6 months ago

Restarting From Genesis by TechnexGames

Within the popular VRMMORPG «New Genesis», there was a ranker by the name of Arthur Holmes,... Read more
Within the popular VRMMORPG «New Genesis», there was a ranker by the name of Arthur Holmes, commonly known by his in-game alias «Merlin».

Arthur was one of the few original beta testers still playing after 30 years, he was originally a ranker, a player whose entire goal was to stay at the top, ahead of everyone else.
However after 15 years he sacrificed his player ranking in search of knowledge.

Arthur became a lore hunter, a player who indulges himself with the world’s vast lore and unexplored history, preferring to uncover the world’s secrets rather than endlessly fighting monsters.

At the age of 48, 30 years after the game came out, Arthur uncovered the greatest secret of all, and yet, ironically, his negligence in levelling up was the one thing holding him back from realising his goal, he knew he would never be able to catch up to the rankers, a gap of 15 years was Impossible to overcome.

If only he could restart… Collapse
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Comments 234

  1. Offline
    i haven't read the book yet, but massive props to the authors (and his attitude) towards his book getting onto ranobes, from that alone, im pretty sure this book is gonna be amazing.

    (im gonna read it)
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      I hope you enjoy it!
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  2. Offline
    Oh my god. We finished Rank 161 this week.
    This is the first time that Restarting From Genesis has entered the top 200 in the weekly power stone rankings.
    And we didn't just hit 200, we shot past it by almost 40 places.

    Thank you for your support everyone! ^^
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    1. Offline
      Well deserved!
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      1. Offline
        Oh yeah do you have any recommendations for novels, I’ve stockpiled a bit but I’m on my last one, this one, but it’s kinda short

        Also I’ve finally realised an upload schedule for TSGVF, 5:15 GMT(when I start working on the chaps, you can expect them out at like 6:00
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        1. Offline
          anything specific you're looking for?
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          1. Offline
            Not really tbh
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            1. Offline
              alright, Ending Maker, Throne of magical arcana, Divine throne of primordial blood, martial arts master, the legendary mechanic, Nightfall (haven't read this one but heard it's very good except most people drop it because mc apparently gets castrated at some point)
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              1. Offline
                Bookmarked 2nd and 4th
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                1. Offline
                  generally a good idea is to check authors of novels you enjoy and see if they have more since that's how i found throne of magical arcana and martial arts master
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                2. Offline
                  you should try Regressed Demon lord is kind. It's an amazing novel
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                3. Offline
                  I read it a while ago, my comments are on the first few chapters, I dropped it tho i don’t remember why, but I was on the part where
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                4. Offline
                  If your worried about MC being a kind and righteous person then no need to worry. The only reason he decided to be kind is because he felt like it, not because he's truly kind. The MC's definition of 'kind' differs from a normal human detention ofc,which is expected of an ex demon lord cheerful . The MC is also very smart and playful which is really enjoyable imo. Overall though it's great novel I recommend you pick it up again. welldone
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                5. Offline
                  Do u also write LN's.
                  Feels like seen u somewhere.
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                6. Offline
                  I don’t write one but I am everywhere
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              2. Offline
                They seem good, any tips for searching good novels other than what you said and scrolling Webnovel without finding something good?
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                1. Offline
                  Ranobes is actually very good for this since there’s a tab here where every novel that is available on the website is listed and from there you can sort the novels by rating, views, comments etc there are currently 2065 novels in that list so gl not finding anything interesting
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                2. Offline
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    2. Offline
      thank you for your competent English, even the auto translation into Russian works perfectly
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      1. Offline
        Awesome, I'm glad to hear it! ^^
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  3. Offline
    Idk where my previous comment went but i cant find it so imma say it again. Im at chapter 52 and im peeking at the latest chapters and as i can see we are still on the beta. I mean what would happen after the beta ends? All that chapters, stats, titles, souls, quest of build up? Would that just continue to the main game? Wouldnt that be unfair? Did i miss something? Tell me if i did.

