
Chapter 125: The World Was Shocked. Overpowered, Overwhelmed, and Outmatched (2)

“What the heck is happening? Everyone’s trying to escape?”

“Now, I really have to ask, who’s supposed to be the inspection team, and who are the fugitives?”

“I can’t stop laughing. These inspection teams can’t even hold a candle to Big Brother. They actually got chased off. This is hilarious!”

“Weren’t they acting all high and mighty just a moment ago? Why are they all scrambling to run now? Hahaha!”

The livestream viewers were left stunned looking at the scene, while many flooded the screen with comments.

Were they seriously all retreating? Were they still the program inspection team? Weren’t you here to capture Big Brother? How come you were the ones running away now? Was this supposed to be part of the Skynet Operation show?

Was this for real?

“Planning to leave? Haha, do you think you can just come and go as you please?”

At that moment, a cold smirk appeared on Wang Yun’s face. He fixed his gaze on the fleeing members of the Japanese inspection team and, with swift movement, charged to cut off their retreat.

“You fools, you dared to threaten to take me down? And after spouting such bold threats, you turn tail and run? Wishful thinking,” Wang Yun said as his gaze was icy as he locked onto Honei Kouten.

This man had arrogantly boasted of cutting down Wang Yun. Today, Wang Yun would spare no one from Japan for their insolence.

There was a price for trying to act tough in front of him.

Upon hearing Wang Yun’s words and feeling the menacing focus on him, Honei Kouten’s body stiffened, and his face paled with shock. Anger flashed in his eyes.

But then, he saw a shield hurtling toward him like a deadly dart.

Honei Kouten realized they had no chance of escape. He hastily dodged the incoming shield, narrowly avoiding it.

Now, even if a few could run, they would only end up as the world’s laughingstock. They had boldly declared they would defeat Wang Yun, and now, they were escaping?

The shame of such a retreat was too great to bear.

Honei Kouten, brandishing his sword and long knife, spun around to launch a counterattack at Wang Yun. At his side, his four disciples and Captain Mita also turned to engage in the fight, teeth clenched in determination.

“Good, that’s more like it. Show me the strength behind your bold words,” Wang Yun said, his eyes gleaming with fierce determination as he faced their turnaround.

His entire being radiated fighting enthusiasm.

“Surround him!”

Without responding to Wang Yun’s taunt, Honei Kouten, teeth clenched and eyes fixed on Wang Yun, swung his sword and knife with deadly intent.

Wang Yun focused, fists tightening. His gloves didn’t deter him in the slightest from facing blades. His punches, swift as lightning, landed precisely on the blades, emitting a sharp ring.

Honei Kouten’s expression shifted upon witnessing his blades being struck so accurately.

To the side, one of Honei Kouten’s disciples lifted his samurai sword, aiming a blow at Wang Yun. But Wang Yun, with incredible speed, ducked and swept his leg out in a powerful arc. The disciple, caught off guard by Wang Yun’s rapid counterattack and overwhelming strength, had no chance to dodge. His body suddenly lost control and toppled to the ground.

Wang Yun closed in swiftly.

At that moment, two more disciples of Honei Kouten attempted a rescue. Yet, Wang Yun, seizing the moment, grasped the legs of a middle-aged on the ground and swung him toward them.

Honei Kouten and the two disciples’ expressions drastically changed and dodged in haste.

Wang Yun slammed the man to the ground, pinning his arm underfoot, and claimed the katana for himself.

“Purchase, the God-level Miao Dao Swordsmanship!”

With a sudden thought, he gripped the katana and bought the legendary Miao Dao technique. The very next instant, with katana in hand, Wang Yun launched an assault on Honei Kouten and the others.

Seeing Wang Yun master the sword technique changed Honei Kouten’s demeanor instantly. A slight grimace crossed his face as he braced himself, teeth clenched.

He met Wang Yun’s attack head-on. The cacophony of their swords clashing kept ringing.

Wang Yun’s swordsmanship was so swift that shadows of the blade flickered throughout the surrounding space.

Faced with Wang Yun’s formidable onslaught, Honei Kouten’s expression drastically changed as he was forced to retreat continuously, step after step.

To the side, his three disciples and Captain Mita found themselves struggling to find an opening. With determination, they charged at Wang Yun.

Anger shone in Honei Kouten’s eyes as he launched a counterattack.

Wang Yun intercepted an incoming strike from the right with his long sword. Blades clashed, and in a fluid motion, Wang Yun released the sword, stepping in closer. His fist landed heavily on his opponent’s head, leaving him stunned.

Seizing the moment, Wang Yun snatched the long sword from his grasp, executed a sweeping strike, and then delivered a powerful kick that sent the man crashing toward Honei Kouten.

Another one down, knocked out cold.

In less than a minute, two of Honei Kouten’s disciples were already on the ground. And counting the middle-aged sumo wrestler, that made three knocked outs.



The two other middle-aged disciples also let out a roar, charging at Wang Yun together.

Wang Yun narrowed his eyes. Instead of retaliating, he assumed a defensive posture.

Honei Kouten, seizing the moment, leaped forward, his samurai sword descending heavily towards Wang Yun. The two middle-aged disciples beside him mirrored his actions, leaping and striking with all their might directly at Wang Yun.

Wang Yun, facing the onslaught of three blades, raised his sword horizontally in defense.

The sound of three horrific impacts echoed. The alloy-crafted blades showed terrifying notches from their clash. Yet, the trio’s assault was utterly countered by Wang Yun. His sword barely shifted downwards, demonstrating the immense power he possessed to withstand the combined attack of the three.

