
Chapter 773: Grand-finals part 6

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Eventually, the cloud of dust started settling down and revealing what was underneath it.

Two figures behind the cloud of dust could be slowly seen by everyone. One was just lying on the floor, while the other one was crouching.

A brief moment later, the two figures hidden behind the cloud of dust were finally identified. It was one of the staff and Edgar Pierce.

"He's alright," The staff exclaimed while holding Edgar Pierce, who is currently unconscious in his arms. 

Whoooosh! Whooooosh! 

Two more staff came to the stage while carrying a stretcher with them. After landing beside Edgar Pierce, they slowly cleared the rubbles that covered his legs. Following that, they started checking if there happened to be anything that had penetrated his skin or other external injuries. 

Seeing that there was none, the three staff work together to put Edgar Pierce on top of the stretcher that's lying just right beside the latter. Once they were done with that, they quickly but at the same time carefully carried Edgar Pierce to the clinic of the Victory Arena to conduct a more thorough check-up.

As soon as Edgar Pierce and the three staff left the stage, the other staff who was in charge of the Battle Royal soon announced, "Edgar Pierce is unable to continue fighting! Only Guild Leader Loki and Osborne remain in the Battle Royal!"

Hearing that, Osborne turned to look at Guild Leader Loki and asked, "It's only the two of us left,"

"I know," Leo slowly looked at Osborne.

"I am wondering," Osborne muttered.

"About what?" Leo replied.

"Weren't you worried that your plan might have accidentally killed Edgar Pierce just now?" Osborne asked curiously.

"I wasn't since the only Fireball spell that blew nearby him was the one that I had embedded on the earth wall," Leo shook his head.

"Eh…?" Osborne felt a bit surprised. 

"Honestly, I didn't actually embed Fireball spells in all the arrows that I have shot. Only a handful of them really had it," Leo explained.

"But… I saw it with my eyes…. All of those arrows had Fireball spells embedded on them!" Osborne doesn't believe what Guild Leader Loki was saying.

"You only saw the arrows that I have shot from earlier ago, not entirely all of them," Leo rebutted. Needless to say, he won't kill anyone in the Battle Royal, especially considering that he holds no grudges with Osborne nor Edgar Pierce. 

What exactly happened before was that he had deliberately used his multi-casting capability in secret to add multiple Fireball spells onto the earlier volleys of arrows so that Osborne and Edgar Pierce would totally believe that all of the arrows were embedded with it. But after making sure that they wouldn't notice anymore about whether there were really Fireball spells embedded onto his arrows or not, he started to decrease the times he used them.

That was the main reason why he didn't hesitate to blow up the entire passageway. Because right until the moment he decided to activate the Fireball spells, there were only truly a few of them around. As such, it is next to impossible for it to kill anyone.

Leo asked, "Let me ask you a question; Do you think I can manage to cast three Fireball spells while at the same time shooting arrows at the two of you in a quick succession?"

"That…" Osborne thought about it briefly before arriving at a conclusion inside his mind. 

"To tell you honestly, there were even some volleys of arrows that I didn't embed with any Fireball spells. I just timed it perfectly well when none of you were looking. That's why the two of you didn't see it," Leo revealed.

Osborne looked shocked at Guild Leader Loki as he muttered, "So, you're telling me that if we were able to see those arrows, we could have easily escaped that passageway?"

"Well, that also depends on which direction you choose to escape from. After all, I can shoot you with my bow while the two of you are escaping, right? Especially if it's you, considering how narrow and tight the passageway was, which to tell you the truth, was something I did purposely in order to lessen the possibility of you doing that," Leo smiled mischievously. He also added, "Oh, it also depends on whether Edgar Pierce could still run really fast,"

"What do you mean?" Osborne doesn't understand what Guild Leader Loki meant with his words.

"We only fought for a short moment a while ago. But I have noticed that Edgar Pierce was slowly getting weaker and weaker as time continued to pass. In addition to that, he never stops and rests when fighting, implying that he is very eager to finish the Battle Royal as quickly as possible. Why I wonder?" Leo put one of his hands onto his chin. He continued, "I am guessing that it was probably because I had broken a few of his bones from the first Fireball spell I had cast to the both of you from the start, and the more he moves, the worse his injuries become,"

"So, I thought; why don't I make something that will force Edgar Pierce to never rest even for a short and brief moment. That's why I prevented you from escaping the passageway and made you continue to fight against Edgar Pierce. Not long after that, I started casting a series of earth walls to make the passageway even longer for you two to have more space to fight, albeit tight and narrow,"

"After you reached the end, I force you again to continue running in the passageway I have made. But this time, it was towards the other end," Leo suddenly paused as he shook his head in regret, "However, it's really unfortunate that my plan didn't develop as I expected it to. Well, I was somewhat expecting that already since not all plans would follow exactly how it was intended to be. But all the same, I eliminated Edgar Pierce in the end,"

Hearing Guild Leader Loki's explanation, Osborne immediately remembered how he noticed Edgar Pierce seemed to be unable to move back then. He thought inwardly, "So, at that time, Edgar Pierce had already realized that he was going to be eliminated even if he could escape. As such, he decided not to move anymore and accept his Fate,"

Leo started walking closer towards Osborne while muttering, "I have never underestimated the two of you. As a matter of fact, I even always believed that all three of us were equals. That's why all of my actions were decided based on how I would react if ever I was put into those situations. And as you can see, I got Edgar Pierce out while you were able to escape with only a few small injuries on your body. But I am guessing a few of your bones in your feet are broken now, seeing how high you've jumped just now,"

"Regardless, I won't let you have an easy win," Osborne proclaimed confidently.

"I never intended to win easily from the moment I decided to disband our alliance. But I never broke my promise to you, which is to give you the second place," Leo halted in his footsteps before raising his hand, holding the Death Wake Dagger and pointing it towards Osborne. He continued, "This time, I will propose to you another agreement. Everything would still remain the same except for the condition,"

"What is it the condition?" Osborne replied as he also raised his shield and sword in front of him, ready to fight against Guild Leader Loki anytime the latter decides to. Even though he's no longer confident of winning this fight due to his injury becoming worse after escaping from that passageway, he still won't give up that easily against Guild Leader Loki. He will fight with all that he got, regardless of winning or losing.

Leo has been thinking about this all this time. Up until now, in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition, he has never gotten really serious to the point of using everything that he got. Of course, excluding the things he can't afford to show since he still hates dealing with troublesome things.

It wasn't only this time, but from the moment he arrived in the Emerald Tree Kingdom. Not once had he ever gotten serious. And even when an opportunity to get serious comes, other people would always be there to do it for him. Like for example, when they saved Elvis. He could have turned serious at that moment. Still, because all the Executive of the Mischievous Lion Guild was there, he chose not to… or, to be more precise, he was left with no other choice but to leave it all to them.

In the end, he still doesn't have any sort of clue, even the slightest, just how far his capability had developed after becoming a 1-Star Mage and close to breaking through the 2-Star level. 

He wants to know just how strong he has become. See with his own eyes what he can do now that he is entirely different from the previous Leo in the past. And this moment is the most perfect opportunity for him to know that.

With that in mind, Leo said, "I want you to fight with all that you've got! Don't stop fighting until the very moment you consume all of your stamina and energy, and can no longer continue fighting, understand? To simply put, I want you to fight me without holding back!"

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