    Also the novel itself isnt bad besides the slow pacing but i can take that,its just that im really worried about this issue i mentioned and its making me stop reading and find a better one.
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    1. Offline
      The beta is its own story, sort of the first book in a two part series that sets up the rest of the story.
      Once the beta ends, besides a few bonuses to those in the beta to help them recover what was lost, and a little extra for the "winner" of the beta, everything will be reset for the main game.

      Once the beta ends, Merlin's use of future knowledge will properly come into effect, and with the lack of restriction to his playtime, he'll rocket past his current level in no time, so there's shouldn't be any worry about him losing progress.

      What happens in the beta test can have major impacts on the main game, as it's still the same world.
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      1. Offline
        Oh so thats whats gonna happen, thanks author!
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        1. Offline
          No problem! I hope that helps your decision either way.

          I see a fair amount of comments in regards to the beta to main game conversion, and it seems a lot of people have the impression that the beta is just something that deserves to be skipped over, or that spending any time getting invested into it is nothing but a waste of time.

          The first part of the story is for those who want the discovery elements as Merlin goes through what is basically a fresh world that he hadn't explored before.
          The second part of the story is for those who want to see Merlin abuse his knowledge and rip through content he's already familiar with until he gets to the Quetzalcoatl quest.
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          1. Offline
            Night Edge
            Hello, may I ask how many chapters in beta arc? It's ok even if it's just a rough estimate or don't tell me if you wouldn't want your readers to know.
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            1. Offline
              Well, I don't know how long it'll go for. I have a list of all the things I want to happen in the beta, and a very basic framework of the story. And from that, I can sort of estimate that it wont drag out past 500 chapters. I want to finish it within the 400's at least.
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              1. Offline
                Bookmark for now, i'll read after i caught up with my current one. I'll also login to my webnovel account after 2 years to gaive 5-star rating and power stones from time to time when i'm free.
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                1. Offline
                  Thank you! ^^

                  I hope you enjoy it.
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  4. Offline
    Why is the author showing us him battling goblins? This novel is just slow paced with a lot of irrelevant and cliche things
    If you gonna make a novel about dungeons, transmigration, rebirth or these generic plots please add your own twists to it and keep it fast paced because we have already seen similar works a thousand times
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  5. Offline
    Ok I've caught up with he latest chapters and here are my thoughts. The novel as a whole is goodish so far with really great and fine details. The soul system is legit so f#cking cool that I even invisioned in my head of what I would do If i wanted to play my imaginary class that I always love building in Path of Exile, minion builds. But this is the rub, there is no meat after the garnish. Look we are 150 chapters in and I have no idea what is the hook to continue reading. He is before the isekei moment a dedicated lore nut, which I actually really appreciate being talked about in a VRMMORPG because to this even World of Warcraft has dedicated discords that find items and lore that was previously never known in the game to this day ie. waist of time. But as he is, he's not really that person with the mindset that the author has written him, maybe a diluted version. And for the most part the story has made me describe the actions and story pace as just "autopilot". Like in WOW where you can just right click and follow someone and leave your computer alone i feel like that is the direction of the story with just jumping from quest to quest. I think the biggest obstacle the author will face when continuing this story is stop writing micro story arcs that span 3 chapters and start writing full story arcs because as of 150 chapters I have seen nothing but just jumping from quest to quest.
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  6. Offline
    How often does this update is it once a week or every day
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    1. Offline
      It should be daily, but it may just depend on the day.
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  7. Offline
    This is good.the reason think it good case it not slow or not too fast and not full op mc and it has great characters and easy understand.The thing can make better like like romance before anyone say that bad idea.the reason it good and why author don’t want romance but I think slow romance and last romance works greats with this novel.the reason think i the author what mc to mutare with kid body with old man mind set but what about late romance and slow romance.This idea but it up to the author make the choice not us case we don’t what is plan for his/she novel. ps they other good about this novel just read other comments and read for ur self to understand my mean
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    1. Offline
      While I agree that romance is perfect for slow paced novels, I don't believe it'd fit right with my story as I want to tell it.

