6 hours ago

Chaos Heir by Eveofchaos

A reoccurring nightmare afflicted Khan’s nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the... Read more
A reoccurring nightmare afflicted Khan’s nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the scenes of the crash of the Nak’s spaceship, an alien race that the humans had defeated five hundred years ago.

Khan’s life had turned upside-down after the tragedy. His mother had died during the incident, and the Nak’s toxic mana had infected him. His father had managed to save him, but they ended up losing their home and name in the process.

The nightmares wouldn’t let Khan forget about the Nak, so he set his mind to join the Global Army and learn to wield mana. He had to put an end to those dreams, even if that meant hunting down that alien race through the stars. Collapse
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  1. Offline
    All the people that are against harem are just mad that they cant do it in real life and they just want to feel relatable to the mc.
    Harem is good if it is done well for example Warlock of the magus world. The main focus of the book is not about his women but focuses on the plot and the women are just trophies to demonstrate his higher status.
    U guys are just beta cucks that only want the mc to build with one women like that is possible in the real world and even if it is possible it is extremely rare. Women dont build they move in.
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    1. Offline
      i have no hate towards harem novels
      buut when a perfectly good novel gets ruined by an unnecessary harem im mad , not because that makes it less relatable but because it ruins the plot
      in fact i like harems where character have actual 'character' of their own and has logical circumstances
      and also...
      you know your a f#cking beta when you need trophies to show your worth
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      1. Offline
        Dont get me wrong most harem novels are trash but the good ones are super good and I prefer them over the usual asexual mc and one of the main reasons why I keep grinding in life is to sit in my mansion one day with like four trophy girls not wives so u can call me beta for wanting that.
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        1. Offline
          lol no im with you on that one
          just that the idea of multiple trophy wives doesnt sit well with me but i dint say anything about anything else lol
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        2. Offline
          Warlock of the magus world was good...but I've read too many trash harem novels that I avoid novels with harem tags like a plague..if you have any good read please recommend
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            Tyranny of Steel, Monarch of Darkness, Arsene and Armipotent.
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      2. Offline
        there is no harem at all
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    2. Offline
      The One Above
      They're not beta cucks. They're just normal people with different interests. There's nothing wrong with liking a story with only one romantic partner or love interest, or even a story that doesn't contain one at all. I really like Harem novels, and I read them a lot but that doesn't mean I want every novel to have a harem in it, nor does every novel need to have one.

      The truth is, harems are barely ever done well in novels, and they can ruin a good story by introducing too many characters or ruining plot. It's just how it is.
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    3. Offline
      No. Some people hates harem because, honestly, they are not suited for fantasy stories where things are supposed to be this and that, magic supernaturals heroes mana or adventures and another this and that. Let's be honest, they sometimes ruin pretty good novels, where we have spices of thrills and mystery just to be interrupted by girls with love interests? I have no grudges for harem, afterall it's still another genre like shoujo and shounen ai, but I firmly believe that their use for fantasy stories should be minimal and minimized.
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    4. Offline
      Defying demon
      Defying demon
      Harems are mostly all similar tbh I used to like harems but a lot of them disappointed me. The girls are all similar you know the hidden princess, the quite one, the tsundere, the jealous one, the child hood friend who always like him or the sister who’s not blood related and more. Tbh I see harems as the mc basically cheating. I can understand if he was raised in a world where it’s normal. But for transmigrators who live in a world which is mostly monogamy how can u have a wife then go on an adventure and then come home with multiple wife’s. There just satisfy there sexual desires
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      1. Offline
        If you are rich you can have as many wives as you want monogamy was only made for poor people so they don't go around killing the rich because they are sexually frustrated. So I don't belive in cheating when it comes to a man. And trust me all these rich dudes knows whats up.
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          Defying demon
          Defying demon
          Your delusional if you think monogamy was made so poor people don’t start killing the rich becuse there sexually frustrated. How does that even make sense. And so ur saying it’s literally impossible for men to cheat 😂😂 now thats cap.
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            Since the dawn of time 99% of females have reproduced and 40% of males did. There is something called hypergamy girls dont look for their equal they look for their superior. I have facts to back my claim u are just going of ur false belife to feel secure so you can slepp at night. I guarantee you if you are above average and have enough money to provide a certwin lifestyle ur girl will let you have more options if you have that talk. And the one girl that you say u want I bet she is gonna be a 4 and she only gonna be with you because the top guys dont want her so she is gonna settle for you. WAKE up bro life is not one of thse books women dont love unconditionally they love you on the basis of you providing something. And no Im not tricking with money but money builds attraction.
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              Defying demon
              Defying demon
              Yes there are a lot of girls who look for someone who’s more successful then them selfs rather then there equal and yes if ur above average and have enough money to provide for a certain life style there are loads of girls who would rather share there man so he can remain happy then him leave them because they said no. Not everyone’s like that. And yes life’s not like a romance book or a movie but I don’t know who cheated on you to think like that. There are millions of people if not billions who would disagree with you. And how can you say that men can’t cheat and monogamy is meant for the poor so they wouldn’t kill the rich because of there sexual desires. You literally changed the topic that’s what I was disagreeing with you on. And not everyone’s like that right now the majority of the world is monogamist and a lot are happy and have unconditional love for each other and not saying there’s anything thing wrong with polygamy in my religion you can have 4 wife’s that’s not the point it’s what you said and how u worded it like women are objects who you collect and that men cant cheat and how it’s meant for the poor to keep them tamed
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    5. Offline
      I don't see any appeal for harem in novels. Most novels have shit writing for sex scenes and romance and there is nothing visual. It adds nothing to the story and actually detracts from it since it is rarely done well.

