1 month ago

The Little Prince in the Ossuary납골당의 어린 왕자

Winner of the 2017 Joara Novel of The Year Contest!

In a world plagued by Morgellons, a... Read more
Winner of the 2017 Joara Novel of The Year Contest!

In a world plagued by Morgellons, a deadly disease that turns humans into non-human creatures, people have chosen to abandon their humanity in order to fight against the bloodthirsty corpses. In the end, there will be no humans left on Earth.

But that harsh world is, in fact, a world fabricated merely for entertainment. A world for humans to live in exists neither inside nor outside.

This is the story of a boy who, while living a miserable life, stares at the stars as he desperately tries to keep his humanity. Collapse
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Comments 45

  1. Offline
    I'm looking for a novel
    His system transmigrated him to another world then killed him then after some time he became god of disease and decay I can't seem to remember the name of the Novel
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      1. Offline
        Real good bit translation stopped at 475~
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  2. Offline
    There is only one scene I remember from this novel because it’s so weird…
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      He is a man of commitment
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    2. Offline
      Is this why there is a horror tag
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    3. Offline
      From what I remember,
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      1. Offline
        Yes but I just wrote it like that because the comment got longer and longer and I wanted to keep it short
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  3. Online Offline
    This seems to be a pretty dark novel with those tags and genres… Let us journey through this together…
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    1. Offline
      It's really dark, but I would say it's more sad than dark, especially the MC's story is quite depressing.
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  4. Offline
    It looks cool to me.

    Obs: Don't forget to downvote me ╰⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)⁠➝
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  5. Online Offline
    Winner of the 2017 Joara Novel of The Year Contest

    Wow that sounds a big deal
    (Can't find anything about this on Google)

    Ranobe FanMade discord server :))
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    1. Offline
      How you uploading images in the comments?
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        I'm a VIP 😎
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        1. Offline
          How y’all getting vip tags? I heard 4000 comments is the way but you clearly don’t have that much?
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          1. Offline
            To earn VIP, you basically have to post chapters that have not yet been released or are blocked on the original sites, it can be any novel and it has to be in the comments. I'm not really sure about the amount, but it's probably around 100 or more, after that, just talk to Panic and he'll promote you to VIP.
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            1. Offline
              I never did something like that
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              1. Offline
                Man, I don't know about that, it was Panic who told me that, so he's the one who knows what it takes to be a VIP.
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                1. Offline
                  Yeah , it's his choice you know 😉
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  6. Offline
    Looks good overall with dark theme swindler

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  7. Offline
    Hi guys I'm a senior in a US high school and Im taking AP calc ab right now and I got a D first semester and I'l probably end up with a C this semester. I applying to canadian colleges for mechanical engineering cuz im canadian. I dont know if I should just drop the class since it seems unnecessarily stressful but i am applying for engineering so they may see it in a bad light. Reddit is obviously useless so I have decided to ask eastern webnovel piracy site users for advice.
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    1. Offline
      Well, if u have abundance of time and money knowing how much education costs in u.s. then finish the class, but if not drop it; unless u going to work in some prestigious company where u need perfect record it’s not worthy.
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      1. Offline
        It’s high school so the grade only helps with getting into colleges.
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        1. Offline
          Then look for your major requirements, u may drop a class but then suddenly need it for college. If your college not asking for such class then drop it, if does, you may as well try to pass so that you don’t have to pay later.
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    2. Offline
      I just finished highschool a few years ago in the U.S. so I might be able to help. I’m not sure if your school system is different but since you’re in your final year and already got accepted the college probably won’t look at your final grades right? Since they accepted you. Well I would recommend finishing the class either way since dropping out is kinda extra since you already started the class, but even if you fail it might help you when you take calculus again in the future. Even if you give up halfway since it’s not like you’ll lose anything other than time. But I gotta know your circumstances more and see what you’re aiming for to help you more than that since I might be hurting you instead of helping you. But I’ll say that for math classes in my college unless we already got the credit for the class we can only get into a class if we take a placement test so maybe if you do well on the placement test you can skip calculus but it’ll be hard. For me when I was going into college I was going for engineering as well but I failed my AP calculus test so I had to retake calculus in college but no one really cared. Only had to pay more money for the class but other than that no one cares. It might be different if your college is a smaller college though I’m not sure
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      1. Offline
        We’re still applying right now and since I’m applying to Canadian universities I actually still have 2 months to apply. I have to wait even if I want to since they want mid year grades and it isn’t mid year yet.
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        1. Offline
          So if you haven’t gotten accepted then do they check your senior year grades? Like do they check your final gpa?
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    3. Offline
      I was in your exact situation in HS, got my undergraduate degree a year ago.
      First of all, college applications mostly look at your gpa, sat/act scores, and recommendations they dont really care about specific classes you took since the quality of education varies wildly between high schools. That being said, instead of dropping math to boost your gpa by focusing on your other classes its much better to drop a useless class to focus on buffing your math abilities so you do well on the standardized tests.
      Secondly, you will need calc for engineering so I recommend that you dont drop the class. Although it is humiliating and stressful to be falling behind in class, you need to do your best to learn the material if you intend to continue as an engineer.
      Even if you completely fail AP calculus, retaking calc in college is surprisingly common for STEM majors and sticking with the class now will only strengthen your foundation. If you are genuinely considering surrendering to high school math, its maybe time to reconsider your choice of major. Not saying that to be mean, but the math classes will only get harder unfortunately. Good luck with whatever you choose
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      1. Offline
        I wanna keep pushing since I actually like learning despite the struggle but my parents are my main source of pressure as I am Asian. That’s my only concern honestly.
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    4. Offline
      Considering that you have invested a lot of time and money into this venture. I suggest you complete highschool. But do take it easy. Focus on extra-curriculars. I have heard US high schools have amazing real life drama. Do enjoy that.
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    5. Offline
      Go wherever you're most comfortable growing my dude. If you think calc ab aint for you, then you don't have to be there. Go take engineering. Who cares if they see it in a bad light? Who tf is the one using that knowledge anyway? Them or you? Why bother putting yourself in a stressful situation if you can just take another route and get better results?

