14 hours ago

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor by LazySageDao

After reincarnated in a world of Gods, Demons, and Great Emperors, Wang Wei embarks on a journey to... Read more
After reincarnated in a world of Gods, Demons, and Great Emperors, Wang Wei embarks on a journey to bear Heaven Mandate, proves the Dao and proclaims himself a Great Emperor… a Supreme Being that overlooked Myriad World and races.

However, his Dao involves despising fate and its encompassing glory. So what awaits our protagonist on his journey full of vicissitudes to defy and even control fate? While he controls the fate of countless race and world, is fate playing with him? Can he escapes the very shackles of fate that he controls?

This story has similar setting as Emperor Dominion, I am a True Villain, and Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go. If you enjoy these type of story, then you will enjoy my story.

Warnings: No Young Master and Face Slapping. Collapse
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Comments 379

  1. Offline
    Please recommend a novel just as good as this, i refuse to believe i have read all the best novels.

    Worlds Apocalyse Online has disappointed this young master greatly.
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      Grand ancestral bloodine,Sword god in magic world etc
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    Looks like chapter 495, 496 and 497 are missing

    Don’t know if I did that right
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    The only problem i have with the MC is him being emotional over the deaths of mortals one time but also not not giving a shit about the death of countless worlds because of him..... I don't even see the point of making that tower that was meant to free him of his emotions for him anymore.....

    ... Author can be quiet fickle about how he portrays the story....

    I tried , i really tried to read this novel many times & dropped it many times only to again give it try but after reading some more dropping it again...
    The premise is so good!
    The world building has so much potential!
    The characters feel more alive!
    But the Damn author is a Fickle story writer, he just forgets the thing he wrote at the beginning , MC's character progression might look good but i tell y'all it's actually the worst part of this Novel .... The things he goes through just throws the common sense of a brutal cultivation novel out of the window!
    Being born in the strongest sect with the strongest backing with unlimited resources and millions of years old knowledgeable sages, having never seen 13th stage foundation, a damn tower where he spends many lives to make his emotions and Mentality free and strong , countless resources to make every step he takes perfect...
    But his experiences in every damn tests and trial makes him seem more hot-blooded (battle-maniac) & emotional instead...
    Having such background , it should be common sense that he should be able able to solve any minor problems occuring in those very-very-very-very- weak planes...but no , the author just has to make him seem like a emotional brat who takes unnecessary steps everytime....his fights are too prolonged as the damn author just has to seal his intelligence & make him appear just slightly powerful that those lower realm ants...i mean what's the point of going through all that trouble of making his own unique physique, what's the point of his unique foundation, what the point of the DAMN heavenly tribulation, what's the point of that Tower, what's the point of countless knowledge from his sect , what's the point of all the resources he gets from his all-powerfull clan if all that's gonna give him in everything (Fighting & Schemes) is just a slight edge over his opponents that are from very-very-very-very-weak backgrounds with no resources, no advance knowledge about cultivation but ended up seriously wounding the MC everytime...i just wish the author would stop making the MC less venerable and make it more balanced instead of making the MC more fickle just to let our MC experience something that should be common sense....

    Sigh! I'm sorry for the long rant! I just wanted to read something good as I've got nothing good read to read...
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    1. Offline
      Any recommendations? Wanna start but you comment like that :(
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      1. Offline
        Well it depends he may not like it but you may also about the MC's emotional personality it was stated that he adapted to the core values of chaos from his core values on earth and in later chapters (around ch 500)the resource expenditure becomes too much thats where his accumulated resources come into play also
        its an overall good novel which is not like your usual xianxia I suggest you give it a try if you're tired of xianxia as it is one of the ONLY ways I feel that people would appreciate this novel
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          And did I mention the resource expenditure for his incarnations
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      2. Offline
        Try lightning is the only way
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  4. Offline
    This might be one of the best cultivation novels I have ever read and would 100% recommend.

    The world building, the characters, the antagonists and every single thing was nailed down in detail along with a good storyline.

    If you are looking for a sign to read this novel, then this is that sign, read this shit.

    Check out Myth Beyond Heaven as well.
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  5. Offline
    I dropped at chapter 26 cuz i do not agree on a fundamental level on the Pride thing. There is a difference between Pride and Dignity.
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      And cocky
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  6. Offline
    Emperor Kael
    Quote: VolcanicDaoist
    I've read up to chapter 522 so I think I can give it a review now. First off I enjoyed this novel otherwise I wouldn't have read so far. Secondly all I can do really is give my opinion, which I'll try to keep short.

    The lore and power system were in depth and interesting, so were the characters and even the plot. Everything seems to get explained really well, although sometimes the chapters end up being like 99% exposition and it can mess up the flow of action or even prevent any action from happening for a while.

    There is also a consistent issue with typos or words not even being there when they maybe should be. It can cause certain sentences to be confusing or even say the opposite of what I think the author meant. Occasionally the author will withhold information in order to build suspense I think, but all it does is slightly annoy me because the characters we are following gets to know more than I do. It never made the story better imo, just a tiny bit worse.

