4 years ago

Warlock of the Magus World巫界术士 • Wujie Shushi

When a futuristic scientist is transported into the body of a young man in a fantasy world, his... Read more
When a futuristic scientist is transported into the body of a young man in a fantasy world, his curiosity and desire for power push him to pursue magic. In a world without mercy, Leylin has no qualms about doing anything if it means benefits. He is cold, ruthless and calculating, never forming attachments that could impede his ultimate goal…

Honor? Who needs that… Hmmm… that guy seems too powerful for me to take on now… I better keep a low profile for now.

You want me to help you? What do I get out of it? Nothing? Bye.

Hmm… that guy looks like he might cause me problems in the future. Better kill him before he becomes a problem… Collapse
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Comments 194

  1. Offline
    This novel is filled with people who cant accept critc on their novel, even tho not terrible i think they dont understand that its not realy great either its quite blown out of proportion, the amount of people here who think its good are way to much so be wary of the up and down votes they might not represent anything.
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      yea but it's not like this novel is the only one take My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires for example, there are a lot of people that wouldn't accept anything negative said about it and there was this one guy in Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse called DR×CRAZY and he was just really aggressive and would not accept anything negative said
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        Similarly, in the Fairy Evolution Shop there is a guy who cannot be explained that repeating the same thing 10 times is not revealing the world, but just filler
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      Don't forget that a large number of people here are people 15-20 years old. At this age, it is not so easy to accept other people's criticism, especially in the direction of those things that they like and, in their opinion, are good.
      In this novel there is no shortage of plot holes, and objectively illogical things (in the world of fantasy). But the majority simply don’t see it, or don’t want to see it... And when you point it out, you become their enemy.
      This novel is not bad, but it is far from the masterpiece that many consider it to be. Although I must admit that compared to most novels about magic, this novel can be called one of the best. (most novels are just incredible garbage! And against the backdrop of garbage, even something average will look like a treasure).
      And as was said, it’s not just this novel that’s like this)
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        I know compared to all novels it isnt that bad but if i rate it on a scale from 0-10 than its below average not fully counting other novels as comparison. I dont say its terrible, but has the biggest diffrence between rating and what its acually like. The other mentioned novels are also bad, but i never saw it this bad. (Main reason why i even commented that.)
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      the mc emerges on top (mostly through luck)
      the mc having luck and no skill
      luck is throwing it to him
      stupid amount of luck

      mc hasnt got any ability exept his cheat, without it he would be useless
      mostly becuase of his cheat

      dumb/stupid/not smart:
      without it he would be useless, and isnt even that smart,
      the other chars or factions are insanly stupid
      dumb trash novels

      other chars or factions are insanly stupid when needed and okish when not. All so mc can win.
      world building or power system, it isnt terrible
      , they're not exactly positive aren't they? that's but polite f#ck you.

      obviously critics to this story are a lot, cause nobody could satisfy everyone, especially when this was made at the time where cultivation stories were the only thing one can find. for us readers of that time, this story was truly on another level

      idk how you arrived at the conclusion that what you've made there is a "critic", like you didn't just shit on the MC, the rest of the characters, and us readers for liking the story. now here you are back again and acting like you're a victim.

