20 hours ago

Villain Retirement by Romeru

16 years old… most boys would be falling in love, as their hormones all rise to unprecedented... Read more
16 years old… most boys would be falling in love, as their hormones all rise to unprecedented levels. Most boys at Riley’s age would have dreams; dreams that will slowly grow into passion. Riley, however, at age 16… killed the world’s number 1 superhero.

Warning: MC is in the spectrum. Very Edgy. Collapse
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Comments 131

  1. Offline
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    I love this book.
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    Loved it! Please release more chapters
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  4. Offline
    Why the low rating? Was it because he's edgy? His edgyness was funny though not just him but all of them, and the characters have their own uniqueness, you'll know immediately who's talking.
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      Fr fr
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  5. Offline
    This novel is quite good! But the thing is that this the mc is quite evil and cool.....but there's something missing..... it feels like the character is completely out of order.
    Mc is pretty open abt his identity. His only condition is as long his sister doesn't find out it's all good.
    If the author could somehow organise the mc properly..... This novel would be extremely good.
    Rating 6/10
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      Death panda
      Death panda
      Th author has a habit of messing the main character from the beginning and through the story they get “fixed” or evolve to this higher state from edgy to edge lord
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  6. Offline
    First thing to say.
    This novel isn't that edgy as it seems. Are you surprised?
    Ofc, MC is someone who is 'evil' by default. He sometimes do and say something cringy things, but the 'superheroes' setting somehow soft the edges(lol).
    The whole world looks like fanfiction from DC comics with some reference to Marvel, still it's not total rip-off.
    As it said, MC is OP and main superhero is already beaten, so for the first(read current) part of novel is all about some conspiracy with paralleled exposition. What comes next is quite obvious, just see it for yourself.
    My main problem with this title is slight inconsistencies and lacking of some details. MC don't wanna his family to know about villain identity, still he don't even try to hide it. He can say out loud he is Darkday, but with miracle from author his words just stay unheard 'cause of some feigned reasons like noise or smth. Also he left too many clues that could tie him with Darkday.

    There are plenty situations like this.
    Second problem is lame MC's circumstances. He was born evil(what?) and his purpose is to die(what??), but it doesn't confirmed and later he wanna have some fun, destroy everything(???) and then go to the distant stars(?!&:?*#&).
    But I have some subtle premonition that we will get some explanation later and MC won't be just blank edgelord as he seems.

    Aside from these, plot is fine. Side characters have some personalities. R-18 scenes... forget about it.
    If you don't mind killing people and moral lacking, you may have some joy from reading this.
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  7. Offline
    This novel is too damn funny, you guys have to read this. At least 15-20 chapters trust me.
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      Death panda
      Death panda
      I’ll trust you
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        Rigghhhhttttt......I guess i should too ignoring the fact that he he never came back.....
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  8. Offline
    Aaah yes Romeru a type of author who writes edgy characters but fear not he always put a warning in summary to warn people who don't like edgy characters. Another masterpiece 8/10
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