1 year ago

Classless Ascension by ClasslessAscension

[Climb the Dimensional Tower and have any wish fulfilled by the gods themselves!]

Enters... Read more
[Climb the Dimensional Tower and have any wish fulfilled by the gods themselves!]

Enters Josh Malum.

He was feared on Earth, but in this new world, he is but a Fallen. One that is forced to Climb. If it wasn’t bad enough already he is also Classless, something that is unheard of in the Tower. Yet none of it phases him.

«You think I should be despairing? Why? Is it because I’m classless? They offered me so many classes, I simply refused them all.»

Sacrificing the many worlds is a small price to regain what he once lost. To all the deities that stand in his way:

F… ⎧ᴿᴵᴾ⎫ Collapse
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  1. Online Offline
    I have no idea who gives this book a high rating. Further there will be minor spoilers, which for me personally killed all desire for further reading. While reading, I literally caught facepalms every second chapter. I barely made it through 80 chapters, and I really don’t understand why the rating is 4.2.

    Let's start with the fact that an ordinary homeless person needs half a year of training to destroy the "elite syndicate". So after this, our homeless man ends up in prison, where everyone is afraid of him (and he is in a straight jacket). After that, he gets into the tower and cold-bloodedly and pathetically kills the Cerberus in a straitjacket, as if this is just another day for a typical homeless person...

    Now the absurdity of the situation, our homeless person was literally torn out of prison into another world, that is, this creature, the tower, the system, can destroy this homeless person without even making an effort, but our homeless person begins to argue and argue and convinces the system, God, or tower - this is the first facepalm.

    Further in the chapters, absolutely pretentious nonsense begins with a complete lack of logic, the homeless person has 1 skill, possession of weapons, then he meets zombies, demons, goblins, they all die with 1 blow, he does not know about their physique, strengh, abilities, but the author about he forgets that he killed 50 people from the “elite syndicate”, just think you were attacked by 200 demons, any homeless person in New York can kill gods and devils after undergoing half a year of self-training.

    Further meaningless inserts to justify the situation, our homeless man was brought home by a girl, fell in love, got a job, WORKED CONSTANTLY, had little time for his family, 30 chapters pass and IT TURNS out that he is a super gamer who finds bugs and loopholes in games just by looking 1 time, logic left the chat... How a homeless person, and then a diligent worker found time for games ????????

    He join into the largest and one of the strongest guilds, although he is nothing, absolutely nothing of himself. He was literally almost killed by a level 35 extra, but at the same time he talks like an equal, with the master of the strongest guild, and he signs not a contract, but a PARTNERSHIP, a level 8 ANT... It’s just absurd, and this despite the fact that in battles in VR in the simulator he almost always loses.

    The biggest disadvantage is the self-confidence of this homeless man; if the universe could be destroyed by self-confidence, he would do it. He knows absolutely nothing about the tower, about its powers, skills, but he constantly rants that he will destroy this tower, it is so annoying that if this were the Xiangxia genre, he would literally be killed with slaps in the face for his shamelessness.

    And most importantly, all the absurdity of any current situation is justified by the fact that he killed 50 syndicate members, MET GOD - KILL GOD, MET THE DEVIL - KILL THE DEVIL, WHY? BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE BETTER THAN THE SYNDICATE MEMBER AND I ALREADY KILLED THEM
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    1. Offline
      Thanks bro, you saved my time!
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    2. Offline
      Iteration 333 859...
      That single line in chapter one renders your entire comment stupid
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  2. Online Offline
    There are two types of people in this novel: The normal one/Josh Fuc#ing Malum
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  3. Offline
    read it all on webnovel, gold medal.
    one word: chaos
    two words: batshit insanity
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  4. Offline
    @panic The same chapters in the last updates were re uploaded
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  5. Offline
    Oh it's starting again
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  6. Offline
    I swear back in the day this novel has a harem tag
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  7. Offline
    Spoil me
    thank you

    Ruthless mc?
    Any beauty girls?
    Maybe A little bit of romance ?

