
Chapter 257

Chapter 257 - The Second Purple Mansion

Name: Chen An

Attributes: Strength (12.1), Physical (12.4), Spirit (11.3)

Source Power: 9,300

Bloodline: Sun and Moon Demon Blood (Weak)

Inheritance: Frozen Miles (Intermediate), Minor Teleportation Array (Perfection), Foundation Pill (Perfection), Gold Lotus Pill (Perfection), Clear Heart Pill (Perfection), Spiritualization Technique (Ninth Layer),......

Projection: In Use

Looking at the front, a familiar projection template appeared, just like that, presenting itself in place.

Chen An looked at the front and nodded involuntarily.

After this period of cultivation, there have been quite a few changes in his body.

Almost all the basic data has increased.

Although it doesn't look like much, it's actually quite remarkable.

After all, at Chen An's level, every bit of progress is difficult.

At present, the Demon Body has just awakened, and he has already reached this level, which is quite remarkable.

Chen An silently opened his eyes, then stretched out his hand.

On his arm, faint patterns appeared, showing a dark golden luster.

At the same time, his appearance seemed to have changed slightly, although the appearance didn't look much, but inexplicably added a strange aura.

This is the change brought by the Demon Body.

Overall, the changes brought by the Demon Body are not small.

The biggest change should be in aptitude.

Chen An had tested it before, and his aptitude has successfully crossed that barrier and reached the first-class level.

Of course, it's just the lower level of the first-class, which is considered the bottom in this level.

But even so, it's still quite remarkable.

After all, the first-class aptitude is already a critical point.

Even in those powerful forces, cultivators with such aptitude are not ordinary, they are definitely geniuses.

For Chen An to reach this level, even if he is at the bottom, it is still quite remarkable.

Chen An felt happy about his aptitude.

But unfortunately, even with such aptitude, it still cannot compare to Qi Rou's aptitude.

Qi Rou is not only of pure Demon Body bloodline, but also a natural spiritual body.

And the aptitude of spiritual body is often above the first-class.

The so-called first-class and second-class aptitude are only used to describe ordinary immortals.

For true spiritual bodies, their aptitude is above this.

Just being a spiritual body already puts them above countless others in the mortal world.

If ordinary cultivators are considered elite compared to ordinary people, then spiritual bodies are the same compared to ordinary cultivators.

This is the result of the comparison.

Qi Rou is such a spiritual body.

Let alone now, even if Chen An raises his aptitude to the upper first-class, it still cannot be compared to a spiritual body like Qi Rou.

Unless he can continue to advance his aptitude, and even transform himself into a spiritual body.

In that case, maybe he can compete with them.

Speaking of which, besides Qi Rou, Chen An has actually seen another pure spiritual body.

For example, Bai Qing.

Bai Qing seems to be a pure spiritual body, so she was chosen by the Empress Luo Shan at first glance and directly selected as the candidate for possession.

With the discerning eyes of Empress Luo Shan, if Bai Qing did not have such aptitude, she would not have been chosen.

In addition, Princess Liang Yao, as the inheritor of the fate, should also have underestimated aptitude, and most likely has aptitude comparable to a spiritual body.

Otherwise, she would not have been chosen by the fate.

Thinking of this, the satisfaction in Chen An's heart suddenly dissipated, and he felt a sense of chasing again.

In fact, bloodlines also affect aptitude to a certain extent.

The changes in aptitude in Chen An's body now prove this.

So the question is.

If he enhances his demon blood, can he continue to improve his aptitude and even reach the level comparable to a spiritual body?

Chen An is very eager for this.

For this reason, he deliberately tried.

"Will you use 5,000 source power for enhancement?"

In front of him, a familiar prompt appeared.

Chen An suddenly fell into contemplation.

At this moment, he suddenly doubted his vision.

What is this.

5,000 source power?

Chen An subconsciously turned around and looked at his source power balance.

During this period, through the exploitation of Qi Rou, he was able to accumulate a considerable amount of wealth.

With a balance of 9,300 source power, this number is definitely not small.

But now, just improving the bloodline once requires a full 5,000 source power?

