
Chapter 261

Chapter 261 - Inheritance Crystal

Drip, drip, drip

The sound of raindrops falling.

Chen An sat still, quietly looking into the distance.

This is a closed area in this ancestral land, chosen by Chen An at a glance because of its good scenery, so he decided to live here.

During this period of time, he has been staying here.

Of course, Qirou has been staying with him, living here as well.

But now, they are almost ready to leave.

Chen An raised his head and looked forward.

Although the naked eye can't see much, through his strong sense, he can already sense the movements of others.

"They are all ready to go."

He sighed softly.

The people of Yao Mo Zong are basically concentrated in this area, while the people of the other three major forces naturally stay far away.

This is the normal operation.

After all, the people staying here are all from the demonic sect, and it's not easy to provoke any one of them.

If they stay together, I'm afraid they won't even be able to sleep peacefully.

Whether it's out of practical considerations or other reasons, avoiding each other is necessary.

Fortunately, this place is big enough. Not to mention accommodating these people, even if the number is ten times more, there is no problem.

"It's time to set off."

Not far away, Qirou lazily stretched, looking at Chen An in front of her, she slowly got up.

"Don't you want to rest a little longer?"

Chen An said with a smile.

In recent days, because the ceremony is about to begin, in order to adjust his own state, Qirou has not rested for half a month in a row.

The Spiritualists can indeed skip sleep to a certain extent, but this intensity is a bit exaggerated.

However, on the surface, Qirou doesn't seem to show much tiredness, but instead looks very energetic and excited.

Chen An thought for a moment, but he wasn't surprised.

After all, for Qirou, who has been waiting for this day for a long time, it's only normal for her to be excited now that the day has finally arrived.

It's normal not to be able to rest quietly.

The two of them quickly got up and walked towards the center of this area.

Soon, they arrived at the central hall they had been in before.

In the hall, Yang Xiao and others had already arrived early, standing there waiting for everyone to gather.

The high priest was wearing a black robe, standing beside, murmuring and reciting some subtle words, I don't know what he was saying.

Chen An looked at their appearance and didn't speak, just stood beside Qirou.

For this adventure, he had already made up his mind to stay quietly on the side and observe.

After all, with the strength of Lin Qiu and Qirou, it is already enough to deal with most troubles.

"It seems that everyone has gathered."

When the agreed time arrived, in the central area, the high priest finally opened his muddy eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "Everyone is here, that's good."

"Does anyone want to leave at this point? You can still leave now."

He looked down and asked.

And the answer to this question was obvious.

Most of those who came here at this time were basically here for the final demon crystal.

Now that they are finally about to see the demon crystal, it is impossible for them to leave now.

So it is impossible for them to leave.

They only have one choice, to move forward.

Chen An looked around and observed the actions of the others.

In his observation, there may be some movements in the other three teams, but none of them wanted to leave the area.

As the saying goes, no one wants to leave.

Whether it's Qirou or Yang Xiao, and the son and daughter of the Inzong Temple and the Yinfaction, their faces are calm and they don't want to miss this grand event.

They are all direct bloodlines of the demonic body, and the demon crystal is the most fundamental inheritance for them.

So for others, it may be possible to choose not to continue forward, but for them, if they miss this opportunity, they will have to wait thirty years for the next one.

Even for a cultivator, thirty years is not a short period of time.

Waiting is not an option.

"Very well."

Observing the surroundings, the high priest nodded in satisfaction, seeming very satisfied with the choices of Qirou and the others, "The great door is already open. If you want to feel the demon crystal, just go straight in later."

"The formation has been active all along, in case of any accidents, just go through the formation directly."

He said with a faint smile.

With his words falling, in front of them, the huge black door gradually lit up, and the runes inside seemed to be activated.


With a slight sound, the runes in front were activated, the transmission formation slowly opened, revealing the passage to another area.

"Let's go."

Looking at this scene, Qirou and others were all dazzled.

Only Chen An, looking at the transmission formation in front of him, seemed to be thinking, seeing more things.

Compared to the others present, he was half of a formation master and had been studying transmission formations, so he could see many details.

If he was not mistaken, the formation in front of him should belong to a large-scale transmission formation, capable of transmitting people to another secret realm.

This was just the minimum. If the effect is better, it might even be possible to use it for cross-border transmission.

This perfectly matched Chen An's inclinations, and it was something worth paying attention to for him at the moment.

If possible, he really wanted to stay here and study this formation.

But unfortunately, in front of Qirou and others, this idea was doomed to failure.

Others were still watching.

Chen An could only feel sorry and follow Qirou and others to the front door.

The door in front slowly closed, and the formation inside continued to oscillate, flashing various colors.

A moment later, they arrived at a new place.

It was also a large hall, but quite vast.

The hall in front of him already seemed large to Chen An, but compared to the area in front of him, it was nothing.

The hall in front of him was particularly spacious and vast, although it was indoors, the space was terrifyingly large.

Chen An raised his head and looked up.

At the top, a golden ceiling stood quietly, estimated to be at least several hundred meters high.

Just the ceiling alone had such a distance, how vast this space was can be imagined.

The space around was vast, and one could not see the end at a glance.

In the center of the hall, a huge crystal stood.

The crystal was golden, lying quietly in the center of the hall, emitting a faint golden light.

Within it seemed to contain an inexplicable power, able to easily trigger the Blood Demon vibrations in the bodies of everyone present, causing their divine power to shake uncontrollably and instinctively rotate in the direction guided by the demon crystal.

