2 years ago

In Naruto: Reborn with Talent by KasiCair

A soul was transmigrated into Narutoverse but was refused to be given any sort of insta-OP power,... Read more
A soul was transmigrated into Narutoverse but was refused to be given any sort of insta-OP power, instead, he could choose from three talents.

Follow him and his loved ones on their journey to become strong as they pave their own path through the battle-filled world of Naruto.

Will they be villains? For some, surely. Will they be heroes? For others, maybe.

But anything they do is due to their own desire. Collapse
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Comments 77

  1. Offline
    I do not know how to describe this. I have watched naruto with all fillers but yes there is some new stuff mentioned here, which i really did not think about when watching naruto.. but i have huge doubt, if he tries to put in every part of actual story in this fan fic. Mind you it is already 400+ chp and in actual story line just begain.we are even far away from naruto shippuden. so to wrap up entire naruto not including baruto .. it will take more than 2000 chps. And i am sure author will speed up story dramaticly at later part because i doubt it will continue 2000+ chp. But i hate this kind of novels where pace of the story in mid or later end of the novel shoot up like rocket. That ruined the enire story building pace of the whole novel
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  2. Offline
    While I have not read this whole thing, dropping it at 140 I can't go on longer. I think this novel is seriously over rated, it isn't an 8/10 in terms of anything except world building, though it's more like world showing since it's just the Naruto/Boruto world. There isn't much new content going on in the background except the people's reactions to the MC's group doing stuff but it isn't much yet. I can say the grammar isn't bad except some of the words they use can be a bit off I think. My big gripes with the novel up to the point I dropped it is, as a not huge reader of Naruto in the first place my reading experience was disjointed by having to look up stuff very very often. Some might say "this is a fan fic for fans, you should already know what everything means" which is a very dumb argument, as a well written novel should act as it's own thing unless it's a direct sequel. I feel like if I was a huge reader of Naruto and I knew everything that happened I wouldn't have read anything in 140 chapters except the MC and well every damn ninja be weird with kids. Like seriously everyone dogs on other novels for the mc being close with younger girls when he has the mental age of an adult but the mc of this apparently can't win an argument with a little girl so he just makes out with her at like 8, then doing the same when he is older physically but it's just another little girl. It really wouldnt be a huge issue of he was a little kid too, who was maybe a huge fan but died a bad death from an incurable disease and got reincarnated. It would be easy to explain why he gets cheats and sent to Naruto as well. Kinda like endless path: infinite cosmos. As well as all of that there seems to be a just natural acceptance from the mc of all the messed up stuff, since he would never try to stop it, like Shinobi getting whored out to nobles... Whatever.... Little girls quote from the novel "mandatory deflowering" by their instructors in some villages. Why even make the ninjas so rapey and be pedophiles if they're dumb. Like the MC points out how it makes no sense how the Akatsuki even acted in secret when they have a uniform, or Naruto being a ninja with his bright orange uniform. But as a fan fic I guess you can't change shit to be less dumb, wrong. Just using the world and making your own story would be way cooler, and people love to praise this author for being knowledgable and I think they are but are wasting their knowledge of the interesting stuff a Naruto fan fic could use on weird pedo shit and a uninspired story direction. This is a solid 4/10 for that
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      начало хорошее, потом это просто превращается в биографию гарема и любовных сцен . С вынужденным кретинизмом главного героя. . Насчёт "изнас**ования маленьких девочек " их там , некоторых обучают с 10 лет быть настоящей куноичи ! То есть по сути шлюхой-убийцей .
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        Facts Russian bro
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  3. Offline
    Please recommend fanfics with this quality.

    P.s. I am also reading The Epic of Leviathan but i'm currently waiting for new chaps
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      Naruto the kinslayer
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  4. Offline
    If anyone knows other good recommendations let me know (Through DM), I'm new to the fanfic world. Here's mine...

    Naruto --

    Reading (One Piece) --
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    1. Offline
      Grandpa Universe in Multiverse
      Super Detective in the Fictional World
      Phantom Kid in the World of American Comics

      DMs didn't work for some reason
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    2. Offline
      Naruto the kinslayer
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    3. Offline
      по сути вся литература - это большой фанфик . " всё новое - это хорошо забытое старое ". Так что в принципе любое произведение - фанфик , но с другими названиями и именами . Если это не классики и не первопроходцы жанра. Скажу больше. Фанфик даже сложнее писать , в каком то смысле, ведь у автора будут рамки.
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      HxH - God Of Choice System
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  5. Offline
    Nona Me
    I feel that the dialogue between Karin & Anko is no different from Konan & Tsunade, or Mei & Ringo. Basically all these girls are the same character. The author only changed the name.

    I was amazed by the quality of the plot & author's logic. But to be honest, his writing skills are still pretty bad.
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  6. Offline
    what is up with "whoring" out all the shinobi? It's like being a soldier in the army and then being forced to sleep with your commanding officer's friend... I don't get why the morals of theses people are this messed up. what happens if the person refuses to sleep with that person? do they lose a talented shinobi just because they tried to make money "whoring" out someone against their own will?

    I really don't understand why the author is trying to make this something that literally happens everywhere and we should be fine with it.

    apparently all Kage are just pimps and shinobi are the prostitutes.

    I like the story, but this really rubs me the wrong way tbh
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  7. Offline
    Author-san you gotta make a portrait of MC.
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  9. Offline
    Read Author's Rant Ch. 211... And you'll understand why to not look down on the Author of this fan-fic.
    (If I see that in any Authors, I'd definitely read their books. For I know it'd definitely be a Good one.)
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  10. Offline
    Oww. I didn't know it only took Naruto 4 years from an utter losers to Kaguya's level... LMAO I'M LOVING EVERY AUTHOR'S RANT oru2x

    They're fcking good... proving that he put Math and actual fact based on wht acutally happened instead of vague opinions...


    The more I read. The more I discover how insane this Author is... I genuinely can't imagine how much knowledge he has regard the Narutoverse to be able to pull all of this together... God...

    If you're like me, who only watch Naruto and skipped all the fillers... You're in for a fckin ride... Because damn... Things are more complex and it's AMAZINGLY GOOD that Author able to piece them together and Narate it beautifully too when he added a guy with Future knowledge + 3 Traits (1 Super Broken).

    Give it a shot... I swear you won't be disapointed...

    Oh.. If you're think about the R-18 tag... No, it's not MC going around fcking everything that moves... I'm 158 chapters in, so far there's only a couple chapter fully related to the Tag.
    (What I'm saying is... No, Author is not a horny fcktard, who can't write story for sh*t -- like most fan-fic Author are.)
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    1. Offline
      I watched all of Naruto, fillers included, and I still didn't know everything mentioned.
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