
Chapter 262

Chapter 262 - Trial

Can the inheritance magic crystal be tampered with?

Chen An couldn't help but stare in disbelief.


This is not just any ordinary object, but the object used for inheritance.

Is it so easily tampered with by others?

He couldn't help but be a little doubtful.

However, the situation in front of him was there, and it seemed that there was no reason not to believe it.

He couldn't help but look around again.

Then he couldn't help but exclaim again.

All around him, wherever he looked, everything had changed.

Around the magic crystal in front of him, where dozens of people were sitting around, they had all collapsed.

They were all sitting there, their eyes tightly closed, looking like they were asleep.

Of course, this was just the surface.

After observing carefully for a while, it could be noticed that these people's bodies had a slightly yellowish hue on the surface, a strange color spreading from their brows to various parts of their bodies.

The weird power that existed in Chen An's body before invaded again, taking over the bodies of these people.

Just like Chen An before, they couldn't stay conscious, only able to sleep there powerlessly.

They all looked like living statues, particularly eye-catching and striking.

Looking around, the only ones who remained conscious were Qi Rou and a few others.

Including Qi Rou and Yang Xiao, the sons of the four major forces all kept their consciousness, but they also looked like they were in a difficult situation at the moment.

Their bodies were covered with a strange texture, and although their consciousness barely remained, their bodies remained motionless, as if they were struggling with something, looking particularly uncomfortable.

Looking around, Chen An was somewhat shocked to find that he seemed to be the only one among the people at the scene who remained normal.

"How are you awake?"

In the distance, Yang Xiao's voice came out somewhat weakly at this moment.

For Yang Xiao to be so surprised by Chen An's ability to stay awake, it was really surprising and intriguing.

Before that, he felt that Chen An was different from the rest, and now that he saw this, he felt even more so.

However, Chen An seemed indifferent to his opinion, casually saying, "I don't know, maybe it's just an accident."

An accident?

The others in the room didn't seem to believe that.

They could all feel the pulling force of the magic crystal.

The terrifying power emanating from it made them all feel extremely uncomfortable.

This was because they all had the bloodline of magical bodies, and the primordial truths contained within the magic crystal resonated with them, greatly increasing their resistance.

If it were an ordinary person, even a Golden Core cultivator, they would probably have passed out long ago now.

Didn't they see all those people who had already passed out behind them?

Those people also had magical body bloodlines, even though their blood was not as rich and noble as theirs, they still resonated with the magic crystal, but they still ended up in that dying state, showing how terrifying the power of the magic crystal was.

You see, these people not only had the bloodline of magical bodies, but they were also at least at the beginning of the Foundation Establishment stage of cultivation.

There were even a few Golden Core cultivators among them, and they all ended up like this.

Even they were like this, let alone ordinary people.

Under these circumstances, the fact that Chen An could remain conscious, and even appear as if nothing was happening, was really something difficult to explain.

Not only Yang Xiao, but the others couldn't believe it either.

Chen An was just saying it casually.

In reality, he also knew the reason why he could stay awake.

Most likely, it was because of the White Tower in his body.

Though the White Tower in his body was damaged and had never responded directly to Chen An's calls in the past, it was still a legacy of the sage, and quite possibly a holy artifact, its power was definitely not to be underestimated.

It could bring him back from dormancy and keep him awake, a feat that could still be achieved.

After all, even the founder of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, the legendary demon lord who left behind the magic crystal, in all likelihood his cultivation was not even close to that of a sage.

Now it was just the mischief caused by the magic crystal he left behind, no big deal.

Chen An raised his head and looked ahead.

The originally golden magic crystal was now showing a strange crimson color, with countless runes flashing within it, undergoing a change.

Just by observing this magic crystal alone, there was a strange feeling, as if the whole body and mind were under its influence.

"Don't look."

Beside him, Qi Rou's weak voice came, "This magic crystal is strange. If you look at it for too long, something ominous will happen."

As to what ominous thing, she didn't elaborate on.

But Chen An already understood.

Because as he stared at the magic crystal for a longer time, the strange power that had been completely dispelled by the White Tower in him once again invaded, spawning directly in his Purple Mansion, attempting to infect his whole body through his Purple Mansion.