      On my other advice... Think which ones going to give you the best opportunities in the future. Like a job or something. If its going to take you further down the road. Will calc give me the opportunity and life you want? Or will engineering get you there instead? Is calc worth the time and stess?

      When I was in senior high school I took ABM (I still didn't learn a thing in that class). But when I went to college I took Psychology. I asked my teachers, family and friends if I should've proceeded to Accounting. But they said I should just take senior high school as a learning experience. You don't necessarily have to stick to the destined route ABM is meant for. Everyone has their own picks, ans everyone has their own preferences for their talents. Advices like that.
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      1. Offline
        Yeah honestly I don’t mind having a d since I’m only taking it to learn the content but my parents are the main problem so il think it over and drop it if it’s bad.
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    6. Offline
      As an engineering Master's student working on my thesis, here's my two cents. Please read to the end since I think all of this is important.

      First, don't feel like you have to go to college or get a job in engineering. I know plenty of people who took one semester of college and said, "Nope, I'm out", then went on to live happy lives. Introspection is hard, but if you don't enjoy solving problems, college might not be for you.

      Second, don't forget trade schools exist. There are HUGE openings for people with welding experience. If you like being really hands on but not the math stuff, consider trade schools.

      Third, If you still plan on going to college math is an integral part of it. Calculus is the foundation of that. Algebra will help you with formulas and Trigonometry will let you calculate forces and stress on objects, but Calculus is what lets you calculate the CHANGE of those forces.

      Now as to your question about dropping AP Calculus. Check the requirements of the school you are applying to. Some schools use just your SAT or ACT scores and completely ignore your GPA. My school let me choose whichever was better, so I used my SAT score when I applied.

      From a more information perspective, I took AP Calc (or equivalent) in highschool and tested out of Calculus I and II in college because I took the BC Calc. test (Which is the one you should take, by the way since it gives a score for both AB and BC when you take it.) Even if I had FAILED Calculus in highschool though (which doesn't really matter since only your AP test score counts for credit transfer), I would have still found it valuable for college. That is because Calculus is CONCEPTUALLY difficult, not mathematically difficult. Even just having taken the class in highschool will give you a MAJOR advantage when you take it in college. Many colleges will let you test out of classes too, so if you spend some time learning stuff through Khan Academy or Youtube you might be able to test out when you get there.

      If you want any helpful college tips, message me anytime. I'm happy to help. boast
      Hope you found this useful, and I wish you the best of luck!
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    7. Offline
      Spend more time practicing. AB is only limits, derivatives and integrals.
      I would say at least 2 hours a day. You don't understand math by reading, but by practicing. Just do every practice question you can get in the textbook. Your grades will come up pretty quick.
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      1. Offline
        Yeah il try spending more time on it. The teacher gives plenty work so we do have to work around 2hrs already.
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    8. Offline
      I'd look at what grade is required in the AP test for wherever you are applying. Some places accept 3's and most do 4's. If you think you can succeed at the AP test then that is one less course you need to take in college. Even if it isn't a core requirement, it is credits.
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    9. Offline
      Ranobes is not just a deep well of despair and the worst desires that humans can have, Ranobes is also culture, it teaches you how to go to college. oru2x oru2x oru2x
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    10. Online Offline
      Stick with the class. At the very least just focus on learning it and not the grades. You'll need calculus in university for mech E, so either you learn it now or later.

      But if you learn it later, you'll be doing it right when you need it to understand the lessons and assignments. You don't want that kind of stress. Not being able to keep up is what gets many people to drop out.

      IMO most teachers are pretty shit at teaching calc. By itself it's not intuitive, and a lot if not most students (from what I've seen) don't even really understand what they're doing. They just remember and repeat the steps they're taught.

      Once you understand what calc actually is and what it's doing you'll gain that intuitive understanding that makes it so much easier to learn.

      I would recommend watching some videos on calc. Not school lessons (although it might help to see better teachers lessons) but some explanations and history as well as examples of real life applications, like old mechanical tools who operate based on it. For example there's this old tool that can trace the outline of any single 2d shape and give you the area of it.

      Two tips, just in case it's helpful:

      1) it's really all about rates of change. The rate at which something changes. Once you understand how the numbers and symbols represent that, it gets easier.

      2) the basis of calculus is that it all came from a tricky manipulation of graphs, geometry and numbers. It's a trick. Like using a ruler to block your eraser from accidentally erasing what you want to keep, the counting trick with your fingers for multiples of 9, or using trig and the hypotenuse to work with triangles.

      Calculus is all just tricks to translate rates of change from a higher order to a lower order, or visa versa.

      Look up the original trick, of figuring out the slope between two points on a graph by shrinking the distance between them, and the manipulation of the equations to produce the basis of calculus.

      That's what got calc to finally click for me, and combined with examples of real applications I was able to handle it all much more intuitively.

      Good luck
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    Things are bout to get wild
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  9. Offline
    I knew it was Korean just by reading Synopsis
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  10. Offline
    A little white boy asks his mom

    "Mommy why do we have pets?"

    "Cause we can't have people anymore"
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      give me six digits
      The simpler times🧓🏼
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        Lol, your avatar makes it relatable
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