1 year ago

Reincarnated With The Strongest System by Elyon

«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held... Read more
«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held William in her loving embrace.

«Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that.»

In order to help his little brothers and sisters at the orphanage, and save the person he loves, William decided to make the ultimate sacrifice.

This selfless act caught the eyes of the Gods which allowed William to have an opportunity to enter the Cycle of Reincarnation with their blessings. Together with his Mama Ella, and a herd of goats, William embarks on a new journey to find the meaning of happiness in his new life.

In a world of Swords and Magic, where adventures roam wild and free, a new legend is about to begin!

[Disclaimer: You might get addicted reading this story.] Collapse
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Comments 631

  1. Offline
    Heh people keep complaining..
    Go write your own stories you ungrateful bastards
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    1. Offline
      This novel has a pretty high power ranking on webnovel and a rating of 4.7. On this site it is only 3.1. Is this actually not that good or did people just review bomb it on this site because of the author's comments in the comments section?
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      1. Offline
        Those people can't take sarcasm don't mind them

        Some even rate without reading the novel Lol
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      2. Online Offline
        Don't ever take WN ratings to heart.
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      3. Offline
        Personally stuck with it to about 600ish or 700ish chapter

        the problem of this novel is the lack of depth and trying too hard to do everything, basically feels more like a wish fulfilment kind of story where combat system is what ever author decides for the next few chapters until he gets bored of it and forgets it and makes up a completely new system and by the late hundreds of chapters MC has so many different combat systems that its just stupid and difficult to really read and focus on the content. Usually just stock up some chapters to skim through to see where the story ends up as I just want to see what will happen regards to that silly prophesy that the characters keep talking about for the longest time now.

        Oh and lets not forget how author just rips ideas and character designs from other novels/franchises
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    2. Offline
      you can critique something without being an author. If you dislike someones cooking and you say you dont like it must you be a chef to say your opinion?
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    3. Offline
      Deal maker
      So if you don't like a movie does it mean you should be a director and make one?? You're a waste of oxygen
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  2. Offline
    Chess might
    Bro in the end its better than those shitty novels, it's funny at least so read it for fun, stop critics for fff sake very useless it may sound weird to wear a slave collar but it is what it is, read if you want or go see another one, author you should stop nagging how this site steal novels because, I will never ever pay money to read online that's why it's online, I don't care about you financial status if you want you can create an app with ads get money every one happy I don't mind a little ad after a chapter also for supporting writers, or you can stop writing its known that writing especially online make a little money except really popular ones like solo exc..
    Or if you want another idea, put the novel as an asset in a block chain, so every time a site use it, you take some money or crypto, the site pay itself by ads, we readers just don't want to spend, I don't even have a international credit card so that's it
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    1. Offline
      ...he should stop nagging about how people steal his stuff?
      Can i go rob your house? You won't complain right?
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      1. Offline
        Chess might
        Bro for real, disappointing first rule in the internet nothing is private so its not his stuff like I said either make it a digital asset on a block chain so you control the novel or that's it I gave him solution, this is a pirate site so they won on web novel servers and they got the novels if you don't want your STUFF to get stolen you should beat ranobes servers or secure web novels, every second a theif can enter your house door but it doesn't because the door is closed I got knives in the kitchen I got the key so it is what it is, research on the solutions I gave... They are very useful

        Plus the author isn't complaining he is just pissed about ppl who aren't grateful to his free work end of the convo
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        1. Offline
          Nice way to cover up the fact that you're stealing.
          Webnovel fault, so im not guilty.
          Man, this is what pisses me off the most. Why can't people just be honest and openly admit to stealing? Why must you sugar coat it and put flowery words trying to justify your act.
          I read here, and im not going to say im not stealing nor blame it on anything else.
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          1. Offline
            Chess might
            Bruh, who the f said I am not stealing
            Just loosing in an argument and you spouting wrong things I just made an example with a theif , ranobes and I if you want are the theif and web novels is a house with no doors the example was a response for your'' if I stole your house, you wouldn't complain would you '' soryy but I have to say this you need to check your iq, relising something is a fact isn't wrong even if it goes against your idea, I didn't even understand you you first bootlick the author who is just doing his thing and defend him even when he accepts the fact of stealing and he knows I am poor and then " ow you are a theif and to be honest I am a theif and proud so stop exc.." did you hit your head, all I said is logic and recognized facts, logic can't be played against, you put the money there I will steal it for free no police here that's society I am a huprocite if you like to say so protect your money, money is just an example there are some limits as stealing is forbidden but you can't blame me when you are open, in the end it doesn't matter just expressing my opinion every one has his perspective but you, you have a bad attitude personality reflection, every one want things for free just saying
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    2. Offline
      You want an NFT of this novel lmao. Actually... someone might do that. Wow.
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      1. Offline
        Chess might
        Wow for what people are starting to put movies as nfts
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  3. Offline
    I really love this novel,all the jokes and references aside it's quite freshing to read something new for once,can't wait to see how it all ends
    Keep up the great work author-san satisfied
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  4. Offline
    There's no such thing as bad advertising and without these pirated sites all animes, manga and novel would make much less profits that they do.
    Simple as that.

