6 months ago

Restarting From Genesis by TechnexGames

Within the popular VRMMORPG «New Genesis», there was a ranker by the name of Arthur Holmes,... Read more
Within the popular VRMMORPG «New Genesis», there was a ranker by the name of Arthur Holmes, commonly known by his in-game alias «Merlin».

Arthur was one of the few original beta testers still playing after 30 years, he was originally a ranker, a player whose entire goal was to stay at the top, ahead of everyone else.
However after 15 years he sacrificed his player ranking in search of knowledge.

Arthur became a lore hunter, a player who indulges himself with the world’s vast lore and unexplored history, preferring to uncover the world’s secrets rather than endlessly fighting monsters.

At the age of 48, 30 years after the game came out, Arthur uncovered the greatest secret of all, and yet, ironically, his negligence in levelling up was the one thing holding him back from realising his goal, he knew he would never be able to catch up to the rankers, a gap of 15 years was Impossible to overcome.

If only he could restart… Collapse
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Comments 234

  1. Offline
    Akib mahabub
    This book is a gem.like it.keep up the good work quiet
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  2. Offline
    Currently at ch.56
    The way to describe this novel is very simple, Imagine your most favorite delicious dish, problem is, at it's center there is a dead fly. And that dead fly is the foking MC himself.
    Very good story and world building but so what? will you still eat it?
    would have been a solid 8 but, the pussy of a MC is dragging it down. If you would just restart this novel by taking off that fly, this would have been amongst the top ranking, but no, then just stay down there with the other garbage Chinese novels.
    yup, just searched it in webnovel, Rank 179. cat
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    1. Offline
      rated 5* in webnovel. Friendly author. welldone
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      1. Online Offline
        Yeah but you're supposed to rate the novel, not the author's personality
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        1. Offline
          Ahaha... You're not false. But how it's marketed is also a feature. If you have Author like "My Vampire/Warewolf System", you'd appriciate Author like this.
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          1. Online Offline
            Yes, you have to take it into account, but the quality of the novel is as important as that. Even if the author is the nicest person in the world, I still won't read his novel if it's shit. Not saying that this one is, of course.
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    2. Offline
      The main character is the best part of the book though?!?

      Why would you replace him with some generic Chinese wuxia faceslapper? That would ruin the entire point of the story.
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  3. Offline
    This book is amazing, it's on my list of the best books I've ever read. I would like to know if there will be any romance in the story (If so, let it be with Holly xd) Keep up the great story ^^

    Sorry for the english, i'm using google translate
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  4. Offline
    Hey everyone, Author here!
    After receiving several comments in regards to creating a Patreon, I've finally made one.

    I have just finished setting it up, so there isn't any content on it for the time being. Besides a free public survey asking about your favourite fight in the story so far.

    So if you wish to support me, you now have the option to.

    You may find a link to it in the links category, because I'm not sure if I'd get in trouble for sending a link in a comment or not.

    We've also got a discord server, if you'd like to join and say hello. There's a link to that in the links category too.

    Thank you everyone for your support!
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    1. Online Offline
      Cool that we have a living Author here instead of another copyright complain from Webnovel.
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      1. Offline
        ...why are you making it sound like a bad thing? I mean shouldn't they rightfully be complaining?
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        1. Offline
          u know what is realy good? an author with a patreon, with many many readers, and far far far far far away from Webnovel.

