4 months ago

The Divine Hunter神级狩魔人

Luo Yi, a high school dropout in his original world, was isekai’d into a fantasy world. Starting... Read more
Luo Yi, a high school dropout in his original world, was isekai’d into a fantasy world. Starting out as a weak boy named Roy in the village of Kaer, Lower Posada, he was determined to grow stronger, no matter what it took.

The first step toward becoming a legend was to kill. And his first kill was… a rooster. ‘You gain 1 EXP.’ Of course, Roy had his own cheat system like all the other isekai protagonists. His first step to becoming a legend started now… Collapse
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Comments 123

  1. Offline
    It is one of the best fanfiction I hv read and very first of the witcher world

    I hv completed reading this series (from MTL) And would recommend to any fan of witcher world out there cause through this fanfiction I came know more about witcher world than all the games I hv played and Netflix series I hv watched (I haven't finished reading witcher series yet) this goes to show that author had considerable knowledge about the witcher world before initiating this project
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  2. Offline
    It was a great novel and the en was pretty good, I have read somewhere that it was rushed but I thin is pretty Ok a must read in my opinion
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  3. Offline
    Well... Story is ok, just ok. Problem is that it lacks direction. It's essentially just mc hopping from one quest to another and there isn't really any kind of proper driver for the story. Doing quests is fun in the game, but it's just really boring to read about mc doing separate quests that really don't do anything to actually bring story forwards. Basically reading this is like watching Naruto fillers most of the time. It was interesting for a while, but after reading couple hundred chapters it became just boring.

    I haven't played witcher yet, but I assume these quests/filler stories are just ripped from games.

    PS. Story actually became really good later after all the "quests were done and there was actual story of mc building up his new force. But then freaking Skyrim happened...
    It's just so bad and so abrupt. While it could be somewhat forgiven, since we know witcher is multidimensional world and there are people that can hop between worlds. What can't be forgiven is how it was handled.

    Author basically just reset our mc, he instantly forgot about his original world, his allies, lover and organization, and like nothing just started mindlessly doing "quests" wile tagging on with dragonborn for some reason. He even took on a new name for no reason. Not to mention said dragonborn seems to be in spotlight even more than mc sometimes. It's like totally new story and last 400 chapters were just forgotten. It's same as when mc plopped into witcher, even though it shouldn't be since he has gone trough a lot. I mean you could literally almost spin whole skyrim part, at least about ~20 chapters I have read as stand alone story and not even notice there has been 400 chapters already, which is really worrying.
    Also for some reason mc doesn't know skyrim.

    In conclusion, it's like writing original content and actual story became too much work, so he just went back to writing some random quests from games, since it's relatively easy. In my opinion it's best just to treat mc as if he's dead after skyrim arc starts and stop reading. Story will end at high note and make so much more sense.
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    1. Offline
      Skyrim arc ends pretty fast and he come back( I said this for you if want to keep reading), and the story get pretty good when he comes back, the problem is in more advanced chapters (I think around 600? I don't remember well) that the author rushed the ending.
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  4. Offline
    this is better adaption of witcher than netflix
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  5. Offline
    This is the first fanfic I didn't quit. My respects.
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  6. Offline
    Overlord 15
    I was glad to find something to read to my liking, but it turned out to be a fafnik for a witcher ...
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  7. Offline
    missing chapters 221 - 224
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  8. Offline
    465 chapters are missing plese direct this
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  9. Offline
    F5 Sect Disciple
    This story becomes a world hopping multicross fanfiction adventure. I know that's what's popular right now, and I can't say I was blindsided. But. Did you really have to go to Skyrim? I love elderscrolls, but the Witcher universe still had a lot more to offer.

    Bleh! This story was one of my favorites, and is no longer for me.
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    1. Offline
      I mean this is way before the mode, because this is a translation of the book it finished way before, just saying 😂😂👌👌.
      Anyway looking at the number of chapters and the plot it looks like is going to be a rushed ending, les hope not, because I not gonna read MTL.

      I feel the urge to say this😂, you know a similar novel in the world of the Witcher?
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  10. Offline
    I am confused as to why this novel didn't get to put top 10. It has the same quality as LOTM, though.
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    1. Offline
      A rushed ending, the author got burnt out and almost couldn't complete the novel. While the ending isn't totally terrible, it could have been better.
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