
Chapter 833: Activation

833 Activation

Lumian and the others were all captivated by those beautiful, crystalline eyes, feeling as if their very souls were being drawn into the depths of that scarlet.

But those eyes soon filled with irrational rage, madness, and chaos, creating a vortex of indescribable emptiness at their core.

It made all who saw it feel a deep discomfort, as if a flawless object had suddenly cracked.

Just as Lumian broke free from the trance, he saw the scarlet eyes of the Abscessed Hand focusing on him.

It first noticed its own contractee.

It showed no hesitation, displaying a ruthless, bloodthirsty impulse.

Lumian's heart skipped a beat, and his body hair stood on end.

Damn, it's going to attack me first! Lumian immediately prepared to teleport to the side of the corpse mountain in the mirror world, to avoid the impending attack from the Abscessed Hand.

He felt it was unfair-he had only been watching and hadn't tried to interfere with the reassembly of Hand Bro, yet he was being targeted.

The real culprits were Julie and Wanak!

And I went through all that trouble to gather your body. I don't expect you to thank me, but at least don't kill me first! Lumian grumbled internally while activating the black mark on his right shoulder, following his Hunter instincts and personality.

At this moment, both Julie and Wanak sensed that the body, which had transformed from a rotting mess to near perfection, had become even more dangerous.

Taking advantage of the Abscessed Hand's focus on Lumian, they each prepared their most powerful and effective attacks.

Julie raised her left hand and pointed to the sky.

High above, dark clouds swirled into a massive vortex, driven by a violent wind. At the center of the vortex, an iron-black meteor began to take shape, heavy and ominous.

The Abscessed Hand's gaze shifted from Lumian's disappearing figure to Julie.

In those crystalline, scarlet eyes, Julie's figure in her slit dress was reflected, followed by the image of the Abscessed Hand raising its white palm.

That hand clenched into a fist.

Julie's neck made a cracking sound, visibly indenting inward.

Crack, crack, the mirrors on her body shattered, but she couldn't escape her predicament.

She floated upward slowly, her face contorted in pain as if someone were lifting her by the neck.

Her hands instinctively pulled back, trying to pry open the invisible hand strangling her.

The forming iron-black meteor disintegrated, the wind stopped, and the clouds dispersed.

Lumian, who had just appeared at the side of the corpse mountain, saw this and genuinely marveled at the terror of the Abscessed Hand.

If this had happened outside, carrying out the contract without having Madam Magician as a safeguard would be suicide.

At this moment, Lumian felt a strange sense of relief, as if an invisible shackle within him had been broken.

He had completed the pact and was no longer barred from acquiring godhood.

Lumian's gaze swept over Julie, whose mouth was opening and her face turning a darker shade of blue and purple. He frowned in confusion.

Where is Celeste?

Julie is responsible for blocking and interfering with intruders in the mirror world. Is Celeste targeting 0-01?

His thoughts raced as he looked towards Albus Medici, now several hundred meters away.

This guy is also suspicious...

He could influence and use the iron puppets in the underground tomb.

Why did he wait until Julie and Celeste took action to enter here?

Was he preparing something or afraid he couldn't get past Wanak, waiting for a chaotic opportunity?

Just as Julie's eyes began to bulge and she resolved to unleash the full power of her sapphire ring, the mirror world shook violently again, and clear cracks appeared all around.

From within these cracks, nearly invisible flames emerged and seeped through.

In an instant, the sky and ground began to burn.

Lumian suddenly felt an urge to submit, his body instinctively avoiding the nearly invisible, flower-like flames and the melting earth, rocks, and void.

He realized his resistance to burning damage was useless against these flames; contact would surely reduce him to ashes.

At the same time, his right palm became unbearably hot, and a violent, crazed aura surged within him, unable to break free from the icy, deathly stillness of the Underworld Daoist mark's restraints.

The residual aura of Blood Emperor Alista Tudor had fully activated, completely triggered!

This left Lumian feeling like an overinflated balloon, pushed to its limit and still being pumped.