          thats their dream, thats everyone dream.
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          1. Offline
            I'd gladly transition to Patreon for some future works, I just lack the many many readers. :P
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      2. Offline
        There's actually many Author who also reply on this site. U're just haven't been around much
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        1. Online Offline
          I only remember the primal hunter author complaining that we're taking his bread and doing everything to get his novel of here and Blood Warlock guy writing about shameless people in the end of each chapter. Why do they insist on making their novel so difficult to read?
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          1. Offline
            Do you re-read what you write?
            Let me ask you. Why in the world would they want to make it easy for people to read their novels on a pirated site?
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            1. Online Offline
              But it's still easier to read it here instead of Webnovel. You even need tricks to read more than 2 chapters a day. I'm saying that at some point it's just not worth reading. I'd just rather go read something worse but easy to read than BW with it's shamelessness. PH didn't reach this point yet because at least it's published on Royalroad. But I'm not leaving comments there or discussing it because it's a bother to do it on Royalroad. I don't know how notifications there work, I don't know ppl there, Idk traditions, etc. By stopping spread of your own book u're just shooting yourself in the foot.
              And why would u make your own book hard to read?
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              1. Offline
                So stopping the spread of his book which is being stolen from him and reading for free shooting himself in the foot?
                you even have the galls to call them shameless?
                Man, in what world do you live in?
                I awknoledge that i read for free, but i don't go calling the authors who are rightfully complaining bout their stuff getting stolen shamelessly.
                Just nonsense.
                Let me be clear, this is clearly stolen because they don't have permission from the author. Had they had the permission from the author. what you said maake sense. But they don't. You're just spouting absolute nonsense.
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                1. Offline
                  Actually the thing is, when an author writes his novel on webnovel, in the contract it states that the rights of the novel would go to webnovel. So yea, maybe webnovel sells permission to these kinda sites to make more money..Webnovel is literal ripoff. Authors only get money from webnovel and that too probably 40to 60 percent, only the extra gifts, total 100 percent goes to them.
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                2. Offline
                  this is false info.
                  The top 80 webnovel authors all make 1k+ per month from their book, with the top 25 making more than 3-4k, and top 10 earning more than 10k, top 5 making 20-30k plus.
                  (know this from asking an official author)
                  No other platform offers these kinds of numbers. WN has by far one of the largest audiences as well. The reason they take 50% is because of all the exposure you get when uploading to their platform. If you've noticed, its much easier for authors to make it big on WN than any other platform out there because of the system they have.
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                3. Online Offline
                  Ah yes, you mean the vote farming?
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                4. Offline
                  You do know that you can’t vote farm golden tickets right?
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                5. Online Offline
                  I don't
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    2. Offline
      Yea, this is a really Good idea on ur end. Best wishes to you Author. Hope you can make a full time out this soon.
      (Note, The Primal Hunter Author took one year to make it full time. He's super chill & friendly. You might want to contanct him if you haven't, Author & Author connection is always helpful.)
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      1. Offline
        It'd be amazing if I could go full time as an author, but I don't expect to do so with my first book. Ahaha.

        Thanks for the support ^^
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  5. Offline
    Damn first time seeing an author so
    eco-friendly 😆.
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    1. Offline
      Ahaha, eco-friendly?

      I have a feeling this is because I threw something about zero carbon emissions in when describing the reactor. Right?
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      1. Offline
        Sir, I've noticed you seem to be made up of a few bundles of positive vibes.
        Are any of those for sale? I'm asking for a friend.

        Lads back me up here. Tell this man you want to buy some of his positivity.
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        1. Offline
          | Positive Vibes 4 Sale |
          |____ Price: Free  ____|
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  6. Offline
    Gweek Patato
    alright, from what ive gathered in the comments, its a slow paced story, but its good. im reading 2 slow paced stories right now and i still enjoy them, so i think this will be my cup of tea. (author also sounds rlly nice :D )
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    1. Offline
      Yes, it is quite slow paced.
      I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! ^^
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  7. Offline
    #panic# Not sure where to put this sort of comment, but it'd be nice being able to filter "Latest Comments" to exclusively comments posted on a single book.

    Or some kind of separate comment search for that book, maybe you could turn the total comments section into a link that opens up the recent comments but automatically filters all comments to that particular book?

    Optionally, being able to filter through the latest comments based on some chosen keywords.
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    1. Offline
      Hi, we are unlikely to implement such a function, this is an additional load on the server + less than 5% of users who want it.

      Perhaps in the future we will do something similar, but now there are more important tasks concerning the interface of the site.
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      only we
      1. Offline
        All good, thanks for the response!
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  8. Offline
    I think the first thing that I have to praise is how well-written this is. You'll feel the emersion and can also see the environment of what and where things are taking place. Sadly, so many other novels lack this so it's natural to start overlooking it, but as soon something like this comes around you instantly pick up on it and start craving it. This elevates the work to that next tier up, it's no wonder why people are starting to mention this as one of their new favorite novels. I think the other strong points exist in the realism of conflicts and the diversity of how problems appear. While this is still new, not falling into these early pitfalls gives a lot of hope of the uniqueness of each coming arc. Just exclusively looking at the details with the time taken putting in quality side characters lets you know this isn't the making of a 'rushed' simply quota work, but I feel like this also leads into one of my biggest concerns with the series.

    My biggest concern is actually how it started. I feel like the scale has been set too large for its current tempo. If Pokemon kicked off with a flash-forward of being the Champion, watching 1,000 episodes could feel incredibly taxing because you might have a misinterpretation of the goal. The first perception setting the established work's tone usually carries through the rest of the novel making it hard to forget like you're now reading it through tinted glass. Honestly, I wish the first few chapters didn't exist or levels could have been hidden. Time was enough for scale, with 'regression's butterfly effect' time doesn't feel like a measurement of a current work's progress. There are two other novels, that are near in chapter count, I'm enjoying having this common tread. I feel like this will fit somewhere between them; SSS-Class Suicide Hunter & The Challenger's Return: Rebirth of the Rainbow Mage. While SSS has some of my hands down favorite arcs, slow pacing grinds you down but it seems to do a good enough job morphing it into consumable chunks. In my opinion, RFG will lean more to the side of Challenger's Return pacing where there are 100 floors established and each floor has taken like 100 chapters. I feel here is my most debatable point up for discussion whether the goals of an already completed novel hitting the shelf should be different than the workings of a daily release web novel author. While both can put out amazing work I feel like slow-paced tempo or a 'book disguised as web novel' types I move them into an 'I'll move this into a let chapters pile up and revisit later' category. I mention this only because my digestion of a series while different doesn't reflect the quality of the series but can negatively impact the stats. This again is more of a balance between satisfying the viewer and the goals/expectations of the work by the author.

