1 year ago

Reincarnated With The Strongest System by Elyon

«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held... Read more
«Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that» the Goddess Amaltheia said as she held William in her loving embrace.

«Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that.»

In order to help his little brothers and sisters at the orphanage, and save the person he loves, William decided to make the ultimate sacrifice.

This selfless act caught the eyes of the Gods which allowed William to have an opportunity to enter the Cycle of Reincarnation with their blessings. Together with his Mama Ella, and a herd of goats, William embarks on a new journey to find the meaning of happiness in his new life.

In a world of Swords and Magic, where adventures roam wild and free, a new legend is about to begin!

[Disclaimer: You might get addicted reading this story.] Collapse
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Comments 631

  1. Offline
    Mao Miaomiao
    Hello fellow readers, Here's a list of my recommended novels (Updated):
    Top 1% :https://ranobes.top/user/Mao+Miaomiao/favorites/128827/
    Top R-18 :https://ranobes.top/user/Mao+Miaomiao/favorites/128814/
    Top Translated :https://ranobes.top/user/Mao+Miaomiao/favorites/128801/
    Intelligent MC :https://ranobes.top/user/Mao+Miaomiao/favorites/128800/
    Hope you guys recommend any good novel I may have missed. Ciao.
    16 12
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      Horny. hlst
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  3. Offline
    For author :
    ~dont make mc friends left and right dead, maybe some of them are favorite characters for readers.. sample: game of thrones ..people hate it if that shit happens
    ~dont nerf the protagonist tooo damnnn longgg
    *maybe just me
    Sorry my grammar bad 🙏🙊
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    1. Offline
      I dont think there is problem with puke killing some friends as long as the circumstances are right. It adds depth and emotionally matures the mc. Now i dont mean he has to kill everyone but once in a while its fine if the plot is right.
      Also pol loved GoT even after the deaths and i would say it was this volatile and unexpected plot that got them hooked. The thing that got it damned was the last season puke
      Maybe just me but i get why u said that, it can be disheartening for ppl who are attached to the character
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  4. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    Story started out good but it quickly dropped people say how great it is but the story is mediocre at best
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  5. Offline
    Does it get better i didnt like the MC being a big Simp dying for a woman is there is any thing intersting about the novel or the harem?
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    1. Offline
      Knight of Massacare
      I don't know how you read stories with your -50 IQ brain but MC didn't die for the woman.
      MC was terminally ill and he just told them that he wants to donate his heart to the girl he likes and in return her family will take care of the orphanage children where he grew up.
      Try to make sure that you have sufficient IQ before reading novels.
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      1. Offline
        Another trash simp shit reader who just defend shitty novel

        In order to help his little brothers and sisters at the orphanage, and save the person he loves, William
        decided to make the ultimate sacrifice.
        This selfless act caught the eyes of the Gods which allowed William to have an opportunity to enter
        the Cycle of Reincarnation with their blessings. Together with his Mama Ella, and a herd of goats,
        William embarks on a new journey to find the meaning of happiness in his new life.

        isnt this enough or i have to read 1000 chapters to get that the MC isnt simp
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        1. Offline
          Knight of Massacare
          Just stfu okay,
          Your whole generations are simp.......
          And that synopsis is misleading and its intentionally done by the author.
          Also, Just like walnuts have to be cracked before eaten, novels have to be read at least to criticize them. Losers like you only hate the novel after seeing comments for petty ratings that you want on your profile. D**bA*s.
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  6. Offline
    Oooohhhh things get spicy here in comment section !!! Is that really the author of this novel who commented here?? Interesting
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  7. Offline
    I stalled reading months ago at chapter 708. Why is there so much hate in the comment section? I guess the characters are dying left and right? And the readers hated it. Tell me something like some gonna die but don't tell their name lol. I still want to read this after my exams.

    Also, the author flipped, he's quite tolerating the pirate thingy, and when I read his comment on July 6 I got curious
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  8. Offline
    Quote: rekicchi
    People complains thing like "downplays slavery and torture" or "some sort of sweet stuff with feminine guys" n "mc calling a goat 'mama'" are stupid. Slavery and torture being downplayed? As far as I know other more famous novels has this more brutal stuff with them and people pay no attention to it since mc revenge and ruthlessness is satisfying. More than that, the guys they are talking about are actually girls turned into boys by a tomboy god, they just don't read enough but still complain even without understanding the contents. About the weird stuff mc calls a goat "mama" there's actually more to it, and if you look at it open-mindedly you can tell that his relationships with goats are sincere (afterall his main job class is SHEPHERD bijjtches). More than that, I found it funny that people in this site are all complain even when the author BASICALLY found it out here stayed polite without reporting the group, while in the WN main app the reviews are mostly good stuffs. Anyway it's good guys, even though it isn't much of a best, author's writing style is interesting and world building is awesome mostly about how he did the gods and system.