Unfortunately, this strange power had just spawned and was immediately detected by the White Tower, and was directly dispersed.

There was no way, the White Tower was just that powerful.

This was also the reason why Chen An was safe.

However, Chen An could also clearly feel that his current state was unsustainable.

Because his divine power was being consumed.

In the past, the White Tower was in Chen An's body, and although it also consumed divine power, the amount consumed was not too much, and it could be sustained by the daily absorption and release.

But now, with the White Tower actively reviving, although it brought with it the characteristic of invincibility, the amount of divine power consumed also increased suddenly.

In just a short time, Chen An could feel the rapid depletion of his divine power within his body, and if this continued, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

And once the White Tower fell silent again, in his current state, he would probably end up with a single word: death.

Probably no other options.

So, the only choice now was one.

"What should I do?"

He looked at Qi Rou, asking, "How can we stop this thing?"

If this situation continued, everyone present would eventually die.

Although Chen An was not afraid of death, if he could save himself, he would still try.

After all, life was quite precious.

Moreover, there was still Qi Rou here.

In the past, Qi Rou had been quite nice to him, and he had taken advantage of her in some ways.

If he could, Chen An still wanted to save her.

Anyway, it was worth a try.

"If you approach the magic crystal and use the magic book to activate it, you may still be able to stop it."

Qi Rou's weak voice came, "But the magic crystal is already acting strangely, it's very dangerous to do so."

Danger was a definite.

After all, the magic crystal was the legacy of the original demon lord, in a sense, it was the treasure of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect's lineage.

Such a treasure, even if it was a venerable artifact, was far inferior in power.

If it was so easy to get close to, their ancestors wouldn't have chosen to seal this artifact in this area, they would have taken it out and placed it at their doorstep long ago.

In fact, this thing was very dangerous, and even if you had the bloodline of the magical body, it was still quite dangerous to touch it, even for a cultivator above the Golden Core realm.

Even with the bloodline of the magical body, touching this thing would still be very dangerous.

This could be seen from the fact that Qi Rou and the others had kept their distance so far.

"I understand."

Chen An nodded, his face calm, and he stood up from his original position.

Saying that it was dangerous was empty talk at this point.

Is it dangerous to approach the magic crystal? Isn't it also dangerous to stay in the same spot?

It's all the same.

In the current situation, staying there meant he would eventually die, sooner or later.

So in this case, there was nothing to lose by taking a risk.

In case a single bike turns into a motorcycle?

With this thought in mind, Chen An decided to take a risk.

So he stood up and slowly walked towards the direction where the magic crystal was located.

But before he could take a few steps, he felt an invisible force blocking and hindering his progress.

There seemed to be an invisible force field in front of him, obstructing his way and preventing him from moving forward, making it impossible for him to continue.

The closer he got to the magic crystal, the heavier this obstruction felt, making it impossible for him to walk forward.

Feeling this, Chen An furrowed his brow.

"It's useless."

In the distance, Yang Xiao's weak voice came.

He looked cautiously in the direction where Chen An was, explaining, "The magic crystal represents the inheritance of the magical body. Those with impure magical body bloodlines cannot touch the core of the magic crystal; even if they can touch it, they will undoubtedly die on the spot."

"You'd better save your strength."

He explained weakly, then said a few more words, as if he had suddenly used up most of his energy, looking very uncomfortable, almost curling up.

Listening to Yang Xiao's words, Chen An had no reaction, just remaining silent for a moment before continuing forward.


The sound of flesh and blood bursting.

As he took a few steps, his flesh and blood began to burst open, unable to withstand the pressure, unable to continue forward.

Apparently, as Yang Xiao had said, those with impure bloodlines of the magical body could not approach the core of the magic crystal.

Attempting to approach it was futile.

Chen An paid no attention and continued to walk forward.

At this moment, he seemed to have cast life and death aside, focusing single-mindedly on his goal.

This firm and calm attitude surprised many of the people present.

"Isn't he afraid of death?"

Yang Xiao's face changed, full of incredulity.

As mentioned before, practitioners of the Magic Canon awaken different abilities after reaching the Foundation Establishment stage.

And Yang Xiao had awakened an ability similar to Qi Rou's.

He could sense the emotions and thoughts of others, but the effect may not have been as good as Qi Rou's.