The pain was excruciating.

The area around the Abscessed Hand, where the mirror cracks were most numerous and the flames most dense, became a burning hell. Its head lowered, and the hand squeezing Julie's neck loosened.

Witnessing this change and feeling an indescribable pain, Lumian recalled a passage from the 0-01 sealing information: "Beyonders with strength surpassing Sequence 5 are forbidden from approaching.

Warning, Beyonders with strength surpassing Sequence 5 are forbidden from approaching!"

Now, the reassembled and revived Abscessed Hand clearly possessed strong godhood.

0-01 has detected the presence of a demigod level Beyonder and is forcibly breaking the mirror world's barrier?

My Blood Emperor mark was stimulated by 0-01's aura and triggered uncontrollably? Lumian thought painfully, his thoughts disjointed.

Albus Medici also lowered his head, his flaming hair growing another inch.

Julie fell to the top of the frosty steps, finally escaping a near-death state.

Her long, pale neck was swollen and bruised, marked by deep, blood-embedded finger imprints.

Julie exhaled, raising her left hand once more.

She intended to seize this chance while the enemy, who nearly killed her, was restrained by 0-01's power and eradicate it completely.

On the other side, Wanak ignited nearly blue flames.

He stretched out his right palm, directing the flames forward to form a giant fireball.

The fireball attracted the nearly invisible flames around it, drawing them in layer by layer.

Behind Wanak, his undead army was ignited by the flames seeping through the cracks, but instead of turning to ash, they merged with these flames, one by one flying into Wanak's fireball.

The fireball grew larger, its color gradually turning purple.

Wanak, his eye sockets burning with dark red flames, bit his lips tightly, reaching his limit.

He then pushed the enormous, pale purple fireball towards the Abscessed Hand.

As the fireball touched the Abscessed Hand's perfect body, a meteor ignited by air friction fell from the sky.

The meteor fell faster and faster, hitting the immobilized target directly.

Struggling against the residual aura of the Blood Emperor, Lumian first saw the explosion of light, then the rising dust, and finally heard the deafening boom, feeling the earth shake wildly.

The world turned colorless and dark.

Did it work? Julie eagerly looked towards the area where the meteor had fallen.

Though it was filled with dust, smoke, and invisible wind, Julie used her connection with the mirror world to make her eyes like mirrors, reflecting the scene at the explosion's core.

The perfect body had been blown to pieces, its flesh either charred or vaporized, leaving only a broken, black skeleton standing.

But on that skeleton, new tender flesh was growing, and the bone was slowly shedding its charred appearance.

It's still not dead? The weakened Julie felt an immense heaviness in her heart.

In the next second, Julie's forehead throbbed with pain, as if the flesh there had a will of its own, trying to break free from her skin.

Her ears buzzed, and her mind was filled with images of lofty, gently floating scarlet flags.

Her face twisted in pain, she thought with difficulty, H-has 0-01 noticed me?

I-I can't hold on any longer...

I'm going to become its puppet...

Julie's body bent forward under the invisible weight, her eyes turning black with visible veins.

She looked at Wanak on the wasteland, at the rising dust, her gaze growing crazed, resembling her state when first entering Morora.

Clenching her teeth, she whispered, "I will take everyone here with me!

Celeste, the rest is up to you! Remember the famous line from 'Eternal Love'? Stupid, live well!"

Live well! Julie silently screamed, and her sapphire ring burst into blinding light.

She was invoking the Primordial One's divine descent!

In the light, the bloody mark on Julie's forehead faded quickly, her hair floated and grew longer and thicker.

Gray-white quickly spread around her, turning the entire wasteland gray-white.

Lumian stiffened as if turned to stone, the residual aura of the Blood Emperor in his right palm causing endless burning pain.

Then he saw Julie, transformed by the gray-white, suddenly turn towards him.


Trier, in the sacrificial square at the entrance to the third level of the underground catacombs.

Franca had finished checking the surroundings, ensuring no one else was present, and had set up a mirror maze.