      I already have three major story lines that I'm juggling at once, alongside several smaller stories and a romantic subplot would take away from that and muddy up the story. Or at least I believe that to be the case.

      There is traces of romance between the side characters however, but I don't intend for the main character to engage in it.
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      1. Offline
        I was just checking this out and i'm quite surprised to see the author here since a lot of authors have a strong reaction their novels being pirated, i'm rather interested in how you view the situation considering that you have a contract with webnovel
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        1. Offline
          If you check through the comments here, I’ve given my thoughts on how I feel about my work being pirated.
          Tl;dr: I don’t really care, I just enjoy the comments.

          As for the contract part, Webnovel themselves are contractually obligated to enter legal battles on behalf of their contracted authors, or something of that sort. And if they haven’t bothered to fight Ranobes when so many contracted works are here, then clearly they don’t care enough. It probably doesn’t hurt their bottom line at all.

          And in which case, it really ain’t my problem. Nothing I can do about it even If I wanted to.

          Quote: Technex
          I made a reply to someone else's comment about this, but I'll repost it here so it's on the front page again.

          Having your stuff pirated is kind of inevitable as a content creator, so I don't really see the point in being upset about it. Plus we're all pirates, it'd be hypocritical for me to do so. :P

          Instead I've been enjoying reading through the comments, and some people here have been very kind and gone out of their way to give me five stars on my webnovel page and have started using their powerstones on my book daily, which I appreciate a lot and it has almost bumped me up into the top 200 for weekly rankings.

          I've just started writing as a hobby, and although I make a little bit of money off of it, it's not income I depend on. So that might be a contributing factor as to why I don't really mind.

          But honestly, I just want people to enjoy what I've made. It is why I went down the creative route instead of being something boring that makes more money.

          Anywho yeah, that's my mentality behind it.

          TL;DR, Yeah my stuff got stolen, and I guess that sucks. But honestly I don't really care. Ahaha. There is nothing I can do about it even if I wanted to, so there's no need to get upset over it. Life is too short to worry about things out of your control.

          Plus I still get the entertainment of having people comment on my work, which honestly is one of the most exciting things I've found about writing this serialised novel, seeing all the reactions someone has as they read through your book.

          And another note, my book has been on here for like a week now, and Ranobes has given me more exposure on the front page than webnovel ever has. My book is literally #1 on the monthly top 5, which is absolutely insane.
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          1. Offline
            I'm just wondering how long is the tutorial because I cant grt attached if he gonna losr everything. Hes already 145 chapters in and hes just gonna lose all the progression. If so whats the point if he already knows everything he needs to do
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          2. Offline
            We need more authors like this,Don't really care abt being pirated but instead enjoys the comments coming towards the novel both good and bad comments which helps the author understand the novel from a reader's p.o.v.
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  8. Offline
    Quote: Hélio
    I probably ain't read as much as you, for I ain't seen that affinity, but it is cearly stated in the novel that people can play anything they want, and change jobs (souls) anytime they want, any way they want.

    Hm interesting ty
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  9. Offline
    finished reading chapter 22, kind of boring in my opinion. last several chapters consisted of nothing but, merlin did that, merlin did this.
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  10. Offline
    Ayo the total chaps aint 2021, got me confused for a sec butwhy
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    1. Offline
      The original got 2021 chapters, but only 150 translated, is that it ?
      I though the author wrote in english though...
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      1. Offline
        The 2021 on the book information page is the year I started uploading.
        I don't have 2021 chapters written out unfortunately. :c

        And yes, the book was written in English.
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    2. Offline
      Ahaha, I read your last comment just before I went to bed, but I was like "I think you might be confused." But I wasn't logged in on my tablet so I left it.

      God I wish I had 2k chapters written out, I don't expect the story to drag out that long though, but it might get close.

      Doesn't help that I spend way too long writing each chapter. ;-;
      I'd post six chapters a day if I had the ability to do so.
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