Or should he say that this ability was common among the sons of Saint-ranked practitioners who practiced the Magic Canon.

At this level, everyone's abilities were similar.

But it was precisely for this reason that they found it so surprising.

They sensed Chen An's thoughts and were amazed to find that this person had no emotional fluctuations in his heart, facing the terrifying pressure as calmly as if he were taking a leisurely stroll in the park.

Was he really not afraid of death?

Didn't the strange magical intentions emanating from the magic crystal and the various eerie powers affecting them cause any ripples in this person?

"What kind of person is he?"

At this moment, several Saint-ranked practitioners could not help but inhale a cold breath, feeling a person so terrifying.

In fact, it wasn't as mysterious as they thought.

He was afraid of death, of course.

But if he knew he wouldn't die, then naturally he wouldn't be afraid.

Chen An knew he wouldn't die, even if his physical body died, it would probably just return to his true form.

In that case, why be afraid of anything?

As for the terrifying magical intentions contained within the magic crystal? And the various strange powers that affected them?

They had no effect at all.

Because they were all shielded by the White Tower.

In this situation, Chen An had no emotional fluctuations at all.

He pushed forward, enduring the pressure from all sides.

At the end, his body was already blurry, covered with wounds all over.

Every drop of crimson blood flowed from his body, dripping onto the ground, leaving behind a long trail of blood.

The whole scene was as bloody as it was miserable.


Qi Rou couldn't bear to look any longer, afraid that if she looked again, she might not be able to hold back her tears.

"Truly a tough man!"

The other three sons also admired him, thinking that Chen An was truly the number one tough guy in the world.

Staring at the suppression of the magic crystal and the effects of the strange power, the fact that Chen An could remain calm and composed at this stage was truly something out of the ordinary.

The abilities that practitioners of the Magic Canon awaken after reaching the Foundation Establishment stage vary.

And what Yang Xiao had awakened, just like Qi Rou, was such an ability.

He could also sense the emotions and thoughts of others, just as Qi Rou could.

At this point, everyone's abilities were more or less the same.

But it was precisely because of this that they found it so surprising.

They sensed Chen An's thoughts and were amazed to find that this person had no emotional fluctuations in his heart, facing the terrifying pressure as calmly as if he were taking a leisurely stroll in the park.

Was he really not afraid of death?

The strange magical manifestations emanating from the magic crystal and the various influences that affected them, didn't they cause any ripples in this person?

"What kind of person..."

At this moment, several Saint-level practitioners took a deep breath, their faces filled with disbelief, feeling that such a person was truly terrifying.

However, things were not as mysterious as they thought.

He was afraid of death, naturally.

But if he knew he wouldn't die, then naturally he wouldn't be afraid.

Chen An knew he wouldn't die, even if his physical body died, it would probably just return to his true form.

In that case, there was nothing to be afraid of.

He just kept moving forward, bearing the pressure from all sides.

As he approached the magic crystal, the pressure and the repulsive force he felt only increased.

And at this point, Chen An had reached his limit.

Even if he bravely charged forward, he still couldn't take another step.

In other words, he had reached his limit at this moment, unable to cross it.

So he was very unsatisfied.

He raised his head and looked ahead.

Without realizing it, he had covered a long distance, and now there was only a dozen meters' distance from the magic crystal in front of him.

As long as he crossed this dozen meters, the magic crystal would be right in front of him, and he would be able to touch it soon.

A dozen meters was very close for a practitioner.

If it were the previous Chen An, he could have crossed it in the blink of an eye.

But now he couldn't do it.

Chen An had gradually felt the weakness in his body.

This was not only due to the suppression of the magic crystal and his own weakness, but also because the White Tower was gradually falling into silence.

To a certain extent, this was tantamount to a death sentence.

In this current situation, as soon as the protective power of the White Tower disappeared, Chen An would immediately die, and it would be the kind of death that could not be further death.

But fortunately, everything has a turning point.

At a moment when Chen An didn't know what to do, he suddenly felt a familiar aura.

That aura was none other than the aura of the Source Force.

The familiar aura immediately made him tremble, subconsciously raising his head and looking towards the direction where the Source Force was located.

And that direction was where the magic crystal was located.

(This chapter is complete)

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