      the only readable words on your comment was #NxtUnleqit#'s quote, which you didn't put the name of in there, ig as expected of you
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      1. Offline
        Everything can be criticized; just saying it's not doesn't alter that fact. Yes, my review is negative, and I've never claimed otherwise. The primary reason for this negativity is my belief that this novel is rated much higher than it deserves. I acknowledge that many people enjoy it, and a significant number of positive reviews label it a masterpiece, a designation I vehemently disagree with. Even considering the time I've spent reading stories older than this, I find them superior. While it might be the first of its kind that's deemed "good," that doesn't negate the fact that, in my opinion, it's still subpar.
        the only readable words on your comment was #NxtUnleqit#'s quote, which you didn't put the name of in there, ig as expected of you
        I'm unsure if it was intended as an argument against my comment or against your own, claiming you couldn't understand it while simultaneously criticizing isn't particularly clever. I also highlighted that mentioning, "Huh, this comment isn't credible because he didn't exactly mention which person a quote was from" (used for illustrative purposes) isn't a robust counterpoint to my arguments. Additionally, I'm puzzled by the absence of substantive points from your side, apart from asserting that something was once good. Does its past success automatically guarantee its current or future quality? Furthermore
        shit on [...]us readers for liking the story. now here you are back again and acting like you're a victim.
        is quite ironic. (Moreover, my intention wasn't to portray myself as a victim but rather to caution others that this novel might not live up to the acclaim it receives here, evident in comments and its 4.3/5 and 8.25/10 ratings. This warning cost me around 30-50 hours as I hoped it would improve, yet it didn't.)
        obviously critics to this story are a lot, cause nobody could satisfy everyone
        is valid, acknowledging the diversity of opinions. However, my inability to find it good remains, and while I've encountered novels with favorable ratings that I personally disliked, I could usually grasp their appeal. This one lacks that. The challenge intensifies due to super fans labeling it a masterpiece, despite there being superior novels with lower or comparable ratings that exhibit a fraction of the flaws found here. Lastly once again to
        idk how you arrived at the conclusion that what you've made there is a "critic"
        (Setting aside the self-inflicted misstep afterward,) my motivation wasn't triggered by observing dislikes on my review (consider the posting time). Instead, it stemmed from scrutinizing comments and noting how even mildly negative responses or reviews receive poor ratings. This situation doesn't necessarily hinge on my review as an isolated example, but even if it did, it would still qualify as criticism is by the definition: "a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something."
        dumb trash novels
        I had to mention this; the context is crucial. I categorize novels with simplistic or wish-fulfillment elements (excessive luck) as such.
        the only readable words
        (I hope you were able to read this. satisfied )
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          that's fair. i agree that this is way off from a masterpiece, especially considering how this story came to be. but the point is this is a truly unique and great story of that time, the palate and the stories pool are way different than now, as even ISSTH that's considerably older doesn't get the "love" it deserves despite one of the best title of that time

          it is because ISSTH's boom is spent on the Wuxiaw*rld.com and webn*vel, not enough fans here imo, but unlike RI and WMW, there are still a lot of diehard fans that kept the flame alive. so, now if we gonna dissect this story and compare it to the new ones, it's easy for me to say that some of them gonna smoke WMW, cause mostly we're moving on feelings instead of quality

          talking about old stories, Reverend Insanity, for example. there's clueless people who compared these two, but RI was made in 2012 when cultivation topics was still booming, and this one was made in 2016. it's bringing system/AI and seeking eternal MC, while the former bringing pure evil and the classic against the heaven MC, so to simply comparing the two is just plain wrong.

          instead, (if it's a comparison) it's good to see which sides they're excels on, then compare that thing to others that has the same thing(s). so, taking what's literally MC's deus ex machina and saying only because of it he could do this and that –as it's literally the use of deus ex machina– is like forgoing the middle and highlighting the sides, it lost the thing that made the thing

          now i'm confused why your old comment looked like.. that, while this one is so good. i honestly envy your language ability, the choice of words and wordplay

          about the quote, i mean with your over the top words, quoting others without quoting the name ((=)ing) fits you perfectly (despite you're agreeing with almost all of his points)

