
Chapter 834: Divine Descent

834 Divine Descent

The entire world seemed to turn gray and white, even the almost blue flames on Wanak's body solidifying into stone.

Lumian's first instinct was to reach into his Traveler's Bag to retrieve the mirror cufflink. He intended to use the opportunity, created by 0-01 breaking through the mirror world's barrier and Julie being too preoccupied to intervene, to escape the mirror world and return to the real corpse mountain, avoiding the impending divine battle.

He realized Julie had been praying for a divine descent.

And now, a fragment of the Primordial Demoness's power had descended!

Lumian couldn't avoid the influence. His body turned gray and stiff. The burning pain from the residual aura of the Blood Emperor in his right palm was the only thing keeping him moving, allowing him to slowly reach into his bag and grab the glass-like cufflink.

Just as he withdrew his hand, before he could activate the mirror cufflink, Julie, with her hair floating in the air, turned to look at him.

Her hair had turned raven black like thick, long serpents, and her eyes were now a brilliant, crystalline blue.

In that brief moment of eye contact, Lumian lost control of his body.

He saw the grayness spreading around him, climbing from his feet. Every inch of skin and flesh it touched turned to real stone.

Why am I the first target?

Wanak and Albus are far more dangerous, and the Abscessed Hand isn't completely dead. Why target the weakest one first?

Shouldn't I be caught in a broad attack instead?

Then I'd have a chance to escape the mirror world and wait out the divine descent!

Facing this hopeless situation, Lumian, as an Ascetic, couldn't help but feel intense anger and frustration.

Despite his limbs turning to stone, he tried to channel his spirituality to activate the Mirror Cufflink and other contract marks on his body.

But as his spirituality approached the grayness, it solidified, turning to stone and falling like rain to the ground.

His neck turned to stone, then his face and brain began to gray.

His last effort was to look toward Albus Medici's position.

The wasteland was empty.

The descendant of the Red Angel was gone.

He had disappeared or escaped somehow!

Son of a sow... Lumian couldn't help but curse.

In the next moment, his thoughts seemed to turn to stone.

His gray eyes saw Julie, transformed and radiating charm even to stone, floating in mid-air, engulfed in black flames.

The Demoness descended like a giant bird, trailing black flames that twisted and branched like countless serpents, their long tails gently swaying.

Silently, the mirror world began to collapse, dark voids mingling with black flames, swallowing the still skeletal Abscessed Hand, the immovable Wanak, and the petrified Lumian...

The end of this world had come.

Silent darkness filled every void.

After an indeterminate time, a violent, invisible flame flickered to life, illuminating Lumian's mind.

He felt the burning pain and icy rot in his right palm, the heat in his left chest.

He snapped his eyes open and saw a hundred-meter-high mountain of corpses and bones.

I'm... alive? Lumian was bewildered.

His last memory was turning to stone and the destruction of the mirror world by Julie.

He instinctively looked down, seeing the grayness rapidly recede from his body.

This confirmed it wasn't a nightmare or hallucination.

How did I survive?

Did someone help me?

Lumian doubted he could have survived such an apocalypse alone.

At that moment, he heard Albus Medici's voice, tinged with amusement.

"You can traverse the mirror world too, just like my escape plan, and you did it while partially petrified. Impressive. Did you rely on that cufflink in your hand?"

Lumian turned to see Albus, in a tattered black and red jacket, a crystal necklace around his wrist.

Albus had his eyes closed but was surrounded by undead soldiers in iron-black armor, their eyes burning with pale or dark red flames.

Lumian remembered he should also close his eyes.

This is likely the real area around the corpse mountain. Keeping his eyes open might result in being silently replaced by his mirror self!

Nothing happened... Just as I expected, I'm now Wanak's ally, one of the dangers, a puppet of 0-01. No need to fear any forbidden rules anymore... If only I'd realized it earlier, instead of being stunned and confused by my survival, I could have closed my eyes before Albus looked over, taking advantage of the situation to trick him... Lumian regretted this missed opportunity but also started to understand how Albus avoided the divine descent of the Primordial Demoness.

