1 year ago

Napoleon in 1812나폴레옹 in 1812

Napoleon Bonaparte, who defeated Austria, Prussia, Russia and Britain and became the true ruler of... Read more
Napoleon Bonaparte, who defeated Austria, Prussia, Russia and Britain and became the true ruler of Europe.

After the revolution, he stepped down as president, enjoying his retirement in Louisiana.

One day, he opened his eyes… and was the Emperor?

The story of Napoleon, who woke up in a parallel world just before the Russian campaign. Collapse
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Comments 29

  1. Offline
    Gweek Patato

    Well, in principle, I agree that they slowed down Napoleon's army. Good cannon fodder.
    See you tomorrow.

    Oh yeah, deleting a comment is not good. If you are writing garbage, then just stop, do not provoke the dragon. He will kill you and scatter the ashes.
    "DoNt ToUCH mY TaIL1!!1!1!"
    Goofy ass mf
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  2. Offline
    Russia and Britain and became the true ruler of Europe.

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  3. Offline
    [current chapter: 138]

    This novel is really a gem in the historical and strategic genre. I really can't understand why it was rated so low. But heck, this is the shortcoming of a reviewing system where everyone—and I mean, absolutely everyone can rate a novel, when many had probably not even managed to finish a chapter. A shame, really. Now now, for the review, there I go:

    Without spoiling, the novel is (from my understanding), a Napoleon who transmigrated and replaced another Napoleon; one that is different in a worse way than the one our 'real history' knows. The premise is basically this: what if Napoleon did not had the shortcomings that the 'real' Napoleon had, how would that have affected our current world.

    As a fan of strategy and warfare, I found this quite entertaining. And besides, (for most chinese light-novels overly focused on their 'patriotism;' this novel is one that is 'patriotic' in a much more tasteful way than most, who only know to denigrate other countries without proper context, while unreasonably biased.

    I only criticize 2 main points that I believe would improve the 'real rating' of this novel.

    First, sometimes, the way the author express between the different Napoleon is quite confusing—at the least, for me. (Ex: 1-Napo from our history / 2-Napo from another timeline / 3-The replaced Napo, also called Nabot.) Besides, I think that some more context (foreshadowing or explanations) would have made this more immersive. (Ex: The author calls the Napo from the new world as: Nabot... why didn't he explain that 'Nabot,' in french, also means: a person of small stature; or badly said: a shorty or dwarf. It would have let the readers understand better his feeling toward this replacement.

    Second, this novel has the typical shortcoming of most korean light-novels: too indifferently written. While interesting, it isn't really moving. The story is often one-dimensional: war, politic, war. And yet, the story is too descriptive and not really emotive.

    Personal recommendation: I personally believe that this isn't a junk-food novel, very particularly for those who played: european war 6. To the nowadays people who mostly only know about ww1 or ww2; this story gives us a good feel of how it was like, between the Roman Time and Before Hitler. I look forward to the newer updates, and Chapeau for the korean writer who had managed to write a french historical novel probably more accurate than most french themselves.
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    1. Offline
      we should not overestimate the intelligence of people, this story is very good

      "To the nowadays people who mostly only know about ww1 or ww2; this story gives us a good feel of how it was like, between the Roman Time and Before Hitler."

      Please don't tell me that there are people who really don't know 17 centuries of European history...
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      1. Offline
        Oh, I guess everyone should know about the world history, in general.
        What I mean is that there is Know, and different level of Know.
        How many people are motivated enough to understand the Napoleonic time-frame without needing it for their grades?
        With WW1 and WW2, that's a bit different.
        After all, quite a lot of people has parents or grand-parents who were directly affected, and would share, even at the expense of one's total lack of interest, everything there is to know about it.
        That was what I really meant.
        Sorry if it was misleading.
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    2. Offline
      Porque es Francia, motivos sobran para no leer algo sobre francia.
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  4. Offline
    Guys, at least read the first chapter before you comment"But Napoleon never defeated the Russian empire."This is a story where the protagonist is another world's Napoleon who didn't lose to the Russians(and is also not a monarchist). He gets transmigrated into the body of the our world's Napoleon before the Russian invasion.
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  5. Online Offline
    Один вопрос: что б**ть?
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    1. Online Offline
      Более хороший и правильный Наполеон из параллельного мира, который и является победителем тем самым из описания, попадает в нашу линию времени, к началу отечественной. Прочитай хотя бы первую главу, что бы понять.
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      1. Online Offline
        Ок, но синопсис похож на припадок наркомана, это я в хорошем смысле
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        1. Online Offline
          Ну, возможно это так... Но это бывает иногда интересным и/или забавным.
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  6. Offline
    Napoleon Bonaparte, who defeated Austria, Prussia, Russia and Britain and became the true ruler of Europe.
    Sorry for? defeated Russia? Does the person who wrote this novel know such a thing as history?!
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    1. Offline
      Battle Of austerlizt
      Battle of borodino
      Battle of Czarnowo
      Battle of Friedland
      Battle of Vitebsk
      Battle of Smolensk
      Battle of Krasnoi
      Battle of Lützen
      Battle of Bautzen
      I Think Your The One who dont know history
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      1. Offline
        You know, victory is when you alone stand over the body of the vanquished. The Russians deceived Napalion and destroyed him. (Russian history)
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        1. Offline
          Destoyed when ??? you mean with the help of the coalition and winter
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          1. Offline
            Well, in principle, I agree that they slowed down Napoleon's army. Good cannon fodder.
            See you tomorrow.

