1 day ago

Dual Cultivation by MyLittleBrother

Su Yang is an exceedingly handsome and renowned Dual Cultivator who was imprisoned after he... Read more
Su Yang is an exceedingly handsome and renowned Dual Cultivator who was imprisoned after he offended the Heavenly Emperor. His crime? He committed adultery with the Moon God’s wife, kidnapped the Dragon King’s younger sister, seduced the Divine Goddess, and he even tasted the forbidden fruit that is the Heavenly Emperor’s beloved daughter.

Inside the prison, Su Yang meets a mysterious old man who offers him a chance to leave this place, but that method requires him to experience reincarnation. In his new life, Su Yang swears to reunite with his partners and hold them in his embrace once again, all the while finding new ones along the way. Collapse
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Comments 247

  1. Offline
    i really liked this novel for many reasons ( peepo014 ) and its a shame that author abandoned this one for Cultivation Online... i couldn't really get into it, and i dropped it likemaybe 500 idk... i get that he gotta eat but i wanna beat :(
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  2. Offline
    i cant remember where I left off. it was somewhere around when su yang ascends from his original world. can someone pls help
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    1. Offline
      He travels to the four divine heavens around chapter 880 if that helps narrow it down for you.
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  3. Offline
    Is it finally back? Yay imma give it a bit to get 100 chapters or so first thoo
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    1. Offline
      I waited 2 years for 120 chapters, so good luck gloom
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  4. Offline
    Buenas amigo/a, una pregunta no va a seguir con la historia de Dual Cultuvation
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  5. Offline
    Weird, 'dual cultivation' is releasing in webnovel. #Panic# can you update it here?
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    1. Offline
      nulla inferius
      the last chapter of 1050 came out 4 days ago, he gives this novel so little time that it is better to wait until he puts out 50-100 chapters.
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      1. Online Offline
        It looks like it takes over the year to get 50+ new chapters
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  6. Offline
    Idk where this author go and why he decide to leave his work, I mean at some point you cant just leave this masterpiece fr
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  7. Offline
    DEVIL 魔鬼
    I hope the author continues this novel butwhy
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  8. Offline
    Mr. Harem
    Dropping the good to continue the bad, this is human nature that has no sense of accomplishment and have greed for money, only to make money he makes something that is not necessarily good and when something he is doing is bad, instead of continuing the good, he instead left all his hard work that had spent time and effort. Hiss sigh 12
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    1. Online Offline
      Well maybe he has no idea what to write. Author just don't want to ruin this masterpiece with bad content. If it's true then it will be better for us. I will be disappointed if the story will start to downgrade
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  9. Offline
    Marlboro Red
    This novel is now out of the top 10 in ranobes in rating. Sad.
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    1. Offline
      It’s still in the top 10 of our hearts tho.
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      1. Offline
        Marlboro Red
        Author prioritized his other novel which was popular with simps and hornies. Dual Cultivation has smut and is harem too but it isnt just cringe as the other an no annoying mc. Unfortunately author needs money. He wasted DCs potential
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  10. Offline
    Mister potato g123
    If someone is seeing this message, then this means that you are currently in a world on the brink of destruction. To fix a world on the brink of destruction, you need:
    Adhesive: for gluing destroyed pieces together.
    Ink: In order to rewrite the world from the beginning.
    Motivation: Why do you want to fix the world? Is it worth your time? .
    Will, Perseverance and Determination: There are some who think that these things are not needed, but! It's the most important thing, without it we can't even live without getting depressed. Ambition: It does not have to be noble, brave, greedy, old or young, the important thing is that it is something you want to do, a kind of dream, in this way even if you cannot complete it, you will not regret your choice and you will not complain that it is not your choice, so choose carefully! .
    Audacity and Caution: I put them together because they are two sides of the same coin. It is not good to be cautious to the point of being considered paranoid or a coward, or to be bold to the point of recklessness.
    Partner: someone who helps you and supports you to do the same with him, you love him and he loves you, you don't get angry with each other easily and you never hate each other! Simply your second half.
    Family: They are the ones who support you unconditionally. They love you even if you hate them. If they hurt you, you forgive them. If you hurt them, you ask them to forgive them. When you enter the house in the harsh winter, their atmosphere warms you, and in the summer they refresh you with their smile.
    The destructive world here describes the mind, the heart, and sometimes the physical world. If you meet all these conditions, you are invincible. Problems can bend you, stop you, tire you, frustrate you, and hurt you, but they will not break you! I can never make you give up! No drugs, no alcohol, no depression, suicide or brokenness.
    Although everything I said is important to repairing a destroyed world, however, the most important thing is.... acceptance.
    If we accept that we lost, we will be able to win next time because we did not focus on losing, but why, how and where is the problem? In this way we find the problem, accept that we made a mistake and try again, time after time after time, in the end we will get there! As long as the odds are not zero, we will arrive! .
    Accept that we are not the best.
    There are always better people, they have more talents, they work harder, they have better luck than us, so instead of getting depressed because of our inferiority, we have to accept that we are not the best! We can always strive to be the best, and we can really become the best, but the chances of not becoming the best are also great. If we really can't achieve our goal, change it or make it smaller with the aim of becoming within our potential. After all, the maximum limit of our life is 100 years. It is not necessary that We are the best anyway, we just have to live without regrets.
    Note: I am the most handsome in the universe, and the multiverse (if it exists).
    This article was written by Imran Saeed. My own review of the article is [10e1000/10e1000] Who doesn't like him banging his head against the wall?
    Ah, and to those who continue now, I salute you for insisting on reading this nonsense for so long, why is it nonsense? Because I don't live your life, that's why I don't have the right to tell you how to live! This is your private life, burn it, destroy it, break it, curse it, do what you want! In the end, you are free! Just don't forget to like and subscribe honestly.
    Note: (If you do not like, subscribe and share, know that the demon king Satin prevented you).
    Note 2: Because the king of demons has no one else to stop you, you like, leave you behind, and forget you, because what is this? .
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    1. Offline
      are you in a weird cult?
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    2. Offline
      Tldr: Putin and Biden is about to drop a nuke on your ass and you cant do anything about it.
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      1. Offline
        I'd rather get nuked by Putin in that case, at least that way I'd know I got killed intentionally.

        If you get nuked by Biden then its more likely that the senile old fossil accidentally pressed the nuke button thinking it was an ice cream button.
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