    Additionally, with having what feels more of a grandiose scale, I loved the concept of SAO but series pivots, mainly based on my preconceived expectations I couldn't get rid of, and ends up having to skip 90% of the established setup and not being handled well can instantly a huge downturn in quality for the consumer. One of those, 'Man I loved the beginning but after halfway I had to drop it' series. If anyone else has also read it I think I can make a better case with The Tutorial is Too Hard and how it handled this issue (my opinion is that the eyes were bigger than the stomach and end up handled poorly).

    This all may be an empty concern since it's up to how the author deals with progress, but this novel is too good, and have seen many works dropped by not finding that perfect balance. But I can honestly say, now that I'm back and caught up, I can start unlocking new chapters coming out and stay with the progress. If you have any power stones I think this is a worthy novel to support.
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    1. Offline
      First of all, thank you! This review was amazing.

      Yeah, I get that the scale and expectations was set way too big, especially for the pacing/tempo of the story. A story that spans 30 years
      is a very long time for a slow paced novel. And I didn't realise how much that expectation would harm the enjoyment of my novel. The last thing I want is people feeling like reading my novel is a chore.

      I'm trying to find a balance with pacing and quality, and I've realised that eventually I'm going to have to speed it up/timeskip to get anywhere in the story within a reasonable amount of chapters, but I want to make sure that what I do won't negatively impact the quality of my writing or my reader's enjoyment of it.

      As my first work I definitely bit off too much than I could chew, but it's a learning experience for me that I can apply to any future works.

      Quote: alarino123
      'book disguised as web novel'
      This is actually a pretty apt description. Ahaha.
      This story was originally intended to be written as a traditional novel/book series that I later dropped and eventually converted into a webnovel for a competition.

      And yeah, I get what you mean with SAO, it had such a large scale established, but it shows you like 7 floors before rushing the ending and breaking its own rules. I wasn't a fan of that either.
      That's why I've been enjoying the SAO progressive novels, where they basically dedicate a volume to each floor. Which is sort of like what you said with the Challenger's Return novel, with the 100 chapters per floor type thing.

      I think that's probably the best way of going about bringing this novel to a satisfying conclusion after the beta ends. Dedicating a volume to telling the stories that occur in each year without much of the boring grind, etc.

      I have every intention of finishing this story while retaining the quality of my work. I will not be rushing it, and if I feel the need to go on hiatus so that I can make sure that I can keep the quality as high as I possibly can, I will.

      I was surprised, yet grateful, that my debut work had been given such praise. Honestly I expected it to get torn to shreds when I started writing, as those were the sorts of comments I always saw in the comment sections of other works.
      So I want to give everyone who has supported my work a complete product that I believe is the best I can offer with my current capabilities.

      Once again, thank you. You've given me plenty to think about.
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  9. Offline
    This novel must have one of the slowest pacings i have ever encountered.
    It has mastered the dao of SLOWASFUCKPACING.

    Any other novel with such a pace i'd drop it a heartbit, but despite the slow pace the writing is very good and the novel doesnt get totally boring.
    This only serves to make me even more mad since i believe with a better pacing the novel could be so much better.

    I guess i'll wait to accumulate a lot of chapters before returning here.
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    1. Offline
      I agree, my pacing is rather slow.

      No matter, this is something I can learn from and take into account for my next book when I finish this one.

      Some people enjoy the slow pacing, others aren't too fond of it. Both are correct, it's just a matter of personal preference.
      Either way, thanks for giving it a shot, and I hope you enjoy it if/when you come back to it!
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  10. Offline
    I read 50 chapters, dont feel like it’s for me, but authors a great person, so I’m still gonna give it powerstones
    Edit:nvm I’m gonna start it again, it’s literally only been 4 minutes but I wanna try it again

    Edit 2: nvm it’s great if you pay attention, I was just casual reading before, ignore what I said before
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    1. Offline
      Ahaha, Thanks for the support!

      I don't think it will be for everyone, unfortunately.
      Can't please everyone, but that's perfectly fine.
      But if you can find some enjoyment out of it I'm happy.
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