1 year ago

Reincarnated With The Strongest System by Elyon

«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held... Read more
«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held William in her loving embrace.

«Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that.»

In order to help his little brothers and sisters at the orphanage, and save the person he loves, William decided to make the ultimate sacrifice.

This selfless act caught the eyes of the Gods which allowed William to have an opportunity to enter the Cycle of Reincarnation with their blessings. Together with his Mama Ella, and a herd of goats, William embarks on a new journey to find the meaning of happiness in his new life.

In a world of Swords and Magic, where adventures roam wild and free, a new legend is about to begin!

[Disclaimer: You might get addicted reading this story.] Collapse
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Comments 631

  1. Offline
    naif Yo! If anyone wants a reading list check this out! reader
    https://ranobes.top/user/Kai_Morningstar/favorites/210040/ thrill
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  2. Offline
    reading from chapter 1 to 108, here what i got: WTF is this ignorance mfker of a mc, how the fk a orphan can live a more blissful life than me, a dude with a happy family. Even i understand the concept of big fish eat smaller fish in this fking brutal world called Earth, and here i am reading a novel about a random mc with naiveness eating into his blood. Please let this mc become something more than this holly sheesh. I can already imagine his life on earth was like: nah, everything is good, i love everything, oh look it belle, she is cheating on me with some dudes, i love her, yes life is good. :)
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  3. Offline
    Lol this comments section is cursed. I just came here to see if it’s worth reading and I’m scared now haha.
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    1. Offline
      Lol..😂🤣😹 i came here because someone commented on my years ago comments, about i started skipping training arc because i find it boring but some new readers just can't accept that..... What the hell is wrong with this retards? Can't we say our own like and dislike? So, i came here to view how this novel ratings is going... And I'm not surprised 😂 i already endured Author's fetish of Mama Goat 🐐 but i can't... So drop this long ago... Look at the comments... If u speak a little bit of negative about this novel... Someone will dislike ur comments... And i think it's the author or some fetish Mama Goat lover oru2x swindler
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      1. Offline
        Yeah mama 🐐 cheerful ..I vividly remember this character she was a f#cking turn of to me on how the mc refered her as her mother...oru2x bwahahaha
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        1. Offline
          Too bad for u bro the goat ur talking about is a f#cking primordial goddess oru2x
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          1. Offline
            she could be pamela anderson in her past life for all I care, but does not change the fact that she is at that time a simple goat. For a human to think a goat is a mother and for the parents to not fix the idea in their child is wrong.
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  4. Offline
    Blackout in out
    Bruh...this is one of the novels, where the commands are more interesting than the novel itself.
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  5. Offline
    This is a message to Knight of Massacre,

    Bro the WN app is literally all bots…

    and are we not allowed to criticize his work? It is obviously not perfect, like every story, it has its flaws.

    Its our job, as the readers, to give constructive criticism. How else would the writer get better? Or understand what his readers want.

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    1. Offline
      Knight of Massacare
      You can read every comment down there and tell me how many of them are constructive?
      Most of them are hate comments after the Author abused some of them in the comments. cat cat cat cat cat
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      1. Offline
        i didnt see dat gloom
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        1. Offline
          Knight of Massacare
          Don't fret about it bro......... pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
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      2. Offline
        It doesn’t help that the author replies to criticisms on this site and basically tells people to f#ck off. Many other have tried to give constructive criticism but he just ignores it or whines. It’s no wonder it’s on webnovel where people have to review to get more chapters or points or whatever.
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  6. Offline
    Quote: Knight of Massacare
    If its so bad then go and write a novel yourself on WN and win 10000 USD.
    And also get your novel featured and advertised on Times Square busiest and the most expensive billboard.
    So, Shut your trap. Guys like you are just jealous of his success.
    I bet that you cannot even provide for yourself even when you turn 20.

    First of all, I think you're the author, or some other try hard cuckold dick sucker. Im not jealous of his success because there is nothing to be jealous about. This book is trash and it will remain so until the author decides to grow a braincell.

    As for your concerns about me providing for myself, worry not, I make more than enough to be able enjoy a early retirement in the future. You, however, I suspect, will have to live in your mom's basements for the rest of your life.

