4 years ago

Martial World武极天下 • Wuji Tianxia

In the Realm of the Gods, countless legends fought over a mysterious cube. After the battle it... Read more
In the Realm of the Gods, countless legends fought over a mysterious cube. After the battle it disappeared into the void. Lin Ming stumbles upon this mystery object and begins his journey to become a hero of the land. Collapse
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Comments 79

  1. Offline
    Sighs, seems as though just like the other senpais here I have no choice but to return to this beauty again. There's just too much "trash" in this genre, sifting through the pile can become tiring very quickly. I hope I still find this book as lovely as I did the first time. Sighs.
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  2. Online Offline
    Read this some time ago, I just have one word.

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  3. Offline
    Rise of WebNovel
    رواية مبتذل عالم فيه النبلاء لكن البطل عامي و يضرب النبلاء عادي جدا و يفكر أيضا في قتلهم
    رأى القوة الحقيقية لأقوى الناس في الكون لكن لا يزال يعتبر شو شين الذي لديه موهبة رتبة 4 قوي و يجب أن يتفوق عليه مع أنه يمكن أن يكتسب ذكريات أقوى 1000 شخص في العالم
    يمكن لأني قرأت روايات كثير من نوع الزراعة و لم أعد أتحمل هذه الثغرات الذي يريد قراءة رواية بدون ثغرات مبتذلة outside Time
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    1. Offline
      Wholeheartedly agree Outside of Time is peak
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  4. Offline
    I read this novel last about 5 years ago, it was my first novel and I always recommend it to newbies to read it
    Now I'm going to read it again.
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  5. Offline
    Me ha gustado mucho ,pero eso sí ,me han sobrado 1000 capitulos,se repite mucho pero a otro nivel
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  6. Offline
    Finish reading, good novel.
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  7. Offline
    Well, I'll start this new adventure, I've been waiting for it for more than a year and I'm looking forward to what this book holds for me, I'm going calmly because it has very good reviews... here we go hokage
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  8. Offline
    This is quite long, im sorry. I just had to get this off my chest so here it is. So this is my own, unbiased review. First things first, do not judge this novel by the rating by the top right hand corner of your screen. That is incredibly inaccurate. Those ratings have been influenced by personal feelings and are not an accurate representation of the quality of this novel. So this novel is considered as one of the kings of cultivation novels, so the first of its kind. If you havent read this novel but have already read many other cultivation novels, i do not recommend this. If you are new to this genre then i will suggest you read this because this novel is relatively quick to read, if you have the free time. And there's enough action, suspense and face slapping to keep you engaged.

    One of my huge problems that i have with this novel, other than the most glaring issues like cringiness, issues with the cultivation system, and huge amount of plot holes; is the word DESTINY. That is all the MC is, Destiny. Any one of the people in the divine realm, this is where the stronger people are in the world, if they had the opportunity to get the MC abilities, they easily could. The MC has no talent, let me rephrase, his talent is alright and then it went to great, but even compared to the other geniuses of the divine realm, if the MC doesnt use things that make him so incredibly OP then he wouldnt have any chance in winning these fights. Other people also have abilities that are similar, transcendent divine mights, but they only have one. He has multiple and he's forced to use them first and use all of them and then he's barely able to win. And he keeps getting abilities to increase his strength but he never even earned the previous abilities. It kind of reminds of the saying "the rich get richer". The first 1000 chapters are ok but the second tournament arc was my breaking point. There are still a couple of scenes that i have been patiently waiting for so ill skip straight to those scenes and read them but ultimately, im dropping this novel. Incredibly frustrating read. 3/5 is generous 2.8/5 is more accurate, but this could change since im at my breaking point and this is when im most frustrated with this novel so it could be higher but i doubt it.
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    1. Offline
      One of the worst reviews ever seen.

      The MC of this novel is probably the best MC of any cultivation novel you could possibly read.
      The chances and "trascendend divine mights" and the treasures he aquires are all by risking his life, plus with very smart plots. Not a talented MC btw? You have read the wrong novel i guess.

      The fight scenes again, are easily one of the best , if not the best, in all cultivation novels included.

      Huge amounts of plot holes?? You dont even know what you are reading. Bet you skipped half the chapters. I could count the novels i've read with so few plot holes that are 2000 chapters+ with the fingers of one hand. And i've read about 300 novels.

      Also, the concept of destiny is explained too well, and by no means is a minus to the story.

      Everything i said above is completely unbiased exactly like your "unbiased" review lmao.
      If something is not your cup of tea , its not your cup of tea.
      No need to provide false info and prevent others from reading what is the best classic cultivation novel of all time .
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      1. Offline
        Well 12 people seem to agree with him (or her). To be honest I don't recall if what he says is true, but I remember this one being one of the best I had ever read... Even till today. I'm going to dive back in once more, Will try to review when I'm done.
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  9. Offline
    Can someone tell me when the the alchemy/4 divine Kingdom arc ends ? It's boring af, i thought there would be a time skip and he will go realm of God but this boring alchemy started!
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    1. Offline
      I don’t exactly understand your question but he goes to the realm of gods around 950.
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  10. Offline
    It has been Eons since I read this...was one of the first novels I read.
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