    Lastly, the starting chapters are really rocky. It gets good maybe 30-50 chapters in. I enjoyed it though so give it a try maybe. If you don't like it by chapter 100 then I would say drop it, because by then I was fully invested.

    I want to know if Mc has a lover or a harem?
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    1. Offline
      MC currently has one lover. There appears to be one other woman who may or may not get involved, but the MC has shown monogamous intentions so I really can't tell if it will happen. No way it goes past those two people though.
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      Last Dragon🐉
      There will be no harem because this author absolutely detest harem even in his other novel he has said he really regret making it a harem
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      1. Offline
        Very good. Because harem is basically poison and cure to novels. (Or currently in most novels its, definitely a plague that deserves to be eradicated). It's not win win at all. I used to like harem a lot and read tons of it. But yeah, I just woke up from that stupid genre after someone knocked off some sense to me and made me realize that the stories I love are degenerating because of the harem.
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  7. Offline
    Last Dragon🐉
    Quote: dvces
    Review as of CH 170
    Overall 4/10

    this is dogshit - idk how its so hyped up. reminds me of reading a time wasting mtl

    Im assuming this is atleast decent in the raws or it wouldn't be so popular.

    IMO - its trash though.

    weak grammar - shitty characters - power scale is already universe destroying in the first 3 chapters ... way too huge - flooding reader with pointless world building information that has no application to our actual MC etc etc etc etc etc etc...

    I could type out more but if you've read a shitty chinese power trip novel - this is that.

    if you want burn hours of your lifespan reading some watered down garbage - by all means do so

    A great danger is quickly approaching our protagonist. How will he survive this great catastrophe? Will his journey end before even beginning? And what is the purpose of this shadow that seemed to have anticipated all of these? Is he a friend or an enemy?

    if you enjoy reading this you seriously need to touch grass

    Incase you don't know this isn't raw it's a original in English and in review all I can see is that this novel is shit and about the grammar mistakes
    The question here if this novel is shit explain WHY don't just go around spewing bullshit out your mouth.
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    1. Offline
      I did tell you.

      Obviously you and the other incels who love wasting your lifespan by reading garbage like this would get offended by my PERSONAL opinion when you sit at a desk all day in some 400sq ft shack.

      Believe it or not you ACTUALLY don't have to agree with what I say at all.

      Go see daylight geek.

      ive read 10k+ books in my life. this novel is dogshit - end of story
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      1. Offline
        Says the man who keeps "insulting" people who doesnt gold their opinion.
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        Last Dragon🐉
        It's "dogshit". But you can't even explain why 😂.let me tell you're just a 15 year old who just started reading and you favourite are trashy young master novel where mc isn't "beta".

        As for your "opinion" 🙂 I'm not saying anything about that i ask simple question WHY is this novel bad and you can't even give simple answer.

        You have read 10k+ books bro their are around 2500+ books on this site and you're saying you have read them all is the pure bullshit.Bro you haven't even have lived 10k days on this planet
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        1. Offline
          geek it doesn't take a genius to see that everything i said has validity since you're so triggered by it.

          keep self projecting at me

          people like you are whats wrong w/ the world

          some incel keyboard warrior who gets offended at other people's opinions

          if you use your 20 iq brain power that keeps your minimum wage job to actually READ my inital review you wouldnt keep ignorantly commenting that i didn't explain why the novel is bad. so here you are you ignorant twink geek.

          The novel's grammar is extremely subpar- espescially in the opening chapters it is literally MTL garbage.

          In the first 3 initial chapters - we see an extremely huge power scale that leaves ZERO to imagination - why would I continue be interested in a novel already knowing the end?

          The same issue of world building eclipses what I said last time - Why are we getting this pointless information and THE FIRST characters introduced in the novel are people that most LIKELY will NOT appear in the next 500 chaps?

          Not only in the initial chaps - but in most of the chapts its 99% exposition filler garbage that adds nothing to the story besides word count and pointless info- whilst being in MTL form which makes a lot of what the author puts misinterpreted or some sentences meaning the opposite of what he actually means.

          the issues with the novel you said, SCRUB? Do I have to keep going? Use that minimum wage brain of yours with some critical thinking next time instead of clenching your ass then angrily commenting because I'm not meatriding your china numba won author.

          I don't only read light novels btw 'kid'. It might be hard for you to imagine but I read R E A L books ( that don't involve little 5'4 chinamen men becoming hegemons.)

          I'd rather kill myself than read the 2500 novels on this site. You couldn't think of a better torture device.

          Hopefully you don't act like this in real life - you'll end up facedown in a ditch somewhere, geek.