    P.S.: Touch grass cuck
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    1. Offline
      Knight of Massacare
      Don't hate me for not providing you for your daily life.
      Your mom wasn't upto my taste son. Also, She agreed to have no strings attached while she was with me that night. I even made sure to have taken preventive measures but you were born mistakenly.
      That's why I left your mother. I'm really sorry for not beng with you MY SON.
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      1. Offline
        Lmaoooo. Basic bitch. Go back to kindergarten with those insults. You slept with my mom? With a penis so small it would make Ant-man jealous?

        Your cum soaked retarded brain makes Beetlejuice look like Einstein. Your face is the poster for f#cktard homeless perverts that should be euthanized for saving oxygen.

        Everyday your mother wakes up and wishes she kept her legs shut or that she should've used more drugs while she was pregnant so that you would come out braindead than retarded.

        You make MAGA Nazis and ThatVeganTeacher look smart, and if that isn't enough incentive to kys, I don't know what is.

        Do everyone a favour and go back to sucking dick and watching your mother get a train run on her like a good little Beta. Remember to provide snacks to all the gentlemen willing to stick their dick in used up trash.

        If I could travel to the past, I would definitely f#ck your mother and give her a child she would actually love, and not just keep around for child support, but alas.

        P.S. Get a life you fat cuck
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        1. Offline
          Knight of Massacare
          I'm really sorry SON. But looks like your mother did screw with a lot of guys even when you were in her womb like I suspected, that's why your brain has been damaged.
          But look here SON, I'm really sorry.
          Forgive me for the mistake that You were born.
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          1. Offline
            Your brain is so full of come no wonder your name is SEMENOV. It's what you were covered with for 9 months.

            Keep annoying me and I might post your IP on Tor/Onion. It'll be funny when your organs are being harvested.
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            1. Offline
              Knight of Massacare
              That's the worst threat you could give to a CSE graduate.
              Do you even know how to access private web servers on Tor to post my IP.
              Also I didn't even clicked on any link related to you so you cannot even know my exact geographical country.
              You can guess something from my name but it'll be just a guess.

              Also, NIKOLAI SEMENOV was a nobel prize winner unlike a mofo like you who only knows how to type nonsense.
              Mor*n..... Dum*A*s...........
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              1. Offline
                Lmao. Stay pissed bitch it's funny.
                FYI, you don't need to click a link
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                1. Offline
                  Knight of Massacare
                  Shut up if you don't know anything.
                  Guys like you think they know everything just because they know miniscule amount of knowledge.
                  Guys like you are just baggage to this world.
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        2. Offline
          holy shit he was already dead... you didn't have to kill his entire family too.
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        3. Offline
          You madlad, you didn't just murder the guy, you murdered him, cremated him, resurrected him and did it all again. pressure Props to you for those lines.
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          1. Offline
            who won Thelazygamerforrealm or that knight of massacre, i feel thelazygamerforreal wontbh
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  7. Offline
    Knight of Massacare
    If its so bad then go and write a novel yourself on WN and win 10000 USD.
    And also get your novel featured and advertised on Times Square busiest and the most expensive billboard.
    So, Shut your trap. Guys like you are just jealous of his success.

    Those who disliked author's comment -
    If he's childish,
    Then I wish that your house gets robbed and you loose majority of your money and possession.
    How would you feel? Bad right
    How would you feel if you worked hard for a month and your boss didn't give you salary and moreover insults you without ever appraising you for your work.
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    1. Online Offline
      Just from the number of downvotes, we can already tell what the reception of this novel is with the readers. Well, let's talk reason here and not reply with all the childish insults.

      To start with, the work is genuinely unappealing to many readers. It's not just pure hate, there are proper reasoning as to why it is so. There is no smoke without a fire, so there must really be something bad about it for so many readers to not like it. I, myself, do not like it as well because much of the stuff really makes no sense, and when the readers point it out, just as I did, the author simply replies with insults or tries to justify it in the novel with more warped logic, which made even less sense to me.

      Anyway, the thing is, the story started out great, some fight scenes were exciting and some of the parts are really well written. However, the decision of the author on how the story goes is seriously bad. Basically, the author has good writing skills, but when it comes to making plots and story direction, it's really bad, I'm not talking about average bad, it is seriously bad. It is to the point of me wanting to ask the author, "Do you even read novels?"

