
Chapter 256

Chapter 256 - Magic Blood

Looking at the medicinal liquid in the medicine cauldron in front of him, Chen An couldn't help but fall silent.

At this moment, he almost knew what was going to happen.

Among cultivators, there is a method called blood exchange.

This method was perhaps created by some indifferent cultivators in the early days, in order to allow more people to have their own bloodline, or it may have been developed while studying how to plunder the bloodline of others.

This world is unfair, not to mention the different spiritual roots brought by each person at birth. Some people are born with spiritual bodies, while others have weak spiritual roots and can only reluctantly embark on the path of cultivation. There are even some who are simply ordinary people, without even spiritual roots.

In this world, there will always be some people who are born with unique bloodlines. As long as they continue on the right path, they are destined to be stronger than others.

Qirou in front of him is one of them.

She is a direct descendant of the Moon Demon Sect from back then, inheriting the purest magic blood, with a powerful bloodline and outstanding talent that is awe-inspiring.

This situation naturally attracted the attention of many people, so in the past, many cultivators set their sights on this, hoping to strengthen themselves by taking special bloodlines from others through various means.

The blood exchange technique in front of him is one of them.

However, techniques like this, although they can indeed allow others to obtain bloodlines, cause great harm to the provider.

Chen An had never thought that Qirou would go this far.

"You have already helped me so much, why can't I help you once?"

Qirou smiled, then directly said, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and enter it for me."

"These things here are the blood I have accumulated for a long time. If you dare to waste it, don't blame me for being rude later."

Alright, since you've said so much, what else can Chen An say?

He sighed and then went forward. Under Qirou's gaze, he directly entered the medicine cauldron in front of him.

The medicinal liquid slowly seeped into his body.

A satisfied smile appeared on Qirou's face, then she reached out her hand.

In an instant, the array around them activated, directly starting to operate.

A loud rumble echoed all around, appearing particularly vivid.

Along with the activation of the array, changes began to occur in front of them.

Qirou looked ahead.

In the medicine cauldron, the crimson blood slowly flowed forward, drawn out by the array, and fused with the medicinal liquid.

The crimson blood and medicinal liquid merged, under the divine stimulation, gradually revealing their true appearance, presenting a strange black-gold color, with faint golden threads swirling, exuding an extraordinary and splendid aura.

And as time passed, the faint blood color gradually merged with Chen An's body, slowly integrating into one.

Thus, the blood exchange began.

As time passed, the cauldron slowly closed, and the scene inside could no longer be seen from the outside.

Qirou, outside, looked nervously at the cauldron, then found a place to sit cross-legged.

Time passed slowly.

In the next five days, Qirou did not leave, staying in one place, waiting without moving, afraid of any accidents.

Fortunately, it seemed that no accidents had occurred.

As time passed, there were often faint sounds coming from the cauldron, echoing around.

Chen An slowly closed his eyes.

During these five days, his body was undergoing drastic changes internally.

The changes were very subtle, almost imperceptible if one didn't observe carefully, but Chen An's perception was extremely abnormal, far exceeding that of ordinary people.

The consequences of these changes began to gradually manifest during this period.

With a thought, a familiar upgrade template appeared in front of him.

At this moment, there was something new above it.

The blood of the Demon Saint!

Looking at this scene, Chen An couldn't help but be stunned.

Oh man.

It turns out that Qirou's bloodline source is a former saint.

The Demon Saint, it seems to be a saint who walked the path of demons, achieving the position of saint through the path of demons.

The bloodline passed down from this former saint gradually became the bloodline of Qirou, which had long since established the glory of the Moon Demon Sect.

And as Qirou's blood kept flowing into Chen An's body, his internal organs were also slowly changing.

Change was necessary.

There are subtle differences between each individual.

This belongs to the basic difference in details.

But if we magnify this difference to the level of cultivators and ordinary people, the difference can be seen clearly.

Because of the different powers they possess, the structure of their bodies could no longer remain the same.

As time passed, the life structure of a cultivator would slowly be optimized and transformed into a different form.

In the end, between high-level cultivators and ordinary people, they were almost like two different species.

The same goes for bloodlines.

As his bloodline was replaced and infected, Chen An's body structure was slowly changing, and there was a drastic change brewing within him that could erupt at any moment.

Chen An silently experienced this change, silently calming down.

And so, time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, another few days had passed.

Finally, at a certain moment, the name on the upgrade template in front of him gradually stabilized, no longer flickering as before.

This could possibly mean that Chen An's condition had finally stabilized, no longer as chaotic as before.


With a fierce impact, the massive cauldron in front of him opened, revealing the scene inside.

