1 year ago

Reincarnated With The Strongest System by Elyon

«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held... Read more
«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held William in her loving embrace.

«Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that.»

In order to help his little brothers and sisters at the orphanage, and save the person he loves, William decided to make the ultimate sacrifice.

This selfless act caught the eyes of the Gods which allowed William to have an opportunity to enter the Cycle of Reincarnation with their blessings. Together with his Mama Ella, and a herd of goats, William embarks on a new journey to find the meaning of happiness in his new life.

In a world of Swords and Magic, where adventures roam wild and free, a new legend is about to begin!

[Disclaimer: You might get addicted reading this story.] Collapse
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Comments 631

  1. Offline
    So i stopped reading this novel a while ago at around 230ch. And i am about to start again, can anyone tell me when will the R18 stuff start to happen. And how frequent are they in later chapters. monk
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      tsk, a man of culture.
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  2. Offline
    Alright. I’m stopping this.

    Gave this novel 145 chapters of my time.

    It went downhill the moment he lost his magic.

    Then there’s the annoying shit with gender bent girls around him , it’s creeping me out.

    All reviews say it’s amazing. I’m confused where is amazement is coming from.

    Divine emperor of death, paragon of sin, supremacy games, top tier providence, worlds apocalypse online, the oracles path, monarch of time etc , now those are amazing.

    This novel is not. Atleast not so far. I’ve been patient. I’ve seen shit novel go gold like infinite mana in the apocalypse, which was shit for a 100 chapters , then it was amazing.

    When will this get good? I see no indication. It’s one cringey speed after another, one big nothing after another.

    If you are someone who has read far into the novel, 500+ chaps, please let me know when it gets good. A HUNDRED AND FIFTY chapters is more than enough time to make an engaging story.

    I don’t want to see a dude act like a tsundere , and the MC just not reacting to it at.

    Not homophobia here, it’s just not my cup of tea.

    I need action, amazing world building, powerful MCs and powerful allies. Not a neutered MC.

    Give me a chapter number , or range from which it gets better. I’m assuming it’ll be after he awakens his magic again. If that is the case, give me the spoilers till that part and I’ll skip this entire shit arc.

    Gone to hold till then.
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    1. Offline
      for me it get good on 438
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      1. Offline
        Lol that a LOOOONG time
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    2. Offline
      Novel weeb
      You're an angel you gave me good new novels to read butwhy
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    3. Offline
      I agree with most of your list, but MoT?
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      1. Offline
        Well, tbh I read monarch of time at the start, caught up, left it to stockpile and forgot about it. It felt good when I read it, so that feeling still Persists. Idk how it is now though.
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        1. Offline
          Oh, mb
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      2. Offline
        well start wasnt bad
        read till him getting into the holy sect and then planning to go on a face slapping routine(thats where i stopped)
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        1. Offline
          Novel fell off real bad, especially with the author barely updating anymore. It’s pretty much dead.
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    4. Offline
      Popular king 12
      Divine emperor of death
      Is amazing it's trash
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    5. Offline
      Hey so i read your review and u did what i used to do and stop at the turning point of the story, when he loses his magic it gives the mc a very good character building and an way to fully adapt to the world of Hestia, you should have atleast read to 250 before giving up since there are major plot development going on there, also the story has like Amazing writing as you haven't read more then 150 chapters you wouldn't know, eylons first novel was this and he learned how to write better with every chapter, you cannot dislike someone who is learning and you can see that he is improving with each new chapters.
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  3. Offline
    #Jadebeautyhunter# this is the novel where the mc gets a slave collar right? Can i ask if the mc gets rid of it in the later chapters?
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    1. Offline
      I’m still around chapter 120. He still has the collar afaik.
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      1. Offline
        Update me of you continue to read until his slave collar is broken or won't be mentioned or little use/interactions with the future ty. I'll probably read again if any one of the things i mentined will happen
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        1. Offline
          I’ve been reading for a while more now, it’s not mentioned at all which is weird.

          What’s more concerning to me is the amount of gay ish scenarios this novel has. It’s reaaaalllyyy creeping me out.
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          1. Offline
            dont worry .. slave collar will get removed, but there is a plot twist as always with everything this author spews out and then there is whole another arc about the slave collar and the fiasco around it. Seems stupid if you ask me.
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    2. Offline
      yeah he is
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  4. Offline
    Ayo #ricardo2# #elyon#

    Cut the shit out dudes.

    Ricardo2, don’t escalate.

    Elyon bro, just focus on the novel man. I’ve seen too many authors who keep responding and defending themselves to reviews and ultimately leave the novel hanging because they feel like everyone hates it. Chill out man. You are coming off as combative.
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    1. Offline
      I told him I wasn't gonna respond anymore so u didn't have to type in this comment. I didn't escalate shit BTW and anyone with a functional brain and eyes can see that. boast oru2x
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      1. Offline
        Yes. Anyone with a functional brain knows that you are a hypocrite.

        #Jadebeautyhunter there's no need to make a comment like this because we already stopped. You are the one that is continuing the discussion not us.
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    2. Offline
      Tbh i dont think elyon cares about any of these comments and he is just having some fun and jab at ppl replying here when he is free bcoz why not wish .
      Cuz many of these comments he is replying on can just be avoided by not replying and an author of his caliber should know when to ignore comments. So just read and enjoy the comments. oru2x
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  5. Offline
    This novel is simply boring. There's never any peace and the mc goes through trpuble after trouble for no reason at all aside from his stupidity or the author's forced plot points. The borderline ntr plot is extremely annoying as well cuz even tho there has never been any ntr moments, it gets so close and there are so many insinuations that it becomes worrying and i, and tbh every other reader i see commenting, dislike it. The goat thing is also weird af but that can be bearable i guess. The author loves lolis and jokes around them a lot and tbh even tho i know lolis in novels don't mean the author's a pedo or anything, in this case it kinda worries me tbh cuz it do be quite questionable sometimes what is said. 3 stars at best.
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    1. Offline
      It's not my fault you have shit taste. Go read your generic stories shooo.
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      1. Offline
        Well I don't wanna start an argument but that was quite an immature response. As an author u can't expect everyone to like ur story because people's taste's differ. Tbh I don't think ur story is bad but it is, imo, average at best. It doesn't have many strong points, while when it comes to bad points/things I dislike there are plenty. I didn't feel like writing a proper review cuz I didn't have enough attachment to ur novel to do so cuz tbh it is very forgettable. I've read the 1st 400 chapters and it simply does not improve and as such no matter what u as the author try to tell me I will not change my thoughts.