      Ok the girls serve as a trophy? How is that a good thing for a novel? They aren't even eye candy for readers since were reading a novel not watching something, they are just bland characters that take up space.

      For novels I don't want harem since 90+% of harem novels are trash. For porn or anime it can be great.
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  2. Offline
    From the synopsis, sounds good.
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  3. Offline
    No HAREM? = Not GOOD 👎
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    1. Offline
      Wrong a lot of novels shouldn't have have harems because they are just to cheesy. Sometimes harem is good but not all the time
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    2. Offline
      Seriously, just stop
      Even if you’re just a troll, you’re just annoying. Stop it.
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    3. Offline
      Never stop 🛑
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    4. Offline
      I like harem, but calling romance bad because it doesn't have harem... man, are you okay?
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  4. Offline
    this novel has harem? Because if it does, it makes it another cliché of the heap. I would like it to only have a female lead and develop alongside the MC
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    1. Offline
      Dont know its a trend some full it off quite nice and some authors just put random excuses to shove more women in the story when literally the mc will be the only male character >.> A Story With Only 1 FMC would be a good one tbh..... it maybe lackluster with the content but i rather read a story about a couple than somenoe with multiple women strugeliing to choose who to pick :v (im not talking about tChaos heir here i just read to much novels and mangas that always have some shitty way to introduce more women in the story its kidna annoying when you already want 2 characters to be together then the author is like "Crap This Story Sucks Lets Add More Women To Make it Trash"
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      1. Offline
        It's simple actually. Harem's target audience is bigger then other (coz harem anime i guess). Bigger audience is bigger money. Moreover, harem lovers mostly shit eaters, they ok with any kind trash (till it contain more women) so author don't need actually to make any effort.
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        1. Offline
          Sigh...... A Sad Truth that the market value of harem anime's have more influence and bigger audiences But Still I Can't Wait Till This Trend Stops And Authors Pay more attention to single couple'd stories cuz tbh the harem cliche is getting over used like literally every novel that i have come across has more than 2 women in the team/party And There Always big people like princesses/Hidden Princesses/ Cross Dressing princesses/ Captured Princesses and more
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        2. Offline
          I couldn't agree less... at first I enjoyed harem, but now? I'm already fed up (-_-) From anime to novels, all I can see was just cliche sh!t. At least they should have some character development! Those good for nothing women in harem were like tumors you know? Like, wtf...and the worst thing was, the MC would also be affected by sh!tty lotus harem
          members and their group's idiocracy! It's like a contagious disease for fvck sake.
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    2. Offline
      It seems that the MC is quite comitted
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  5. Offline
    Dang 2 FMC i hope this aint a harem like idk? every f#cking action novel ever........
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    1. Offline
      Harem Question
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      1. Offline
        If they are done well it can be really funny and interesting to see the interactions between all the harem members especially if you chuck a yandere in the mix, but I think its sometimes done because you only have to give one set personality to an individual, so instead of having one person with a complex personality (varying moods and the like, (I'm not much of a literature person)), they end up just having several people with simpler personalities.

