6 months ago

Restarting From Genesis by TechnexGames

Within the popular VRMMORPG «New Genesis», there was a ranker by the name of Arthur Holmes,... Read more
Within the popular VRMMORPG «New Genesis», there was a ranker by the name of Arthur Holmes, commonly known by his in-game alias «Merlin».

Arthur was one of the few original beta testers still playing after 30 years, he was originally a ranker, a player whose entire goal was to stay at the top, ahead of everyone else.
However after 15 years he sacrificed his player ranking in search of knowledge.

Arthur became a lore hunter, a player who indulges himself with the world’s vast lore and unexplored history, preferring to uncover the world’s secrets rather than endlessly fighting monsters.

At the age of 48, 30 years after the game came out, Arthur uncovered the greatest secret of all, and yet, ironically, his negligence in levelling up was the one thing holding him back from realising his goal, he knew he would never be able to catch up to the rankers, a gap of 15 years was Impossible to overcome.

If only he could restart… Collapse
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Comments 234

  1. Offline
    Doesn't he get used to it in his previous life I'm pretty sure he got so many nickname and title in the New Genesis Forum and still he is scared of that is this old man have a Name phobia😂 Instead Of getting Angry or Disgust because this name ghost this cruel name it's not his action and the other thing where he get scared by NPC and the Spirit even though he already experienced undead and spirit but still get scared i thought because the being is just strong that's why but if he already experienced stronger undead and spirit in his previous life then why the f#ck is he still scared i thought that experience makes you stronger and if he fight stronger monster like dragon like he said I'm pretty sure he will get used to it and instead of fear he'll feel calm because he already experienced stronger being than those he just encounter in beta test goddamn he is 800+ level in his previous life don't tell me he doesn't experienced stronger enemy I would bet he already kill a behemoth so it explains why he experienced fighting a dragon what's more is that 30 years of being looked at by monster, npc and player he's still not used to it man he is famous old ranker, lore master and probably have high empire fame due to him being a knowledgeable old man and btw he became a lore master by just focusing on one mystery see him cry in beginning 30 or i forgor years for one mystery while the world of Gai is full of it well if he get this god of knowledge and wisdom pretty sure there's no more mystery for him to solve getting that god soul means finishing his path of lore uncovering by hard work u see what i mean GOD OF KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM in simple called Game Archive but don't get me wrong okay i like the story i like that he's a good mc smart and merciless to enemy what i don't like about him is that he's a scaredy-cat he gets scared by something normal that he probably experienced a hundred times in his past timeline and btw I'm talking about he doesn't need character development about overcoming fear of his title name what do you expect playing fantasy game ofcourse a title name get from character look or how you play ingame and what he need to feel about the name ghost should be anger or disgust not fear nottt fear and if he ever get a cruel nickname like carnage he should wholeheartedly accept it if that name is his doing so don't act like a good man and don't liked the name accept if it your fault and not if it's not and he is still shy for 30 years

    But overall i like the story paced 7/10
    MC 3/10
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    1. Offline
      But i just read author comment said that a side effect is happening in his body so what i said on review on top is just from what i read at 60 but the question when will he get stabilize it is when he became old something like match his past timeline age😂😂
      And what his true personality idk what to say but based on what i read he does look like that he something like emotional disorder shy for being targeted by attention, smile like a madman while fighting, a scaredy-cat, etc but I'm just guessing that this guy is a madman in previous life😂 lol i thought this old man is a humble wizard😂
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      1. Offline
        And if he ever get complete control on his body please author don't use this emotion shyness, fear, guilt, anxiety I'm not asking you to remove it I'm just asking you to not use those emotion for nonsense he is smart and already have a decade of experience about those emotion that old man is a clown if he's still like that in his previous life why even play a game just commit suicide
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    2. Offline
      Your main complaint in relation to the fear, at least in regards to characters, I feel may have just been my poor choice of words.

      I used shiver instead of shudder in chapter 51, making it appear as more fear than revulsion
      , which should have been the emotion that translated better.

      Also I'm not quite sure what the fear of name thing is all about. I was trying to portray it as him finding it repulsive or annoying, but never fear.

      The side effects thing I was talking about would have been his
      after finding out that
      and the

      In regards to the ghost, I'd say that even with years of experience,

      Humans are biologically programmed to fear the dark and what lurks within It, that is a part of your DNA that has developed over hundreds of thousands of years, and you cant change it, not matter how many years in a game you've played.
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      1. Offline
        Why did i click this bruh
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        1. Offline
          Oh dear. Sorry for the spoiler. ;-;
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    3. Offline
      Why do you write review mate. Write a novel. I'll definitely read it.. wiseacre
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  2. Offline
    So there wont be romance hmmm it's okey since it's not that necessary but
    what is his class will he became necromancer or summoner i saw his affinity with undead was sss grade
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    1. Offline
      I probably ain't read as much as you, for I ain't seen that affinity, but it is cearly stated in the novel that people can play anything they want, and change jobs (souls) anytime they want, any way they want.
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  3. Offline
    If only he could restart…

    In a narrator voice he indeed got a chance to restart
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    1. Offline
      Record Scratch. Freeze Frame. "Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation."

