9 months ago

Immortal In The Magic World巫师世界的永生者

Eli was transmigrated to a world of magic and became immortal.

He had endless life and... Read more
Eli was transmigrated to a world of magic and became immortal.

He had endless life and could never die.

“Huh? I’m talentless? Then, I’ll just train for as long as I need, even if it takes 1000 years. That should be enough for me to become strong.”

“The skill is hard to learn? Then, I’ll take a few dozens of years to research it. There’s no way it’s that hard, right?”

“What? I can sacrifice my life force to gain spirit power? That’s a bargain!”

“The enemy is here? Hell, I’ll just hide for 10000 years. Let’s see if he can outlive me. I’ll come out once he’s dead.”

This is the story of an immortal who first struggled to live in the world of magic until he became strong enough to slaughter endless worlds. Collapse
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Comments 222

  1. Offline
    Quote: LouiseSR

    Nope, you can't.
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  2. Offline
    Failure Master
    Mistakes in names, translation and genders...
    But the story is not bad.
    Clean your eyes at every chapter and you will be okay.
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  3. Offline
    Too much of a pussy even though he's an immortal.
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    1. Offline
      He is immortal only when it comes to ageing. If he is killed his body can't regenerate.
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      1. Offline
        Noted... But he's still a pussy.
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        1. Online Offline
          It's funny how you think that being cautious and not to take unnecessary but calculated risk is to be a "pussy".
          Haha nice joke.
          I bet you like those edgy mc's who try to take unnecessary risk and go for enemy way above their realm without thinking then when they are cornered, they cry for helplessness, insufficient power, revenge, blood tears, blah-blah and end up saving by pLoT aRmOr swindler
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          1. Offline
            I see a TTP fan)
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            1. Offline
              What is TTP bro
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                Top tier providence
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                  Np dude
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          2. Offline
            Ok lets see IMO
            Yeah because we (me and ppl like me) are not Reading fast food stories to be fully frustrated i read these fast food stories for my satisfaction but this cliche kill entertainment/epic so i cant read these fast food books if it's about a cliche mc who hide himself or act weak for fast food stories i need blood pumping i only want mc who make himself respected and act like he deserve with Glorious and Epic moments it's not normal to like that?

            it's up to the author to make that possible without making the mc retarded or being inconsistent so here it's the author choice another 999999999999999999999999 story where the mc hide himself its more easy to drive the story for these author who cant write without this cliche
            So it's not for me who like mc like roman Dmitry


            give me one example of what u said in the most case it's not inconsistent lol
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    2. Offline
      Duke Duck
      Need to improve your skimming skills
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  4. Offline
    Power Levels

    Knight Levels -

    [Low-level Knight]

    [Intermediate Knight]

    [High-level Knight]

    [Grand Knight]

    [Sky Knight]

    Mage/Warlock Levels -

    [Acolyte/Apprentice/Zero Circle]
    Level 1
    Level 2
    Level 3

    [1st Circle Warlock/Mage/Sorcerer]

    [2nd Cricle Warlock/Mage/Sorcerer]

    [3rd Circle Warlock/Mage/Sorcerer]

    [4th Circle Warlock/Mage/Sorcerer]

    [5th Circle Warlock/Mage] [Celesital Sorcerer/Mage]

    More to be added.
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    1. Offline
      Add [5th Circle Warlock/Mage] [Celestial Sorcerer/Mage]
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    2. Offline
      4th circle is true spirit mage or something like that, if I remember correctly from the raw
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  5. Offline
    read till ch 60 and this just feel very boring, there is no motivation/hook to make me wanna continue and any plot development feels extemely forced or game cut scence like feeling where it happen very conviniently.

