2 years ago

Worm by John C McCrae

An introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find... Read more
An introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find escape from a deeply unhappy and frustrated civilian life. Her first attempt at taking down a supervillain sees her mistaken for one, thrusting her into the midst of the local ‘cape’ scene’s politics, unwritten rules, and ambiguous morals. As she risks life and limb, Taylor faces the dilemma of having to do the wrong things for the right reasons.

The story, titled Worm, takes the form of a web serial, posted in bite-sized reads in much the same way that authors such as Mark Twain would release their works one chapter at a time in the days before full-fledged novels. Worm started in June 2011, updating twice a week, and finished in late November, 2013. It totals roughly 1,680,000 words; roughly 26 typical novels in length (or 10-11 very thick novels). The story updated on Tuesdays and Saturdays, with bonus chapters appearing on the occasional Thursday, as explained below. Collapse
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Comments 27

  1. Offline
    #Panic# please add the rest of the Parahuman books if possible there is a parahuman site online that has all the chapters for at least parahuman #2 Ward!
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    1. Offline
      Only one is actually made which was Parahuman 2 and it’s finished but here is also two more works made by the author “Twig” and “Pact”
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  2. Offline
    The story itself is pointless. The plot is forced and the characters are just repeating the word depressing and lifeless. There are so many conversations that it makes the whole novel feel only a person with half a brain would even consider this as a good book. There are so many redundant POV with no value. This whole book is like trying to listen to someone who is schizophrenic. Good luck reading this garbage.
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  3. Offline
    First chapter and i dont get it. Why cant mc retaliate if they attack her? Why would bullies get no accountability but she'll get arrested if she do the same to them?
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  4. Offline
    I remember reading this a while back. It’s definitely a pretty long read. It’s also definitely a cut above the rest, so give it a shot!

    Also, if you like reading comments, I recommend checking out the web serial on its website! Loads of comments there.
    Have a good day! :)
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  5. Offline
    Meh. The MC and her allies are dumb, naive and lack self-preservation. Although they are teens, notorious for such things, it is decidedly uncharacteristic for what's already been established about them.

    Of course, that's the author forcing plot, and it makes their characters feel wrong.

    Obviously the younger and less astute haven't noticed the scam, which is fine since it's entertaining them and that's its' job, but it's too offputting for me. Just makes it feel like whatever the author establishes doesn't really matter since they'll overturn it whenever convenient for dramatic plot events.
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      Ah, but you have to remember the circumstances of the super powers they have gained, a trigger event(not a second generation one) is more often than not extremely traumatic and scarring people who go through trigger events are forever scarred by it and now have a constant reminder of what they've gone through with superpowers, Taylor was locked in that locker for hours and you expect her to come off as completely sane? Lisa had her brother commit suicide and blamed herself for never noticing the ques, Alex well hes just a poor bastard, all of them young and triggered even younger in some cases and are forever broken plus Shards are always emotionally manipulating their hosts(literally) to seek out combat and fights to farm more data for their cycle, if their hosts are taking to much time planning then they get a rush of adrenaline and rage and attack say a giant dragon who gets stronger the longer he fights, they literally require their host to use them often and in a new way so any idiotic descions the characters make are probably a combination of being emotionally scarred teenagers, teenagers with rampant hormones, teenagers whose brain chemistry is constantly being changed so they can fight more so yea
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        The lack of self preservation can once again be attributed to said shard manipulation and the author forcing the plot makes sense for the world, the shards want a quickly cycle rife with data and information so they can continue if it means speeding up the already destroyed process then why not, just send some hormones and endbringers and the world is now on the fast track
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  6. Offline
    This story is right up my alley, with a fairly active and decent fanfiction scene, but the author's insistence in making this grimdark and hella edgy honestly completely kills the appeal for me. I don't mind darker takes on superhero worlds, but this is just way too much.

    If I wanted to be depressed and disappointed, I wouldn't be here. If you can look past that, however, this story is very well-reputed for a reason, and not just because it's one of the first webnovels to ever really blow up.
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  7. Offline
    I would read it if only to enjoy the numerous fanfictions written on it. You’re missing out if you’ve never been on SpaceBattles.
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      Honestly a lot of people (including me) who read fanfics of this haven’t read the canon version. And perfectly happy to stay that way. Don’t need to read it to know WildBow had decent enough worldbuilding but loves torturing his MCs.
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  8. Offline
    I like this series but it gets way too scaled up and very dark very quickly, like almost literally nobody has a happy ending, it’s kinda like a song of ice and fire in that sense but even more people get shit on by life, by the the world is destroyed civilisation has ceased to exist the way we know it and the whole starting thing about heroes and villains becomes kinda irrelevant. Even Brockton bay is like no longer focused on, because the entire setting is kinda ruined, I really liked the whole protectorate thing with wards and other heroes fighting like local villains and stuff like new wave even though the members were either crazy or their life got destroyed because of crazy people.
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  9. Offline
    This is a masterpiece compared to 99 percent of East Asian Webnovels and Lightnovels.
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    1. Offline
      Yeah it's better than a lot of asian novels but it's not a masterpiece it's just like an American comic book but this one is a novel
      I enjoyed for a bit but got boring very soon so I dropped
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    2. Offline
      When does it stop being a story about a naive little girl with a weird inconsistent character and a death wish?

      I'm at chapter 3.something and having trouble feeling like I should keep reading.
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  10. Offline
    bruh isnt this pretty famous or something
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    1. Offline
      Yes. Its a famous web fiction with its own website.
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