        TL;DR As for what's great about it? No clue (other than adding cliché interactions).

        I spent my early teen years watching a bunch of harem anime so I'm just use to seeing them in stuff and it gives me like a feeling of nostalgia?
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      2. Offline
        The ancient one
        What great about harems?? Absolutely Fckn nothing!!!
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      3. Offline
        I think it's because a lot of people who read online novels are degenerates and so they like reading stories where the MC actually gets girls.

        It would be ok, it's just that so many harem novels are incredibly forced. The MC kills a young master who is bothering a jade-like beauty and the next second she is madly in love with him. This sort of lazy writing is purely done to fulfil the hero-complex fantasy that some teenage boys might have.
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  6. Offline
    This is PURE GOLD
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      You mean the grocery store?
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  7. Offline
    This one is really good. Read it right now.
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  8. Offline
    Immortal phoenix
    Reviewing the Alien universe of Eve:
    °First of all I would like to say something to everyone reading this.
    I know most of you have might have already read Demonic sword and it might have left an impression of MC on you. But I want to tell you that even though Eve had written a wonderful novel with a cold and apathetic MC, he himself is not a cold-blooded author. So he can also write novels where MC will express their emotions and fell love and sorrow.
    °The novel is about Khan(MC) who was tainted by the Mana during the second impact.
    He is haunted by the nightmares of that night and fell extreme hatred towards the Aliens responsible, that's why he joins army so that he could meet and kill the Nak(alien).
    MC is mostly ignorant about many things due to having lived in slums, but he has displayed good talent in learning customs, social behaviour, martial arts.
    His relation with his father was shown as pretty good, and I think he could some screen time but I guess that will to wait.
    °The novel is about post-apocalyptic earth but with aliens and not those dimensional rifts, and earth is quite developed(futuristic), so world background is pretty good.
    °Eve's world building couldn't be doubted, as it makes the reading more interesting and doesn't make to bore.
    °Although MC has chaos element, it isn't any kind of cheat, as it can be found in many Nak's, so other than having innately higher destruction ability it isn't that great compared to other elements (at least that's what we know until now!), furthermore it might actually become quite the hassle for MC to learn spells because this element is unconventional—so hard time for MC!
    °Sometimes we forget after reading those too-good-to-be-true novels where even the worst that happens to MC is losing his power or temporary separation from his loving one's.
    Eve has made this novel as realistic as possible, as you can the girl that he had developed good relationship with getting badly injured and how MC reacted to this (though I would prefer that he still chooses her even if she became disfigured—quite the good girl she is).
    °The novel has fantasy sword and magic in it, but with additional aliens but like I said Eve tries his best to make it natural, like MC is not give secret legacy and becomes insanely OP.
    (My favourite part about Eve)
    °The story involves Aliens so we can expect much space exploration In future.
    °This novel is pretty good better than many of those out there and I would like for you read at 20 chapters before deciding to drop it!
    Thank you~
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  9. Offline
    Alright, I've been waiting a long time for this, and I read it till its 70s or 80s, so I think that it suffices to give a review. The worldbuilding is excellent with the backlashes of the apocalypses being well defined. Khan is a likable MC who does have the mature beyond his age 'cheat' and also the Chaos element. I haven't read enough but if Chaos is just mastering all the elements, I'm going to be very disappointed. His fighting style which mainly focuses on kicks is unique and the author does a great job at describing it. The pace flows smoothly and the process of getting the mana core is something I haven't seen before.

    I do have some problems like his dad not getting time to build a proper character or properly building the two rich dudes who hang out with the MC but I guess they're not that important considering I forgot their names. Martha is also a very likable character and a good friend. The relationship escalates at a fast but smooth pace which I like. The author's other book took a lot of time to developed the romance and I consider the fact that it starts off early in this book as a breath of fresh air. His master is also a nice person who has a bad past and well overall I just like the book. 10/10.
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  10. Offline
    Atter reading nearly all the chapters currently release (120) or so officially, I can tell you that this is a 10/10 and well worth the read. Thank you Black Star for requesting this novel to be added and thank you to Ranobes for adding it. I'm so happy
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      Is it real that you are a herbivore snek?
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        Yes, it is. Just today I saw him eating an aphid (a plant like insect). >.<
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