    Oh please no big no-no :
    Slave/pet ask mc to Dogeza?
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    1. Offline
      Ruthless, MC's goal is to revive his lover a her sister. No harem, there is beaty girls but there is nothing between them(only friendship),
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      1. Offline
        Thank you so much
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  8. Offline
    bullsht from the start. He refused to choose a class, just by shouting his name several times and the system created by the Gods had to yield and let him do things as he pleased?
    Does it mean if he shouted "God" for a few times then the system would let him become one?
    Total bs.
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    1. Offline
      The system is "alive" and it couldn't force him to choose a class so the system left him classless
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      1. Offline
        that's the problem. Why is a system made by Gods or whoever the almighty is has to do as an ant's wish?
        Think more rationally, imagine you're a scientist and are doing a certain experiment system on ants or rats for examples: making them going through a certain tunnel or eat certain untested medicine..etc.. What would you do to the individuals who refuse to obey your command? Don't tell me you'll let them do things the way they want instead. That's just fking ridiculous and unlogical, right?
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        1. Offline
          No, the system has supposed millions of ants, 1 ant eont make a difference in the big picture
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            right, then why didn't the system remove that particualar ant or at least give its a heavy punishment instead of letting it do things as it please. If you don't follow the rules made by organizers then you can't participate, that's the way things should be.
            As i made an example above, if he shouted "God" then does the system have to follow his will? No way, that's lame logic.
            The weaks have to play along with the rules made by the strongs, not the other way around.
            Imagine that you were given high power and were a big figure in real life and there's a certain arrogant weak shlt came to challenge your authorities, let's see if you'd let him roam free LOL.
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              There is no rule that states he has to have class, there are even other people without class like him
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              1. Offline
                there was that rule since the options shown to him to pick was a list of classes and without any option to skip. The system even had to repeat several times to him before giving up (and why the hell did it have to give up or repeat that many times, LOL, just remove that ant's existence due to his rebellion).
                If it was supposed to skip the class choosing, then there either should have been an option for it or the system wouldn't have to urge anyone to choose a class. This is plainly the weak logical point.
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                1. Offline
                  The system cant harm anyone directly....
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                2. Offline
                  which chapter has your statement? Or your guess?
                  The mighty system can grant super power/ development paths to ants but unable to harm them, so funny when you say it.
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                3. Offline
                  You are thinking about it too much. If the system is as powerful as you are making it out to be they can still decide to do what they want. You are talking about it as if the system needs to be offended at the fact that he rebelled and just as you said it if the scientist was doing an experiment with ants and one refused he might want to find out tpwhy that specific ant refused while all others did not. Not everyone needs to be that prideful dude
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                4. Offline
                  You don't seem to put yourself in the position of the organizer but funnily accept the arrogance of the participant.
                  Now a more realistic example that's applies same logic with the fantasy systems : Olympic organize games and have rules for participants right? When everybody accepted the terms to join, a certain athlete refused to play by indicated rules while arrogantly impose back so he can play by his own rules instead.
                  Do you feel that acceptable and logical? I'm so curious how you could agree with such bad mindset. Or is it a dream of being able to rebel against anything we don't feel like to? But it's definitely not something we call "thinking out of the box" or being creative or anything of sort, man, just pure spoiled behavior.
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                5. Offline
                  I think I understand your point now, thanks to this example your argument is clearer for me, I was seeing it from the perspective of the scientist and that was a different setting. It is one thing to be experimenting to find a certain outcomes of a hypothetical situation than to have an event with a certain outcome in mind with no freedom outside the options provided
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        2. Offline
          I still haven't read this but anything is possible, i mean what if his soul who reincarnated is stronger than these Gods? What if something attaches to his soul making him special? What if his future self tampered with the system? Bruh.... The author can do anything in their novel specially when the genre is fantasy. And when you're complaining about the setting of fantasy novel because it doesn't make sense you should stop reading books in this genre.
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            But by that logic, he could suddenly die of a heart attack and reincarnate as the ant on modern Earth and die again a few days later. story end.
            Story must have a logical foundation and fix rules that must follow for it make sense, if writer use their power to wrte whatever comes to mind it'd be cluster f#ck of madness. Whats the point reading it.
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            1. Offline
              welp thats true, but as I said the author can do anything they want, even things like that and we, the readers, will just throw the book in trash bookmark.

              anyways back to the main point. I guess im just not that clear enough, sorry about not being specific about it, what I meant is that the author can just bend anything he created like adding a rule(item,skill etc) that can break the rules. for example a chicken is only weak livestock but suddenly gained something that made it thr strongest.

              I also didnt mean that the author can put literally anything in his story 7 or else it'll be like Invisible Dragon.
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              1. Offline
                I agree that author can be creative and go off the mainstream as long as things were explained and make sense,
                But the point here is that the Author made MC to have his unique path in a ridiculous way even though the MC was introduced nothing special as you suggest with your "what if" series.
                MC has the same start with everyone else and was just only a random participant in a game-like event like anybody else, there's nothing exceptional about him to have the privileges in options, as long as that wasn't explained in the story, it would remain as a big plotarmor forever.
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    2. Offline
      I like how you completely disregarded the Iteration 333 859 in first chapter. Think an ant would have gone through that? 😆
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  9. Offline
    is this a romance?
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  10. Online Offline
    Still dead... Lots are crybaby
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