
Chapter 02 Bandit Style, Why Should I Rush to Run Away?

“Hm? A system?” As Wang Yun heard the voice, his eyes glowed with fiery luster.

“The Peerless Bandit System? Sounds powerful. Let’s open the newbie gift package first.” Wang Yun thought to himself immediately hearing it.

“Ding, beginner gift package opened, congratulations host for obtaining the following rewards, Reward 1: all attributes +10, Reward 2: Skill: God-level Parkour.”

As the beginner gift package was opened, Wang Yun instantly felt a change in his body. His strength seemed to have increased a lot, and even his mind became much clearer.

“Open personal attributes.”

With a thought, he immediately opened his personal information and a panel appeared in his mind.

Peerless Bandit System

Host: Wang Yun

Age: 23

Physique: 90 (World average physique 80, host attributes include beginner gift +10 bonus)

Intelligence: 125 (World average IQ 110, host attributes include beginner gift +10 bonus)

Skill: God-level Parkour.

Shock Value: 0

Shop: (Open?)

Hint: Please, host gain more shock value points to enhance your physique and skills.

“So my physique and intelligence are just around the average. Well, it makes sense, considering that I only have an associate degree,” Wang Yun thought to himself.

His eyes fell on the Shock Value and the Shop. With a thought, he opened the shop.

10,000 shock value can be exchanged for 1 Physique point.

10,000 shock value can be exchanged for 1 Intelligence point.

10,000 shock value can be exchanged for intermediate driving skills.

100,000 shock value can be exchanged for advanced driving skills.

1,000,000 shock value can be exchanged for God-level driving skills.

There were countless skills, each with the price of points he could exchange for them. Driving skills, acting, ventriloquism, disguise, marksmanship, parachuting, skateboarding, and so on. All the imaginable skills were available. But they required Shock Value points, which could be obtained from other people.

“Ten ‘fugitives’ have been assigned for each team leader. Chief inspectors, prepare yourselves, your performance will soon begin!”

“Wow, I’m under a lot of pressure, I’m just a truck world champion, how can I compete in capturing people with experts like you? I think I’d do better if I chase them myself, haha!” said Zhang Xingchen with a smile. He was the captain of the third inspection team, a young man slightly handsome and outgoing.

At this moment, the live broadcast showed Shen Hao and Zhang Xingchen joking. Wang Yun looked up at the TV.

“Haha, Xingchen, all jokes aside, if you personally went to catch the ‘fugitives’, none of them would be able to escape. After all, no one can outrun you,” the beautiful actress, Liu Qingqing, said with a laugh.

“Xingchen, don’t worry, we’ll try not to bully you too much. And look, the ‘fugitives’ your team has to catch seem to be some of the weaker ones, perhaps arranged by the program team,” said Mr. Hong Feng with a smile, the team leader of the fourth team, a mystery detective novelist with long-hair and glasses.

“The program team really doesn’t think much of me? But don’t underestimate me, hehe. I may not be as smart as you guys, but I’ve called in some powerful friends. It’s too early to say who’ll be first. But if I manage to beat you guys, I’ll be able to brag for quite a while,” said Zhang Xingchen.

“Hehe, Xingchen, your elite team members are indeed very strong. But you’re not planning on using your elite members in the first round, are you?” Leng Ming, the team leader of the fifth team, a man in his thirties with short hair, fit and athletic, looked at him and asked.

“Of course not, I need to assess the capabilities of these ten ‘fugitives’ before making my plan, I know that much.”

On the side, the elder leader of the first team, Jiang Youshan, and the leader of the second team, the super-brain champion Wu Mingyu, both chuckled.

“This time, let’s strive to catch all the ‘fugitives’ in less time than last season.” Jiang Youshan leaned back in his chair.

“Catching the ‘fugitives’ is quite simple for me, I’d rather watch how they plan their escape. I hope it will be a bit more challenging, otherwise, it will be too boring,” Wu Mingyu said calmly, adjusting his glasses.


Meanwhile, countless netizens were watching the live broadcast on the streaming platform. They were all discussing excitedly and commenting with anticipation.

“666*, Senior Jiang Youshan and Wu Mingyu really are seasoned inspectors.”

“Last season, seniors Jiang Youshan and Wu Mingyu were absolutely ruthless, they could catch those ‘fugitives’ with just a flick of their fingers.”

“Zhang Xingchen is so interesting. Can he really catch the fugitives himself? I’m the running world champion, how can a little fugitive outrun me?”

“It’s starting, it’s starting. I love watching the moment when the fugitives are caught off guard, haha!”

“Let’s see which fifty unfortunate souls are playing the fugitives this time!”

“The livestream of the fifty fugitives has begun, I can already see them trying desperately to hide, haha!”


Wang Yun watched the confident remarks of the five chief inspectors on the screen, and glanced at the comments, his eyes flickering slightly.

“Mr. Wang Yun, a reminder that the program has started, you’ve already wasted ten minutes of your escape time. There are fifty minutes left. Also, during your escape, you’re prohibited from watching the live broadcast. Similarly, the inspectors can’t watch your live broadcast,” two staff members sitting next to him reminded.

“Um, got it, no rush.” Wang Yun looked up at the staff, his eyes shimmering slightly.

No rush. He was not in a hurry at all. He went to the side, poured a cup of water, and was ready to prepare a cup of instant noodles.

Run? There were still fifty minutes left, why the rush to run? Especially since Wang Yun was a ‘peerless bandit.’

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Comments 8

  1. Offline
    + 40 -
    It seems like they are in the public and not on some deserted island? How would that work? Since there’s bound to be a lot of common people who will try to sabotage them. Or maybe they are on some island where they specially built buildings, that would make way more sense.
    Read more
    1. Offline
      + 50 -
      Quote: chapter 1
      The drone’s shooting wouldn’t initially reveal the performer’s face, only after they were caught, or later in the show, would their faces be shown.

      Can't sabotage if you don't know how they look.
      Read more
      1. Offline
        + 80 -
        On second thought, if there is a drone following him you don't need to know how he looks, as long as you know where he is. monk
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      2. Offline
        + 30 -
        Face is what matters least. The way you act, your clothes, your skin color and body shape, and on top of that a drone following you, all of this already shows that you are a fugitive. reader
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        1. Offline
          + 10 -
          This feels bad in so many ways, maybe you're a stalker? wiseacre oru2x
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          1. Offline
            + 10 -
            No, I'm a photographer.
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            1. Offline
              + 00 -
              Hahahahahahaha it was sarcasm (Sorry if I offended you) pressure 4
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              1. Offline
                + 10 -
                All good, I'm not a photographer and I know where you live... oru2x ninja
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