Seeing this, Honei Kouten’s face underwent a dramatic change, his pupils dilating in shock. Disbelief filled his eyes. How could this be possible? He couldn’t believe it. The combined strike of the master and his two disciples was effortlessly parried by Wang Yun.


With a low growl, he exerted all his might onto the long sword, bellowing fiercely.


His disciples, positioned on either side, also let out ferocious roars, summoning all their strength.

However, in that instant, Wang Yun casually set aside his long sword and rolled to the side. His expertise wasn’t limited to just swordsmanship. With the finesse of Tai Chi, he smoothly avoided their samurai swords. As he rolled, Wang Yun’s right foot launched a powerful kick straight into Honei Kouten’s abdomen.

The force of the kick against Honei Kouten’s armor resonated with a thunderous sound.

At that moment, Honei Kouten’s pupils dilated, and he was sent flying backward, hurtling through the air for three or four meters before crashing heavily to the ground.


The sight caused the other two disciples and Captain Mita’s expressions to drastically change, as they cried out in alarm. They rushed over, desperate to lift him.


Wang Yun charged ahead, closing the distance to one of Honei Kouten’s disciples. His fists pummeled the disciple like a torrential downpour. The middle-aged disciple was forced back, stumbling until he collapsed on the ground.


Witnessing this, another one of Honei Kouten’s disciples hastily brandished his blade in a sweeping horizontal strike at Wang Yun, his eyes turned blood red.

With a swift leap, Wang Yun evaded the swipe of the long sword. His right leg then delivered a formidable sweep across the attacker’s shoulder. Had the blow landed on the head, even the finest armor wouldn’t have spared him from death.

“Cough, cough!”

Honei Kouten underwent a stark change in expression. Leveraging his samurai sword to prop himself up from the ground, he wobbled slightly as he fixed his gaze on Wang Yun. The sight of his disciples sprawled on the ground, their eyes now brimming with fear and trepidation towards Wang Yun, spoke volumes.

Indeed, Honei Kouten was genuinely terrified. It was only through direct combat with Wang Yun that he could grasp the full extent of how terrifying Wang Yun was.

Terrifying power! Frightening speed! Dreadful swordsmanship! Fearsome boxing techniques!

He was utterly overwhelmed from every angle.

It brought to mind their evaluation of Wang Yun’s fighting capabilities. His own combat strength at 400, versus the opponent’s 350? Such a combat power rating was utterly laughable.

“Is this the extent of your abilities? To boast so arrogantly with this strength?”

Wang Yun watched as the battle drew to its conclusion, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. With a sweep of his gaze around him, he spoke with a tone dripping in scorn.

By now, the entire thirteenth floor had cleared out. The program inspection teams from Thailand and India had all fled. The program inspection team from China, including Kolyev and Master Jue Ming, had also made their exit. They recognized that remaining would only expose them to Wang Yun’s onslaught. With the Japanese inspection team now bearing the brunt, they had their chance to retreat safely.

As Wang Yun spoke, he strode confidently toward Honei Kouten, like a victorious general surveying a vanquished foe.

“You… Wang Yun… stop, stop right there!”

Captain Mita, still standing to the side, watched Wang Yun approach his master. Biting his teeth in a mix of fear and anger, he pointed at Wang Yun and bellowed. His body was stiff, and he moved to support his master.

“You’re worthless. Someone like you, I could knock out with a single punch, and yet you dare to threaten to cut me down. I can’t tell if you’re a fool or just accustomed to your own arrogance,” Wang Yun said, casting a disdainful glance his way.

Ignoring him, Wang Yun kept his focus on Honei Kouten and continued advancing.

“I… Wang Yun, I’ll take you on!”

Overcome with rage and having lost all sense of reason, Captain Mita, eyes red with fury, charged at Wang Yun. He lifted his sword, aiming for Wang Yun’s head.

Wang Yun looked up at him, his face etched with scorn. He raised his palm, reaching straight for the samurai sword. The blade met Wang Yun’s palm but was effortlessly blocked by the gloves. He caught the sword easily in his hand.

He was too weak. He was the weakest of them all, utterly feeble. Grasping the blade of the katana firmly, he pulled with force. Captain Mita, clutching his katana, charged at him.

With a swift motion, Wang Yun’s leg struck both of Captain Mita’s knees.

Captain Mita let out a scream, his legs numbing instantly. He collapsed to his knees with a thud.

“I told you, killing you would be as easy as slaughtering a dog,” Wang Yun said, looking down at him with renewed contempt.

Captain Mita, kneeling, shook uncontrollably.

“Do you choose to perform seppuku, or shall I end you myself?” he asked, his gaze shifting to Honei Kouten.

“I… I admit defeat… I’m eliminated.”

Honei Kouten’s frame shuddered, discarding his katana to the side, his face ashen with defeat. His voice trembled. Defeated, utterly and completely.

He had come into this Skynet Operation program hoping to elevate the prestige of Japanese martial arts. Yet, unexpectedly, they were all overwhelmingly defeated by a single person, without the slightest ability to retaliate. Gazing at the figure before him, his eyes brimmed with profound respect.

“Haha, the martial arts of Japan, India, and Thailand are good, but I’m better. if you had joined forces against me from the get-go, maybe, just maybe, you’d have had a fighting chance. Haha! What a letdown. It was too easy to defeat you one by one,” Wang Yun said as he gave a slight shake of his head.


This chapter has no notes and thank you for reading this. I.N.K.K.A.C.U.N.O.V.E.L.S

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