          Does its past success automatically guarantee its current or future quality?
          it's not that. what i meant was if you (=)ed him, people who agree (and disagree) with your comment gonna be heading there after, they can see the rest of Nxt's comment then they gonna commenting on that one too

          it's my fault for the victim part as i didn't see the timestamp before.
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            now i'm confused why your old comment looked like.. that, while this one is so good. i honestly envy your language ability, the choice of words and wordplay
            It's because, when I encounter an argument against me that I find somewhat intriguing, especially if it involves criticism of my writing or, more importantly, my points, I typically engage. Otherwise, I usually couldn't care less. (After this, I'll default back to my trashy writing.)(Also writting even close to that level takes way to much time, since i have to check like 3 times everything(and have to cheat a bit sometimes am only average otherwise) I very rarely see people that accepting of critic like you, in this case(find that realy good) and i agree with your points. I cant realy relate to the 'fire/flame' for this one, since i didnt yet read novels when this one came out. Also me having read for 5-6k hours, if not more, makes me alot harsher for most novels, since ive read quite a few top ones by now. In total this causes me to realy dislike novels that arent at my standards/liking.
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              ahaha, what nonsense you wrote, based on your words, this novel: not worthy of its rating, overrated, below average. And all this on the basis that you didn’t like him? Do you know that this novel was not written for you, and it’s quite normal that you didn’t like it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s overrated just because it didn’t suit some people? This book is almost 10 years old and has quite high scores on all resources, so maybe it just didn’t suit you, or are all the other idiots the only one who’s smart? And yes, I’m not saying that this book is gold or anything like that, there are quite a lot of things in this book that sometimes made me want to throw it away, but I didn’t, do you know why? Because after reading more than 4,000 books, there hasn’t been a single one in which everything was perfect in terms of plot and world building. This book is not perfect but it deserves its rating. P.S Make your top fantasy books since you have so much experience and I’m sure there will be people who crap half of your books because for some reason it didn’t suit them
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  2. Offline
    Have read the novel till Chapter 345 and will now drop it. This novel is until this point quite bad or atleast below average. First of the story is filled with the mc having luck and no skill for example instead of the mc trying to actualy find a way to get something like a power up it finds him in on example he goes somewhere to look at a wanted list only to find he isnt first place anymore he thinks interresting to than go to an auction to find that it was used by some people to bait the first place dude there, obviously the mc emerges on top (mostly through luck) you might say hey thats not that bad, problem is the mc is never the one trying to find something but luck is throwing it to him. Secondly the mc hasnt got any ability exept his cheat, without it he would be useless, and isnt even that smart, wouldve likely getting destroyed in his first real confrontation without it. Thridly the other chars or factions are insanly stupid when needed and okish when not. All so mc can win. Next is the not realy deep world building or power system, it isnt terrible but isnt realy given much thought either making a potential strong point in a age story irrelevant, mostly becuase of his cheat. The fights are quite similar to cultivation and level up is aswell, it doesnt realy feel like mages. Lastly most things feel forced and totaly random. I would say it isnt terrible since it is otherwise ok but still bad or atleast below average 4,2-4,3/10 if you have read alot dont read it its very likely not worth it if newer it might be ok same for people who like reading dumb trash novels with stupid amount of luck in this aspect id say 6,5-7/10 not great either but you likely will have fun atleast. For people still interrested
    -Evil, the mc is simply evil, He is Kind to His Family and Friends. I have listed it as a Con But it could probaly also be good.
    -Side Characters/enemies are made more stupid by the author, this doesn't Happen often however it does Happen.
    -Luck Always shines(Plot Armor(a Lot))even though the mc Always says His Luck is Trash...
    -no real danger, after He reached a certain Rank there is simply No danger. He always has a plan, and after some time we Know that the mc has a plan and will Just win. In my opinion it makes the novel a Bit boring.
    -the ending, I would have Loved to See him visit His earth Family or Just a little Backstory at the end.
    -WORLD BUILDING! Something really horrible in this novel

    -No cliches, even If I i missed some there are few cliches in 1200 chapters.
    -Cold Headed and benefit-oriented mc
    -Seems to Know everything when Planning, Like i Said for me it gets boring when it's too much but it's still exciting Sometimes.
    -Power system
    this is from someone else and exept for the below average power system i would mostly agree with this, even tho the novel still has no real strong points exept not being total trash.
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  3. Offline
    I have read this novel before Covid and to this day I still can’t forgive mc for abandoning the little girl with the bird or whatever bloodline at her „aunts“ place, before
    I know he didn’t really had any responsibility for her or anything, just thinking about it from time to time, poor girl.
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  4. Offline
    Finish reading, Good novel.
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    I would like to share my modest collection
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  6. Offline
    It was a pretty alright read at the start but this author has absolutely no idea how to keep things interesting. There's too much unnecessary info dumps that really isn't important at all.

