2 years ago

Invisible Dragon투명 드래곤

Everyone, I have finally decided to write~

Please read a lot~

The story’s about... Read more
Everyone, I have finally decided to write~

Please read a lot~

The story’s about the strongest dragon the invisible dragon moving to the other world… hehehe

An invisible dragon kills everything.


[A super duper story about a super duper dragon.] Collapse
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Comments 352

  1. Offline
    Don't believe the trolls that say that this super duper awesome novel 999999999999999999999999999999999999999
    99999999999999999999 is not the BEST! Just a masterpiece.(Even perfectly playing chess is easy than to write the same level as this)
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  2. Offline
    10/10 the best novel in the whole world how can a human write something this beautiful????
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  3. Offline
    Is there something I'm not getting cause I don't understand why people like this. Is this like a new trend or something?
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    1. Offline
      Man, it is ironic.

      The novel is, basically, an analogy to the another novels

      The MC is overpowered ⇾ Invisible Dragon
      The MC goes to another world ⇾ The Invisible Dragon goes to modern world
      The MC receive a battle Challenge ⇾ The Hyper awesome Dragon tarara
      The opponent uses the Hyper awesome attack ⇾ The Invisible Dragon uses the Secret Hyper Duper awesome attack

      Do you understand the funny idea?

      In a point of the view, I believe that really is good job, because that criticize all the novel plots while uses a funny writing.
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    2. Offline
      It’s a meme.
      But it’s only understood by veteran readers.
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  4. Offline
    Master piece that transcends modern literature.
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  5. Offline
    Incredibly high quality I would happily pay thousands of dollars to read anything even ualf as good as this novel again. The incredible storyline, translation, grammar, foreshadowing, characters and lore has simply blown me away. My socks have been knocked right the f#ck off 10/10
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  6. Offline
    This is an absolutely AMAZING book, with the biggest brain strats, as well as world building, and it’s famous in Korea due to how good it is. Don’t let the summary fool you, translator made huge errors in the summary, but the actual tl in chapters is PERFECT. this book was praised by many huge authors, for its incredible plot, the fml and fights. There will NEVER be a moment in reading this that you feel bored.
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  7. Offline
    Ethereal Immortal
    Ethereal Immortal
    A true masterpiece and a real hidden gem. Invisible Dragon has everything you could possibly want in a novel. Something of this caliber is definitely the author's pinnacle work and only seen once every 200 years. While the story starts off a little slow, it quickly picks up pace after a few chapters. Not only that, but it's also a plot driven story with a likable MC and no harem. What more could you possibly ask for?

    Good translation? ✓
    World building? ✓
    Descriptive fights? ✓
    Invisible dragons? ✓

    Overall rating: 5/5 stars, would read again
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  8. Offline
    Stop...I have nightmares gloom
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  9. Offline
    The invisible dragon was bored

    so it decided to kill gods

    so the gods became emergency

    “shit the invisible dragon’s invading”

    “yeah lets fight”

    but since the invisible dragon was a invisible dragon it was invisible

    since dey couldn’t see it the gods all died

    ok it's time for me to become invisible ninja
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    1. Offline
      Ayo wtf??? This once again strengthen my conviction of becoming invisible like you, and run from this invisible dragon! Too many sex tags....!!!
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      1. Offline
        I have the feeling that the S*xual abuse tag is talking about us readers... WE GOT BAMBOOZLED!! want
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