5 hours ago

Paragon of Sin by KevinAscending

The Heavenly Dao exists.

It decides what is right and what is wrong. To act against it is... Read more
The Heavenly Dao exists.

It decides what is right and what is wrong. To act against it is to sin, to act according to it is to be blessed by its graces.

The world of cultivation is difficult, an unchanging principle. Yet there are those who are cherished by the Heavens, cuddled into rising above all and everyone else. How can this be? Why must this be?

What is moral and just? What is evil and immoral?!


So we, the Sinners, we act against the Heavenly Daos, grasp our own fates in hopes of truly overturning them.

This is a Journey of a young boy born Blessed, but turned Sinner.

The greatest sinner of them all. Collapse
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Comments 499

  1. Offline
    Can someone help me locate where I left the novel?

    This is where I left it.

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    1. Offline
      Fellow daoist you should be anywhere between chapter 1064 and 1074 the river of time arc or series whatever you’d call it
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        Thank you very big welldone
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  2. Offline
    Mister potato g123
    Fun thing is how Is his breakthroughs are crazy af
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  3. Offline
    #PANIC# How far?
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      only we
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        Okay, thanks
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      2. Offline
        Will there be an update of the Paragon of Sin after this month?
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  4. Offline
    Seguiré la idea del Señor de abajo crybaby
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  5. Online Offline
    I'm suffering from POS withdrawal symptoms! I'm back to reading long CH cultivation novels. butwhy
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  6. Offline
    Review at Chapter 1256-1250,
    At the time of this review this is the latest chapter and I've just finished my 3rd re-read of the novel so I'll try my best to do it justice.

    The story, world building, character writing and plot are all near perfect. The world building alone is why I am still reading this novel no matter how much the author has been infiriating me in recent chapters(The latest chapter was the worst sinner of all).

    1.The Harem: I won't lie I'm mostly biased against harems due to how shit they are but this story has some pretty good female characters and I don't mind the harem that much. What actually ticks me of the most is only a few select members of the harem who in my humble opinion are bitches!!! The can go burn in hellfire for all i care.

    2. Writing women: r/menwritingwomen that the best way to describe it. Everytime a "beautiful"(codeword for potential future harem member) appears the author writes entire paragraphs describing how fair and lovely they are while comparing them to other women in the story. It's a bit disgusting and gets old really fast.

    3. Misogyny:
    From the Dual Cultivation system to the Blessed the entire world ooses misogyny like a broken dam. The parts of the story that aren't are all either tell don't show scenarios or side characters.

    3.1 The Dual Cultivation system of this world is heavily unbalanced as women gain benifit from being "pure" and maintaining their primal yin while men gain the most benifit by having a harem and taking the pure yin from as many females as they can.

    3.2 The belessed problem is even worse as blessed are supposed to be powerful indipendent able to carve out their own territory in the world. Out of the 8 blessed we meet so far only 2 are women and both are foils for another male blessed. One is a lovestruck idiot chasing after a man who broke his promise and left her to die. Another was speculated(By the MC) to be Destined to marry a male blessed that the MC had killed and now the MC plans to woo her.
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    1. Online Offline
      #panic# I don't think he was referencing the novel Dual Cultivation, so you might want to do something about that.
      Maybe make it so that a hyperlink isn't added unless you add an "@" before the novel's name, or they have to write the title exactly as it is with the initial letters capitalized.
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      1. Online Offline
        In my comment, I wrote d ual cultivation with small litters but it was turned into a hyperlink nonetheless.
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        1. Online Offline
          This might also help with other problems like when you type a novel's title that contains another novel's title, for example the novel "Dual Cultivation In Martial Peak".
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  7. Offline
    The novel is good, especially the Cultivation System . The novel started well, but literally the harem spoiled the novel to the point that I skip chapters related to it.
    MC says at the beginning of the novel: I will focus on training, I am not interested in the harem.
    reader 1: How many harems now?
    reader 2: I don't know. I stopped counting after twenty.
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    1. Offline
      Bullseye bro.....
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    2. Offline
      I don't think he ever explicitly said that in fact his first goal of
      was completed even before this started and all he wanted was to peacefully cultivate when suddenly he has to face omnipotent conceptual trials and got a close death experience which sprouted a change in him to just start enjoying life and what's the fault with it
      So yeah him getting change in his character was already shown in the first chapter's and I don't know man having one night and providing women with resources when it costs him nothing isn't that much bad
      Not to mention even then he treats his women's better than other harem MC
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      1. Offline
        Read the recent chapter , women just keep coming and its getting annoying
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  8. Offline
    I've saved up the past 100+ chapters. Is there anything interesting happening or should I keep stacking?
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    1. Offline
      Nivesh Mahajan
      unfortunately for you only a couple of chapters are worth reading. there are massive amounts of filler chapters present. better to stack than to feel sad like the rest of people who have caught up and receive nothing of value in daily chapters.
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      1. Offline
        Thank you for letting me know, I will keep stacking chapters in that case.
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  9. Offline
    i stoped reading at chapter 900 waiting for chapters to pilling to read but when i cheked the wiki i want to ask did lin ming cucked Tian Yinwu by having sex with his two fiances ? cause when i stoped reading Lin Xianxie wasnt thinking of taking last step but now she is lin ming secret lover? any confirmation

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        thanx for spoilers well i think LM well die sooner or later i never liked him so i didnt want him ruin any beauty but i dont like this tang girl but LX the author hinted about her past so i think she well be a herione so i didnt want her to be like Wu Baozhai which is great one but LC ruined her so she can only be a cocubine not a wife like WW said
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  10. Offline
    I tried to read it again but I couldnt
    The first 50 episodes talk about girls, yin and yang so much that it gets boring. I couldn't stand it. Some people had compared it to RI so I had high expectations. But unfortunately. Its as if the characters is more powerful the bigger the harem. Everyone is looking for women, in most novels women were seen as objects, but this is on a very different level.
    If its good in the future, I'll continue, I would appreciate if you give a little spoiler in the comment.

    My english bad sorry.
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      Nivesh Mahajan
      sadly, for you there is a huge number of women already in his harem. and the author expects to add thousands more (he once said this on discord).
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