Without a doubt, this was something used for inheriting the demon crystal, the original source of the demon crystal.

Chen An looked at the tall crystal in front of him and silently had this thought.

"Let's begin."

A calm voice sounded on the side.

The son of the Yinfaction was expressionless, occupying a corner with a group of people, "The rules here you all understand, I don't need to repeat them."

"A month's time, everyone show your skills."

"Of course."

The son of the Inzong Temple, dressed as a monk with a compassionate face, nodded and then found a place to sit down.

Yang Xiao and Qirou also nodded, each with their own people sitting around the crystal.

Since the decline of the Sun Moon Demon Sect, similar ceremonies have been held many times, and some established rules have been explored.

The crystal in front of the demon is the body of the demon crystal, carrying the original true meaning of the demon crystal. As long as those who cultivate the demon crystal approach, they can use the original true meaning of the demon crystal to comprehend the various essences of the demon crystal and thus realize their own demon crystal.

This is basic.

But what different people comprehend is different, and there is also a distinction between high and low.

As for what can be comprehended, it depends on each person's talent.

In other words, everyone has to rely on their own abilities.

There was no conflict in this round, so they didn't have any intent to fight, just occupying a corner each and then preparing to earnestly comprehend the demon crystal.

People like Qirou, who took the opportunity to sit down in a favorable position.

But some people were not so direct.

Like Chen An.

At this moment, he was still wandering around.

This place is mysterious and unique.

For Qirou and the others, the most important thing here is naturally the crystal that holds the demon crystal.

But for Chen An, it may not be the case.

There are still interesting things here.

Such as the stone walls around.

If Chen An remembered correctly, the stone walls in front of him are carved with the images of the demon gods from the outside world.

But compared to the outside world, the demon god images depicted here are more vivid, with vivid forms that seem to be able to come out of the murals at any time and show their former majesty again.

Chen An carefully observed these murals.

In these murals, he keenly felt changes and that eerie power he had felt before.

Yes, the eerie power that once existed in the murals here, seemed to be suppressed by something and not released.

Otherwise, if the restrictions here disappear completely, I'm afraid it will kill everyone here in minutes.

That eerie power is too terrifying.

Chen An estimated that if the prohibition that once existed here completely disappeared, this place would become a dead land.

In addition to the murals, the scenery outside was also very interesting.

Not far away, Chen An could see many transmission formations that seemed to lead to the outside world.

Is this place connected to other locations?

This discovery piqued Chen An's curiosity.

If it weren't for Qirou and the others still here, he would love to try and see where those transmission formations could take him.

But unfortunately, there are more important things to do now.

After observing for a while, Chen Yu quickly turned around and walked towards the position of Qirou and the others.

He sat down in front of Qirou, found a place, and sat down.

In this way, like everyone else, he fell into contemplation and started to comprehend the true meaning of the demon crystal in front of him.

Various information began to connect in his mind, and at this moment, guided by the true meaning of the demon crystal, began to recombine.

The demonic blood in his body also started to boil gradually and change.

Everything seemed to be moving in a good direction.


But in the invisible undercurrents that ordinary people couldn't see, it seems that some things were also happening.

It's just that the people present didn't know about it.

Time passed bit by bit in deep contemplation.

It had been a long time.

At some point, a strong sense of danger surged into his heart.

A creepy feeling rose from a certain area in his body.

At this moment, Chen An's body instinctively began to revive, starting to sound a strong warning.

It was as if the powerful spiritual sense was also playing a role at this moment.

But this was of no use.

Inside his body, another inexplicable power was affecting everything.

It was the existence of this power that was suppressing the revival of Chen An's spiritual sense, preventing his consciousness from awakening and restoring.

And at this rate, the life force in his body was also slowly fading, slowly disappearing at this moment.

If this continued, he would probably end up dead sooner or later.

Seemingly sensing Chen An's danger, within his Purple Mansion, a damaged white tower began to vibrate spontaneously.

A strand of power scattered from it, looking very subtle, but like a breeze sweeping away fallen leaves, it swept away the mysterious power that had been occupying Chen An's body.


When the strange power in his body dissipated, the surging divine power began to recover, and Chen An's consciousness began to revive.

In an instant, he woke up, opening his eyes suddenly.

As he opened his eyes, the scene in front of him came into view, making him stunned.

Because the scene in front of him was completely different from before.

In front of him, the originally golden crystal had somehow changed, and now it faintly emitted a strange blood-red color.

The touch of blood red was not obvious, but it gave an uncomfortable feeling, making Chen An frown instinctively.

"You're awake too?"

Beside him, a familiar voice sounded.

Chen An turned to look, only to see Qirou.

Qirou was also awake, but at the moment she looked uncomfortable.

Her face looked exceptionally pale, and her whole body seemed very weak.

Of course, these were not the most important things.

In Chen An's perception, there were also a lot of strange auras appearing in Qirou's body.

The mysterious power was also eroding her body, making her look particularly strange at the moment.

Is this a mutation?

Chen An didn't react for a moment.

What's going on?

Wasn't it supposed to be a peaceful inheritance ceremony? How did it suddenly become like this?

What exactly went wrong?

"It's the inheritance crystal."

It seemed like she noticed Chen An's confusion, Qirou spoke somewhat laboriously, "There's something odd about the inheritance crystal, it seems someone tampered with it."

(End of this chapter)

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