    If one doesnt want his own book to be pirated go publish a book in bookstores instead of online sites.
    In order to read a book on webnovel you need to pay between 200$ going as high as 1000$ depending on the amount of chapters the novel has. You've got to be kidding me. Plus Almost all webnovels are of questionable writing quality and one does not know what shit he is gonna spend his money on until its too late.

    Coming here and flaming readers for beings "pirates" is a pricky move, when im pretty sure novels without such sites like this would be much less popular with much less income to the authors.
    Thats the harsh truth and if one thinks one deserves more than he makes, he should go publish a real book instead of a webnovel, but with ones' current skills that impossible. Maybe in the future after some major improvements.
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    1. Offline
      You must be new here. I guess you didn't see who I replied to. Do you see me trolling people who say that they love my novel? Of course not. I am even one of the few authors who visit this website just to interact with my readers.

      I couldn't care less, if people read here or not. This is the truth. I know piracy cannot be stopped, so I have resolved myself to it.

      But there is one thing I will not tolerate and that is people stepping on my face, and saying whatever they want to say.

      I had said this many times, and I will say it again. I don't care if people read this in a pirated site. They don't have money, that's fine.

      The least they can do is be respectful because they are reading the hardwork of others for free. But no, they act like entitled SNOWFLAKES as if I owe them money or something. This is what pisses me off.

      Like I said, why are you guys complaining about something that you're getting for free?

      Don't you know retarded that idea is?
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    2. Offline
      bro your speaking facts
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    3. Offline
      as far as I have kept up with the story and comments, it seems more like author cant take negative comments well.

      I understand that some people have been over the line, but it does not help that author is personally attacking each and every negative comment about the work, even if said comment could be constructive discussion about the work.

      Basically author's attitude of only my opinion is the only correct opinion is quite off-putting.

      So unless you are fanboying and commenting positive stuff, don't expect author to behave nicely :)
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    4. Offline
      Just to make a point about your ridiculous cost assumption, Elyon's book has just over 800 chapters. (The length of this is around 900k words, or 11-12 Percy Jackson novels as an example.)

      To unlock all of his novel costs a lil less than 5,200 coins ($ 104.00)
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      1. Offline
        Deal maker
        You're kidding right. A large amount of readers come from poorer countries or barely make minium wage. Dear reader, if you don't have the cash, you can read in any pirated site you want. Nothing wrong with that
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  5. Offline
    To the author if you are reading:
    I get it noone would like their work getting put on the pirated site especially for those who make their living out of it, but the way you respond to comments is not at all mature or more or less like kid responding.

    I get it if you respond to hate comments but you are using curses and a general bad tone even for normal criticism or ppl giving their opinion to other readers who are reading this novel.
    Being an author you should know how to handle bad comments and the way you respond will clearly even make other reader have bad opinion on you. Who knows some may want to support you in future if they like the novel.

    Now these are just my thoughts so you dont have to bring that you dont care what a pirated site thinks, as i really dont care about that. Just think about it. You dont want readers to have bad impression of you do you.
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    1. Offline
      Like I said in the post above, I don't really care if readers read here or not. If you've been reading all the chapters in this novel, I get along with my readers just fine. I even reply to their comments, especially when they ask questions.

      You have no idea what authors have to go through everyday. So, I'll skip the boring facts and just tell you guys upfront.

      You can be entitled to whatever you want to read. if you don't like the story then go find another story. I don't really care whether you read mine or not. Like I said, do you really think I care whether you read my story or not in a Pirated site?

      No. I don't.

