5 hours ago

Chaos Heir by Eveofchaos

A reoccurring nightmare afflicted Khan’s nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the... Read more
A reoccurring nightmare afflicted Khan’s nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the scenes of the crash of the Nak’s spaceship, an alien race that the humans had defeated five hundred years ago.

Khan’s life had turned upside-down after the tragedy. His mother had died during the incident, and the Nak’s toxic mana had infected him. His father had managed to save him, but they ended up losing their home and name in the process.

The nightmares wouldn’t let Khan forget about the Nak, so he set his mind to join the Global Army and learn to wield mana. He had to put an end to those dreams, even if that meant hunting down that alien race through the stars. Collapse
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Comments 168

  1. Offline
    For the people that are still wondering if there is a harem, there isn't. Author confirmed it on webnovel.
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    I am on chapter 7. So far it's captivating. I am really picky when it comes to reading but this one is good.

    So far, the novel I have truly enjoyed are solo leveling, my vampire system, earth greatest mugus, super genes and release the Witch. The others just Boring.
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    1. Offline
      You should try The First Order, truly superb
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      1. Offline
        the humor in first order is absolutely fantastic
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    2. Offline
      you should try these also:-
      the chronicles of the shura clan, death guns in another world, my three wives are beautiful vampires,
      rise of the demon god, blood warlock, inhuman warlock, Hero of Darkness, Son of the Hero King, Monarch of Time, The Great Demon System, The Path Of My Lustful Life, Supremacy Games
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      1. Offline
        Is the mc in any of this novels edgy psychopath? One of the complaint I have with most novels is that the mc kills anyone just cus he can, or pissed off of him. Also some of the novels, the writing is shit - for example, mc goes to restaurant, someone pisses off mc and gets killed. Just stupid reason to kill off characters.
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        1. Offline
          i guess in inhuman warlock there was a arc in which mc was a just a 10 year old child with abilities and tragic past so you can say he was psychopath and ignore the great demon system
          (sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes)
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        2. Offline
          One of my absolute favorites is still: The Oracle Paths by Arkinslize. MC is a little edgy especially at the start, but is not a psychotic killer and there were no wuxia young masters or other unreasonable encounters whithout reason.
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    3. Offline
      if you like super gene then you are way less picky than you think lol, that is one of the trashiest piles of garbage to ever exist. though it can be mildly entertaining if you just want to waste a month of your life away.
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      1. Offline
        I agree it gets Boring in later chapters. But not in early ones. It's something unique. It has interesting plot, world building and good character development. Also the mc actually works hard to get powerful. Not only physically but also using his brain. Can't say this for most novel
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        1. Offline
          sure, it's the cream of the crop in terms of terrible mass produced garbage web novels, it definitely qualifies as a top pick when you are bored out of your mind. though there are still 1000s of better stories out there, it just takes a bit more searching. ironically, this site is actually pretty good at finding decent stories haha
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    4. Offline
      Here u should try these in the order-
      Supremacy games- absolutely fantastic especially with the way the games are written, once u get to the point that MC joins U-VR world that's where story truly starts
      Second Coming of Gluttony- best character development within 500 chapters. Story has finished
      Overgeared- lot of investment and has 1500+ chapters but the world building is phenomenal with lot of character development. U can slowly see how the MC progresses and depth of everything he does. Like he starts a organization then that will feel like a proper organisation unlike the ones where we only get to see some aspects and rest is all done by MC
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      1. Offline
        I checked out Supremacy games. I read the summary and as I understood from what I read it's not for me. I want action and adventure.

        And as for Second Coming of Gluttony I left at chapter 280 or 300 because I didn't like mc's personality. One sec he is acting nice, laughing, joking and one sec later his personality completely changes.

        The other thing I don't like about him is how he flirts with girls but the moment the flirtatious processes he acts like a virgin. It pisses me off when he does that. He had a girl friend, plus his past memory but gets surprised seeing a girl nude or when they kisses him.

        Not to mention how naive he is.

        I am reading overgeared manwha now. So far it looks good
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        1. Offline
          The description for Supremacy Games does a really poor job illustrating what the book is actually like.

          I was also completely turned off by it as well, and I almost missed out.

          It checks a lot of the boxes you mentioned earlier .

          Unique level/evolution/power-up system. (A bit similar to supergene but its different) Check.
          MC who isn't a murder hobo (But will kill when needed). Check.
          MC who isn't naive. Check.
          MC that is willing to use his penis (and the sex doesn't detrack or overtake the plot). Check.

          Action, adventure, comedy, decent fight scenes, and some face-slaps. Check. check. check. And check.

          The world-building quality is high, and I don't find myself losing immersion due to bad editing.

          I know that still, the story isn't for everyone, but I did wanna take a sec to say, "that description sucks", it makes the story sound waaayyyyy more e-sporty and team-oriented than it actually is.

          Its more MC solo adventures, leveling, crafting, investments etc. Even when team stuff comes up, its an MC carry-fest. So if you are basing your decision solely on the novel description, I recommend giving it a fair shake, it might surprise you.
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  3. Offline
    The novel is extremely expressive and the author has done wonderful world-building.
    A few points for everyone:-
    1) Weak to Strong MC
    2) NOT OP MC
    3) Universal world (~aliens). Not those dimensional ones but different planets same universe ones.
    4) NO HAREM
    5) The novel is psychological(~has a heavy emphasis on real-life situations and corresponding emotions.