    MC travels to different worlds, such as dreamscape, lava world, and a few other, but those worlds are forgotten later, which is a pity.

    MC is a coward, the author excuses MCs cowardice by claiming that he's cautious, but MC has lost out on a LOT of benefits due to being a coward, even benefits that could've been easily obtained if he only had some balls.

    The author attempts to make an evil MC but he isn't evil, he's just an antihero. He even condemns others for their evil acts like some hero wannabe with a moral high ground.

    Oh and as the comment below me said, the incessant use of '!' Is really annoying.
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      You should give the author the befitting of the doubt given that he is the pioneer for this world jumping and wizard world . Looking at it now it may seem underwhelming but it written along time ago and it still holds up as one of the best. hokage
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        Nah i wouldnt say one of the best its below average by now, i can understand where it once was good but the amount of Support it gets here is stupid nowhere near what is should have, considering its Quality etc.
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    I quit this novel about some months back - primarily because the tone of the characters with their fricking incessant ‘!!!!!”s annoyed the crap out of me. It’s like the author’s trying to end every sentence on a high note - or maybe the author has absolutely no idea what intonation that given sentence needs to carry (highly likely imo). But I’ve read several reviews and I’m looking for novels which provide some decent world-building and power-scaling.

    So many people have reviewed this highly (which surprised me, leaving me to wonder if they were not irked but those !!!!!s) - and my query is to those who have read decently into the story - are there still !!!!s at every point in the novel? Leaving you wondering wtf is the character trying to speak about? Or does it get better.? Or do you guys just grew immune to it and let it be (if that’s the case I’m quitting once again, because I just can’t do it).

    If the case is the latter, can you recommend some decent world building series? It would be great if it follows the western naming scheme, because for the life of me, I can’t remember the Chinese names. It gets hard to read when I follow a novel and I have to recall the connection between a name and a character that appeared 50+ chapters back.
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      Fck now that you mention the !!! I can't unsee it anymore... Never really noticed it on my first read
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    To the people who have read this in its entirety, Is this the novel where he gets the power/ bloodline of some
    Could someone confirm?
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      Okay found it, it was the Wizarding World
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  9. Offline
    There's is this story where the mc is a mastor manipulator..it starts when people from the mc's world and the mc himself are transported to another world (with unknown entiry) and while his peers seems strong (due to powers granted by the unknown entity) the mc seems weak in a world where the strong are respected and weak are. ..the mc being weak he decides on using manipulation to his own benefit....can someone please remind me the title of this master piece...
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      i think it's korean is there a swordsman that mc discover that he is a regressor?
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  10. Offline
    this is a good novel Not the best but certainly pretty good, below I have listed Pros and cons for this novel from my Perspective.
    -Evil, the mc is simply evil, He is Kind to His Family and Friends. I have listed it as a Con But it could probaly also be good.
    -Side Characters/enemies are made more stupid by the author, this doesn't Happen often however it does Happen.
    -Luck Always shines(Plot Armor(a Lot))even though the mc Always says His Luck is Trash...
    -no real danger, after He reached a certain Rank there is simply No danger. He always has a plan, and after some time we Know that the mc has a plan and will Just win. In my opinion it makes the novel a Bit boring.
    -the ending, I would have Loved to See him visit His earth Family or Just a little Backstory at the end.
    -WORLD BUILDING! Something really horrible in this novel

    -No cliches, even If I i missed some there are few cliches in 1200 chapters.
    -Cold Headed and benefit-oriented mc
    -Seems to Know everything when Planning, Like i Said for me it gets boring when it's too much but it's still exciting Sometimes.
    -Power system
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