          Enjoy your life as a peon :)
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          1. Offline
            "I read R E A L books!" cheerful shocked3 cheerful
            I truly cannot make you more of a joke than you already are. cheerful
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          2. Offline
            Enjoy your life as a peon
            even tho im not involed dont spout that when you base that around the fact that he reads online/electronic while you high and mighty read the 'real' ones. So please old man go away nobody wants you and your presence here go make your poket a little lighter by reading 'real' books and waiting until youre 20 feet under the earth.(btw trying to insult people based on what they read for entertainment is kinda low even if it is meant to troll them)
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          3. Offline
            little 5'4 chinamen men
            Being around light novels for years one would see people complaining of racism from certain Chinese authors which is almost always true. I've never seen this though. Such a statement is really appalling.
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          4. Offline
            Last Dragon🐉
            I see you are going through that phase of your youth 😂

            As for who is getting triggered and clenching his ass in anger and writing comments i call tell by your comment 22

            As whether this book is good or not i don't need to argue with you 🙂

            And go read some real books don't clench your ass in anger and start replying this place isn't for you "real* books reader. imbest
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  8. Offline
    I've read up to chapter 522 so I think I can give it a review now. First off I enjoyed this novel otherwise I wouldn't have read so far. Secondly all I can do really is give my opinion, which I'll try to keep short.

    The lore and power system were in depth and interesting, so were the characters and even the plot. Everything seems to get explained really well, although sometimes the chapters end up being like 99% exposition and it can mess up the flow of action or even prevent any action from happening for a while.

    There is also a consistent issue with typos or words not even being there when they maybe should be. It can cause certain sentences to be confusing or even say the opposite of what I think the author meant. Occasionally the author will withhold information in order to build suspense I think, but all it does is slightly annoy me because the characters we are following gets to know more than I do. It never made the story better imo, just a tiny bit worse.

    Lastly, the starting chapters are really rocky. It gets good maybe 30-50 chapters in. I enjoyed it though so give it a try maybe. If you don't like it by chapter 100 then I would say drop it, because by then I was fully invested.
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    1. Offline
      I know I didn't give many pros in this review and part of that is because I'm not as good at thinking of them maybe. I wanted to list some because I did say I liked the novel and I still do.

      -The main character is really smart which I consider a pro. I hate when stupid characters get in their own way but Wang Wei seems extremely determined to not make stupid decision. He is very capable of scheming, planning, creating his own techniques, and improving things he has learned about.
      -I kinda said this before but the powers are really cool and varied. It's basically anything you can come up with.
      Any element, law, or concept can be turned into a power.
      -The history and the entire universe seems fully fleshed out as well. Author is really big brain with tons of characters, factions, etc and it seems like he planned all of it from the start.
      -I listed out basically every single con I possibly could in the earlier review so most of the other stuff I enjoyed or was fine with.
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  9. Offline
    Alright so it's confirmed, MC is a Masochist who built Torture Chambers so that he can temper his will by being tortured auch as being boiled alive, cutting into pieces etc......
    Sigh, that's why i like system MC & Don't really like 'No pain no Gain' Mentality Mc....
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  10. Offline
    Review as of CH 170
    Overall 4/10

    this is dogshit - idk how its so hyped up. reminds me of reading a time wasting mtl

    Im assuming this is atleast decent in the raws or it wouldn't be so popular.

    IMO - its trash though.

    weak grammar - shitty characters - power scale is already universe destroying in the first 3 chapters ... way too huge - flooding reader with pointless world building information that has no application to our actual MC etc etc etc etc etc etc...

    I could type out more but if you've read a shitty chinese power trip novel - this is that.

    if you want burn hours of your lifespan reading some watered down garbage - by all means do so

    A great danger is quickly approaching our protagonist. How will he survive this great catastrophe? Will his journey end before even beginning? And what is the purpose of this shadow that seemed to have anticipated all of these? Is he a friend or an enemy?

    if you enjoy reading this you seriously need to re-evaluate your life and mentality
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    1. Offline
      Last Dragon🐉
      Incase you don't know this isn't raw it's a original in English and in review all I can see is that this novel is shit and about the grammar mistakes
      The question here if this novel is shit explain WHY don't just go around spewing bullshit out your mouth.
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    2. Offline
      It seems another has fallen to the demonic path of MTL bond . I once again remind my junior brothers and junior sisters to tread the Dao of Brainlessness carefully, as you may lose your brain completely, just like this one here sigh . As you can see from 'the infected', his logical ability and English comprehension abiliy has dropped by 90 points, making his IQ -90 3 . Another consequence of not treading the Dao of Brainlessness carefully is seeing gold as pee and pee as gold. So you future junior brothers and junior sisters may see this person rating a complete 0/10 grabage novel as 100/10. It is truly a sad event when one falls due to carelessness hokage .
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      1. Offline
        135 lb incel who thinks hes in a xianxia
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        1. Offline
          135lb is 61kgs... That's an average weight... The Dao of Brainlessness is truly terrifying... I assume you were trying to call me a fat man correct...? To think of kgs as lbs and lbs as kgs... You've walked far in the demonic path... I shall mourn the loss of your braincells after I've finished discussing the physical Dao with your mother thrill
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        2. Offline
          What's with the incel insult thing you've got going? constraint
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