    Lol I made this comment when the novel was just about a hundred or more chaps. I'm taking it back. The author is a complete brat, so immature and seems like a kid whose head blew up after getting some claps and recognition. I also already dropped in long ago, the later part of the novel is trash and I don't even know how I managed to last at least three to five hundred chaps despite the constant torture of reading the actions of dumb mc and everything. Anyway, I'm taking everything back.
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    1. Offline
      the whole "torture & slavery should be downplayed" thing should be subjected to lore though. just like the japs tea time party like organized riots, evrrything is subjected to culture. Earths view of slavery and torture wont be the same as a culturr built within the situation within the novel. when something is around long enough without change it becomes stagnant, and everything would become "run of the mill" chore, speed, efficiency.

      tl;dr if something made highlighted it should be expressed tastefully to fit its environment organically. in this case, torture n slavery. The issue comes when something gets out of hand and was made to feel contrived. Then its not the matter of the story but of authors prefetence which spark such debates.
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    2. Offline
      Knight of Massacare
      If its so bad then go and write a novel yourself on WN and win 10000 USD.
      And also get your novel featured and advertised on Times Square busiest and the most expensive billboard.
      So, Shut your trap. Guys like you are just jealous of his success.
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      1. Offline
        I'm not jealous of other people's success though. It's a fact that this novel's later part is trash, and each chapter just felt like a string of few paragraphs only meant to add the read count and earn coins in the main web. Many people are saying that because it is true, and what they are saying is valid as they are the readers. They have the ability to criticize the novel and help the author become a better writer by pointing out his mistakes and recognizing it. Only beginners with no sense of criticism and experience with 'true writers' will enjoy it after what happened so far. Anyway, the main problem isn't even it. It's the part that the author acts all bratty or whatever just because he received some sort of criticism. He's not professional, even his work is below average in level. How can he be so impudent with just that level of skill?

        Oh, and about me writing myself? I couldn't say that I can achieve the same accomplishment but... whatever? Accomplishment and made money is not something to be jealous of, why would someone like you say that people is 'jealous'? You've read too much cliche novels. We've studied enough things about moral and control of feelings such as jealousy and dejection in real life to be even affected with such a thing (not to mention that we've learned enough lessons about it in novels we read), and I definitely won't act with the same bratty attitude either with the same reason. Just do the 'shut the f#ck up challenge' and let unsatisfied and disappointed readers express their feelings in the comment section.
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        1. Offline
          Knight of Massacare
          Are you a human or a sheep!?
          Just because majority of the people are calling it bad then it's bad???
          Grow Up from herd mentality and create your own opinion.........
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          1. Offline
            Wdym? Are you ignorant or just stupid? Get rid of your idiot brain now and replace it with a new one, maybe you will notice the dozens of reasons why this novel is called trash. Not to mention that I mentioned some of them in my previous comments. What made you think of this 'herd mentality' thing? Does it feel cool saying that? Feels stupid for me though.
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              Knight of Massacare
              Just for your -1000 IQ brain,
              Brain transplant is still impossible in this age, so the one speaking nonsense is you. I'm just stating the facts, Mr. Sheep.
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              1. Offline
                Haha lol. Idiot. You don't even know what a metaphor is. That simply meant that you're stupid, haha. Btw, you look really stupid for focusing entirely on the oh-so-called 'mistakes' in my wordings. What an impudent fool. You should feel honored that I'm even replying to you despite your obvious display of stupidity. I'm just being kind and I want you to recognize your wrongs but... sigh, really. I now believe that kindness can't cure idiocy. I'll stop now. Whether you don't reply anymore because you finally realize that you're stupid or continue being an idiot and force your stupid opinion in people's mouths (do you think that I don't know that you're replying to other people's bad comments as well?), I don't care. What part of the novel are you in anyway to feel so entitled to correct the bad reviews? Haa... I just hope you shut up already.
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                1. Offline
                  Knight of Massacare
                  Haters like you ruin this world.
                  Guys like you should just disappear from this world.
                  Also, did you know that you were born by mistake that's why your IQ has suffered damage.
                  You should probably consult a doctor for your well-being, Mr. Sтцрid SHEEP.
                  Guys like you are just a baggage on this world.
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                  Knight of Massacare
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      2. Offline
        Indeed. But let me ask you any kind of drugs like LSD e.t.c are all very expensive and in demand despite it is illegal in most countries and same for cigarettes alcohol e.t.c .. this companies makes millions also they post advertised in every places on earth. It does not makes drugs. Alcohol, tabacco items are good despite their world wide popularity and demand and money flow.. so it does not make sthat some one makes 10000 usd but his writing is world class. If it was it would have won many international literature award.. p.s. no webnovels award dnt count..
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        1. Offline
          Knight of Massacare
          Didn't I already told you guys?
          If it's so easy winning then why don't you write one yourself?
          Guys like you always downplay everyone else's achievements and just toot their own horn.
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  9. Offline
    To all the morons out there. Don't read this novel. This is not made for mediocre people, and snowflakes who had no better things to do with their lives. I don't even want my novel to be in this pirated site and read by little d*cks like you guys.