      Do you hate the fact that I always say I don't care if you are reading in a Pirated Site?

      You shouldn't, because it's the truth. Why would you get offended if it's the truth?

      As for the bad impression, I don't really care either. Like I said, if you don't like the story, go find another. I didn't write this story expecting everyone to go on their knees and praise me to the high heavens.

      However, I won't tolerate people acting like entitled SNOWFLAKES when they're practically reading everything that the authors had worked hard for in this website for free.

      You guys are already reading our hard work for free and you still got the guts to complain? It's not even funny.
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      1. Offline
        My point proven. And as i said i dont really care, i like your novel and i will continue reading it here so thats that.
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      2. Offline
        reading comprehension at its finest.... Pirated site or not as an author you should be happy with the valuable feedback given even if it is being given by "scum".

        I'm not talking about the entire discussion if a pirate website generates more value or not for a author because we don't have the numbers.
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        1. Offline
          Yes. I should be happy that many of my authors friends are dropping their novels because their content is being stolen.

          I will thank you on their behalf. Thanks to you, several good novels are dropped. I hope you're happy.
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          1. Offline
            What novels were dropped? I’m curious.
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  6. Offline
    So even a children's novel can be uploaded to this website, huh?

    The rating of this novel is 3.1 quite high for the so called adicting novel haha
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    1. Offline
      This is a pirated site. Meaning, they take people's works without permission. Do you really think that the authors who write everyday and publish their novels through their blood, sweat, and tears, are happy with this arrangement?

      You think too highly of yourself.
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      1. Offline
        Bruh, imagine bleeding, sweating and crying to put clichés lmao, you're doing too much
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        1. Offline
          Bruh imagine writing a story of your own. You can't do it? Tsk weakling.
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          1. Offline
            You're right, even these kind of novels should be a hard thing to do
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  7. Offline
    I'm disappointed in the way the author act towards the reader and in this novel.
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    1. Offline
      I'm also disappointed, especially comments from someone that is reading in a pirated site, and still got the gall to complain to me.
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      1. Offline
        Why are you still here author-san~ don't tell me you got broke because nobody read your novel? and what are talkin about readin yar novel?? You're funny haha I'm not an idiot who would like to read a child's work haha
        < Ding! >

        < Congratulations! Your Shepherd Job Class has Ascended to its Next Stage! >

        < New Job Class: Quick Shot Shepherd >


        < Quick Shot Shepherd >

        "... It hasn't even been five seconds."

        -- In ancient times, when demons stirred and evil spread across the land… there wasn't enough time to… do things in a "proper manner". This was how the Quick Shot Shepherd was born…

        -- He was the hero that many needed, but not the one they deserved. A shepherd who roamed the lands and shot "Pew Pew Pew" to girls and foes alike.

        Indeed A Child's work "PEW PEW PEW" hahaha
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        1. Offline
          Its called a sense of humor
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        2. Offline
          Do you really think I care whether you read my book or not in a pirated site? You should have your brain checked, for being retarded lmao.
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        3. Offline
          authors being a toxic kiddo but if you reply to them they get more annoying. also #Elyon# , if ye so mad abt your novel being on pirated sites, request to take it down
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          1. Offline
            Do you honestly believe that all the authors in Webnovels didn't try? We did, but it is useless. Ranobes use a different server, and it is based in Russia.
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      2. Offline
        Why can't you just report it or make a request to have your novel removed from this site? Nobody wants to read your novel anyway.
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        1. Offline
          My novel is too good and Ranobes doesn't want to drop it. How about you report it to the moderators and have them drop it. I will be even thankful for you if that happens. GO on, make my day lmao.
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          1. Offline
            Such a pity, a delusional poor author sigh anyway you have no talent or whatsoever in this kind of thing that makes u imagine you're the best sigh you should stop writin your novel is not the best anyway, you're worst author I've seen no talent, no writing improvement, and no good personality. "AUTHOR'S POV" author is 100× better than you, atleast although he lack talent, he have good personality, whenever he write you'll see an improvement in his work, and he also listen to both readers of legal and pirated site and use it to better improve his novel. Anyway poor author-san a world is too big for a frog to roam around. You better be careful~~
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            1. Offline
              Entrail is a good friend of mine, and I agree he is a good person. Sadly, his privileges are all stolen by pirated sites and he can't earn that much. You guys don't realize how much he is suffering from not being able to earn, despite doing his best to write stories.

