4 years ago

Warlock of the Magus World巫界术士 • Wujie Shushi

When a futuristic scientist is transported into the body of a young man in a fantasy world, his... Read more
When a futuristic scientist is transported into the body of a young man in a fantasy world, his curiosity and desire for power push him to pursue magic. In a world without mercy, Leylin has no qualms about doing anything if it means benefits. He is cold, ruthless and calculating, never forming attachments that could impede his ultimate goal…

Honor? Who needs that… Hmmm… that guy seems too powerful for me to take on now… I better keep a low profile for now.

You want me to help you? What do I get out of it? Nothing? Bye.

Hmm… that guy looks like he might cause me problems in the future. Better kill him before he becomes a problem… Collapse
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Comments 194

  1. Offline
    Guys check out this lit novel (Titan Rising Online : World Breaker) at webnovel and thank me later for my recommendation hokage
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  2. Offline
    I feel like the ai chip is the brain controlling leylin corpse and the empty soul of Fang Ming’s is its vessel. Leylin is nothing without it.

    Also want kinda crack is the translator smoking to put a damn explanation mark after every spoken line. The dialogue in this novel feels like 10 year old kids talking to each other.
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  3. Offline
    It's very hard to continue reading this Novel for me.
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      Personally I dropped it after he mc Isekaid himself in the world of gods , the whole arc in the world of gods was a complete turn off to me besides I came to read the story for one Isekai but not two whoknows
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  4. Offline
    i don’t understand the hype around this. it’s obviously a bad novel.. the author has a good idea of how he wants to portray the main character, but that’s about it. the storyline, dialogue, literally everything is ass. there’s no character growth because the author likes it as is, so all the events have no meaning. the only point of the novel is to show off the “qualities” of the mc. it’s as if the author is projecting himself onto the mc and shows us his fantasies through scenarios that make him feel the coolest
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      Hey if you want to look at something more realistic and lame there's always the mirror.
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      1. Offline
        i don’t have a magic mirror that shows your face
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          Then what are you typing these comments on?
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            ... Your comeback was ass......... You lost...
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              Gonna cry?
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                You should be asking your self that.... I'm not the one who lost
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    2. Offline
      But his quality’s are terrible and hes inconsistent
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  5. Offline
    I only read up to chapter 30, so it's a bit unfair, but it's really unbearable for me to continue reading. I can only say that the recommendations that led me to this novel fit like a glove to one of my favorite novels "The Wizard World". So if you're disappointed by brainless fan recommendations try reading "The Wizard World".
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    1. Offline
      That's an inferior version.
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  6. Offline
    This novel reminds me a lot of "The Wizard World", but with the difference that force myself to read chapters, only got to chapter 30. I don't understand how people recommend this novel so much while "The Wizard World" is in oblivion, at least in ranobes.
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  7. Offline
    It was a wonderful journey... Guys, if you go to see a smart, evil, rational mc who does nothing that is not profitable for him, read this, practically from beginning to end (personally, it became much more interesting to me when the mc reached the rank 2 magician) this novel was very good, there are problems here, but it overlaps the most beautiful mc and planning of the world, I really liked this story, even if you, like me, are not a fan of magic, etc. I advise you to read this joy
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    1. Offline
      I want to add something, even though I really liked this novel, etc., but I missed about 150+ chapters in the whole story and it did not affect my understanding of what was happening and so on, so I can conclude that there are enough passing chapters from skipping that the story to you it will still be clear
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  8. Offline
    Excuse me if my English is bad.

    I came to read this novel because many recommend it, and many novels are compared to this one. Plus I love magic in general, so I was curious. So I read this novel, and I stopped some chapter after the moment when the MC arrives in the land of the white mages.

    I tried to understand why this novel was popular, and frankly I didn't understand. Like I said, I love magic. Magic is malleable and allows you to create whatever you want as long as you have the knowledge to do it. This is why mages spend their time in towers experimenting. The only limit of a mage is his knowledge. The mana that are used to limit mages only appeared with the first RPGs to avoid making the magic too powerful.