      Some examples are below:
      There is one part where MC already anticipated that the antagonist is going to do something during the school arc. Yet, he did no preparation at all, and in the end, he got defeated by the antagonist. At the end of the day, he was saved by a Deus Ex Machina moment. Many readers will scream plot armor for this. It is very forced since the author forced the MC to do nothing even though he knew about the scheme of the antagonist, the author forced the MC to be in a passive position, the author forced the MC to appear stupid when he is portrayed as smart before to make it happen so as to induce drama. I was really disappointed at that time, I even commented on how I thought he was going to pull a Uno reverse but the author failed to do so with such opportune timing.

      Don't even get me started with the enslavement. The amount of "Likes" I've got when I simply commented "Feels like the slavery is completely and utterly pointless." in chapter 62 is the highest so far. To emphasize, that enslavement is really a bad decision. First of all, it's pointless and contributed nothing to the MC and the story at all. Second, the justification that the author gave for the woman to enslave the MC is warped. I was a slave in the past so I should enslave my newest disciple. It's like "My father tortured me in the past, I should torture my future son to make a point to him". Well, who am I to judge another's fetish of wanting to be a slave?

      The part with the Mama goat also made me uncomfortable the whole time. The fact that the goat is a freaking goddess doesn't even make sense to me. I'm sure the author will later come up with another warped logic to justify it and then turn her into another harem member but again, who am I to judge another's fetish?

      In chapter 364, there is a part where the princess went "Since he doesn't love me, I will betray him and destroy everything that he is trying his best to protect. I'm sure he'll love me then." which I commented on in the novel. It's really warped logic. This is the latest that I've read, this part really made me went, "This is it, I'm out."

      Regardless, with all the cons here, the pros that I saw in the novel when I first started reading it just disappeared like smoke. I've since stopped reading it but I'm sure there are plenty more of such ridiculous directions and warped logic. It is one thing if it is free, but the costly Webnovel made it even less worth the time to read it, which further decreased the reader base. It is what it is I guess.

      As for what you said about working hard for a month, hard work is part of the requirement for success but it does not guarantee it. We did read the work, it's just that it is not good enough for most. Hate does not appear out of nowhere.

      A question though, was this novel really featured and advertised on Times Square's busiest and most expensive billboard? I'm just genuinely curious here since I went and google for it and found no such appearances, which makes sense since if it did, I really don't know where their eyes grew on. Was he successful that he needed people to be jealous of? I really want to know though.

      As for your other rants, I'm not really reading them since it's beneath me.
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  8. Offline
    MC is forced into one trouble after another and its blatantly obvious that its forced due to the very illogical scenarios that aren't even coherent with what happened in past chapters.

    Sometimes you forget that this MC is supposed to have a mental age of a 20, or later in the story, 30+ year old. Its like he was reverted to an eternal 8 year old with the way he acts and his mentality.

    It is also repeatedly said that he has played games or read novels, but those do not come to explain why he is completely idiotic with the way he handles cliche experiences, or how he needs to rely on a goat in order to decide a path to go down.

    Author needs to learn to show, not tell. His whole arc where he supposedly went through some shit was overdrawn, especially since them fixing him was several chapters over and the cause of him feeling that way was only a couple sentences.

    A lot of holes in the story that are completely unexplained, all of this had me questioning whether the narrator was supposed to be unreliable—due to the amount of bullshit that was spewed.

    Not to mention that the system—what I assumed the entire story would be about—is apparently trash and forgotten about. He cant learn jobs from the system and has to manually learn them to “build a foundation” which doesnt make any sense. If the system imparts him these skills, the knowledge about them should be imparted too, or else it would be like him using a skill in a game (but obviously it is not).

    Despite all that was said, if you turn your brain off, dont look at comments, and read. Then you will happily enjoy this story.

    I rate it about 3.
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    37.5% rates this for 5star and 37.1% rated this as 1star
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  10. Offline
    Don't Read BL(Boy Love),Ntr(Netorare),Reverse Harem And Naive Protagonist Or Dense Protagonist
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      Why though?
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        You can read it's for those who don't like above tag.
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