        Btw I know that this is a pirated website but just by looking at the ratings u can see how the majority of people feel about your novel. Here, comments/reviews can't be deleted unless the person who wrote it chooses to and as such, unlike in webnovel where narrow-minded authors like u delete honest reviews if they displease you, you have no power here to alter the novels rating. Every novel on webnovel has a boosted rating and as such u can never truly trust it while in websites like this it is much more accurate tho never 100%. What I mean by all of this is: keep writing your story the way u want so the people who like it will keep reading it, the others tho can simply drop it and move on which is exactly what I did cuz this is not gonna improve. You should learn to take criticism better cuz I wasn't even that harsh nor rude in my "review".

        Good luck with the rest of your story. boast
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        1. Offline
          Nah. As an author I know that not everyone will like my story. But, that doesn't mean that I'll allow anyone to step on me. If you feel like its boring then you can read other stories.

          No one is forcing you to read. Do you think this is an airport where your arrival and departure needs to be announced?

          You already know that this is a pirated site, which meant that I couldn't care less whether you read my novel here or not.

          This is not how you do a constructed criticism. So what if you don't like goats? DO you think I care if you don't like them? Do you think I am I writing this story to satisfy you?

          The fact that you're bothered with something so simple means that you're the one that is immature.

          Everyone has their own taste, and you won't see me begging someone to read my story. So if you feel so entitled that you have the most superior taste in the world, it will be best if you get off your high horse because me and the other authors that are writing our stories are not writing only for a single person.

          Next time, before you spout a load of bull, don't act like your opinion is the only thing that matters. As for ratings? What a joke. Do you really think I care about ratings in a pirated site?
          Have you visited lightnovel pub? this novel is the 2nd highest ranking story there.

          Do I care?


          So before you start saying that authors care about their ratings in a pirated site, it will be best to wake up to reality. We don't give a sh*t about our rankings in a pirated site.
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          1. Offline
            I don't think my opinion is superior but to me my opinion is what matters cuz otherwise whose opinion am I gonna follow? Yours? Lmao
            When did I step on u BTW?
            My review wasn't necessarily constructive but I wasn't rude either I was just giving my thoughts. I didn't give u any suggestions on how to write.
            Everyone obviously has their own thoughts
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            1. Offline
              You dare say that you're not being rude when you clearly posted that I am a "narrow minded author."

              Also, it is quite obvious that you took a shot at me for being a "pedo" just because I use a loli in my story. I have no words to describe how petty this statement of yours is.

              Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. Just like I am entitled to mine. But, you know what? Self entitled people like you should really look at yourself in the mirror. You dare say that you're not being rude when the words you use clearly indicates that you're a hypocrite.
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              1. Offline
                being honest is different than being rude. Sure implying u like lolis more than u should might have been a bit too far but saying you are narrow-minded isn't being rude. It's just telling the truth which might have offended you but that's on you not me. I'm not gonna respond to you again so good luck with ur story and bye kef
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                1. Offline
                  It's fine. I didn't expect anything from a hypocrite anyway.
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                2. Offline
                  idiotic author. doesn't likes criticism. doesn't even listen to honest advice to improve the story.

                  just stop doing anything and hold your breath. you'll feel much better after being able to hold your breath for the rest of your stupid and meaningless existence. 😂 😂 😂
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                3. Offline
                  Why would he listen to advice from a pirated site? On the site that he actually makes money from, he is ranked amongst the highest.
                  Paying readers > pirated readers.
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                4. Offline
                  I think that elyon over the chat isn't the author, because his a visitor only.
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  6. Offline
    Night Edge
    I feel liked I've read the title before so I didn't bother checking the content last time, now seeing it again I got curious and checked the content. And it was not the same.

    I guess reading and seeing other novels with almost the same titles and plot will make you think you've already read this.
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  7. Offline
    Fellow brothers.
    I saw in the comment section that there is ntr, please elaborate.
    Netori or netorare.
    Netori - cuck others
    Netorare - get cuck
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    1. Offline
      There is no ntr in this story. Those who say it is NTR doesn't know what NTR means.
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      1. Offline
        Ooo, thank you author-san. Sorry for reading your novel on a pirate site. Good luck to you and wish you the best on writing and your health too.
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    2. Offline
      while there is no NTR, all the villains know only one thing and that is to try to bed MC's women. So basically most of the challenges or accidents or whatever MC needs to overcome resolve around one of his women being targeted and him saving the day on the very very last minute.
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      1. Offline
        Oh so it's that.
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  8. Offline
    Why do I have a goddamn feeling about ragnarok of hestia and birth of the prince of darkness is related to each other.
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  9. Offline
    книга - влажная фантазия задрота и девственника, норм пацанам не советую..
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      кто спросил
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  10. Offline
    «Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held William in her loving embrace.

    «Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that.»

    Isn't this a quote from Martin Luthor King?
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      это цитата богини света Весты
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        Но на самом деле доктор Мартин Лютор Кинг сказал цитату
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