    Unfortunately, most novels make their magic system too rigid, MCs just learning spells ready-made by a cheat system or a world system that does all the work. Most MCs learn from existing magic and few will take the time to play with magic to create original things. The novel "Mage are to op" despite its rotten ending, succeeded in this area by allowing its MC to build its own spells, making the progression of its protagonist interesting to follow.

    "Warlock of the magus world" is for me a typical case of rigid magic. Worse still, this novel is completely a story of cultivation disguised as a story of magic :
    Replace pills with potions.
    Replace cultivation with meditation.
    Replaces martial techniques with spells.
    Replace talisman formations with magic formations.
    Replaces secret cultivator realms with secret mage realms.
    Replaces Evil Sects and Righteous Sects with Black Mage and White Mage.
    Replaces Martial Treasures with Magic Treasures.
    Tadan!!! quiet You have "Warlock of the magus world". sigh
    What's worse is that the magic experimentation that could have been the most interesting thing to follow is completely rendered useless by the AI ​​in the MC's head.

    That a story has cliches is not important to me, what is important is to make the progression of the MC interesting and original, and few authors can do that. Sorry to the fans, but in my eyes this novel is as boring to follow as most cultivation novels I've read. Some novels inspired by it are even better in my eyes.

    However, and as I always point out, this is just my personal opinion. Go read it and see if you like the story. We all have different tastes, and that's what makes humanity beautiful. I wish you all a good read. boast
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    1. Offline
      The novel “Birth of the Demonic Sword” has the mc creating new spells and modifying old ones in interesting ways and the process is explained well. Although he doesn’t start modifying and creating from the start he will make a lot of interesting things using the laws of his new world and earth. So if you like that kinda stuff I think you will enjoy it.
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    2. Offline
      i understand your words in entirety but i don't see your problem. seems to me that you projected all these expectations you have about a very particular magic story and disappointed by the lack of it all, you made a review that told the rest of us about this unknown magic story and what a shame it is that this story ISN'T that story. which is so amazing you need to expound it in other story's page

      first and foremost, the story is a Wuxia (see the publishers). it needs no disguise cause it's indeed a cultivation story, BUT because the story incorporated a system (A.I. Chip) and other things, it became some kind of fusion, i'm sorry you found yourself in the wrong sides of the site. logically, you should skip the story altogether and find the right one, but if you decided to read further then expects Wuxia's cliches, the silly tropes, and ludicrous plots with a never-ending power-levelling, YET the story have none or so little of those that it elevates itself among the chicken poop. hence the high rating

      obviously you won't get (idk, western?) magic here. from the title, 'warlock', clearly tells you what sorts of magic the story gonna have, especially if you read the story and see for yourself how limited the situation is. without his system, he won't even get to be a warlock, and after becoming one, his own blood (and enemies) barred his way from researching magics in general. even the A.I. Chip (system) is a new tweak compared to the rest at the time, and the only reason it could happen was because The Plagiarist took his "inspiration" (and many other things) from DnD and Get Lost's works, among others. so, you can see this one as a knockoff of many other things collated into a one
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        Learn to read before replying to a comment, it will help you in life. bond
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    3. Offline
      You shoul read "Blood Legacy: New World of Doom" if you haven't already, I think you'll like it, the magic in this story can create anything you could imagine with a price (usually your stamina, life force or things like that), really versatille and I'm hyped to see what the author can create next. (There's also some bloodlines stuff like vampire/angel/dragons/.. if you like that)
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  9. Online Offline
    A good book but it has the problem of people bringing it up and comparing it to just about everything that has a similar plot.
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  10. Online Offline
    I think I readed this was complete plagiarism and his self-called title is the plagiarist because of that
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    1. Online Offline
      what happened? why so many downvotes? am I wrong?
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