            Oh yeah, deleting a comment is not good. If you are writing garbage, then just stop, do not provoke the dragon. He will kill you and scatter the ashes.
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            1. Offline
              Goodnight i suggest that learn a history lesson first before commenting. by the way what do you mean Dragon You Mean Chicken ?
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            2. Offline
              I thought my life is depressing, then I see people like this living in their made up fantasies and thinking they are god or something smh. Even though its depressing its sad to see that there are people out there that has it much worst hope you're still right in the head or something is going right in your life 'dragon'.
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              1. Offline
                Как я понимаю ты дo****б?!.
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                1. Offline
                  Typical Orc reply lol
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                2. Offline
                  Тогда твой ответ от типичного лицемера.
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                3. Offline
                  So this is the type conversation you get when you talk to a emo-sadboy with 8th grade syndrome 22
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                4. Offline
                  Eh.. man.
                  Listen carefully.
                  Arguing with you will not give me anything. Time is money.
                  I'll go to bed soon, I have to work tomorrow.
                  I will be brief.
                  Go f#ck yourself. I don't care about you and I don't care about your life. Go criticize your red ass.
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                5. Offline
                  Enjoy your time while you can you never know when you'll get conscripted
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                6. Offline
                  Damn that was rough, but I loved it.
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    2. Offline
      Lol napoleon defeated russia in many occasion and about 1812 russia only won because of winter you clearly dont know about history oru2x
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      1. Offline
        б***ь люди вы далбоёбы? Конечный результат в том что Россия победила.
        А сейчас вы начали даёбыватся.
        А да комментарии не удаляйте, а то уже 6 человек.

        А да у меня своя вера у свая.
        Если не согласны иди на**й!
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    3. Offline
      Honestly, true ruler or not, russia, britain, or whoever; what Napoleon accomplished was, in a way, much more admirable than most other famous strategic commanders.
      1-Napoleon won almost all of his battles, and that's what, near 80 I think, and had a losing streak toward the end. And I highly suspect that the guy must have suffered some kinda mental disorder toward the end to change so drastically.
      2-France, itself, was nothing like Britain in term of seniority and location, and Napoleon was totally an underdog, surrounded by his enemies on all sides, at all times.
      3-Technologically speaking, France was always behind at that times, and never possessed the naval advantage.

      In summary, my perspective of him is this: the dude was certainly enlightened and absolutely brilliant, if he wasn't as paranoid as I believe he was, then he would have found more helpers to compensate his shortcomings, instead of developing his overly-huge ego. But give that dude the same battlefield than any of his enemies, than I hardly believe that the guy would lose. He was (in my opinion) probably the godfather of the old-modern warfare: one, that would consider every aspect of a battle.
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  7. Offline
    There are already people who rate this with 1 star, honestly i doubt they even read this. For those who disliked its cover and choose to not read it, well I wont force you either. But let me tell you, this novel really has an interesting premise "what if Napoleon who support Republic transmigrate to the world which he become the Emperor himself in the middle of Russian Invasion".

    The story is written with profound knowledge of period and the historical characters which is almost accurate and already approved by the translator, she's french. If you like battle strategies, politics, or kingdom building you'd welcome this story. Oh and I recommend you to read in the original website to respect the great translation (there are even maps to show how the battle unfold).
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