Like him, he took advantage of 0-01 breaking through the mirror world's barrier and Julie being too preoccupied with her prayer to notice them.

He used an item that allowed him to traverse the mirror world and escape back to the real mausoleum.

The only difference was, Julie, who hadn't fully completed her divine descent, targeted Lumian instead of Albus, allowing him to escape while he couldn't.

Why were you watching me? You should've focused on sealing the entire world. Then no one could've escaped! Lumian mentally cursed Julie, realizing that he must have activated the Mirror Cufflink just before his thoughts completely turned to stone, which saved him.

But as he checked, he realized something was wrong.

The Mirror Cufflink still had two uses left!

He hadn't used the Beyonder item at all!

Wh- Could Archbishop Heraberg secretly have helped me? After all, gods need special arrangements to descend a fraction of their power into Morola's underground mausoleum. It's unlikely an external entity intervened suddenly... It couldn't be Julie, who suddenly felt how kind I was as a boss and pushed me out of the mirror world at the last moment, could it? Lumian decided to put these thoughts aside for now.

Now wasn't the time to seek the truth!

There were still many dangers ahead!

He glanced at Albus, noticing the Red Angel's descendant studying him through the eyes of the surrounding undead soldiers.

Indeed, Albus didn't attack me just now, not because he didn't want to, but because he had concerns. My actions exceeded his expectations, and my escape was full of mysteries. He feared acting rashly might trigger a trap... Lumian's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden change in the sky.

Julie, wearing a long slit dress, appeared in the dimly lit sky.

Lumian's scalp tingled.

She's still alive and in the divine descent state?

He quickly noticed Julie's figure was unusually transparent, and the sapphire ring on her left hand was gone.

Phew... He heard Albus Medici sigh in relief.

Julie lowered her head and gazed at the top of the corpse mountain.

Following her gaze, Lumian saw a two to three meter tall iron-black metal pole with a charred banner at the top. The banner was covered in dark red and black bloodstains.

Just a glance made Lumian feel dizzy, his neck inexplicably stinging, and the smell of blood seeped from various parts of his face and forehead.

0-01? Salinger's Blood Banner? My corruption has deepened... It seems I don't need to finish reading all the remaining books. Mastering the current one should be enough... I can't rely on such direct corruption to save time; it's easy to surpass the critical point... Lumian quickly averted his gaze, noticing Celeste standing not far from the banner.

The Demoness, wearing a black robe, was looking down at the spot where the iron-black metal pole was embedded in the top of the corpse mountain.

The next second, she sensed something, raised her head, and looked at Julie in the sky.

Julie's lips curled into a beautiful and radiant smile.

She parted her moist lips as if to say, "I'll leave it to you."

In an instant, Lumian saw Julie's figure rapidly fade and shrink, turning into a puddle of filthy blood.

The blood, only palm-sized, fell straight down.

Its target was the charred banner of 0-01, seemingly to become one of the many bloodstains on it.

Celeste finally snapped out of her daze and shouted in pain, "Julie!"

At that moment, Albus's expression changed slightly. He transformed into a long spear of blazing white with a hint of blue flames, shooting towards the banner in mid-air.

He seemed unwilling to let Julie's remaining blood stain the charred banner.

You're finally putting in some effort... Lumian muttered, not rushing to follow Albus to the top of the corpse mountain to leave a mark or stop him and Celeste.

He planned to "join" after Albus and Celeste had fought for a while.

Of course, Lumian could see that Albus valued Julie's blood and didn't want it to become a mark on the 0-01 banner. If Albus didn't perform well and failed to stop the blood from reaching its intended spot, Lumian would teleport to help in time.

Seizing this rare opportunity, Lumian took an item from his Traveler's Bag.

It wasn't the Sword of Courage but the Devil's Whispers bone ring from Hisoka.