              Because of this, Author's POV might be ending soon.
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        2. Offline
          Nobody wants to read? this novel is top 4 trending all time in webnovel
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  8. Offline
    Okay, so let me talk about the problems i have with this novel. (Chapter 360 review)

    1- The author constantly plays with "haha, you almost got NTR'd" situations until it becomes expected. EVERY SINGLE VILLAIN in this novel is a rapist trying to get women related or friends to the MC. Even the monsters inside a dungeon captured women in order to rape them.

    2- How the author portrays slavery. William (the MC) is enslaved by his master. The reason? Because she went through a lot in the past (so apparently its okay to put others through hell if it happened to you before), and this is the ONLY WAY to teach him to be strong. What???
    William forgives his master that enslaved and tortured him because obviously "she cares about him and is teaching him" and she is "the prettiest woman he has seen". Not only that, but even after being released he still wears his slave collar and is proud of it??? What a joke way to regard slavery.

    3- William is extremely childish. That would be fine, even though he is a reincarnator. But he goes through Hell training with every specialist for YEARS. Goes through slavery and the worst experiences of mankind, sees horrors of war/poverty/hunger/despair and colapses from depression. Five chapters later he is back to being childish like nothing ever happened. Completely unrealistic that his mentality never evolves. The only change is that he has rare moments where he "becomes more serious" when talking to other people (because of his past torture i suppose?), but those aren't important and never amount to anything at all in the story.
    Every single fight he is still a fool and childish.

    4- William is not strong AT ALL, despite all those wasted chapters on his training. Let me elaborate: First of all, every single adult in this novel that is capable of fighting is stronger than him. He is always losing fights and getting destroyed and the only times he actually win are against weak monsters, kids like him or plot armor by the author. Nothing is deserved, things only fall on his lap for free.

    5- Ridiculous and unbeliavable plot armor. Like i said before, he loses his fights all the time, but is constantly being saved by his "goat mama", the gods watching him (that can't interfere but still do) or the self-aware system that bend the rules all the time. There is no sense of achievement or worth to this MC. He would have died dozens of times by now if the author didnt come up with new and stupid creative ways to save him.

    6- Terrible, dumb villains. No one in the novel so far has had any resemblance to being a worthy antagonist. All of them were hilariously bad or outright retarded. The only reason they manage even a small amount of success is because the MC manages to be even worse, often doing doing f#ck all with his thumb up his ass while the villain does his thing.

    7- Terrible and childish humour, often at the expense of the MC being humiliated by others. There have been so many cases of this happening that i cant even point them all. So let me show you one of the latest ones:

    < Ding! >

    < Congratulations! Your Shepherd Job Class has Ascended to its Next Stage! >

    < New Job Class: Quick Shot Shepherd >


    < Quick Shot Shepherd >

    "... It hasn't even been five seconds."

    -- In ancient times, when demons stirred and evil spread across the land… there wasn't enough time to… do things in a "proper manner". This was how the Quick Shot Shepherd was born…

    -- He was the hero that many needed, but not the one they deserved. A shepherd who roamed the lands and shot "Pew Pew Pew" to girls and foes alike.

    If you find this funny then i guess you are a better person than me.

    Anyway, this ended up being way longer then i thought. Read at your own risk, and dont think something is good just because it's popular. Poop is popular among flies but in the end it's still poop.

    bruh your right i just wasting mah time reading this sh+t thanks brah Crds to: Aldrighi
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    1. Offline
      I've also read his review and it's quite useful
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  9. Offline
    Arrogance can be lethal at times.
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    1. Offline
      The same can be said to a fart.
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    2. Offline
      Right, can't wait to see the author die hahaha
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      1. Offline
        When I die, I will just reincarnate to a fantasy world. I'm not too worried because I will be equipped with cheats and a system when I crossed over.
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        1. Offline
          You should take breaks from time to time. I think you are getting delusional.
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          1. Offline
            Chess might
            Bro he's obviously a kid, just let him do what he want
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          2. Offline
            Clearly you don't know the word sarcasm.
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  10. Offline
    Hello guys,
    This is the new fandom wiki link of this novel with all characters, images etc till now , feel free to help us add new informations in it:

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    1. Offline
      I have a question where do you get the picture ?
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      1. Offline
        Trade secrets? 😂
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        1. Offline
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    2. Offline
      thanks dude
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