9 months ago

Sword God in a World of Magic by Warmaisach

The God of this world had grown angry and frustrated yet again.

His world was supposed to... Read more
The God of this world had grown angry and frustrated yet again.

His world was supposed to entertain him!

It was supposed to be fun to watch!

Yet, every single guy in his world only practiced Magic all of the time!

This was so boring!

"Alright, that's it. I need someone else, someone who actually has some originality to show my world that there's more than just Magic. I need someone that is willing to destroy themselves and others on his path to power. I need someone that doesn't crack under any mortal danger."

"I should check out that other planet. Yes, you!"

Alex was an ex-fighter trying to come to terms with normal life. Sadly, his life ended in tragedy, but before he could enter the afterlife, he was pulled away by a God that wants him to fix his world.

Watch Alex as he dominates the world of Mages and becomes the only Sword God in a World full of nothing but Mages!


2 Chapters a day at 3 am China-time.

This is my second novel. You can also check out my first novel, Lightning Is the Only Way. Collapse
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Comments 136

  1. Offline
    Put a f#cking tragedy tag on this novel I started off sad and got sad about everything else (the story is good everything is good but it's too heavy for me,reading this was like watching a person climb in the face with a rope and killing myself I have ptsd of this shit)
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      Yea man, that Jerald scene hit me in the feels.........
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      1. Offline
        Put a spoiler on that name
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  2. Offline
    Taoist void
    Good reading, the most remarkable thing is the change of mentality of the Mc and the construction of the world 3.9/5.0

    "Browser translator"
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  3. Offline
    Deal maker
    Yeah some god is bored and tells you to go and fool around so he watches and giggles. Usually drop novels that start like that. If that's your thing, then enjoy. Otherwise it's shit
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    1. Offline
      If I were a god, I would also be more entertained by a dude yeeting off edges than tv drama or anime.

      Personally though, I don't think a few beginning chapters are enough to call an entire novel shit.
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    2. Offline
      dumb mf here hasn't read past chpt 4. the books end goal is the god, but in actuality, there is very little interaction with the god, but we know his character traits and thought process to a certain extent, the mc is the real mind f#ck
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      1. Offline
        Deal maker
        Lol why so salty over a trash novel. It's simply shit. A world where a bored fool brings different people from earth to entertain himself. Just because you like it doesn't mean it ain't shite. You dumb cow
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          lmfao ik this dude reads solely ecchi/system novels. no taste and using insults like dumb cow bc he has no rebuttal to an actual argument depicting the fact that you barely read the book past the synopsis. get over yourself, loser
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  4. Offline
    If u like Shadow Slave, this novel is for you.
    But one thing that this novel takes the crown at is the "Character Development".

    I'm not one to care much about character development... But damn... If there's anything future novels can take out of this novel, it's the character development.

    Overall, This is "Shadow Slave" quality novel... Applied differently but most importantly it's super well done.

    Narratives -- It's really freaking good... Some of the words & philosophies used clearly show that this novel is not done by a kid or an amateur writer. Basically it's an adept English Author -- not one of those broken english / basic to common english vocab only Author. (This one feel like an ACTUAL English WRITER.)

    Fighting scenes -- It's not one of those novel where Author takes a way out by using a "ONE-SHOT" trick to cheat their way out of fighting narrations. Plus, the fights also doesn't get boring, which many Authors fail to do after hundreds of chapters in.

    Note: I start to see a Dark soul level difficulty trend going taking both Rank 1 and Rank 2 in the yearly (at least that's the case in webnovel Yearly Ranking, which I found to be the most accurate ranking out of all list -- including other sites)

    Seasonal Ranking -- Good quality but sub-par compare to Yearly top rankings (still prone to the pump-and-dump effect but it's a good list if u've tried all the yearly, since it's more susceptible to change)
    All-Time Ranking -- New readers go-to ranking.. still Mehh compare latest Yearly top rankings. (It's there because the constant new stream of new readers and some die-hard fans... But most of the novel's quality already deteriorated to the point that it's not worth reading any further like months / years ago)
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  5. Offline
    Interesting novel. You can clearly tell this isn't a CN or translated novel as it is well written and the MC doesn't always have the power to turn a bad situation around. No romance or sign of it on the horizon (thankfully). The R-18 tag is likely due to the gorey descriptions at times.

    The MC's mindset changes and matures over time as does his manner of fighting. The arcs rarely drag on too long and the pacing feels good. If it continues at this pace, I'd see it as a 900 chapter novel. We're still less than half way to the end.

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  6. Offline
    444+ chapters
    What I like in this book is the character change or rather mindset adjustment of our MC to the world. You can see here a fellow earthling who is trusted into a fantasy world where he has to create his own path to take his fate into his own hands. But to do that does he really have to sacrifice something in return? Fights are rather bleak to me but the world-building and inner dialogues/character changes of MC are things that I take a fancy to.
    I hope only that that side character could get more attention from the author. Yeah, I can easily get into the protagonist's mind and sympathize with him but, Duke and Dean figure what their motivations, drives, and ambition. Why they are who they are?
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  7. Offline
    I didn't like the novel at all especially the MC. I read untill 380+ chapters, MC turns into a psychopath killer, I couldn't tolerate his character and behavior. It's frustrating. there are no other characters except MC, all the side characters are forgotten. There is nothing going for this novel except world building.
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  8. Offline
    Chapters 391-395 (Last one currently) are from a different book, for some reason.
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      Update: 391-405 (Currently last released)
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  9. Offline
    You can also check out my first novel, Lightning Is the Only Way.

    I read LITOW

    Absolute gold. Wonder if this is gonna be the same.
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  10. Offline
    Review created @ CH 150ish

    Overall Rating - 4/10

    MC starts the book off with a working brain.

    However - slowly he becomes a f*cking retard.

    I don't even know what to say, honestly the plot was decent. Book started off good - but now 100 chapters in - and he has somehow REGRESSED in his mental age and demeanor.

    He didn't even listen to the instructions he got from a GOD. (Stayin' in the Wild for 2 yrs)

    I wish there was a group of people who found semi-shit books - changed the MC's names and just edited the entire novel so it becomes gold instead of shit wrapped in aluminum foil.
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    1. Offline
      I have had the same thought fr numerous other novels but in the rare case that it does happen, it either starts of good and goes down bad or is ok but gets called out for plagiarism.
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    2. Offline
      You do realize GOD is insane and he regressed because God made him regress in his mental state by making him forget his past life the longer he lives as shang. Also would you listen to an insane person who thinks of life like joke.
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    3. Offline
      The MC never regressed in his mental age and demeanor, he changed. Because the author is writing about a modern human suddenly being thrown into the wilderness of a different world. This isn't like the novels where the MC lives for like 10 years in the wilderness and literally nothing changes about him. This MC adapts to the wild, is always ready to fight, always looking for weaknesses, etc.
      This is actually good writing.
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    4. Offline
      The "regression" you're talking about is considered character development. Chapters 100-150 are part of the beginning arcs, where he is confronting his new reality. And the fact that he isn't on earth anymore.
      In other words he's f#cking confused.

      Moving on, if he had stayed in the forest for two years then
      There also weren't many strong opponents to fight at that point. Which is why he left.
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