Chen An couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth, feeling that he still seemed to be a poor devil.

As expected, source power is like money, it is never enough.

Whenever Chen An feels that he is already wealthy enough, as a small local tyrant, reality will always tell him in the simplest way that he is still a poor devil!

How to relieve worries? Only by getting rich.

Unfortunately, Chen An doesn't have a way to get rich quickly.

He has indeed been exploiting the entire Yao Demon Sect to collect spiritual crystals from various places to obtain source power.

But this method has gradually become difficult as of now.

No way.

Compared to Changyue Sect, the exploitation ability of Yao Demon Sect is indeed much stronger.

But no matter what, there is always a limit.

In recent times, Chen An has clearly felt that the number of spiritual crystals available for exploitation in the surrounding area has significantly decreased.

Obviously, after the previous period of exploitation, most of the spiritual crystals that can be exploited in the vicinity have been collected.

The remaining ones are difficult to obtain, so the overall speed is no longer as fast as before.

In the Dust Realm before, when Chen An collected Gold Spiritual Stones, it was the same.

At this rate, Chen An doesn't know how long it will take to collect 5,000 source power.

Considering all this, Chen An finally fell silent and did not take action.

Anyway, for the time being, this level of demon bloodline should be enough.

According to Qi Rou's words, the cultivation of the Demon Scripture only requires possessing the demon bloodline, not much else.

The level of bloodline only affects the speed of cultivation, nothing else.

And as for the progress of cultivation, Chen An can directly increase points through source power, so self-cultivation seems unnecessary.

Plan accepted!

In the distance, faint sounds of activity are heard.

Chen An looked up, his gaze towards the distance, just in time to see Qi Rou's figure slowly approaching.

She had a smile on her face, as if something good had happened, and she pounced directly into Chen An's arms.

Time passed slowly.

In the following days, under Qi Rou's guidance, Chen An began to seriously cultivate the Demon Scripture.

And inevitably, various problems arose at this moment.

Compared to the other inheritances Chen An had rested on before, the content of the Demon Scripture is much deeper, and the content is more profound.

But it's just the Qi Refining stage, which is still within Chen An's understanding.

After all, his level is much higher than Qi Refining, so there should be no problem practicing at a higher level.

But before that, there was a new problem.

"There are two ways to cultivate the Demon Scripture, which one do you choose?"

Facing Chen An's gaze, Qi Rou asked with a smile.

In a quiet room in front, surrounded by arrays that completely blocked the area.

The rich aura pervaded, to an astonishing degree.

"Two ways?"

Chen An was puzzled and asked, "Which two ways?"

"The orthodox way is naturally to cultivate through the Purple Mansion, like the traditional cultivators who open up the Purple Mansion and circulate their spiritual power in it."

Qi Rou explained, "But if you choose this way, there will be a big problem."

The orthodox way is relatively convenient, like ordinary cultivators of the sect who can practice accordingly.

But there is a big problem if, like Chen An, one has already cultivated the Purple Mansion through other methods.

To walk this path and cultivate the Demon Scripture, it is necessary to abolish the Purple Mansion and reopen it according to the method of the Demon Scripture.

But if so, there will obviously be a big problem.

The most obvious problem is the cultivation base.

Most of a cultivator's cultivation base is in the Purple Mansion.

Once the Purple Mansion is abolished, most of the cultivator's cultivation base will disappear.

And this kind of action can easily affect the cultivator himself, which will affect his future potential, and might even directly ruin him if not done well.

Therefore, few people are willing to do this.

"Is there any other way?" Chen An asked with some confusion.

Abolishing the original Purple Mansion, and then reopening the Purple Mansion based on it, is quite dangerous.

But in normal circumstances, there doesn't seem to be any other way.

But looking at the current situation in front of Qi Rou, it seems not to be the case?

Are there other ways?

"Open a second Purple Mansion."

Under Chen An's gaze, Qi Rou slowly gave the answer.

"The second Purple Mansion."

Chen An was stunned.

Then, Qi Rou continued to speak.

In simple terms, the so-called second Purple Mansion is to open up another Purple Mansion at another location within the body.