      Main character is burning alive in a very futuristic looking coffin.
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  4. Offline
    Oh hey, they finally updated it.
    So I assume it's going to be updated weekly? constraint

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    1. Offline
      I made a report to the Admins/Mods a few hours ago mentioning that you said in a comment that there's more chapters available, but that they weren't uploaded here. Looks like they fixed it.

      Hopefully this means that there won't be as big a delay going forward.

      Love your work BTW. Keep it up!
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      1. Offline
        Ooohh. I didn't even know that was an option.

        And thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! ^^
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    2. Offline
      I'm curious... Author why are you here? Shouldn't you be angry at ranobes for stealing your work instead of supporting them?
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      1. Offline
        I made a reply to someone else's comment about this, but I'll repost it here so it's on the front page again.

        Having your stuff pirated is kind of inevitable as a content creator, so I don't really see the point in being upset about it. Plus we're all pirates, it'd be hypocritical for me to do so. :P

        Instead I've been enjoying reading through the comments, and some people here have been very kind and gone out of their way to give me five stars on my webnovel page and have started using their powerstones on my book daily, which I appreciate a lot and it has almost bumped me up into the top 200 for weekly rankings.

        I've just started writing as a hobby, and although I make a little bit of money off of it, it's not income I depend on. So that might be a contributing factor as to why I don't really mind.

        But honestly, I just want people to enjoy what I've made. It is why I went down the creative route instead of being something boring that makes more money.

        Anywho yeah, that's my mentality behind it.

        TL;DR, Yeah my stuff got stolen, and I guess that sucks. But honestly I don't really care. Ahaha. There is nothing I can do about it even if I wanted to, so there's no need to get upset over it. Life is too short to worry about things out of your control.

        Plus I still get the entertainment of having people comment on my work, which honestly is one of the most exciting things I've found about writing this serialised novel, seeing all the reactions someone has as they read through your book.

        And another note, my book has been on here for like a week now, and Ranobes has given me more exposure on the front page than webnovel ever has. My book is literally #1 on the monthly top 5, which is absolutely insane.
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    3. Offline
      But... It states there are 2021 chapters, why would it update weekly from here ? Didn't you write it in english to begin with ?
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  5. Offline
    Huh .... I think I read a manhwa similar to this, where mc was also called Merlin yada yada, can't put my finger on it though.
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    1. Offline
      Is there another VR story with an MC named Merlin?

      All of the ones I've read usually have Chinese or Korean usernames, or generic gamer usernames.
      Weed, Grid, Hyrkan, Nie Yan/Nirvana Flame, etc.

      If you remember the name of it, send it here. I'm curious.
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    2. Offline
      btw how is this one

      "End of the Magic Era" had MC name `Mafa Merlin`
      game like fantasy world but not actually game
      maybe thats what you read before
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  6. Offline
    "Ohoho, confident are we?" Gaia's voice resounded once more, however this time her voice contained a hint of mischievousness.

    There is no reason for the system to be sentient but since it got female voice simp author won't miss the chance to create a harem or tsundre out of it.
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    1. Offline
      This story has no harem, let alone any romance with the main character.

      The game isn't controlled by a mindless system. It is run and maintained by Gaia, a god-like artificial intelligence complete with a personality and curiosity.

      And being playful/curious is nowhere close to being a tsundere.
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  7. Offline
    You know its a mess when author have to do multiple time skip in the beginning arc even before chapter 20. Why send him back a year early if you don't plan to narrate the story, just send him back a few days or week before the start of the story lol
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    1. Offline
      He wasn't sent back a year early. He was sent a couple months before the year ended, when the original lab incident occurred.

      it wouldn't make any sense story wise for there to be a major accident in regards to the VR capsule a few days or even a week before they were set to start the beta.
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  8. Offline
    The first thing MC does after regression is to make change to game that'll affect how it work? Have he never heard of butterfly effect? Making small changes to benefit himself is fine even if it affect future slowly but he just nuke the entire thing with his comment about changing game control.
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    1. Offline
      Changes are inevitable.
      But it's not like he turned it into an entirely different game, or even messed with the story at all. It's just a few quality of life changes that only affect the players.
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  9. Offline
    If only he could restart…

    Ure lucky this is not real. Else u'd had died a dogs death filled with regrets.
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    1. Offline
      $sudo heck life
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  10. Offline
    this novel is really good but the mc kinda sucks... i hope he act properly based on his age from his past life not like a beginner teen
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    1. Offline
      It sort of gets hinted at, and then mentioned in fragments that his body is suffering from weird effects caused by him being sent back into the body of a child. And that it feels like he is fighting against his body at times.

      So while he has the memories of a 48 year old man, he is stuck in the body of a younger hormonal and emotional teen, for now. As the story develops all those weird effects will eventually wear off as the body matures and stabilises, and he'll have more control over his own body once more.
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      1. Offline
        oh i see, thanks for that, i love to see the part where he finally gotten rid of that 'side effects'
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