.

At this time.


Neji's eyes flashed, and he was shocked to find that the head of the family, Hyuga Hiashi, appeared in front of him and grabbed his arm.

Then he threw Neji out with a strong flick.


Neji fell to the floor, rolled around a few times, and was about to get up.

Hiashi did not hesitate and activated the caged bird cursed seal.

Neji suddenly let out a scream, held his head in his hands, and rolled on the floor in pain, tears and saliva flowing out.

It looks extremely miserable.

During the struggle, the bandage on his forehead loosened, revealing a cyan cross mark.

That was the Caged Bird Curse Seal, something Neji tried his best to hide.

At this time, Hiashi was very angry, so he was not merciful at all.

If this continues, Neji's cranial nerves and brain tissue cells will be destroyed, and he will die suddenly on the spot.

"Father, please let Brother Neji go. I want him to train with me…"

Hinata tugged at the corner of Hyuga Hinata's clothes, tears streaming down her face, and begged him anxiously.

He glanced at his useless daughter, and then at Neji who was struggling on the ground.

Hiashi sighed, and finally relented, because he thought of Neji's father, his twin brother-Hyuga Hizashi.

He no longer controls the curse mark on Neji's forehead.

"Brother Neji!"

Hinata quickly ran over and carefully helped Neji up.

When Neji saw Hyuga Hiashi approaching, he couldn't help but trembled and feared all over, and stammered:

"Clan, clan leader, I…"

His face was pale, and he never wanted to experience the pain just now again.

He thought that he would be severely reprimanded or even punished corporally, but he didn’t expect——

"Neji, what do you think if I lift your Caged Bird Curse Seal?"

Hyuga Hiashi looked down at Neji and suddenly asked inexplicably.


Neji was stunned, thinking that he heard wrongly, and didn't know how to answer.

Hiashi shook his head, left the dojo and returned home.


"Clan leader!"

Not long after Hiashi returned home, many Hyuga clan members came to their door because they had all heard that the four major ninja villages had sent people to take over the police department.

"It's too much. The police department belongs to the Hyuga clan. How can it be taken advantage of by the four great ninja villages? People in the village now say that the Hyuga clan, the strongest in Konoha, is wagging its tail to the four great ninjas. It’s too pitiful to be treated like a dog in a village.”

Hyuga Hoheto looked angry and very unhappy.

"Yes, Hokage-sama cannot do this to the Hyuga clan. We must fight to the end and regain the power of the police department."

Hyuga Iroha also shouted.

Hyuga Hiashi didn't listen to a word of their words.

"Shut up, everyone."

He roared, glanced at everyone coldly, and ordered them to get out.

Clan leader, what’s going on?

Every Hyuga clan member looked at each other and could only retreat.

In the room, Hyuga Hiashi were alone, thinking for a long time.

He do not know how long it has been.

He looked up and saw that it was already dark outside.

There is not much time left for him, he must make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise the Hyuga clan…

Thinking of this.

Hiashi summoned all the clan members to a meeting and told them everything truthfully.

"They want us to hand over a hundred pairs of Byakugan? What a joke!"

When a grumpy clan elder heard this, he immediately jumped up and objected fiercely.

The reactions of the others were similar. Their attitudes were tougher than the others, and their words were more intense than the others. They all said that they would never agree to Danzo's conditions.

However, Hyuga Hiashi only used one sentence to silence them:

"Then, in order to save the Hyuga clan from future trouble, are you willing to hand over your Byakugan?"

As soon as these words came out.

There was silence in the conference room.

Early the next morning.

All members of the Hyuga clan, regardless of main clan or branch, received an order to immediately go to the small square in the center of the clan to attend the clan meeting.

Generally speaking, an impromptu clan meeting within the clan means that there is something very important to announce.

Many tribesmen speculated that it was related to the police department.

The result was unexpected.

Hyuga Hiashi took a deep breath and walked onto the podium.

Looking at the crowded square in front of him and facing the eyes of hundreds of tribesmen, he solemnly announced:

"From today on, the Hyuga clan will abolish the caged bird system that has lasted for thousands of years, and will no longer distinguish between main clan families and branch clans!"

Comments 1

  1. Offline
    MTL Denier
    lmao, they never shared their eyes with fellow villagers from konoha, but they will give them away to enemy villagers, hilarious
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