The Purple Mansion is where spiritual power gathers, and it is the most concentrated area of divinity in the human body, thus able to undertake the transformation and gather spiritual power.

But the area where the divinity gathers in the human body is not only in one place.

The Purple Mansion can also be opened in other locations, but the effect is far less than in the abdominal area.

The method of the second Purple Mansion mentioned by Qi Rou is to open a new Purple Mansion in another location, thereby having a second place for the conversion of spiritual power.

In this way, it is possible to practice the Demon Scripture without affecting the original Purple Mansion, and to open a second Purple Mansion again.

There are many benefits to this approach, the most obvious one being to avoid self-influence, keeping the original Purple Mansion intact and preventing damage.

It also maximizes the retention of the original cultivation base.

Similarly, in Chen An's situation, opening a second Purple Mansion also has a covert function.

Because on the surface, his previous cultivation base has not been abolished, and his spiritual power still retains the pure natural characteristics of ordinary cultivators, which allows him to better disguise himself and not reveal his identity as a cultivator of the demonic path.

"In the past, many demonic predecessors infiltrated other sects by relying on this trick and were difficult to detect," Qi Rou said with a smile.

According to her, many generations of demonic cultivators in the Yao Demon Sect have infiltrated other sects by relying on this trick to become insiders of the Yao Demon Sect.

Because the second Purple Mansion itself has strong concealment, combined with the practice of the Demon Scripture, it is difficult to be discovered in normal times.

Theoretically, as long as the difference in cultivation base between the two parties is not too great, it is impossible to be discovered.

Similarly, opening a second Purple Mansion can often make the combat power stronger due to the accumulation of more divine power, allowing one to exhibit a stronger strength.

But there are naturally disadvantages.

Having two Purple Mansions side by side will to a certain extent burden cultivation.

After all, while others only need to cultivate one Purple Mansion, you have to cultivate two Purple Mansions, which naturally slows down the progress of cultivation.

But besides the slower cultivation and greater consumption, this method has no other flaws.

"Which one do you choose?" Qi Rou looked at Chen An with a smile.

"Do I need to say?" feeling Qi Rou's gaze, Chen An was a bit speechless.

Qi Rou had already made it so clear, if he still didn't know how to choose, then that would be strange.

In simple terms, the only flaw of the second Purple Mansion is that the progress of cultivation will be hindered, and the cultivation required will greatly increase.

In other words, it requires spending money.

Poor people simply cannot afford this second Purple Mansion and may be dragged down by it.

But does Chen An have this problem?


He is very rich.

Not to mention his alchemy skills, the many treasures hidden in the White Tower, and just the existence of Qi Rou in front of him, it is clear that he will not let himself be impoverished.

With his abilities, not to mention other things, just eating a free meal would be enough to support his cultivation.

So, the shortcomings of practicing the second Purple Mansion do not really exist for him.

Since that's the case, what's there to hesitate about?

At that moment, Chen An did not hesitate, and directly made his choice.

A smile appeared on Qi Rou's face.

In the following days, Chen An seemed to have returned to the beginning of his cultivation.

He stayed in Qi Rou's practice room every day, cultivating and absorbing spiritual energy.

Of course, the daily elixirs were also indispensable, delivered regularly every day.

With the nourishment of these things, Chen An's cultivation progressed rapidly.


The surging spiritual energy was inhaled by Chen An, then under his control, it flowed to another location, gathering in another area.

And that place is none other than where the heart is located.

According to the Demon Scripture, apart from the abdomen, the area where the heart is located is considered the most concentrated area of divinity.

This is also the best place to open the second Purple Mansion.

Apart from this location, if one wants to open a Purple Mansion elsewhere, although it is also possible, it will require much more time and effort.

Time passed slowly.

Finally, with the surge of spiritual energy, a strand of divine power began to be born, nurtured and brought forth.

The first strand of divine power converted by the Demon Scripture finally appeared and infiltrated the newly opened Purple Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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Comments 1

  1. Offline
    Divinity centered in the belly and not in the heart is very symbolic and explains a lot.
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