Comments 19

  1. Offline
    Does ranobes have any audiobook options? When i was reading i mistakenly activade an audiobook option, but i dont know if it was on the website itself.
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    1. Offline
      there isn't , but if you want audiobook option then use Microsoft Edge browser (read aloud option) , it isn't half bad imo
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    2. Offline
      There's a very good audiobook player app in play store called @voice. There you can copy url of any chapter, and it'll automatically starts reading. Once it finishes that chapter, you don't even need to manually change the chapter it'll start reading next chapter. You can even change accents, according to your choice. And the best feature is if you want to read anything when you don't have internet connection. You can download chapters from websites, copy url and paste their in download section ( it'll automatically download next chapters until the last chapter of that book) and listen to it while in offline mode.
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  2. Online Offline
    So, who saved him? My (least insane) theory is that it was PD - She put some kind of corruption into him (maybe foreseeing he will put his mark on 0-01?) them pulled him out. That would explain why She even focused on him, but still failed.
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    1. Offline
      She just doesn't want to kill her Ex child.
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  3. Offline
    Julie's lips curled into a beautiful and radiant smile.

    She parted her moist lips as if to say, "I'll leave it to you."

    Cf treating every lovers equally no matter the faction by giving them tragic endings.
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  4. Offline
    sort of a tame chapter. godhood is unlocked like a dlc for lumian, wonder if lumian will be lumian or make the transition… (i doubt CF would make him a woman unfortunately) last chapter i said i hope he didn’t speedrun the pathway, but now im rethinking my words. i would actually be more happy if he speedran the pathway, but i really hope the story continues for a bit after unlike klein’s unfortunate slumber
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  5. Offline
    Son of a sow... Lumian couldn't help but curse.

    This could have been Lumian last words, instead thinking about Aurora or Cordu, his last thought were about Albus.
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    1. Offline
      Thirsty Philosopher
      Another fundamental change in the Hunters that no one describes by stopping at the red hair and eyes: They start repeating "Dog Shit" and "Son of the Pig"
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    2. Offline
      You can't separate hunters from provoking. swindler
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  6. Online Offline
    praise the adam
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  7. Offline
    Я не уверен, за каких Богов сражаюсь сейчас, ты можешь поправить меня, если я допустил ошибку?
    1) Адам хотел бы, чтобы трио красных ангелов стало 0 последовательностей
    2) Секта Демонесс хочет сделать Первичную демонессу новой СЛИЗЬЮ
    3) Клуб Таро и две Церкви хотят сделать Красного священника из Лумиана.
    И мы не знаем о других организациях
    Итак, Лумиан самый слабый, по какой причине кто-то поддерживает его? Есть ли у него какие-то преимущества, если сравнивать его с другими (я знаю, что внутри него есть ангел, но он не может контролировать его и был абсолютно обычным человеком)?
    Например, Трио раньше был королем ангелов.
    Деменосс - Бог одного пути.
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    1. Offline
      Lumian wants to revive Aurore, so he has to grow strong enough and in return they might get a Red Priest who won't antagonize them. It's a win-win. All in all, this is an internal fight involving earth gods with outer gods wanting to take advantage from it.
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      1. Offline
        Thirsty Philosopher
        At the same time, of all the options, Lumian is the most sane, which is also very important for the new god right before the apocalypse
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    2. Online Offline
      I believe that Adam chose Lumian as a candidate for the Red priest shown by Him intervening through various events like the Cordu village (the snake that came out of Aurore), and made it possible for Lumian to advance through the sequences so quickly. Keyword "candidate", I don't believe Adam made no other plans.

      And thanks to having an angel of Inevitability and being of the hunter pathway, Lumian is a walking magnet of disaster which also fits the symbolism of both his pathways, a pre-determined fate and calamity, this is also why Adam and various organizations support him, as he will inevitably be in contact or conflict with beyonders from the cosmos and foil their plans, thus delaying the promised apocalypse, even for a bit.
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      1. Online Offline
        The cordu disaster was influenced by Klein (Adam may pull some strings) to have a connection with coi and lumian as a red priest is because he was literally born to be one
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    3. Online Offline
      Watermelon Destroyer
      The important point here is that the Medici has a grater with the Gods, since they desecrated the corpse of his and their God. The Demoness is on the verge of Madness. So the Gods throw in their chips depending on their situation.
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    4. Online Offline
      Скорее всего сформировать связь с Сефиротом проще до 4 шага.
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  8. Offline
    Time to show what real corruption is wiseacre
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