1 year ago

Reincarnated With The Strongest System by Elyon

«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held... Read more
«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held William in her loving embrace.

«Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that.»

In order to help his little brothers and sisters at the orphanage, and save the person he loves, William decided to make the ultimate sacrifice.

This selfless act caught the eyes of the Gods which allowed William to have an opportunity to enter the Cycle of Reincarnation with their blessings. Together with his Mama Ella, and a herd of goats, William embarks on a new journey to find the meaning of happiness in his new life.

In a world of Swords and Magic, where adventures roam wild and free, a new legend is about to begin!

[Disclaimer: You might get addicted reading this story.] Collapse
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Comments 631

  1. Offline
    I will tell potential readers here right now, this is one of the most incompetent MCs ever. He's not an idiot 99% of the time, but when it matters, he is. I HOPE it's not in all the arcs, but so far in this one arc, he's been IMMENSELY stupid. What's worse is that he'll probably be saved by plot armor. I really hope this gets better because imbecilic parts like the one I'm referring to ruin an otherwise entertaining story.
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  2. Offline
    hehe now I know why many people drop this novel if they can't go through the early chapters :))))
    There author give him op just to nerf him later ^^
    What the point of giving him those power at the beginning then?? Why not make him use his own effort to earn those power by adventuring then???
    U gave him power just to nerf him later for the plot huh??? I guess many people dislike this too ??
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  3. Offline
    hey i just hope that rebecca join the harem
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  4. Offline
    Im missing Chapter 973-979. Whats up with that? I someone else missing this chapters?
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      only we
  5. Offline
    Honestly, as of chapter 500ish, this novel is best described as an oddly flavored candy. You know the kind, it tastes HORRIBLE but your hoping it gets better and trying to figure out the taste. It's one of those novels that, if written by someone who cared, could have been phenomenal. When I was in the 300s and was about to drop, someone wrote that the system was much stronger than it seemed and that 300 was the start. I pushed on but so far, it is just more of the same thing.

    1.) The system, so far, is gimmicky and that is it. The reason that it is the strongest is that it is only bound by the author's whims and no defined logic. Even defined rules randomly change to fit the need.

    2.) This is not really a LitRPG if that is what you are looking for. Classes/skills/exp are all completely arbitrary. Some may argue that all LitRPG is like that. I'd argue that only the poorly executed are. A LitRPG is a game in literature form. We read about the adventures of Crono, Riou, and Cloud instead of playing them. Could you imagine not knowing how much XP mobs give you and it just being random as your progress through the game? What about if you didn't know what your skills were until you got to a boss fight or just randomly in the story? That is what this story is like.

    3.) So... Apples, peanut butter, pickles, cheese, garlic bread, and pulled pork are all delicious in my opinion. Some may feel differently but this is just my opinion. I can admit to myself though that mixing these things probably isn't a great idea and more than likely would make me sick. This story is the literary version of exactly that. PotC, DxD, Anime, Mythology, Cultivation, gaming, pop culture, and so much more just meshed into a whole. Some good, some bad, but most are poorly executed.

    4.) If you are a fan of logic. If you respect logic. If you don't want to see logic bent over a desk and violated. If you don't like "50 Shades of Logic"... this isn't the read for you. There is no logic in this novel. I take that back, there is logic, the author just enjoys abusing and violating it in the more perverse ways possible.

    5.) This is one of the best examples I have seen of plot armor and forced plot. I am usually the person that defends plot armor, to a certain extent. Without plot armor, 90% of the heroes out there would die. This story though takes it to the next level. You will go 100+ chapters before knowing what someone got as a reward or 200+ before hearing about a skill that is exactly what is needed at the moment.

    All that said I think some people will love the story. If you can ignore all of the above it might be a great read. In the last 50 chapters, I have been skimming and I would rate it at about 2.5/3 stars when read at a skim.
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  6. Offline
    All am gonna say is that dis novel is bullshit
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      Why? Can you elaborate
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  7. Offline
    Where are chapter 835 to 947? Did they forget to add them?
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        comment on chapter 834
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  8. Offline
    I'm at chapter 750 ish and honestly it's becoming kinda boring ? I mean the plot is good kinda but the power scaling and the usage of the system(skills, job, god shop and all that) is kinda ehh. I mean an example of that is his "Time mage" that he never used and when we see other character using th it looks kinda op but well i think imma just drop this for the time being till im really bored or smthn
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  9. Offline
    @panic can you borrow chapters from panda novel and update.
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      If you want to tag someone, start the username with # and end it same.

      For eg: #AManWithoutMoney#
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  10. Offline
    Quote: rrdd
    This is the worst system novel I've ever read. The system is just a bunch of bullshit.It could be simpler than the system. There was no need for so many meaningless words. He sees the goat as his mother and the goat is as smart as a normal human but still puts him in the barn. Mc is always the oppressed type. I've read up to 130 chapters and I'm having a hard time keeping up.

    Update: 834

    I read this novel with very high expectations. That's why I got impatient and wrote the above comment. I still have complaints about the system, and complaints about many more. After all, the writer is the writer. It will not write what I want. There were times when I thought the story was just a mix of other works. But then why does it have to be original if the story he writes in his own way draws you in? I loved the story. I'm dying to see the end.


    I don't care if he loves the goat and sees it as his mother. Nor do I care that the goat is the incarnation of the Goddess. Why would you put a being that you see only as a mother in the barn? What will happen if you take the goat home? He's not stupid after all, he's going to make a mess. I am someone who is very obsessed with details. In particular, the writer starts by describing something as if it is very important at first, and then he steps on it and goes. That's why I got angry at some parts.
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