Chen An slowly stood up.

After staying in the cauldron for so long, he was somewhat weak at this moment.

This was unavoidable.

Although as a Spiritual Transformation cultivator, he could reduce his food intake and directly absorb essence from the outside world, he still needed a certain degree of food intake.

Chen An had not been able to eat in the cauldron, essentially going hungry for ten days.

Going without food for ten days would inevitably make one feel weak.

However, even so, Chen An did not feel weak at this moment. Instead, he felt excited in his mind.

Because at this moment, a new feeling was emerging throughout his body.

With the contamination of the magic blood, Chen An's bloodlines were being replaced, and in terms of strength, there didn't seem to be much change.

Chen An looked the same as before.

But in terms of the level of life, Chen An's strength had undoubtedly increased significantly at this moment.

Magic blood originated from a saint, equivalent to the inheritance of a saint.

Even if it was just a part of the bloodline, it was still quite precious.

After all, not everyone could have the bloodline of a saint.

Apart from the bloodline, there was also an inheritance.

Since Qirou's magic bloodline originated from a saint, then the magic tome from the Moon Demon Sect likely also contained the inheritance of a saint.

With the magic bloodline, Chen An could naturally cultivate the magic tome later and gain this inheritance.

By then, the disadvantages of not having an inheritance at the moment would naturally be resolved.

A great thing.

From a feeling perspective, Chen An could also feel his own changes.

The transformation of the magic blood on his body was all-encompassing.

Chen An felt that if he were to test his qualifications now, he would probably find some changes.

Of course, he didn't take action immediately.

After all, the bloodline was just beginning to transform, and the changes from the magic blood had just started. It wasn't at the point of complete completion yet.

Wait a while longer until the change in his body stabilized, and then it would be accurate to test it.

As for now, it wasn't a big deal.

"Not bad."

On the side, Qirou's voice came.

Chen An looked up, seeing Qirou in the distance, couldn't help but be stunned.

Not far away, there was a large dining table set up.

The table was filled with various delicacies, not only ordinary food but also food with spiritual substances added.

Qirou was sitting there, looking somewhat lazy, eating.

Nearly ten days had passed, and her complexion had improved a lot, no longer as pale as before, but still showing some signs of weakness.

But compared to her physical weakness, her mental state seemed quite good, with an excited look on her face.

Seeing Qirou like this, and then looking at the table full of delicacies, Chen An couldn't help but fall silent.

It seemed that his stomach was starting to growl.

He had been hungry for quite some time now.

At this rate, he probably wouldn't make it.

"What are you looking at?"

Qirou looked at Chen An. "Haven't you seen me eat before?"

"Not really."

Chen An shook his head and then said, "Why do I feel like you seem very happy?"

"You noticed."

Qirou couldn't help but smile, "Because the blood exchange was very successful."

Seeing Chen An's puzzled expression, she went on to explain.

It turns out that although this blood exchange ritual was effective, it was not always successful.

To be precise, the accuracy of this blood exchange ritual was quite worrying.


If the bloodline of others was easy to obtain, then those special bloodlines in the world would have been abundant long ago.

In reality, these special bloodlines are quite difficult to obtain.

Trying to obtain these special bloodlines through blood exchange has a very low success rate, and even if successful, the bloodline would be greatly diluted.

Of course, this was quite normal.

After all, bloodlines obtained from someone else's essence were naturally not as concentrated.

But this time, Chen An's blood exchange was quite successful.

Not only did he obtain Qirou's magic bloodline, but the level of the bloodline was also considerable.

In normal circumstances, the likelihood of such a situation occurring was very low.

And this magic bloodline, which was Qirou's reason for being happy.

"You have awakened the magic blood, so rest well during this time."

Qirou softly said, "After a period of time, when the magic in your body has awakened, I will pass the magic tome to you."

"By then, you will be able to practice the magic tome like me and go to the sacrifice together."

She said that with anticipation in her eyes, clearly looking forward to it.


Chen An nodded in agreement.

So for the next period, Chen An spent his time according to Qirou's arrangements.

Every day, he had to consume a considerable amount of treasures, and the food used for each meal was made from precious exotic beasts, some of which were added with rare spiritual herbs.

The foundation of the entire Yamo Sect was very powerful, with many things that had already disappeared from the outside world but were still present in the sect's inner treasury.

And during this time, all these things had entered Chen An's mouth and become his feast, becoming one of his foundations.

A full half-month passed like this, and the changes in Chen An's body were quite clear.

(End of Chapter)

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Comments 1

  1. Offline
    Is it possible that the MC will now follow the demonic path? Chinese gray morality is disgusting!
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