    Seriously, just do yourself a favor and slam your head to the wall than read my novel for free. Bastards all of you.
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    1. Offline
      You don't say man, after reading this cringey ass description for the novel, I don't even feel like reading it for free in a pirated site. Even title of the novel helps the cause of me not reading your novel for free. I mean how much cliche can you get with the title. Reincarnated and strongest system??? Atleast get creative with title of your novel.
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      1. Offline
        yo is this seriously the author, I paused reading after the war with elves, I was like academy arc again. And took a break did it get good.
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        1. Offline
          Ahhh, the part when the elves attack their continent? The following chapters were okay, some were tedious but still fun to read. Sometimes I just get pissed at some of her lovers and so many lovers, its too much for me tbh. Some arcs are boring, and some are really good.

          The part when the elves attack also was too much building up that it got boring and just tedious, but the climax of that arc was really good ngl.

          It just gets boring and tedious at some point, then becomes good again. Repeat.
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            I thank you for your wisdom welldone
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        2. Offline
          Knight of Massacare
          If he's childish,
          Then I wish that your house gets robbed and you loose majority of your money and possession.
          How would you feel? Bad right
          How would you feel if you worked hard for a month and your boss didn't give you salary and moreover insults you without ever appraising you for your work.
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          1. Offline
            Gweek Patato
            Majority? Majority? this is a novel, not his life savings. And you're also guilty of "robbing someones possessions," you're past chapter 400 on a novel without paying the author.
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      2. Offline
        yeah that descriptions a bit.. "hate does not drive out hate only love can do that" that kind of twisted logic on martin luther kings quote so damn cringe.. and totally incorrect.
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    2. Offline
      So Childish and cringe!! Grow up. 17
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    3. Offline
      The greatest achievement for any author is for someone to actually bother to pirate and read it
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      1. Offline
        Knight of Massacare
        Then greatest honor for you would be that you work for free when you grow up and don't ask for salary and get your house robbed.
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        1. Offline
          I think you're misunderstanding my point here, even though it was explicitly stated, but let me go deeper:

          1. I know pirating doesn't support the author, and I don't support pirating.
          2. The fact that someone bothers to pirate a novel means that it's good enough to be pirated, not that pirating is good.
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          1. Offline
            Knight of Massacare
            3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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        2. Offline
          If this guy isn't just trolling,then i don't know anymore. 3
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          1. Offline
            Gweek Patato
            This guy makes me want to call him 900 different slurs
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    4. Offline
      Nah cuz what was the actual point of leaving this comment? All you've done is ensure that I'll never read or support it or any novel made by you in the future, and I'm sure most people that read it are going to feel the same way.
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    5. Offline
      Before you continue with this novel, please do three things:

      1) Please stop sucking on your mum's tits. It is distracting to see a lil dick whiny boy crying mommy every time I do her.

      2) Go back to 1st grade and learn proper grammar.

      3) Stop writing. I can write a description of my shit and it will still be leagues better than this vomiting of words you call a book.
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      1. Offline
        Knight of Massacare
        If its so bad then go and write a novel yourself on WN and win 10000 USD.
        And also get your novel featured and advertised on Times Square busiest and the most expensive billboard.
        So, Shut your trap. Guys like you are just jealous of his success.
        I bet that you cannot even provide for yourself even when you turn 20.
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        1. Offline
          whats with you copy pasting this everywhere if your going to be angry at people at least come up with a unique insult every time
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          1. Offline
            Knight of Massacare
            I don't have that much crap in my brain to insult everybody uniquely as I only learnt them from internet.
            There wasn't this much hate in 90s that we had to make sure to remember to insult everybody uniquely.
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            1. Offline
              fair enough
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    6. Offline
      yohhhh its da author! hello!
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    7. Offline
      oh well a motherf#cker author
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    8. Offline
      I feel you bro most of them here are mofos, not all of em, I can't even support for now because I need stable income first but I don't like your story to be honest because the fetish of goat sigh, but cheer up, the fact that you can made a top novel while others only can comment illogically mean you're above them
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    10. Offline
      So, I have a few questions, most of them are about spoilers.

      1) I'm not against mc being enslaved, but what where the excact reasons behind it?

      2) Considering the title of the novel, I expect the system to play a large part, not to mention make the mc atrong, pretty quick (For the world's standarts. If it takes someone extremely talented with the best resources 1000 years to reach rank 10, don't make Mc that at 10 y.o, but don't make him that at 1000, either: do it at like 50 to 250.)

      3) I've read bits and pieces about how theres NTR; Is there, is it Netori or Netorare, and why?

      4) A lot of commenters say mc is incompetent and stupid, being saved by Plot Armor. Was it a concious decission, or was that just what it came down to?
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  10. Offline
    I've been reading this for a while, about half-way through and it kinda gets worse. It devolves into unimaginative OP MC plot armor nonsensical mcguffins out of nowhere type of story. If you can turn your brain off then it's fine I suppose, definitely not the worse out there.
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