"You can drink the potion now." She nodded at Jenna.

Jenna took out the necessary materials from her Traveler's Bag and mixed the Pleasure potion in a crystal glass.

Without hesitation, she raised the glass and gulped it down.

She felt herself float as if walking on clouds, her body pricked by tiny, needle-like pains. Her hair, influenced by an unseen force, defied gravity, extending away.

Jenna vaguely saw snakes slithering through the surrounding gloom, rising up.

Each snake had a strange eye on its head, giving Jenna a strong sense of danger, as if she would be torn apart any second.

The hallucination quickly faded, and Jenna saw a blurry, holy figure in a plain white robe.

The figure sighed in a hollow, ethereal voice. "As a woman, do you know how dangerous this path is?"

"I have no choice," Jenna replied, half-awake and dazed.

The holy figure was silent for a moment and then said,"Make peace with your mirror self, for you were always one. Any other questions?"

The figure started to fade as if about to disappear.

Jenna blurted out, "Are you Lady Krismona? Who is your father?"

As soon as she asked, Jenna wanted to slap herself.

Had she gotten into the habit of discussing nonsense with Lumian and Franca? There were so many important things to ask, yet she asked such an irrelevant question!

The holy figure in the plain white robe was silent for a moment and then said, "My father is Alista Tudor."

Comments 17

  1. Offline
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  2. Offline
    So, Chad Alista Tudor banged the hottest one out there, that too who was his rival and left without paying the life support.
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    1. Offline
      Thirsty Philosopher
      At the same time, taking away the house, half of the property and breaking her principles that only Mаn can be Demonesses. He's not just Chad, he's Giga Chad and a REAL MАААААAN
      Read more
      1. Offline
        Lumian needs to step up his game. Gotta taste demoness.
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    2. Offline
      Life support? More like Child support.
      Read more
      1. Offline
        Thirsty Philosopher
        Considering that Crismona is dead, he didn't even chip in for the funeral, well, what a bad Red Giant of Calamity!
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      2. Offline
        Both life and child support.
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  3. Offline
    Well Lumian gotta taste the demoness at least once
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  4. Offline
    Yoo didn't knew alista also had the taste of a demoness very-shy
    And that of a true God💀💀
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  5. Offline
    praise the adam
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  6. Offline
    Thirsty Philosopher
    I feel that Blister Sister is at least 3-s, and more likely 2-s. Because even 4-s would take longer to destroy two quasi-4-s and one double 5-s
    So many flags that Lumian needs to accept divinity. I've been waiting for the transition chapter number to appear on the wiki.
    I wonder if Alista was already a Blood Priest at that moment or was still an angel from the path of the Black Emperor? In the first case, there is simply a possibility that Crismona could have inherited the 4-s hunter stat.
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  7. Offline
    The last paragraph was a surprise.
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  8. Offline
    The holy figure in the plain white robe was silent for a moment and then said, "My father is Alista Tudor."

    Red Prierist f#cked Demoness? I wonder what they felt when they tasted the best Hunter/Demoness
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  9. Offline
    Live well! Julie silently screamed, and her sapphire ring burst into blinding light.

    Albus & Lumian :- Don't worry, we will make sure she live well.
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    1. Offline
      Thirsty Philosopher
      "Good, really, not for long"
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  10. Offline
    She was invoking the Primordial One's divine descent!

    In the light, the bloody mark on Julie's forehead faded quickly, her hair floated and grew longer and thicker

    yup, I was right, same ring that trissy had. Lumian‘s godhood approaches rapidly. Hopefully we get longer divinity time than Klein, who f#cking speedran the pathway like it’s Minecraft set seed

    im petty btw, I see wd40 at o riley autoparts a lot, but you better not make my trissy sapphire ring reference again
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    1. Offline
      Hahahah brother chill
      They’ve already said that the ring can cause a deity’s descent, the most interesting part being that there are several such artifacts, and we don’t know whether it’s all sapphire rings or not.
      I’m just being curious whether Adam would connect Lumian with Loen or not.
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