    Also, mc mentality about being immortal feel very depressing, i have read about mc who are immortal or lived billion of years and they keep doing something or others but here mc have a very lazy attitude. First he should live a few thousand years atleast, who knows if he can actually cope with it instead of going 'im immortal lets take everything slooooowly'.
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  6. Offline
    shashank panthri
    It just gets boring as he sheds all his relations with people and at one point there is nobody he can even call a aquaintance only his pieces to be used when required. The word boring is what describes this novel after all his initial friends die.
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  7. Offline
    Ok honest review, as an experienced reader. I have a lot of things to say for this novel. All in all, the novel is what exactly it's title. A literal immortal in a declining magic cultivation world. He is not from an immortal wuxia or something, he is just basically a transmigrator who got the body of a boy who had a talent of immortal. The first few chapters focus on the basics, like what's and who is the mc and his relationship. All in all, ideally, they would love the mc as he is a rational person who decides with logic and not a person who instigates or join problems like others mcs. But this took away the excitement out of the novel, as the novel focuses on being a background character who just have to wait because he is an immortal. See, the start was kinda exciting and I expected it to be fun, but as time passes the story goes to lame and stale. It all started when he let the former director to find the ruins of magic. The novel highlights on the difficulties on being an immortal. Yes, it was exciting, as one could feel that time can defeat talent. But one of the main problems is the character development, it's like both the author and the MC is fixated on what happens when you lose relationships because of time, which is fine as a side note of the story, but overtime it became the focus, and the mc change so much that it alienates its audience, I know we want MC to mature and be cool headed though what happened was that it became too realistic to the point that you don't like the character anymore for example, He made human experiments which is not bad, he put on a slavery seal or mental seal to several people. As if he is making himself the bad guy. Yes, we can make reason why he did that, but we can consider it unconventional, still it leaves a bad taste in your tongue and also, I realized one of the weaknesses is the not existence Indepth explanation of magic cultivation. As if he only reaches the next milestone every passing time. All in all, boring sorry
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    1. Offline
      I know we want MC to mature and be cool headed though what happened was that it became too realistic to the point that you don't like the character anymore

      Guy expecting this traits to appear on a Chinese MC and you call yourself 'an experienced reader' what a joke
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      1. Offline
        Well it means you didn't read enough to find novels that don't really need this tropes. And if you can't give a constructive argument, please shut up.
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        1. Offline
          Oww thank you for your praise kek- such a petty person in internet but wimpy on real life cheerful oru2x
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    2. Offline
      I was about to spend an incredibly long time curating a detailed review.... and you've really checked every box I was going to tick without the all the emotional baggage I was going to carry over into it.
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    3. Online Offline
      as an experienced reader.

      After reading this line, then your review. I can confidentially say that you don't have much experience. As for in depth explanation of mage cultivation. We have to see it from the perspective of mc himself. As of ch 162 we already got various explanations on whatever he had experienced and his power. As the story progress and he become more powerful we will surely get more explanation. Author can't just info dump all the information on higher level mage powers ( from 2nd circle) without making sense.
      And the main thing to note that mc hasn't deviated from his goal since the beginning. His goal has always been to seek truth which is his path of cultivation( mage path). Of course he would plant slave seal or straight up kill them if there is any chance that his identity might get leaked since it was mentioned that there might be warlocks higher than 2nd circle also he is tonic to mage living in the world who are constantly losing life force. After living for more than 400 yrs and seeing his close friends dying one after another of course he would slowly become insensitive to people dying especially if they aren't that close to him. Atleast he hasn't shed his humanity and didn't wantonly kill any innocent. I could say many more things but I'll stop here.
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      1. Offline
        You are absolutly right. I still want to mention something that was semingly forgotten here.
        The mc himself doesn't know about the higher levels so why should we even get this information.
        The strory explains more about the mage and warlock path as the mc gradually comes into contact with these things.
        As someone who read up to the currently available raws, I can confirm that the story does get better in terms of relationships and his cautius personality because the people can also live far longer than the mortals or knights.
        The essence of him will never change though as he will only fight when he is 100% sure of winning. It is just that he gets far stronger than normal people and he also knows that. But if you are here to see prolonged fights you should go for another novel.
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  8. Offline
    It's a waste of time if I'm being honest
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      That's the very purpose of every novels.
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      1. Offline
        umm no, it's to enjoy. Your sarcasm is not even funny at the least
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        1. Offline
          Then your sense of humor must be so low that you can't even distinguish the difference of a joke and seriousness of a statement what a loseroru2x

          And I think you also came from twitter because if so then you're a certified twittard,
          imagine criticizing every single statement because you don't get the joke and think it's not funny and feeling offended because of it😆😜
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          1. Offline
            oww thank you for your praise
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        2. Offline
          It's funny how you left your comment to attack him in another person comment
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  9. Offline
    So, I have been wondering...
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    1. Offline
      #panic#, please!
      I NEED to put a spoiler inside another spoiler!
      You can't start to imagine the number of people I can troll with this LOL
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  10. Offline
    The translation of the novel is.......... interesting swim
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