    6) Till now no inheritances of any sort that make him leap in strength.

    8) Based in swords and magic world with no single OP element of any sort. All elements have their uses and advantages. No element above other till now. No discrimination between warriors and mages like in some other novels. Both are treated equally and seriously.

    This is all I can think of right now. Gonna say that at least read till chapter 20 before dropping the novel!

    ~Happy Reading~
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      This convinced me
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  4. Online Offline
    So you'll wants HAREM? Then just read

    Mushoku tensei
    Second gluttony of coming
    High school dxd
    Dual cultivation
    Fourth Prince Debauchery
    My path of my Lusftful life

    Why bother finding HAREM in a action genre Novels, Just read mature genre Novels, You can't always just fit any novels to your liking, because we all have different taste and mindset, respect the novel, what about the author? Imagine hating his novels because his work don't have HAREM contain on it.
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  5. Offline
    I’m starting this with 194 chapters to binge
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  6. Offline
    those if you saying khan isnt loyal to martha shut up, they barely knew what those feeling are and didnt get a chance to discuss further plus khan knew martha would support him with his relationship if shere were awake
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    1. Offline
      I'm not talking about loyalty, just respect for a person who gave a lot for you and is now having a hard time, MC started dating a girl he knew for less than 1 month, and it's only been a couple of months since Martha has been in coma. It is not something that a responsible person would do with the feelings of others, by the way I do not care if there is Harem or not, I just say that you have to be respectful with those you supposedly love.
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      1. Offline
        NVM you got a point but still, khan doesn't know when Martha would wake up it could be a month or even years and I don't think she would want khan to wait that long just for her, she would want him to live his life
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        1. Offline
          He could of waited for at least a month or two then proceed getting into new relationship.

          You said that he didn't know when she would wake up but yes that is the thing. She could have woken up the next day.

          As I see it they both liked each other, and Martha liked him more seeing how she blushed and stuff around him. And clearly they both were flirting with each other.

          When she wakes up, she would be devastated. Lost her potential lover - time and damaged appearance.

          But ya, they didn't confess. It's not like he is cheating. Just rushed.
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      2. Offline
        You have to remember they are teenagers, not adults. Their minds aren't fully developed yet, so they won't be acting like the responsible adults. Sure, Khan is most definitely more mature than others his age, but he is still developing. (I think this makes sense, but I'm not sure. feel free to pick apart my argument :thumbsup:)
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  7. Offline
    No harlem=GOOD, Harlem=GOOD, One female love interest=GOOD, Male love interest=NO GOOD
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    1. Offline
      Big Brother
      Big Brother
      But Harlem Shake=LITAF
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        ?3102 ,siht si tahW ?gnivlove sdrawkcab snamuh era ,oN .eb tsuM
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  8. Offline
    Hey there if you want to read the comments so you can get better idea about the novel . I highly recommend you to not do that because there is a world war III down there 😂😂
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  10. Offline
    Quote: Immortal phoenix
    Reviewing the Alien universe of Eve:
    °First of all I would like to say something to everyone reading this.
    I know most of you have might have already read Demonic sword and it might have left an impression of MC on you. But I want to tell you that even though Eve had written a wonderful novel with a cold and apathetic MC, he himself is not a cold-blooded author. So he can also write novels where MC will express their emotions and fell love and sorrow.
    °The novel is about Khan(MC) who was tainted by the Mana during the second impact.
    He is haunted by the nightmares of that night and fell extreme hatred towards the Aliens responsible, that's why he joins army so that he could meet and kill the Nak(alien).
    MC is mostly ignorant about many things due to having lived in slums, but he has displayed good talent in learning customs, social behaviour, martial arts.
    His relation with his father was shown as pretty good, and I think he could some screen time but I guess that will to wait.
    °The novel is about post-apocalyptic earth but with aliens and not those dimensional rifts, and earth is quite developed(futuristic), so world background is pretty good.
    °Eve's world building couldn't be doubted, as it makes the reading more interesting and doesn't make to bore.
    °Although MC has chaos element, it isn't any kind of cheat, as it can be found in many Nak's, so other than having innately higher destruction ability it isn't that great compared to other elements (at least that's what we know until now!), furthermore it might actually become quite the hassle for MC to learn spells because this element is unconventional—so hard time for MC!
    °Sometimes we forget after reading those too-good-to-be-true novels where even the worst that happens to MC is losing his power or temporary separation from his loving one's.
    Eve has made this novel as realistic as possible, as you can the girl that he had developed good relationship with getting badly injured and how MC reacted to this (though I would prefer that he still chooses her even if she became disfigured—quite the good girl she is).
    °The novel has fantasy sword and magic in it, but with additional aliens but like I said Eve tries his best to make it natural, like MC is not give secret legacy and becomes insanely OP.
    (My favourite part about Eve)
    °The story involves Aliens so we can expect much space exploration In future.
    °This novel is pretty good better than many of those out there and I would like for you read at 20 chapters before deciding to drop it!
    Thank you~

    Thank you finally a true review, tired of all these people arguing over harem...
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    1. Offline
      ayo this is harem? Like, harem as in harem where the mc gets them all or he picks only 1?
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      1. Offline
        It is most likely not harem
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      2. Offline
        No, this is NOT a harem.
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